Commit 76a07e86 authored by David Fuhrmann's avatar David Fuhrmann

macosx: addons manager: process the callback on the main thread

Avoids concurrent access to _addons and _displayedAddons.
parent 77fbebca
......@@ -34,19 +34,21 @@
NSArray *_displayedAddons;
- (void)addAddon:(addon_entry_t *)data;
- (void)addAddon:(NSValue *)o_value;
- (void)discoveryEnded;
- (void)addonChanged:(addon_entry_t *)data;
- (void)addonChanged:(NSValue *)o_value;
static void addonsEventsCallback( const vlc_event_t *event, void *data )
if (event->type == vlc_AddonFound)
[[VLCAddonManager sharedInstance] addAddon:event->u.addon_generic_event.p_entry];
else if (event->type == vlc_AddonsDiscoveryEnded)
[[VLCAddonManager sharedInstance] discoveryEnded];
else if (event->type == vlc_AddonChanged)
[[VLCAddonManager sharedInstance] addonChanged:event->u.addon_generic_event.p_entry];
@autoreleasepool {
if (event->type == vlc_AddonFound)
[[VLCAddonManager sharedInstance] performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addAddon:) withObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:event->u.addon_generic_event.p_entry] waitUntilDone:NO];
else if (event->type == vlc_AddonsDiscoveryEnded)
[[VLCAddonManager sharedInstance] performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(discoveryEnded) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
else if (event->type == vlc_AddonChanged)
[[VLCAddonManager sharedInstance] performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addonChanged:) withObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:event->u.addon_generic_event.p_entry] waitUntilDone:NO];
@implementation VLCAddonManager
......@@ -228,13 +230,12 @@ static VLCAddonManager *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
#pragma mark - data handling
- (void)addAddon:(addon_entry_t *)p_entry
- (void)addAddon:(NSValue *)o_value
@autoreleasepool {
/* no skin support on OS X so far */
if (p_entry->e_type != ADDON_SKIN2)
[_addons addObject:[[[VLCAddon alloc] initWithAddon:p_entry] autorelease]];
addon_entry_t *p_entry = [o_value pointerValue];
/* no skin support on OS X so far */
if (p_entry->e_type != ADDON_SKIN2)
[_addons addObject:[[[VLCAddon alloc] initWithAddon:p_entry] autorelease]];
- (void)discoveryEnded
......@@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ static VLCAddonManager *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[_spinner stopAnimation:nil];
- (void)addonChanged:(addon_entry_t *)data
- (void)addonChanged:(NSValue *)o_value
[self _refactorDataModel];
......@@ -302,7 +303,9 @@ static VLCAddonManager *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
- (void)_findInstalled
[self _refactorDataModel];
// enqueue, to process the addons first
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(_refactorDataModel) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
- (void)_installAddonWithID:(NSData *)o_data
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