Commit 715ed9df authored by Christoph Miebach's avatar Christoph Miebach Committed by Rafaël Carré

l10n: Updating and adding installer files

(cherry picked from commit 47f740e7e0da787f44a0ec7d56985505e0c1a4aa)
Signed-off-by: default avatarRafaël Carré <>
parent 916e841e
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Multimedia Irakurgailua (beharrezkoa)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Hasiera Menuko Lasterbidea"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Mahigaineko Lasterbidea"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Multimedia-erreproduzigailua (beharrezkoa)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "\'Hasi\' menuko lasterbidea"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Mahaigaineko lasterbidea"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Weberako pluginak"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozilla plugina"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveX plugina"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Diska Irakurketa"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Agiri mota elkarketak"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Audio Agiriak"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Bideo Agiriak"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Diskoen erreprodukzioa"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Fitxategi moten asoziazioak"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Audio-fitxategiak"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Bideo-fitxategiak"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Bestelakoak"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Hitzinguru Menuak"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Ezabatu hobespenak eta katxea"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"Multimedia irakurgailua bera"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Ikonoak gehitzen ditu zure hasiera menura sarbide azkarra izateko"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Ikonoak gehitzen ditu zure mahigainean sarbide azkarra izateko"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"VLC Mozilla eta Mozilla Firefox pluginak"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"VLC ActiveX plugina"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"DVD eta CD irakurketa erregistratzea"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"VLC multimedia irakurgailua adierazitako agiri motentzako berezko aplikazio bezala ezartzen du"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Gehitu hitzinguru menu gaiak ('Irakurri VLC-rekin' eta 'Gehitu VLC-ren Irakur-zerrendara')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"VLC multimedia irakurgailuaren aurreko ezarpenen hobespenak eta katxe agiriak kentzen ditu"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Kendu"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Ezabatu hobespenak eta katxea"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"Kendu VLC multimedia irakurgailua eta bere osagai guztiak"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"VLC multimedia irakurgailuaren hobespenak eta katxe agiriak ezabatzen ditu"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Irakurri"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Irakurri VLC multimedia irakurgailuarekin"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Gehitu VLC multimedia irakurgailuaren irakur-zerrendara"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Ikusi VideoLAN VLC Multimedia Irakurgailua Webgunea"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Testuinguru-menuak"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Ezabatu hobespenak eta cachea"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Multimedia-erreproduzigailua bera"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Sarbidea errazteko ikonoak gehitzen ditu \'Hasi\' menuan"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Sarbidea errazteko ikonoak gehitzen ditu mahaigainean"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "Mozilla eta Mozilla Firefox VLC plugina"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "ActiveX VLC plugina"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "DVD eta CDen erreprodukzioaren erregistroa"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "VLC multimedia-erreproduzigailua lehenetsitako aplikazio gisa ezartzen du zehaztutako fitxategi motarentzat"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Gehitu testuinguru-menuko elementuak (\'Erreproduzitu VLCrekin\' eta \'Gehitu VLCren erreprodukzio-zerrendan\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Aurreko instalazioetatik dauden VLC multimedia-erreproduzigailuaren hobespenak eta cacheko fitxategiak ezabatzen ditu"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Desinstalatu"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Ezabatu hobespenak eta cachea"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Desinstalatu VLC multimedia-erreproduzigailua eta bere osagai guztiak"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "VLC multimedia-erreproduzigailuaren hobespenak eta cacheko fitxategiak ezabatzen ditu"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Erreproduzitu"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Erreproduzitu VLC multimedia-erreproduzigailuarekin"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Gehitu VLCren erreprodukzio-zerrendan"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Bisitatu Videolan VLC multimedia-erreproduzigailuaren webgunea"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Gomendatua"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Gutxiena"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Gutxienekoa"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Osoa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Irakurri DVD filma"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Irakurri audio CD-a"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Irakurri VCD filma"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Irakurri SVCD filma"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Irakurri bideo agiriak"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Irakurri audio agiriak"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Irakurri audio DVD-a"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Erreproduzitu DVD filma"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Erreproduzitu audio CDa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Erreproduzitu VCD filma"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Erreproduzitu SVCD filma"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Erreproduzitu bideo-fitxategiak"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Erreproduzitu audio-fitxategiak"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Erreproduzitu audio DVDa"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Zure eskubideen berri duzu orain. Jarraitzeko, egin klik \'Hurrengoa\' botoian."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Prozesuak egiaztatzen..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLC exekutatzen ari dela dirudi eta itxi egingo da orain."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Instalatzaileak ezin izan du VLC itxi, egizu eskuz."