An error occurred fetching the project authors.
  1. 15 Apr, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 6b3c8540
      Sam Hocevar authored
        * Beginning of the built-in modules support.
         A few words about the changes:
        - heavy Makefile butchery has taken place, each plugin now has its own
          Makefile. I know recursive make blablah harmful, but it was just so
          much easier to do this way.
        - has disappeared, we now generate Makefile.opts with
          the overall configuration options, and Makefile.modules which is
          specific to module compilation.
        - After ./configure has been run you may want to modify Makefile.opts
          to check which modules will be compiled built-in or as plugins.
        - Some modules cannot be compiled built-in right now because proper
          linkage doesn't work yet. We don't really care since they're the
          interface or video output modules. The most important stuff works
          (iDCT, motion, YUV, input).
        - It's perfectly valid to compile a module both as built-in and as a
          plugin. vlc will only load the built-in one, but I'll add an option
          to ignore built-in modules for testing purposes.
        - We *should* see a performance increase here. I didn't have much time
          to test it, but if anyone can confirm and perhaps give a rough
          estimate of how much we gain...
  2. 13 Apr, 2001 1 commit
  3. 08 Apr, 2001 1 commit
  4. 03 Apr, 2001 1 commit
    • Stéphane Borel's avatar
      -Fall back to one-packet-once reading in dvd input since multi-block · 0fee43a4
      Stéphane Borel authored
      seems to have a bug that make the vlc crash on title/audio/spu change. I
      hope that this bug will be fixed soon for the performance is poorer now
      -add-ons and changes in gnome interface:
              *menu subdivision is done only if there are over 20 items,
              *in DVD mode next/prev apply to title,
              *in DVD mode, added a box with button to navigate through
      This has not been finished yet (and it is not in gtk plugin then). And I
      think I will leave toolbar next/prev buttons for playlist and add
      button specifically for title change like for chapters.*
  5. 18 Mar, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 52f0fa68
      Sam Hocevar authored
        * Function prototypes for the forthcoming Darwin and MacOS X port.
        * Gtk+ interface: fixed a precision issue in the scale.
        * Qt interface: somebody pop up us the menu!!
  6. 15 Mar, 2001 2 commits
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · a0c1805b
      Sam Hocevar authored
        * Bug fixes and enhancements in the Gtk+/Gnome interfaces.
         o the slider should behave correctly and stop jumping here and
           there (this bug is _not_ related to Stef's similar bug)
         o added an "open network" menu (useless since the input doesn't
           handle it properly yet)
         o tried to reorganize gnome_callbacks.c and gtk_callbacks.c
         o stream date is now displayed instead of percentage
         o renamed gnome_sys.h to intf_gnome.h, and gtk_sys.h to intf_gtk.h
        * Changed documentation and package creation files.
         o added versioned conflicts/replaces to vlc-gtk (Closes Debian bug #88796)
         o removed useless or outdated documentation from doc/*
         o moved vlc.1 manpage from debian/vlc.1 to doc/vlc.1
        * Added basic Qt interface.
         o working features: slide bar, open file, toolbar, popup menu
         o added "qvlc" alias, equivalent to "vlc -I qt"
         o known issues : no "open disc" or "open network" menus yet
                          the IntfWindow class is never cleaned on destruction
                          the popup menu always pop at the middle of the screen
        * Misc fixes/updates.
         o renamed netutils.h functions from input_* to network_*
         o renamed *plst* files and functions to *playlist* (it was stupid
           from me to name them "plst")
         o made a few input error messages more meaningful
         o added -I, -A and -V short flags, corresponding to --intf, --audio
           and --video
          I got a lot of conflicts on this commit, lart me if I forgot a
        file or made old bugs reappear.
    • Stéphane Borel's avatar
      -Fixed most of the bugs in gnome interface menus · 93ca3031
      Stéphane Borel authored
      -Added radio checks in menu items.
      There are still issues with default selected item but it works well.
  7. 07 Mar, 2001 1 commit
    • Stéphane Borel's avatar
      Port of the interface menus to gnome plugin. · 1bc9a658
      Stéphane Borel authored
      Note that two sorts of navigation menus are implemented : in the
      menubar, one menu for title and one the chapter in current title ; and
      in the popup, a cascaded version with all chapters for all menus.
      The same issues as gtk plugin apply.
  8. 05 Mar, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 2afb7240
      Sam Hocevar authored
        * Everything in place for the 0.2.63 release.
        * Got rid of the CONTRIBUTORS list, and switched AUTHORS to a
          linux-kernel like author list.
        * Updated TODO list.
        * Fixed a segfault in the BeOS interface when --noaudio was specified.
        * Title and Chapter selection in the Gnome and Gtk+ interfaces.
  9. 04 Mar, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · bc2eeefc
      Sam Hocevar authored
        * Added DVD/VCD button and menu for quick DVD device selection to the
          Gnome and Gtk+ interfaces, so that vlc can play a DVD even when
          launched from a GUI.
  10. 22 Feb, 2001 1 commit
  11. 21 Feb, 2001 2 commits
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · bec589af
      Sam Hocevar authored
        (note: empty CVS mails mean that a new directory has been created,
         don't forget to use the -p option if you cvs update)
        * Added a plain Gtk+ port of the Gnome interface, for the gnome-impaired
          people. Gtk+ is now compiled by default, while Gnome isn't (you will
          have to add --enable-gnome when running configure)
        * Replaced -lcurses with -lncurses in
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 9584da59
      Sam Hocevar authored
        * Forgot to fix the vlc.spec.
