Commit 719085f1 authored by Ludovic Fauvet's avatar Ludovic Fauvet

nsis: compile the nsProcess plugin

The plugin is a NSIS helper used to find and kill a running process. It
is licensed under the same terms as NSIS (zlib/libpng).
parent 537acc94
!define nsProcess::FindProcess `!insertmacro nsProcess::FindProcess`
!macro nsProcess::FindProcess _FILE _ERR
nsProcess::_FindProcess /NOUNLOAD `${_FILE}`
Pop ${_ERR}
!define nsProcess::KillProcess `!insertmacro nsProcess::KillProcess`
!macro nsProcess::KillProcess _FILE _ERR
nsProcess::_KillProcess /NOUNLOAD `${_FILE}`
Pop ${_ERR}
!define nsProcess::CloseProcess `!insertmacro nsProcess::CloseProcess`
!macro nsProcess::CloseProcess _FILE _ERR
nsProcess::_CloseProcess /NOUNLOAD `${_FILE}`
Pop ${_ERR}
!define nsProcess::Unload `!insertmacro nsProcess::Unload`
!macro nsProcess::Unload
* apih
* This file is a part of NSIS.
* Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Nullsoft and Contributors
* Licensed under the zlib/libpng license (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty.
// Starting with NSIS 2.42, you can check the version of the plugin API in exec_flags->plugin_api_version
// The format is 0xXXXXYYYY where X is the major version and Y is the minor version (MAKELONG(y,x))
// When doing version checks, always remember to use >=, ex: if (pX->exec_flags->plugin_api_version >= NSISPIAPIVER_1_0) {}
#define NSISPIAPIVER_1_0 0x00010000
// NSIS Plug-In Callback Messages
enum NSPIM
NSPIM_UNLOAD, // This is the last message a plugin gets, do final cleanup
NSPIM_GUIUNLOAD, // Called after .onGUIEnd
// Prototype for callbacks registered with extra_parameters->RegisterPluginCallback()
// Return NULL for unknown messages
// Should always be __cdecl for future expansion possibilities
// extra_parameters data structures containing other interesting stuff
// but the stack, variables and HWND passed on to plug-ins.
typedef struct
int autoclose;
int all_user_var;
int exec_error;
int abort;
int exec_reboot; // NSIS_SUPPORT_REBOOT
int reboot_called; // NSIS_SUPPORT_REBOOT
int XXX_cur_insttype; // depreacted
int plugin_api_version; // see NSISPIAPIVER_CURR
// used to be XXX_insttype_changed
int instdir_error;
int rtl;
int errlvl;
int alter_reg_view;
int status_update;
} exec_flags_t;
#ifndef NSISCALL
# define NSISCALL __stdcall
typedef struct {
exec_flags_t *exec_flags;
int (NSISCALL *ExecuteCodeSegment)(int, HWND);
void (NSISCALL *validate_filename)(TCHAR *);
} extra_parameters;
// Definitions for page showing plug-ins
// See Ui.c to understand better how they're used
// sent to the outer window to tell it to go to the next inner window
// custom pages should send this message to let NSIS know they're ready
// sent as wParam with WM_NOTIFY_OUTER_NEXT when user cancels - heed its warning
#define NOTIFY_BYE_BYE 'x'
#endif /* _PLUGIN_H_ */
This diff is collapsed.
* nsis_tchar.h
* This file is a part of NSIS.
* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Nullsoft and Contributors
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty.
* For Unicode support by Jim Park -- 08/30/2007
// Jim Park: Only those we use are listed here.
