Commit ac18c8a3 authored by Francois Cartegnie's avatar Francois Cartegnie

demux: avi: handle uncompressed frames flip

parent 0fb61b22
......@@ -805,24 +805,75 @@ static void Close ( vlc_object_t * p_this )
block_t * ReadFrame( demux_t *p_demux, const avi_track_t *tk, const int i_size )
block_t *p_frame = stream_Block( p_demux->s, i_size );
if ( !p_frame || !tk->i_width_bytes ) /* There's no stride */
block_t *p_frame = stream_Block( p_demux->s, __EVEN( i_size ) );
if ( !p_frame ) return p_frame;
const uint8_t i_header = ( tk->i_idxposb == 0 ) ? 8 : 0;
if( i_size % 2 ) /* read was padded on word boundary */
/* skip header */
if( tk->i_idxposb == 0 )
p_frame->p_buffer += i_header;
p_frame->i_buffer -= i_header;
if ( !tk->i_width_bytes )
return p_frame;
const unsigned int i_stride_bytes = ((( (tk->i_width_bytes << 3) + 31) & ~31) >> 3);
const uint8_t *p_end = p_frame->p_buffer + p_frame->i_buffer;
const uint8_t *p_src = p_frame->p_buffer + i_stride_bytes;
uint8_t *p_dst = p_frame->p_buffer + tk->i_width_bytes;
p_frame->i_buffer = tk->i_width_bytes;
if ( tk->i_idxposb == 0 ) p_frame->i_buffer += 8;
if ( p_frame->i_buffer < i_stride_bytes )
p_frame->i_buffer = 0;
return p_frame;
if( !tk->b_flipped )
const uint8_t *p_src = p_frame->p_buffer + i_stride_bytes;
const uint8_t *p_end = p_frame->p_buffer + p_frame->i_buffer;
uint8_t *p_dst = p_frame->p_buffer + tk->i_width_bytes;
p_frame->i_buffer = tk->i_width_bytes;
while ( p_src + i_stride_bytes < p_end )
while ( p_src + i_stride_bytes <= p_end )
memmove( p_dst, p_src, tk->i_width_bytes );
p_src += i_stride_bytes;
p_dst += tk->i_width_bytes;
p_frame->i_buffer += tk->i_width_bytes;
memmove( p_dst, p_src, tk->i_width_bytes );
p_src += i_stride_bytes;
p_dst += tk->i_width_bytes;
p_frame->i_buffer += tk->i_width_bytes;
block_t *p_flippedframe = block_Alloc( p_frame->i_buffer );
if ( !p_flippedframe )
block_Release( p_frame );
return NULL;
unsigned int i_lines = p_frame->i_buffer / i_stride_bytes;
const uint8_t *p_src = p_frame->p_buffer + i_lines * i_stride_bytes;
uint8_t *p_dst = p_flippedframe->p_buffer;
p_flippedframe->i_buffer = 0;
while ( i_lines-- > 0 )
p_src -= i_stride_bytes;
memcpy( p_dst, p_src, tk->i_width_bytes );
p_dst += tk->i_width_bytes;
p_flippedframe->i_buffer += tk->i_width_bytes;
block_Release( p_frame );
p_frame = p_flippedframe;
return p_frame;
......@@ -1111,23 +1162,14 @@ static int Demux_Seekable( demux_t *p_demux )
i_size += 8; /* need to read and skip header */
if( ( p_frame = ReadFrame( p_demux, tk, __EVEN( i_size ) ) )==NULL )
if( ( p_frame = ReadFrame( p_demux, tk, i_size ) )==NULL )
msg_Warn( p_demux, "failed reading data" );
tk->b_eof = false;
toread[i_track].b_ok = false;
if( i_size % 2 ) /* read was padded on word boundary */
/* skip header */
if( tk->i_idxposb == 0 )
p_frame->p_buffer += 8;
p_frame->i_buffer -= 8;
p_frame->i_pts = AVI_GetPTS( tk ) + 1;
if( tk->idx.p_entry[tk->i_idxposc].i_flags&AVIIF_KEYFRAME )
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