Commit 3a761a17 authored by Cristian Maglie's avatar Cristian Maglie Committed by Filippo Carone

java binding: automatic conversion tool for JNA

Signed-off-by: default avatarFilippo Carone <>
parent e8eb6132
vlc to jna almost-automatized interface converter.
This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See for more details.
import sys
file = open('libvlc.h', 'r')
parameter_parsing = False
prototype_parsing = False
types_map = [
["const ", ""],
["VLC_PUBLIC_API ", ""],
["char**", "String[] "],
["char **" , "String[] "],
["char*" , "String "],
["char *" , "String "],
["libvlc_instance_t *", "LibVlcInstance "],
["libvlc_exception_t *", "libvlc_exception_t "],
["libvlc_log_t *", "LibVlcLog "],
["libvlc_log_iterator_t *", "LibVlcLogIterator "],
["libvlc_log_message_t *", "libvlc_log_message_t "],
["unsigned", "int"],
def convert_prototype(proto, parameters):
#print proto
#print parameters
tokens = proto.split(",")
last = tokens.pop().split(")")
res = ''
for i in tokens:
param = parameters.pop(0)
if i.find(param)==-1:
res += i + " " + param + ","
res += i + " ,"
if len(parameters):
param = parameters.pop(0)
if last[0].find(param)==-1:
res += last[0] + " " + param + ")" + last[1]
res += last[0] + ")" + last[1]
for k,v in types_map:
res = res.replace(k,v)
print res
for line in file.readlines():
if line.find("/**")!=-1:
parameters = []
parameter_parsing = True
if line.find("VLC_PUBLIC_API")!=-1:
if not parameters:
prototype_line = ''
prototype_parsing = True
if parameter_parsing:
param_index = line.find("\param ")
if not param_index==-1:
parameter = line.split()[2]
if line.find("*/")!=-1:
parameter_parsing = False
if prototype_parsing:
prototype_line += line.strip()
if line.find(");")!=-1:
prototype_parsing = False
convert_prototype(prototype_line, parameters)
parameters = None
# vi:ts=4
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