Commit 4089ed51 authored by Filippo Carone's avatar Filippo Carone

basic instructions for maven2

parent 670c37bd
......@@ -5,37 +5,22 @@
Compiling JVLC
In order to use these bindings you have to compile vlc from source, be sure
to use the latest git version (see for instructions
on how to get the latest vlc version).
JVLC uses maven2 as a project the management tool, take a look at
JVLC depends on JNA, you can download JNA from .
JVLC is developed using the Sun JDK version 6, but version 5 should be fine too.
to download and for general instructions on how to use it.
Until the build.xml will be ready, you may compile jvlc issueing from the bindings
java folder:
To compile the project, run from the bindings/java folder:
mkdir output
javac -d output -cp <path-to>/jna.jar -g org/videolan/jvlc/internal/*.java org/videolan/jvlc/event/*.java org/videolan/jvlc/*.java
mvn install
where <path-to> is the folder where the file jna.jar is contained
and in the output folder you'll find the compiled classes.
To import the jvlc project into the eclipse IDE:
You may also import jvlc in eclipse running the script.
mvn eclipse:eclipse
and the import as an existing Java project.
Running JVLC Example
To run a Java VLC example issue (be sure you have an a.avi and a.mp3 files
in your user.dir folder):
java -cp .:<path-to>jna.jar -Djna.library.path=/usr/local/lib VLCExample
(if you have specified a prefix in configure, change /usr/local/lib to
Happy playing.
mkdir -p jvlc-eclipse/src/main/java
mkdir jvlc-eclipse/bin
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" > jvlc-eclipse/.classpath
echo "<classpath>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.classpath
echo " <classpathentry kind=\"src\" path=\"src/main/java\"/>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.classpath
echo " <classpathentry kind=\"con\" path=\"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER\"/>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.classpath
echo " <classpathentry kind=\"output\" path=\"bin\"/>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.classpath
echo "</classpath>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.classpath
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" > jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo "<projectDescription>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <name>jvlc-eclipse</name>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <comment></comment>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <projects>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " </projects>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <buildSpec>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <buildCommand>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <arguments>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " </arguments>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " </buildCommand>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <buildCommand>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <name>org.eclipse.pde.ManifestBuilder</name>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <arguments>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " </arguments>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " </buildCommand>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <buildCommand>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <name>org.eclipse.pde.SchemaBuilder</name>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <arguments>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " </arguments>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " </buildCommand>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <buildCommand>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <name></name>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <arguments>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " </arguments>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " </buildCommand>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " </buildSpec>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <natures>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " <nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo " </natures>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
echo "</projectDescription>" >> jvlc-eclipse/.project
cd jvlc-eclipse/src/main/java
ln -s ../../../../org
ln -s ../../../../
ln -s ../../../../
echo "Project created in jvlc-eclipse folder. Import as existing project into eclipse."
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