#pragma once
#ifdef _UNICODE
#ifndef _T
#define __T(x) L ## x
#define _T(x) __T(x)
#define _TEXT(x) __T(x)
typedef wchar_t TCHAR;
typedef wchar_t _TUCHAR;
// program
#define _tmain wmain
#define _tWinMain wWinMain
#define _tenviron _wenviron
#define __targv __wargv
// printfs
#define _ftprintf fwprintf
#define _sntprintf _snwprintf
#define _stprintf _swprintf
#define _tprintf wprintf
#define _vftprintf vfwprintf
#define _vsntprintf _vsnwprintf
#define _vstprintf _vswprintf
// scanfs
#define _tscanf wscanf
#define _stscanf swscanf
// string manipulations
#define _tcscat wcscat
#define _tcschr wcschr
#define _tcsclen wcslen
#define _tcscpy wcscpy
#define _tcsdup _wcsdup
#define _tcslen wcslen
#define _tcsnccpy wcsncpy
#define _tcsncpy wcsncpy
#define _tcsrchr wcsrchr
#define _tcsstr wcsstr
#define _tcstok wcstok
// string comparisons
#define _tcscmp wcscmp
#define _tcsicmp _wcsicmp
#define _tcsncicmp _wcsnicmp
#define _tcsncmp wcsncmp
#define _tcsnicmp _wcsnicmp
// upper / lower
#define _tcslwr _wcslwr
#define _tcsupr _wcsupr
#define _totlower towlower
#define _totupper towupper
// conversions to numbers
#define _tcstoi64 _wcstoi64
#define _tcstol wcstol
#define _tcstoul wcstoul
#define _tstof _wtof
#define _tstoi _wtoi
#define _tstoi64 _wtoi64
#define _ttoi _wtoi
#define _ttoi64 _wtoi64
#define _ttol _wtol
// conversion from numbers to strings
#define _itot _itow
#define _ltot _ltow
#define _i64tot _i64tow
#define _ui64tot _ui64tow
// file manipulations
#define _tfopen _wfopen
#define _topen _wopen
#define _tremove _wremove
#define _tunlink _wunlink
// reading and writing to i/o
#define _fgettc fgetwc
#define _fgetts fgetws
#define _fputts fputws
#define _gettchar getwchar
// directory
#define _tchdir _wchdir
// environment
#define _tgetenv _wgetenv
#define _tsystem _wsystem
// time
#define _tcsftime wcsftime
#else // ANSI
#ifndef _T
#define _T(x) x
#define _TEXT(x) x
typedef char TCHAR;
typedef unsigned char _TUCHAR;
// program
#define _tmain main
#define _tWinMain WinMain
#define _tenviron environ
#define __targv __argv
// printfs
#define _ftprintf fprintf
#define _sntprintf _snprintf
#define _stprintf sprintf
#define _tprintf printf
#define _vftprintf vfprintf
#define _vsntprintf _vsnprintf
#define _vstprintf vsprintf
// scanfs
#define _tscanf scanf
#define _stscanf sscanf
// string manipulations
#define _tcscat strcat
#define _tcschr strchr
#define _tcsclen strlen
#define _tcscnlen strnlen
#define _tcscpy strcpy
#define _tcsdup _strdup
#define _tcslen strlen
#define _tcsnccpy strncpy
#define _tcsrchr strrchr
#define _tcsstr strstr
#define _tcstok strtok
// string comparisons
#define _tcscmp strcmp
#define _tcsicmp _stricmp
#define _tcsncmp strncmp
#define _tcsncicmp _strnicmp
#define _tcsnicmp _strnicmp
// upper / lower
#define _tcslwr _strlwr
#define _tcsupr _strupr
#define _totupper toupper
#define _totlower tolower
// conversions to numbers
#define _tcstol strtol
#define _tcstoul strtoul
#define _tstof atof
#define _tstoi atoi
#define _tstoi64 _atoi64
#define _tstoi64 _atoi64
#define _ttoi atoi
#define _ttoi64 _atoi64
#define _ttol atol
// conversion from numbers to strings
#define _i64tot _i64toa
#define _itot _itoa
#define _ltot _ltoa
#define _ui64tot _ui64toa
// file manipulations
#define _tfopen fopen
#define _topen _open
#define _tremove remove
#define _tunlink _unlink
// reading and writing to i/o
#define _fgettc fgetc
#define _fgetts fgets
#define _fputts fputs
#define _gettchar getchar
