Commit 88fa0c4b authored by Erwan Tulou's avatar Erwan Tulou

skins2: fix a video control that fails to show up

This fixes a regression in vlc2.2. It is described on the forum at :

(cherry picked from commit 7a00bd9b966fe6eb615d7df1b5ff6afdd92b2d36)
Signed-off-by: default avatarErwan Tulou <>
parent e2c4691e
......@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ void CtrlVideo::setLayout( GenericLayout *pLayout,
CtrlGeneric::setLayout( pLayout, rPosition );
m_pLayout->getActiveVar().addObserver( this );
getWindow()->getVisibleVar().addObserver( this );
// register Video Control
VoutManager::instance( getIntf() )->registerCtrlVideo( this );
......@@ -125,6 +126,7 @@ void CtrlVideo::setLayout( GenericLayout *pLayout,
void CtrlVideo::unsetLayout()
m_pLayout->getActiveVar().delObserver( this );
getWindow()->getVisibleVar().delObserver( this );
......@@ -162,27 +164,28 @@ void CtrlVideo::resizeControl( int width, int height )
void CtrlVideo::onUpdate( Subject<VarBool> &rVariable, void *arg )
VarBool &rFullscreen = VlcProc::instance( getIntf() )->getFullscreenVar();
// Visibility changed
if( &rVariable == m_pVisible )
msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "VideoCtrl : Visibility changed (visible=%d)",
isVisible() );
msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "VideoCtrl(%p) : control visibility changed (%i)",
this, isVisible() );
// Active Layout changed
if( &rVariable == &m_pLayout->getActiveVar() )
else if( &rVariable == &m_pLayout->getActiveVar() )
msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "VideoCtrl : Active Layout changed (isActive=%d)",
m_pLayout->getActiveVar().get() );
msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "VideoCtrl(%p) : Active Layout changed (%i)",
this, m_pLayout->getActiveVar().get() );
VarBool &rFullscreen = VlcProc::instance( getIntf() )->getFullscreenVar();
if( &rVariable == &rFullscreen )
else if( &rVariable == &getWindow()->getVisibleVar() )
msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "VideoCtrl(%p) : Window visibility changed (%i)",
this, getWindow()->getVisibleVar().get() );
else if( &rVariable == &rFullscreen )
msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "VideoCtrl : fullscreen toggled (fullscreen = %d)",
rFullscreen.get() );
msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "VideoCtrl(%p) : fullscreen toggled (%i)",
this, rFullscreen.get() );
if( isUseable() && !isUsed() )
......@@ -232,9 +235,10 @@ bool CtrlVideo::isUseable( ) const
VarBool &rFullscreen = VlcProc::instance( getIntf() )->getFullscreenVar();
return isVisible() && // video control is visible
m_pLayout->isVisible() && // layout is visible
!rFullscreen.get(); // fullscreen is off
return isVisible() // video control is visible
&& m_pLayout->getActiveVar().get() // layout is active
&& getWindow()->getVisibleVar().get() // window is visible
&& !rFullscreen.get(); // fullscreen is off
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