An error occurred fetching the project authors.
  1. 01 May, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · a70f8bb3
      Sam Hocevar authored
        * Mandatory step for video output IV and the audio output quality
          fix: the output threads are now spawned when a decoder needs one,
          so it can decide the audio frequency or the video window size. Still
          under heavy construction, so don't get too excited at finding bugs
          in it yet.
          Note: this change broke the XVideo module, so I made its score much
          lower than before. I suspect had a bug before which only
          appears now. Other video output plugins may be broken as well, but
          again this might be due to old existing bugs showing their ugly head.
        * Fixed a few buffer overflows in the Gnome interface.
        * The module bank is now a global variable. The video output bank and
          the audio output bank might follow (when they exist).
        * Coding style and organization fixes to the spdif decoder.
        * autoconf and Makefile changes by Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale
  2. 28 Apr, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 0a4aeaa6
      Sam Hocevar authored
        * Coding style fixes here and there.
        * Miscellaneous QNX compile fixes.
        * Beginning of the mingw32 port by Gildas Bazin <>.
        * Added Marcari and Gildas to the AUTHORS file.
        (I commited the mingw32 port because it doesn't add any new code outside
         the #ifdefs, but we won't tell a word about it for the moment. We don't
         really need windows users whining about bugs, do we ?)
  3. 06 Apr, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 94c51c45
      Sam Hocevar authored
        * Code cleanup: removed a few tabulations.
        * Fixed inline asm routines to remove all read/write operands.
        * Added <string.h> to most files to prevent warnings under FreeBSD.
        * Added "break;" after "default:" in case switches to prevent
          warnings when compiling with GCC 3.0pre.
  4. 02 Mar, 2001 1 commit
  5. 19 Feb, 2001 1 commit
  6. 13 Feb, 2001 1 commit
  7. 11 Feb, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 95967459
      Sam Hocevar authored
        Beginning of Interface II
       * Plugins have completely disappeared, we now only use the new module API.
       * All intf and vout modules are now independant. So far, only the Gnome
         intf module and the SDL vout module have been ported. has
         been modified to reflect the changes (x11 and dummy aren't compiled by
         default anymore, while SDL and Gnome are).
        Note that this is _not_ Interface II, it's just a step forward. For
        instance, it lacks the whole message passing scheme.
        Things that should work:
       * Right-clicking on the SDL video output window brings the Gnome menu.
       * Pause, Play, Exit, About work from the menu or from the interface window.
       * The old SDL keys still work.
         Things that are broken or may be broken:
       * Xlib calls are not locked yet, which may lead to "Unexpected async reply"
         errors, and make the vlc segfault.
       * Sound only works for the first file.
       * The SDL vout_sdl.c file is absolutely ugly and kludgey.
       * The vlc immediately quits when no filename is given as an argument. Not
         a real bug, but still annoying.
       * The Gnome menu does not work in fullscreen mode.
         Things that will come soon, maybe tomorrow:
       * Complete navigation buttons (fast forward, slow, etc.).
       * File/Open menu to add files to the playlist.
       * Return of the X11 video output for those of us who do not have SDL.
       * Textmode interface for those of us who do not have Gnome.
       * aout and vout autospawn (maybe).
  8. 06 Feb, 2001 1 commit
  9. 21 Jan, 2001 1 commit
  10. 18 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 647cca0e
      Sam Hocevar authored
          The motion compensation routines are now modules as well ; choose your
        implementation with `--motion motion', `--motion motionmmx' or
        `--motion motionmmxext'. Of course, the best implementation is chosen
        if you don't ask for any. There doesn't seem to be any performance hit
        due to the move to shared libs, which is a good thing. Please test
        actively if you have time, though.
          Updated --help result, manpage, INSTALL document, and a few files.
          I moved vdec_motion.h and vpar_blocks.h back to /include because they
        will be needed to build motion compensation modules, but perhaps we don't
        need to export everything which is in these files.
          /src/video_decoder/ now has only one .c file, perhaps it could now be
        merged with video_parser ?
  11. 17 Jan, 2001 1 commit
  12. 16 Jan, 2001 2 commits
  13. 15 Jan, 2001 2 commits
  14. 13 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 26ee312a
      Sam Hocevar authored
       . the IDCT functions are now located in modules : the classic IDCT,
         our optimized IDCT, and MMX IDCT.