// directory
#define _tchdir _chdir
// environment
#define _tgetenv getenv
#define _tsystem system
// time
#define _tcsftime strftime
// is functions (the same in Unicode / ANSI)
#define _istgraph isgraph
#define _istascii __isascii
#define __TFILE__ _T(__FILE__)
#define __TDATE__ _T(__DATE__)
#define __TTIME__ _T(__TIME__)
#include <windows.h>
#include "pluginapi.h"
unsigned int g_stringsize;
stack_t **g_stacktop;
TCHAR *g_variables;
// utility functions (not required but often useful)
int NSISCALL popstring(TCHAR *str)
stack_t *th;
if (!g_stacktop || !*g_stacktop) return 1;
*g_stacktop = th->next;
return 0;
int NSISCALL popstringn(TCHAR *str, int maxlen)
stack_t *th;
if (!g_stacktop || !*g_stacktop) return 1;
if (str) lstrcpyn(str,th->text,maxlen?maxlen:g_stringsize);
*g_stacktop = th->next;
return 0;
void NSISCALL pushstring(const TCHAR *str)
stack_t *th;
if (!g_stacktop) return;
TCHAR * NSISCALL getuservariable(const int varnum)
if (varnum < 0 || varnum >= __INST_LAST) return NULL;
return g_variables+varnum*g_stringsize;
void NSISCALL setuservariable(const int varnum, const TCHAR *var)
if (var != NULL && varnum >= 0 && varnum < __INST_LAST)
lstrcpy(g_variables + varnum*g_stringsize, var);
#ifdef _UNICODE
int NSISCALL PopStringA(char* ansiStr)
wchar_t* wideStr = (wchar_t*) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, g_stringsize*sizeof(wchar_t));
int rval = popstring(wideStr);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wideStr, -1, ansiStr, g_stringsize, NULL, NULL);
return rval;
int NSISCALL PopStringNA(char* ansiStr, int maxlen)
int realLen = maxlen ? maxlen : g_stringsize;
wchar_t* wideStr = (wchar_t*) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, realLen*sizeof(wchar_t));
int rval = popstringn(wideStr, realLen);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wideStr, -1, ansiStr, realLen, NULL, NULL);
return rval;
void NSISCALL PushStringA(const char* ansiStr)
wchar_t* wideStr = (wchar_t*) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, g_stringsize*sizeof(wchar_t));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ansiStr, -1, wideStr, g_stringsize);
void NSISCALL GetUserVariableW(const int varnum, wchar_t* wideStr)
lstrcpyW(wideStr, getuservariable(varnum));
void NSISCALL GetUserVariableA(const int varnum, char* ansiStr)
wchar_t* wideStr = getuservariable(varnum);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wideStr, -1, ansiStr, g_stringsize, NULL, NULL);
void NSISCALL SetUserVariableA(const int varnum, const char* ansiStr)
if (ansiStr != NULL && varnum >= 0 && varnum < __INST_LAST)
wchar_t* wideStr = g_variables + varnum * g_stringsize;
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ansiStr, -1, wideStr, g_stringsize);
// ANSI defs
int NSISCALL PopStringW(wchar_t* wideStr)
char* ansiStr = (char*) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, g_stringsize);
int rval = popstring(ansiStr);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ansiStr, -1, wideStr, g_stringsize);
return rval;
int NSISCALL PopStringNW(wchar_t* wideStr, int maxlen)
int realLen = maxlen ? maxlen : g_stringsize;
char* ansiStr = (char*) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, realLen);
int rval = popstringn(ansiStr, realLen);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ansiStr, -1, wideStr, realLen);
return rval;
void NSISCALL PushStringW(wchar_t* wideStr)
