Commit be7f7794 authored by Rémi Denis-Courmont's avatar Rémi Denis-Courmont

skins: fix crash if input-title-format is empty

(cherry picked from commit 541b381c676cc96b6e1967610a2077b00950b86d)
parent 618e9dd9
......@@ -738,9 +738,15 @@ void VlcProc::update_current_input()
// Update short name (as defined by --input-title-format)
char *psz_fmt = var_InheritString( getIntf(), "input-title-format" );
char *psz_name = str_format_meta( pInput, psz_fmt );
SET_TEXT( m_cVarStreamName, UString( getIntf(), psz_name ) );
free( psz_fmt );
char *psz_name = NULL;
if( psz_fmt != NULL )
psz_name = str_format_meta( pInput, psz_fmt );
free( psz_fmt );
SET_TEXT( m_cVarStreamName, UString( getIntf(),
psz_name ? psz_name : "" ) );
free( psz_name );
// Update local path (if possible) or full uri
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