Commit 78fcf0e4 authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

* the transitional phase of our osx-aout-modules is over :)

parent a1ff8863
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...@@ -145,8 +145,6 @@ If you want to use your second screen for fullscreen playback, then look at the ...@@ -145,8 +145,6 @@ If you want to use your second screen for fullscreen playback, then look at the
- You should change your speakerlayout in the Audio Midi Setup utility. The program is located in /Applications/Utilities.\ - You should change your speakerlayout in the Audio Midi Setup utility. The program is located in /Applications/Utilities.\
Select your audio device in "Properties For:", then click the "Configure Speakers" button. Choose "Multichannel". Even if these settings are correct, you should change them and click "Apply", then change them back and again click "Apply". This is important, otherwise VLC cannot reliably detect which speakers are connected.\ Select your audio device in "Properties For:", then click the "Configure Speakers" button. Choose "Multichannel". Even if these settings are correct, you should change them and click "Apply", then change them back and again click "Apply". This is important, otherwise VLC cannot reliably detect which speakers are connected.\
- Make sure your device surround configuration is not set to emulate surround output. M-Audio for instance defaults to using SRS surround sound emulation in multichannel setups. You should change this to "None/OpenAL".\ - Make sure your device surround configuration is not set to emulate surround output. M-Audio for instance defaults to using SRS surround sound emulation in multichannel setups. You should change this to "None/OpenAL".\
- We are in a transitional phase for our Mac OS X audio system. Therefore it is currently not possible to use Digital audio without changing a Preferences setting. The setting is in Audio->Output modules. Note that you need to enable "advanced" at the bottom of the window to make it visible.\
Change this from default to "CoreAudio output". This is the module that was also used in previous versions of VLC. It has several issues with Analog audio, but it also supports Digital audio, which the new module does not yet support. You should ONLY use this module for Digital output.\
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