char* ansiStr = (char*) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, g_stringsize);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wideStr, -1, ansiStr, g_stringsize, NULL, NULL);
void NSISCALL GetUserVariableW(const int varnum, wchar_t* wideStr)
char* ansiStr = getuservariable(varnum);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ansiStr, -1, wideStr, g_stringsize);
void NSISCALL GetUserVariableA(const int varnum, char* ansiStr)
lstrcpyA(ansiStr, getuservariable(varnum));
void NSISCALL SetUserVariableW(const int varnum, const wchar_t* wideStr)
if (wideStr != NULL && varnum >= 0 && varnum < __INST_LAST)
char* ansiStr = g_variables + varnum * g_stringsize;
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wideStr, -1, ansiStr, g_stringsize, NULL, NULL);
// playing with integers
int NSISCALL myatoi(const TCHAR *s)
int v=0;
if (*s == _T('0') && (s[1] == _T('x') || s[1] == _T('X')))
for (;;)
int c=*(++s);
if (c >= _T('0') && c <= _T('9')) c-=_T('0');
else if (c >= _T('a') && c <= _T('f')) c-=_T('a')-10;
else if (c >= _T('A') && c <= _T('F')) c-=_T('A')-10;
else break;
else if (*s == _T('0') && s[1] <= _T('7') && s[1] >= _T('0'))
for (;;)
int c=*(++s);
if (c >= _T('0') && c <= _T('7')) c-=_T('0');
else break;
int sign=0;
if (*s == _T('-')) sign++; else s--;
for (;;)
int c=*(++s) - _T('0');
if (c < 0 || c > 9) break;
if (sign) v = -v;
return v;
unsigned NSISCALL myatou(const TCHAR *s)
unsigned int v=0;
for (;;)
unsigned int c=*s++;
if (c >= _T('0') && c <= _T('9')) c-=_T('0');
else break;
return v;
int NSISCALL myatoi_or(const TCHAR *s)
int v=0;
if (*s == _T('0') && (s[1] == _T('x') || s[1] == _T('X')))
for (;;)
int c=*(++s);
if (c >= _T('0') && c <= _T('9')) c-=_T('0');
else if (c >= _T('a') && c <= _T('f')) c-=_T('a')-10;
else if (c >= _T('A') && c <= _T('F')) c-=_T('A')-10;
else break;
else if (*s == _T('0') && s[1] <= _T('7') && s[1] >= _T('0'))
for (;;)
int c=*(++s);
if (c >= _T('0') && c <= _T('7')) c-=_T('0');
else break;
int sign=0;
if (*s == _T('-')) sign++; else s--;
for (;;)
int c=*(++s) - _T('0');
if (c < 0 || c > 9) break;
if (sign) v = -v;
// Support for simple ORed expressions
if (*s == _T('|'))
v |= myatoi_or(s+1);
return v;
int NSISCALL popint()
TCHAR buf[128];
if (popstringn(buf,sizeof(buf)/sizeof(TCHAR)))
return 0;
return myatoi(buf);
int NSISCALL popint_or()
TCHAR buf[128];
if (popstringn(buf,sizeof(buf)/sizeof(TCHAR)))
return 0;
return myatoi_or(buf);
void NSISCALL pushint(int value)
TCHAR buffer[1024];
wsprintf(buffer, _T("%d"), value);
#ifndef ___NSIS_PLUGIN__H___
#define ___NSIS_PLUGIN__H___
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "api.h"
#include "nsis_tchar.h"
#ifndef NSISCALL
# define NSISCALL __stdcall
#define EXDLL_INIT() { \
g_stringsize=string_size; \
g_stacktop=stacktop; \
g_variables=variables; }
typedef struct _stack_t {
struct _stack_t *next;
TCHAR text[1]; // this should be the length of string_size
} stack_t;
INST_0, // $0
INST_1, // $1
INST_2, // $2
INST_3, // $3
INST_4, // $4
INST_5, // $5
INST_6, // $6
INST_7, // $7
INST_8, // $8
INST_9, // $9
INST_R0, // $R0
INST_R1, // $R1
INST_R2, // $R2
INST_R3, // $R3
INST_R4, // $R4
INST_R5, // $R5
INST_R6, // $R6
INST_R7, // $R7
INST_R8, // $R8
INST_R9, // $R9
extern unsigned int g_stringsize;
extern stack_t **g_stacktop;
extern TCHAR *g_variables;
int NSISCALL popstring(TCHAR *str); // 0 on success, 1 on empty stack
int NSISCALL popstringn(TCHAR *str, int maxlen); // with length limit, pass 0 for g_stringsize
int NSISCALL popint(); // pops an integer