       . cosmetic changes for modules (pf_* instead of p_*)
       . fixes to the BeOS and dummy modules
         WARNING: a new directory has been added, which means you have to
         use `cvs update -dP' to update ; files have been removed , which means
         you either have to run `make distclean' or remove the .deps directory,
         and the configure script has changed, which means you have to run it
         again. Don't complain before having checked this :)
         Note about the IDCT modules: there is no way to choose the one we
         use, but you may remove the module in lib/ to prevent it from being
         loaded. The preference order is : MMX, Optimized, Classic.
  15. 07 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • Henri Fallon's avatar
      · 393a5d52
      Henri Fallon authored
      - Added vlc_mutex_destroy and vlc_cond_destroy function, for pthreads.
      - Used them before quitting, every lock and cond is destroyed
      - Checked the return value of malloc and realloc in input_programs
      - Cosmetic changes
      TODO: add vlc_*_destroy for beos and C_thread
  16. 05 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • Christophe Massiot's avatar
      BSD port, including : · 454454b5
      Christophe Massiot authored
      * --enable-sdl and some others are now --with-sdl[=name] to supply an
      optional library name ;
      * deleted all unnecessary #include <sys/uio.h> ;
      * /usr/include is now searched when looking for libraries and headers.
      It seems to compile and run on BSD. Under Linux Sam's latest commit makes
      vlc crash on startup, so I can't really tell, but hey it compiles.
  17. 29 Dec, 2000 2 commits
  18. 27 Dec, 2000 1 commit
  19. 22 Dec, 2000 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · f25dd402
      Sam Hocevar authored
       . no need to add "\n" at the end of intf_*Msg() messages anymore.
  20. 21 Dec, 2000 2 commits
  21. 05 Dec, 2000 1 commit
  22. 27 Nov, 2000 1 commit
    • Christophe Massiot's avatar
      * Added more stats · aa7cf7ba
      Christophe Massiot authored
      * Fixed a bug in the parser when trashing an already parsed frame
      * Simplified (and enhanced) vpar_synchro for B pictures
      * Lowered the synchro DELTA
  23. 27 Aug, 2000 1 commit
  24. 23 Aug, 2000 2 commits
  25. 07 Aug, 2000 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      * vlc.init becomes ~/.vlcrc · f6268f60
      Sam Hocevar authored
        * removed float operations in the video decoder, and all emms asm functions
        * borrowed linuxvideo's MMX motion compensation
        * fixed an undefined symbol in the MMX YUV plugin
      Meuuh & Sam.
  26. 24 May, 2000 1 commit
  27. 09 Mar, 2000 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      . normalement on devrait se prendre 1 seul mail par commit gr�ce aux · c36d3ca6
      Sam Hocevar authored
        top scripts de tibob.
       . suppression de Makefile
       . rajout de include/ qui g�n�re include/defs.h
       pour g�n�rer le Makefile et defs.h il faut lancer ./configure
       pour ceux qui voudraient toucher �, "include/" est
      g�n�r� par la commande autoheader, et "configure" est g�n�r� par autoconf
  28. 04 Mar, 2000 1 commit
    • Jean-Marc Dressler's avatar
      D�but du portage BeOS. Beaucoup de fuchiers ont �t� modifi� car il a fallu · ac08ae30
      Jean-Marc Dressler authored
      r�organiser les headers pour que ce soient les headers les plus proches
      du syst�me qui se retrouvent en premier (threads.h devrait toujours �tre
      le premier des headers non syst�mes). J'ai du aussi rajouter un type
      plugin_id_t et par la m�me occasion inclure plugins.h dans la plupart
      des fichiers. Voici en vrac les modifs les plus importantes que j'ai op�r�:
      o L�g�re r�organisation pour les raisons �voqu�es ci-dessus (certaines
        macros comme MIN et MAX peuvent �tre d�j� d�finies par le syst�me et
        interf�rer avec celles d�finies dans common.h ou autre)
      o Dans intf_msg j'ai du remplacer les vasprintf par des vsprintf
        dans le cas o� ARCH=BEOS.
      o la commande hostname du Makefile n'�tait pas compatible et je
        l'ai donc enlev�, en avons-nous besoin ? Auquel cas il suffit de
        rajouter un ifeq.
      o J'ai aussi remplac�  les bzero et bcopy par memset et memmove.
      o plugin.c, mtime.c et threads.h et quelques fichiers de l'input
        ont �t� adapt�s � BeOS � grand coup de #ifdef SYS_*.
      o Ecrire intf_beos.cpp, vout_beos.cpp et aout_beos.cpp
      Je suis sous linux et je viens de tester le client qui marche tr�s
      bien, mais il est n�anmoins possible que j'ai introduit quelques
      probl�mes de compilations pour certains modules, si c'est le cas
      pr�venez moi.
