An error occurred fetching the project authors.
- 02 Jun, 2001 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
* DirectX plugin by Gildas Bazin <>. Notes: o I called it 'directx' instead of 'windx' because it made a lot more sense to me. o Completely untested. I didn't manage to compile it yet. o Code in vout_directx.c will go through a big rewrite when vout 4 is finished. Xav is already working on this.
- 31 May, 2001 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
* Applied patch from Jon Lech Johansen <> to compile vlc with MS and Intel C/C++ compilers.
- 30 May, 2001 2 commits
Stéphane Borel authored
-Fixed some bugs in interface (language menus in ts, misnamed fields) -Play/Stop work in network mode to start/stop decoding of the stream I have a segfault in imdct_3dn(93). But I can't underdand assembly.
Sam Hocevar authored
* Fixed the BeOS compile typo. * The ALSA plugin is back. * A gift for Gildas: plugins don't rely on backlinking any more. The drawback is the dirty magic in include/modules_export.h which has to be included whenever a module needs one of the functions in it. But a) we should less and less rely on those functions b) no plugin code modification was needed The BeOS and MacOS X modules may be broken when compiled as plugins, I'll check this later when I can reboot under BeOS.
- 28 May, 2001 3 commits
Sam Hocevar authored
* Of course my Win32 patch broke the Un*x version.
Sam Hocevar authored
* Forgot a little #ifdef, sorry.
Sam Hocevar authored
* Win32 compilation fixes, esp. the MAC retrieval.
- 18 May, 2001 1 commit
Xavier Marchesini authored
- 07 May, 2001 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
* Added support for some terribly braindead DVD subtitles in Kenshin which do not have a "stop display" command. Anime fans rejoice! * Fixed the BeOS interface to use p_aout_bank instead of p_main->p_aout. * Coding-style butchery (mostly tabs).
- 28 Apr, 2001 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
* Coding style fixes here and there. * Miscellaneous QNX compile fixes. * Beginning of the mingw32 port by Gildas Bazin <>. * Added Marcari and Gildas to the AUTHORS file. (I commited the mingw32 port because it doesn't add any new code outside the #ifdefs, but we won't tell a word about it for the moment. We don't really need windows users whining about bugs, do we ?)
- 27 Apr, 2001 2 commits
Henri Fallon authored
Repaired broadcast support : binding INADDR_ANY doesn't seem to work. You now have to specify the broadcast address as an argument. Btw, thanks to sam, you can now use ts://server:port style, which gives for broadcast : vlc --broadcast broadcast_addr ts://server[:port]
Sam Hocevar authored
* Fixed the continuous 'seeking position' bug in network mode. * rc interface plugin for vlc control through /dev/stdin courtesy of Peter Surda <>. * Support for `ts://foo:42' style input source: vlc ts:// vlc ts:// vlc ts:vls vlc ts:vls:4321 As a side effect, the Gnome and Gtk "network input" buttons work.
- 17 Apr, 2001 1 commit
Marc Ariberti authored
- 12 Apr, 2001 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
* BeOS icon and MIME resources courtesy of Wade Majors <>. * Updated icons. * Removed redefinition of NULL in src/audio_decoder/adec_layer?.c. * Created darwin_specific.c to store the program path at boot time. (XXX: check that it didn't break the OS X port) * Fixed a warning in netutils.c.
- 11 Apr, 2001 1 commit
Henri Fallon authored
- Ported the 0.2.0's channel changing functions - Cosmetic changes : the word 'vlan' is disappearing - network_ChannelJoin is still commented out as it's not in sync anymore with our channel server. Nitrox should fix this within a week. - X and Xv output : added autohide cursor as in SDL - X and Sv : keys 1 to 0 change channel - SDL : keys F1 to F10 change channel as I was not able to make 1..0 work
- 21 Mar, 2001 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
* Header cleaning: filled all empty authors fields, added CVS $Id stuff. * Fixes to aout_darwin.c by Colin Delacroix <>. * Fixes to, and main.c (Altivec detection) by Eugenio Jarosiewicz <>. * Added Colin and Eugenio to the AUTHORS file.
