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  1. 05 Jul, 2004 1 commit
    • Derk-Jan Hartman's avatar
      * OSX lowlevel work · bf680e8f
      Derk-Jan Hartman authored
        - The VLCApplication is now launched at the vlc.c level instead of at the module level. Allows VLC to be a more valid Mac application, also removes the vout intf dependancy (use ncurses to disp. video :).
          This wasn't done at the libvlc level, because a mozilla plugin would no longer be able to function properly.
        - Some functionality of the macosx vout may not work without the OS X GUI, and not all of this is checked yet.
        - There is a symlink in called clivlc that will force it back to a fullblown cli app when you want, so it can still be run by a user who isn't logged in via GUI.
        - there are some autorelease leaks which need to be tackled.
        - moved a lot of the VLCApplication func. to the VLCMain class.
        - VLCMain is a +sharedInstance now.
        - the complete OS X interface is still badly broken because of the many API changes lately. any volunteers?
      Examples: [-I macosx]
      launches VLC as before (requires you to be logged in via GUI)
    -I ncurses
      launch vlc with a ncurses intf and display video on your mac
      (requires you to be logged in via GUI)
    -I telnet -d
      launch vlm remotely trough ssh in daemon mode, on a GUI'less server for instance, and stream your vids
      Now how is that for combining GUI and cli in one application on the mac?!!? :)
      jlj? I finally understand now how the OS X interface works !
  2. 23 May, 2004 1 commit
  3. 19 May, 2004 1 commit
  4. 20 Apr, 2004 1 commit
  5. 15 Mar, 2004 1 commit
  6. 15 Nov, 2003 1 commit
    • Derk-Jan Hartman's avatar
      * New OSX controller (iTunes style) · 1e96bee0
      Derk-Jan Hartman authored
        - Drag and drop implemented
        - still need new sliders and remove the titlebar.
      * revert the mozilla plugin changes. i will build a seperate module for that
      * simplified previous/next (only playlist, people with chapters and titles
         will have to use the menu
      * Moved the disable screensaver from interface to vout.
  7. 13 Mar, 2003 1 commit
    • Derk-Jan Hartman's avatar
      * modules/gui/macosx/misc.? · 4815c251
      Derk-Jan Hartman authored
        - added VLBrushedMetalImageView. This imageview does not respond to
          mousedrage, so we can still move our window by it's background.
      * extras/MacOSX/Resources/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/*
        - Changed the container of our background image to the new
          This fixes #390
  8. 21 Jan, 2003 1 commit