  29. 03 Mar, 2000 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      Encore un commit venu tout droit des abysses de l'enfer, d�sol� pour · 44bcfed0
      Sam Hocevar authored
      le flood, c'est la derni�re fois.
        . apr�s le demoronifier, le GPLifier: il y a les ent�tes de la GPL dans
         chaque fichier ; votre mission, si vous l'acceptez, est de mettre votre
         nom dans chaque fichier qui est votre oeuvre ou auquel vous avez
         particip�, pour qu'on sache qui a fait quoi. Pas de fausse modestie,
         c'est plus pour des raisons pratiques que pour la gloire.
        . rajout de -lthreads pour que �a linke sous Hurd
        . rajout de quelques #include pour que �a compile sous FreeBSD
         (d'ailleurs �a compile mais �a ne linke pas, je ne sais pas comment
         linker avec la libpthread sur la machine de Dae)
        . quelques #ifdef SYS_BSD �� et l�.
  30. 23 Feb, 2000 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      Le retour du demoronifier qui n'est pas content. · 36ac163c
      Sam Hocevar authored
         . 11 moronic long lines destroyed
         . 1282 trailing spaces eradicated
         . 4 ugly macros fixed
         . 5 innocent a_bit_long lines shortened
         . 5987 tabulations transform�es en espaces
         . 153 '??' transform�s en 'XXX??' ou 'FIXME??'
          (ptyx, j'esp�re que ce compromis te convient)
         . commentaires en // corrig�s en /* */
          (je parle bien des commentaires, pas des morceaux de code
           mis en // comme les printf de debug par exemple)
      Au passage :
         . version du vlc modifi�e en 0.1.99 (la release sera la 0.2.0)
         . suppression de video_x11.h
         . correction d'un warning dans intf_ctrl.c
  31. 17 Feb, 2000 2 commits
  32. 14 Feb, 2000 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      . fix� une erreur de syntaxe dans video_fb.c · 89a64c61
      Sam Hocevar authored
       . *3dfx* devient *glide*
       . suppression de tabulations dans quelques fichiers
       . suppression des 2 warnings dans sam_synchro
       . video_* devient vout_* quand ce sont des m�thodes de vout
       . tentative de correction de la d�tection de MMX pour BeOS
       . nouvelle option vlc_vout_method (faute de mieux pour le moment)
       . modification du Makefile pour supporter plusieurs VIDEO_*
      dor�navant on peut compiler plusieurs output diff�rents dans le
      client. la pr�f�rence se fait dans l'ordre x11, fb, ggi, glide...
      si on le compile avec x11 et fb, par d�faut il se lancera en X.
      pour le lancer en framebuffer :
      ./vlc vlc_vout_method=fb
      (il faut que je proprifie un peu le choix de l'output, et que je
      facilite l'ajout d'un nouveau vout_*)
  33. 13 Feb, 2000 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      Je vous avais pr�venu. Le demoronifier a frapp�. · 2ad5fa64
      Sam Hocevar authored
       D�sol� pour le flood. Les en-t�tes de fonctions ne font plus 81
      caract�res, et il n'y a plus d'espaces inutiles, Tous les trailing
      spaces ont disparu, j'ai essay� de v�rifier que �a ne p�tait rien,
      mais j'ai pu oublier un truc con. J'accepte tous types de ch�timents
      � base d'orties fra�ches.
       D�sol� d'avoir aussi modifi� les fichiers de ceux qui formataient
      bien proprement leurs en-t�tes � 80 et pas 79 sans emb�ter personne,
      mais j'ai d� choisir entre les deux.
       Dor�navant ce serait bien de formater les en-t�tes et les commentaires
      justifi�s � droite � 79 colonnes, ou au pire � 80.
       . 1343 moronic long lines destroyed
       . 12893 trailing spaces eradicated
       . 115 ugly macros fixed
       . 959 innocent a_bit_long lines shortened
       But hey, 40054 lines were OK !
  34. 01 Feb, 2000 1 commit