int NSISCALL popint_or(); // with support for or'ing (2|4|8)
int NSISCALL myatoi(const TCHAR *s); // converts a string to an integer
unsigned NSISCALL myatou(const TCHAR *s); // converts a string to an unsigned integer, decimal only
int NSISCALL myatoi_or(const TCHAR *s); // with support for or'ing (2|4|8)
void NSISCALL pushstring(const TCHAR *str);
void NSISCALL pushint(int value);
TCHAR * NSISCALL getuservariable(const int varnum);
void NSISCALL setuservariable(const int varnum, const TCHAR *var);
#ifdef _UNICODE
#define PopStringW(x) popstring(x)
#define PushStringW(x) pushstring(x)
#define SetUserVariableW(x,y) setuservariable(x,y)
int NSISCALL PopStringA(char* ansiStr);
void NSISCALL PushStringA(const char* ansiStr);
void NSISCALL GetUserVariableW(const int varnum, wchar_t* wideStr);
void NSISCALL GetUserVariableA(const int varnum, char* ansiStr);
void NSISCALL SetUserVariableA(const int varnum, const char* ansiStr);
// ANSI defs
#define PopStringA(x) popstring(x)
#define PushStringA(x) pushstring(x)
#define SetUserVariableA(x,y) setuservariable(x,y)
int NSISCALL PopStringW(wchar_t* wideStr);
void NSISCALL PushStringW(wchar_t* wideStr);
void NSISCALL GetUserVariableW(const int varnum, wchar_t* wideStr);
void NSISCALL GetUserVariableA(const int varnum, char* ansiStr);
void NSISCALL SetUserVariableW(const int varnum, const wchar_t* wideStr);
#ifdef __cplusplus
...@@ -132,9 +132,18 @@ else ...@@ -132,9 +132,18 @@ else
$(CXX) $^ -D_WIN32_IE=0x0601 -D__forceinline=inline -shared -o $@ -lole32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc $(CXX) $^ -D_WIN32_IE=0x0601 -D__forceinline=inline -shared -o $@ -lole32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
$(STRIP) $@ $(STRIP) $@
endif endif
$(win32_destdir)/NSIS/nsProcess.dll: extras/package/win32/NSIS/nsProcess/nsProcess.c extras/package/win32/NSIS/nsProcess/pluginapi.c
mkdir -p "$(win32_destdir)/NSIS/"
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc $^ -shared -o $@ -lole32 -static-libgcc
i686-w64-mingw32-strip $@
$(CC) $^ -D_WIN32_IE=0x0601 -shared -o $@ -lole32 -static-libgcc
$(STRIP) $@
package-win32-exe: package-win-strip $(win32_destdir)/NSIS/UAC.dll package-win32-exe: package-win-strip $(win32_destdir)/NSIS/UAC.dll $(win32_destdir)/NSIS/nsProcess.dll
# Script installer # Script installer
cp $(top_builddir)/extras/package/win32/NSIS/vlc.win32.nsi "$(win32_destdir)/" cp $(top_builddir)/extras/package/win32/NSIS/vlc.win32.nsi "$(win32_destdir)/"
cp $(top_builddir)/extras/package/win32/NSIS/spad.nsi "$(win32_destdir)/" cp $(top_builddir)/extras/package/win32/NSIS/spad.nsi "$(win32_destdir)/"
...@@ -142,6 +151,7 @@ package-win32-exe: package-win-strip $(win32_destdir)/NSIS/UAC.dll ...@@ -142,6 +151,7 @@ package-win32-exe: package-win-strip $(win32_destdir)/NSIS/UAC.dll
cp -r $(srcdir)/extras/package/win32/NSIS/helpers "$(win32_destdir)/" cp -r $(srcdir)/extras/package/win32/NSIS/helpers "$(win32_destdir)/"
mkdir -p "$(win32_destdir)/NSIS/" mkdir -p "$(win32_destdir)/NSIS/"
cp "$(top_srcdir)/extras/package/win32/NSIS/UAC.nsh" "$(win32_destdir)/NSIS/" cp "$(top_srcdir)/extras/package/win32/NSIS/UAC.nsh" "$(win32_destdir)/NSIS/"
cp "$(top_srcdir)/extras/package/win32/NSIS/nsProcess.nsh" "$(win32_destdir)/NSIS/"
# Create package # Create package
if makensis -VERSION >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ if makensis -VERSION >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
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