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Instalazioa abortatuta!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Dagoeneko instalatuta"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Aukeratu nola nahi duzun instalatu VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Aukeratu burutu beharreko mantenu-aukera."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "VLCren bertsio zaharragoa instalatuta dago sisteman. Hautatu burutu nahi duzun eragiketa eta jarraitzeko egin klik Hurrengoa botoian."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "VLCren bertsio berriagoa instalatuta dago lehendik! Ez da gomendagarria bertsio-zahartzea. Hautatu burutu nahi duzun eragiketa eta jarraitzeko egin klik Hurrengoa botoian."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "VLC ${VERSION} instalatuta dago lehendik. Hautatu burutu nahi duzun eragiketa eta jarraitzeko egin klik Hurrengoa botoian."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Bertsio-berritu VLC aurreko ezarpenak erabiliz (gomendatua)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Bertsio-zahartu VLC aurreko ezarpenak erabiliz (gomendatua)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Gehitu/kendu/berrinstalatu osagaiak"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Aldatu ezarpenak (aurreratua)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Desinstalatu VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Medijski Izvoa (neophodan)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Preac Start Menija"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Preac Radne Povrine"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Web dodaci"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozilla dodatak"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveX dodatak"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Reproduciranje Diskova"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Asocijacije tipa datoteke"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Zvune Datoteke"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Video Datoteke"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Druge"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Kontekstni Meniji"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Izbrii postavljanja i predmemoriranje"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Sam medijski izvoa"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Dodaje ikone na va start meni za jednostavan pristup"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Dodaje ikonu na vau radnu povrinu za jednostavan pristup"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "VLC Mozilla i Mozilla Firefox dodatak"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "VLC ActiveX dodatak"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "DVD i CD registracija reprodukcije"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Postavlja VLC medijski izvoa kao zadanu aplikaciju za naznaene tipove datoteka"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Dodaj stavke kontekstnog menija (\'Produciraj Sa VLC-om\' i \'Dodaj Na Listu izvoenja VLC-a\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Brie postavljanja VLC medijskog izvoaa i preostale datoteke predmemoriranja od prethodnih instalacija"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Deinstaliraj"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Izbrii postavljanja i predmemoriranje"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Deinstaliraj VLC medijski izvoa i sve njegove komponente"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Brie postavljanja VLC medijskog izvoaa i datoteke predmemoriranja"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Produciraj"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Produciraj sa VLC medijskim izvoaom"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Dodaj na listu izvoenja VLC medijskog izvoaa"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Posjetite Web Stranicu VideoLAN VLC medijskog izvoaa"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Preporueno"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimalno"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Komplet"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Produciraj DVD film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Produciraj zvuni CD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Produciraj VCD film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Produciraj SVCD film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Produciraj video datoteke"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Produciraj zvune datoteke"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Produciraj zvuni DVD"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Sada ste svjesni svojih prava. Kliknite Sljedee za nastavak."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Provjeravam procese..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLC je izgleda pokrenut i sada e biti zatvoren."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Instalater nije uspio zatvoriti VLC, molimo da to uinite runo."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Instalacija prekinuta!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Ve Instalirano"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Izaberite kako elite instalirati VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Izaberite opciju odravanja za izvedbu."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "Starija verzija VLC je instalirana na sistem. Odaberite opreaciju koju elite da se izvede i kliknite Sljedee da bi nastavili."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "Novija verzija VLC-a je ve instalirana! Nije preporueno da se unazauje na stariju verziju. Odaberite operaciju koju elite da se izvede i kliknite Sljedee da bi nastavili."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "VLC ${VERSION} je ve instalirana. Odaberite operaciju koju elite da se izvede i klinite Sljedee da bi nastavili."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Nadogradi VLC koristei prethodne postavke (preporueno)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Unazadi VLC koristei prethodne postavke (preporueno)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Dodaj/Izbrii/Ponovo instaliraj komponente"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Izmijeni postavke (napredno)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Deinstaliraj VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Reprodutor (requerido)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Atalho para o Menu Iniciar"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Atalho para a Área de Trabalho"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Complemento para Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Complemento ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Reproduzir Discos"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Associar às extensões de arquivo"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Arquivos de Áudio"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Arquivos de