        * Added Bozo to the author list.
  12. 20 Feb, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 083ddb2c
      Sam Hocevar authored
       * Fixed a segfault in input.c when no input plugin was found for
         a given file.
       * Fixed a deadlock in the Gnome interface. Next time I'll initialize
         my mutexes, I promise.
       * Added Oct to the authors list in :)
  13. 18 Feb, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · c3b1800a
      Sam Hocevar authored
        * and patches for better SDL support and
          support for $(bindir) $(datadir) and $(libdir) stuff, courtesy
          of Arkadiusz Miskiewicz <misiek@pld.ORG.PL>
        * Ported to the new modules API. As for the other modules, only
          the "q" key works. Moreover, VLC doesn't exit cleanly if you close the
          GGI window.
        * Deactivated non-working widgets in the Gnome interface.
        * Added CONTRIBUTORS file.
        Hint of the day: don't expect to code quite long in your bed when sleepy.
  14. 16 Feb, 2001 2 commits
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 566ca287
      Sam Hocevar authored
       * Upgraded version number to 0.2.61. Release is today.
       * Fixed package building (both RPMs and .debs).
       * Fixed `make snapshot' rule.
       * Added some magic to filename detection. To read a DVD you now just
         need to run 'vlc dvd:/dev/hdc' for instance. Same for file:// URIs.
       * Fixed a segfault in the slider when no stream was playing.
       * Made the slider go from 0 to 100 (instead of 99 :)
       * The vlc now doesn't exit when finished playing. As a side effect of
         the playlist code being very recent, it continuously loops.
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · b2f56af9
      Sam Hocevar authored
       * Fixed a segfault in the input thread creation, as well as a possible
         deadlock. This happened mostly when opening non-existing files.
       * Created input_SetStatus to do input_SetRate's job. input_SetRate will
         be used to set an arbitrary rate, for people who want to read DVDs at
         1/2.71828 times the actual speed.
       * Stubs for the ncurses control interface. No working code yet, but the
         holes just need to be filled.
       * Improved X11 support. Still not as functional as before.
       * The output window now states the method name, so that people know whether
         they are using X11 or SDL.
       * The Gnome interface is now drag'n'drop aware, you can drop a file
         on it just like Xine does (or so I guess).
  15. 14 Feb, 2001 1 commit
  16. 13 Feb, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 75eb696d
      Sam Hocevar authored
       * added --intf option to vlc
       * started cleaning vout_sdl.c
       * the dummy plugin works again
       * added a slider to the Gnome interface so that we can browse through streams
        There is a problem with the slider: we sometimes get unexpected async
        replies, which would mean that we don't properly lock our Xlib calls.
        Which is true. But we also get these errors when using `--vout dummy'.
        I'll investigate.
  17. 12 Feb, 2001 2 commits
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · c3e2bf1d
      Sam Hocevar authored
        * Fixed my old stupid bug that disabled sound after having played the
          first playlist item.
        * Added `Prev' and `Next' buttons to the interface, with the beginning of
          a playlist window (still empty).
        * Added `Slow' and `Fast' buttons to the interface and popup menu.
        Ok, I promise it's the last time I check bloat in, from now the interface
        commits will be much cleaner and actually fix things :)
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 02d21f72
      Sam Hocevar authored
       * The pure Gnome part of the Gnome interface has been rewritten from
         scratch, and the .glade file included as well. You can edit it by
         installing glade-gnome and doing `glade plugins/gnome/',
         or directly by hand if you grok XML.
       * Files can now be loaded into vlc using the `Open' buttons. But for the
         moment you still have to launch vlc with at least one file, because it
         quits when the end of the playlist is reached.
       * Idle screen was disabled because it eats a lot of CPU and is mostly
         useless for the moment. And it gets activated when pause lasts for too
  18. 11 Feb, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 95967459
      Sam Hocevar authored
        Beginning of Interface II
       * Plugins have completely disappeared, we now only use the new module API.
       * All intf and vout modules are now independant. So far, only the Gnome
         intf module and the SDL vout module have been ported. has
         been modified to reflect the changes (x11 and dummy aren't compiled by
         default anymore, while SDL and Gnome are).
        Note that this is _not_ Interface II, it's just a step forward. For
        instance, it lacks the whole message passing scheme.
        Things that should work:
       * Right-clicking on the SDL video output window brings the Gnome menu.
       * Pause, Play, Exit, About work from the menu or from the interface window.
       * The old SDL keys still work.
         Things that are broken or may be broken:
       * Xlib calls are not locked yet, which may lead to "Unexpected async reply"
         errors, and make the vlc segfault.
       * Sound only works for the first file.
       * The SDL vout_sdl.c file is absolutely ugly and kludgey.
       * The vlc immediately quits when no filename is given as an argument. Not
         a real bug, but still annoying.
       * The Gnome menu does not work in fullscreen mode.
         Things that will come soon, maybe tomorrow:
       * Complete navigation buttons (fast forward, slow, etc.).
       * File/Open menu to add files to the playlist.
       * Return of the X11 video output for those of us who do not have SDL.
       * Textmode interface for those of us who do not have Gnome.
       * aout and vout autospawn (maybe).
  19. 23 Jun, 2000 1 commit