Commit 02a21822 authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

* revert 2 hacky compilation fixes which were accidentelly committed in [15259]

parent 5ad9a2d4
......@@ -1825,11 +1825,15 @@ void OpenDialog::OnSubsFileSettings( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
if( subsfile_dialog->align_combo )
subsfile_mrl.Add( wxString::Format(wxT("subsdec-align=%i"), 0 ) );
subsfile_mrl.Add( wxString::Format(wxT("subsdec-align=%i"),
subsfile_dialog->align_combo->GetSelection()) ) );
if( subsfile_dialog->size_combo )
subsfile_mrl.Add( wxString::Format( wxT("freetype-rel-fontsize=%i"),0) );
subsfile_mrl.Add( wxString::Format( wxT("freetype-rel-fontsize=%i"),
subsfile_dialog->size_combo->GetSelection()) ) );
subsfile_mrl.Add( wxString::Format( wxT("sub-fps=%i"),
subsfile_dialog->fps_spinctrl->GetValue() ) );
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