- 19 Mar, 2001 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
* vlc core compiles under QNX RTOS. Now if anyone feels like tidying it and writing output and interface plugins...
- 15 Mar, 2001 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
* Bug fixes and enhancements in the Gtk+/Gnome interfaces. o the slider should behave correctly and stop jumping here and there (this bug is _not_ related to Stef's similar bug) o added an "open network" menu (useless since the input doesn't handle it properly yet) o tried to reorganize gnome_callbacks.c and gtk_callbacks.c o stream date is now displayed instead of percentage o renamed gnome_sys.h to intf_gnome.h, and gtk_sys.h to intf_gtk.h * Changed documentation and package creation files. o added versioned conflicts/replaces to vlc-gtk (Closes Debian bug #88796) o removed useless or outdated documentation from doc/* o moved vlc.1 manpage from debian/vlc.1 to doc/vlc.1 * Added basic Qt interface. o working features: slide bar, open file, toolbar, popup menu o added "qvlc" alias, equivalent to "vlc -I qt" o known issues : no "open disc" or "open network" menus yet the IntfWindow class is never cleaned on destruction the popup menu always pop at the middle of the screen * Misc fixes/updates. o renamed netutils.h functions from input_* to network_* o renamed *plst* files and functions to *playlist* (it was stupid from me to name them "plst") o made a few input error messages more meaningful o added -I, -A and -V short flags, corresponding to --intf, --audio and --video I got a lot of conflicts on this commit, lart me if I forgot a file or made old bugs reappear.
- 11 Mar, 2001 1 commit
Henri Fallon authored
- Moved 2 local network functions - Removed old code - Broadcast should work. I'm not detecting broadcast address, i'm binding
- 06 Jan, 2001 1 commit
Benoit Steiner authored
- 05 Jan, 2001 2 commits
Christophe Massiot authored
* --enable-sdl and some others are now --with-sdl[=name] to supply an optional library name ; * deleted all unnecessary #include <sys/uio.h> ; * /usr/include is now searched when looking for libraries and headers. It seems to compile and run on BSD. Under Linux Sam's latest commit makes vlc crash on startup, so I can't really tell, but hey it compiles.
Sam Hocevar authored
(previous commit foired) . this is a coding style patch which removes all "foo(bar){" constructions and most of the tabulations. . also, fixed a bug in the default subtitle track. . and made a few error messages more explicit, ie. changed "error: %s" to "foo error: couldn't initialize bar (%s)" . and removed a warning in intf_ctrl.c which isn't used anyway.
- 22 Dec, 2000 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
. no need to add "\n" at the end of intf_*Msg() messages anymore.
- 10 Dec, 2000 2 commits
Benoit Steiner authored
Generation d'un makefile presque correct pour les vieilles versions de make Nettoyage: gestion des dependances pour les plugins, suppressions de pas mal de redondances, options de compilations coherentes, etc...
Benoit Steiner authored
- 23 Aug, 2000 1 commit
Christophe Massiot authored
- 24 May, 2000 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
licences. Et puis �a peut arriver � tout le monde :)
- 12 Mar, 2000 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
. correction d'une boulette que j'ai faite dans netutils.c . d�but de intf_gnome. vout_gnome est une copie de vout_x11 pour l'instant
- 10 Mar, 2000 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
. include/config.h devient include/ et config.h sera g�n�r� par ./configure. Le but est d'�viter les options -DFOO de gcc . suppression d'un 'Resources' qui trainait encore dans config.h
- 09 Mar, 2000 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
top scripts de tibob. . suppression de Makefile . rajout de include/ qui g�n�re include/defs.h pour g�n�rer le Makefile et defs.h il faut lancer ./configure pour ceux qui voudraient toucher �, "include/" est g�n�r� par la commande autoheader, et "configure" est g�n�r� par autoconf
- 04 Mar, 2000 1 commit
Jean-Marc Dressler authored
r�organiser les headers pour que ce soient les headers les plus proches du syst�me qui se retrouvent en premier (threads.h devrait toujours �tre le premier des headers non syst�mes). J'ai du aussi rajouter un type plugin_id_t et par la m�me occasion inclure plugins.h dans la plupart des fichiers. Voici en vrac les modifs les plus importantes que j'ai op�r�: o L�g�re r�organisation pour les raisons �voqu�es ci-dessus (certaines macros comme MIN et MAX peuvent �tre d�j� d�finies par le syst�me et interf�rer avec celles d�finies dans common.h ou autre) o Dans intf_msg j'ai du remplacer les vasprintf par des vsprintf dans le cas o� ARCH=BEOS. o la commande hostname du Makefile n'�tait pas compatible et je l'ai donc enlev�, en avons-nous besoin ? Auquel cas il suffit de rajouter un ifeq. o J'ai aussi remplac� les bzero et bcopy par memset et memmove. o plugin.c, mtime.c et threads.h et quelques fichiers de l'input ont �t� adapt�s � BeOS � grand coup de #ifdef SYS_*. TODO: o Ecrire intf_beos.cpp, vout_beos.cpp et aout_beos.cpp Je suis sous linux et je viens de tester le client qui marche tr�s bien, mais il est n�anmoins possible que j'ai introduit quelques probl�mes de compilations pour certains modules, si c'est le cas pr�venez moi.
