Commit 22073fe6 authored by Rémi Denis-Courmont's avatar Rémi Denis-Courmont


parent b2c73bd4
* httpd.c
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 the VideoLAN team
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 the VideoLAN team
* $Id$
* Authors: Laurent Aimar <>
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include "vlc_httpd.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "vlc_tls.h"
......@@ -294,6 +296,88 @@ static const char *httpd_MimeFromUrl( const char *psz_url )
return "application/octet-stream";
#if 0
typedef struct
int i_code;
const char *psz_reason;
} http_status_info;
static const http_status_info http_reason[] =
/*{ 100, "Continue" },
{ 101, "Switching Protocols" },*/
{ 200, "OK" }/*,
{ 201, "Created" },
{ 202, "Accepted" },
{ 203, "Non-Authoritative Information" },
{ 204, "No Content" },
{ 205, "Reset Content" },
{ 206, "Partial Content" },
{ 250, "Low on Storage Space" },
{ 300, "Multiple Choices" }*/,
{ 301, "Moved Permanently" }/*,
{ 302, "Moved Temporarily" }, - aka "Found"
{ 303, "See Other" },
{ 304, "Not Modified" },
{ 305, "Use Proxy" },
{ 307, "Temporary Redirect" },
{ 400, "Bad Request" }*/,
{ 401, "Unauthorized" }/*,
{ 402, "Payment Required" }*/,
{ 403, "Forbidden" },
{ 404, "Not Found" }/*,
{ 405, "Method Not Allowed" },
{ 406, "Not Acceptable" },
{ 407, "Proxy Authentication Required" },
{ 408, "Request Time-out" },
{ 409, "Conflict" },
{ 410, "Gone" },
{ 411, "Length Required" },
{ 412, "Precondition Failed" },
{ 413, "Request Entity Too Large" },
{ 414, "Request-URI Too Large" },
{ 415, "Unsupported Media Type" },
{ 416, "Requested range not satisfiable" },
{ 417, "Expectation Failed" },
{ 451, "Parameter Not Understood" },
{ 452, "Conference Not Found" },
{ 453, "Not Enough Bandwidth" }*/,
{ 454, "Session Not Found" }/*,
{ 455, "Method Not Valid in This State" },
{ 456, "Header Field Not Valid for Resource" },
{ 457, "Invalid Range" },
{ 458, "Parameter Is Read-Only" },
{ 459, "Aggregate operation not allowed" },
{ 460, "Only aggregate operation allowed" }*/,
{ 461, "Unsupported transport" }/*,
{ 462, "Destination unreachable" }*/,
{ 500, "Internal Server Error" },
{ 501, "Not Implemented" }/*,
{ 502, "Bad Gateway" }*/,
{ 503, "Service Unavailable" }/*,
{ 504, "Gateway Time-out" },
{ 505, "Protocol version not supported" }*/,
{ 0, NULL }
static const char *psz_fallback_reason[] =
{ "Continue", "OK", "Found", "Client Error", "Server Error" };
static const char *httpd_ReasonFromCode( int i_code )
const http_status_info *p;
for (p = http_reason; p->i_code < i_code; p++);
if( p->i_code == i_code )
return p->psz_reason;
assert( ( i_code >= 100 ) && ( i_code <= 599 ) );
return psz_fallback_reason[(i_code / 100) - 1];
* High Level Functions: httpd_file_t
......@@ -568,7 +652,6 @@ static int httpd_RedirectCallBack( httpd_callback_sys_t *p_sys,
httpd_message_t *query )
httpd_redirect_t *rdir = (httpd_redirect_t*)p_sys;
uint8_t *p;
if( answer == NULL || query == NULL )
......@@ -580,8 +663,7 @@ static int httpd_RedirectCallBack( httpd_callback_sys_t *p_sys,
answer->i_status = 301;
answer->psz_status = strdup( "Moved Permanently" );
p = answer->p_body = malloc( 1000 + strlen( rdir->psz_dst ) );
p += sprintf( (char *)p,
answer->i_body = asprintf( (char **)&answer->p_body,
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ascii\" ?>\n"
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" "
......@@ -590,14 +672,13 @@ static int httpd_RedirectCallBack( httpd_callback_sys_t *p_sys,
"<h1>You should be "
"<h1>You should be "
"<a href=\"%s\">redirected</a></h1>\n"
"<hr />\n"
"<p><a href=\"\">VideoLAN</a>\n</p>"
"<hr />\n"
"</html>\n", rdir->psz_dst );
answer->i_body = p - answer->p_body;
/* XXX check if it's ok or we need to set an absolute url */
httpd_MsgAdd( answer, "Location", "%s", rdir->psz_dst );
......@@ -689,8 +770,10 @@ static int httpd_StreamCallBack( httpd_callback_sys_t *p_sys,
stream->i_buffer_pos )
/* this client isn't fast enough */
#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "fixing i_body_offset (old=%lld new=%lld)\n",
answer->i_body_offset, stream->i_buffer_last_pos );
answer->i_body_offset = stream->i_buffer_last_pos;
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