Commit eb149eed authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne try it the simple way now, trusting the user not to open another... try it the simple way now, trusting the user not to open another dmg with the same name
parent 89e87d9b
......@@ -992,17 +992,17 @@ package-macosx:
rm -f "$(top_builddir)/vlc-${VERSION}.dmg" ;
hdiutil create -verbose -srcfolder "$(top_builddir)/vlc-${VERSION}" \
"$(top_builddir)/vlc-${VERSION}.dmg" -format UDRW \
-scrub -imagekey zlib-level=9 ;
-scrub -imagekey zlib-level=9 -attach ;
# Make sure the root window of the dmg will pop up when the dmg is mounted.
# Note: We dont mount in /Volumes to be sure we won't collide with an other
# finder mounted dmg with the same name.
echo "Make sure the root window of the dmg will pop up when the dmg is mounted" ;
mkdir -p $(top_builddir)/vlcmnt ;
hdiutil attach -nokernel -readwrite -noverify -noautoopen -private "$(top_builddir)/vlc-${VERSION}.dmg" -mountpoint "$(top_builddir)/vlcmnt/vlc-${VERSION}" ;
# mkdir -p $(top_builddir)/vlcmnt ;
# hdiutil attach -nokernel -readwrite -noverify -noautoopen -private "$(top_builddir)/vlc-${VERSION}.dmg" -mountpoint "$(top_builddir)/vlcmnt/vlc-${VERSION}" ;
bless --folder "$(top_builddir)/vlcmnt/vlc-${VERSION}/" --openfolder "$(top_builddir)/vlcmnt/vlc-${VERSION}" ;
sleep 1 # Make sure operation completes
cd "$(srcdir)"
# cd "$(srcdir)"
# Unmount the image now
hdiutil detach "$(top_builddir)/vlcmnt/vlc-${VERSION}" ;
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