- 03 Mar, 2000 2 commits
Sam Hocevar authored
le flood, c'est la derni�re fois. . apr�s le demoronifier, le GPLifier: il y a les ent�tes de la GPL dans chaque fichier ; votre mission, si vous l'acceptez, est de mettre votre nom dans chaque fichier qui est votre oeuvre ou auquel vous avez particip�, pour qu'on sache qui a fait quoi. Pas de fausse modestie, c'est plus pour des raisons pratiques que pour la gloire. . rajout de -lthreads pour que �a linke sous Hurd . rajout de quelques #include pour que �a compile sous FreeBSD (d'ailleurs �a compile mais �a ne linke pas, je ne sais pas comment linker avec la libpthread sur la machine de Dae) . quelques #ifdef SYS_BSD �� et l�.
Sam Hocevar authored
. rajout de #ifdef SYS_LINUX autour du code concernant les interfaces . suppression de quelques #include <sys/soundcard.h> qui trainaient encore . option PPRO dans le Makefile (si vous avez des erreurs 'Illegal instruction', �a venait probablement de l�) . rajout de quelques commentaires pour expliquer en quoi certains #include sont n�cessaires, aux endroits o� je ne comprenais pas, et suppression de #include qui semblaient inutiles.
- 23 Feb, 2000 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
. 11 moronic long lines destroyed . 1282 trailing spaces eradicated . 4 ugly macros fixed . 5 innocent a_bit_long lines shortened . 5987 tabulations transform�es en espaces . 153 '??' transform�s en 'XXX??' ou 'FIXME??' (ptyx, j'esp�re que ce compromis te convient) . commentaires en // corrig�s en /* */ (je parle bien des commentaires, pas des morceaux de code mis en // comme les printf de debug par exemple) Au passage : . version du vlc modifi�e en 0.1.99 (la release sera la 0.2.0) . suppression de video_x11.h . correction d'un warning dans intf_ctrl.c
- 13 Feb, 2000 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
D�sol� pour le flood. Les en-t�tes de fonctions ne font plus 81 caract�res, et il n'y a plus d'espaces inutiles, Tous les trailing spaces ont disparu, j'ai essay� de v�rifier que �a ne p�tait rien, mais j'ai pu oublier un truc con. J'accepte tous types de ch�timents � base d'orties fra�ches. D�sol� d'avoir aussi modifi� les fichiers de ceux qui formataient bien proprement leurs en-t�tes � 80 et pas 79 sans emb�ter personne, mais j'ai d� choisir entre les deux. Dor�navant ce serait bien de formater les en-t�tes et les commentaires justifi�s � droite � 79 colonnes, ou au pire � 80. . 1343 moronic long lines destroyed . 12893 trailing spaces eradicated . 115 ugly macros fixed . 959 innocent a_bit_long lines shortened But hey, 40054 lines were OK !
- 14 Jan, 2000 1 commit
Vincent Seguin authored
Nettoyage de video_* et intf_*.
- 08 Aug, 1999 1 commit
Michel Kaempf authored