Commit 1163a906 authored by Antoine Cellerier's avatar Antoine Cellerier

Drag and Drop support in wx playlist.

TODO: merge this playlist code with the gibalou mini playlist code.
parent b162c530
......@@ -157,6 +157,8 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(Playlist, wxFrame)
/* Tree control events */
EVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED( TreeCtrl_Event, Playlist::OnActivateItem )
EVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN( -1, Playlist::OnKeyDown )
EVT_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG( TreeCtrl_Event, Playlist::OnDragItemBegin )
EVT_TREE_END_DRAG( TreeCtrl_Event, Playlist::OnDragItemEnd )
EVT_CONTEXT_MENU( Playlist::OnPopup )
......@@ -1139,6 +1141,65 @@ void Playlist::OnEnDis( wxCommandEvent& event )
msg_Warn( p_intf, "not implemented" );
void Playlist::OnDragItemBegin( wxTreeEvent& event )
draged_tree_item = event.GetItem();
void Playlist::OnDragItemEnd( wxTreeEvent& event )
wxTreeItemId dest_tree_item = event.GetItem();
/* check that we're not trying to move a node into one of it's children */
wxTreeItemId parent = dest_tree_item;
while( parent != treectrl->GetRootItem() )
if( draged_tree_item == parent ) return;
parent = treectrl->GetItemParent( parent );
if( draged_tree_item != dest_tree_item )
LockPlaylist( p_intf->p_sys, p_playlist );
PlaylistItem *p_wxdrageditem =
(PlaylistItem *)treectrl->GetItemData( draged_tree_item );
PlaylistItem *p_wxdestitem =
(PlaylistItem *)treectrl->GetItemData( dest_tree_item );
playlist_item_t *p_drageditem =
playlist_ItemGetById(p_playlist, p_wxdrageditem->i_id );
playlist_item_t *p_destitem =
playlist_ItemGetById(p_playlist, p_wxdestitem->i_id );
if( p_destitem->i_children == -1 )
/* this is a leaf */
parent = treectrl->GetItemParent( dest_tree_item );
PlaylistItem *p_parent =
(PlaylistItem *)treectrl->GetItemData( parent );
playlist_item_t *p_destitem2 =
playlist_ItemGetById( p_playlist, p_parent->i_id );
int i;
for( i = 0; i < p_destitem2->i_children; i++ )
if( p_destitem2->pp_children[i] == p_destitem ) break;
playlist_TreeMove( p_playlist, p_drageditem, p_destitem2,
i, i_current_view );
/* this is a node */
playlist_TreeMove( p_playlist, p_drageditem, p_destitem,
0, i_current_view );
UnlockPlaylist( p_intf->p_sys, p_playlist );
Rebuild( VLC_TRUE );
* Menu
......@@ -115,6 +115,10 @@ private:
void OnKeyDown( wxTreeEvent& event );
void OnNewGroup( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnDragItemBegin( wxTreeEvent& event );
void OnDragItemEnd( wxTreeEvent& event );
wxTreeItemId draged_tree_item;
/* Popup */
wxMenu *item_popup;
wxMenu *node_popup;
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