Vídeo"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Outros"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Menus de Contexto"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Excluir Arquivos de Preferências e Temporários"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"O reprodutor de mídias VLC"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Adiciona um ícone para o menu iniciar para acesso mais fácil"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Adiciona um ícone para a área de trabalho para acesso mais fácil"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"O complemento do VLC para Mozilla e Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"O complemento do VLC para ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"Registro para reprodução de DVD e CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Configura o VLC como o reprodutor padrão para as extensões de arquivo especificadas"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Adiciona no menu de contexto os itens ('Reproduzir com o VLC' e 'Adicionar à Lista de Reprodução do VLC')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Exclui os arquivos de preferências e temporários do VLC, deixados pelas instalações anteriores"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Desinstalar"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Excluir arquivos de preferências e temporários"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"Desinstala o reprodutor de mídias VLC e todos os seus componentes"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"Exclui os arquivos de preferências e temporários do reprodutor de mídias VLC"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Reproduzir"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Reproduzir com o reprodutor de mídias VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Adicionar à Lista de Reprodução do VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Visite o sítio do reprodutor de mídias VLC"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Recomendada"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Mínima"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Completa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Reproduzir DVD de filme"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Reproduzir CD de áudio"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Reprodutor de Mídias (obrigatório)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Atarlho do Menu Iniciar"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Atalho da Área de Trabalho"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Complementos da Web"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Complemento Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Complemento ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Reprodução de Discos"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Associações de Extensões de Arquivos"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Arquivos de Áudio"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Arquivos de Vídeo"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Outro"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Menus de Contexto"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Excluir as preferências e o cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "O própro reprodutor de mídias"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Adiciona ícones ao menu iniciar para acesso fácil"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Adiciona ícone à sua área de trabalho para acesso fácil"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "O VLC Mozilla e o complemento Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "O complemento VLC ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Registro da reprodução de DVD e CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Define o reprodutor de mídias VLC como o aplicativo padrão para uma extensão de arquivo específica"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Adicionar itens ao menu de contexto (\'Reproduzir com o VLC\' e \'Adicionar à Lista de Reprodução do VLC\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Exclui as preferências e arquivos de cache de instalações anteriores do reprodutor de mídias VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Desinstalar"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Excluir as preferências e o cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Desinstalar o reprodutor de mídias VLC e todos os seus componentes"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Exclui os arquivos de preferências e de cache do reprodutor de mídias VLC"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Reproduzir"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Reproduzir com o reprodutor de mídias VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Adicionar à Lista de Reprodução do reprodutor de mídias VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Visite o sítio do reprodutor de mídias VLC na Internet"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Recomendado"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Mínimo"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Completa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Reproduzir filme em DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Reproduzir áudio em CD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Reproduzir filme em VCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Reproduzir filme em SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Reproduzir arquivos de vídeo"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Reproduzir arquivos de áudio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Reproduzir áudio em DVD"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Agora você está ciente dos seus direitos. Clique em Próximo para continuar."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Verificando processos..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "Parece que o VLC está sendo executado e não será fechado."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Este instalador não foi capaz de fechar o VLC. Por favor, faça isso manualmente."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Instalação interrompida!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Já instalado"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Escolha como deseja instalar o VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Escolha a opção de manutenção que deseja executar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "Uma versão anterior do VLC está instalada em seu sistema. Selecione a operação que deseja executar e clique em Próximo para continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "Uma versão mais recente do VLC já está instalada em seu sistema e não é recomendado que você regrida para uma versão anterior. Selecione a operação que deseja e clique em Próximo para continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "O VLC ${VERSION} já está instalado. Selecione a operação que deseja executar e clique em Próximo para continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Atualizar o VLC usando configurações definidas (recomendado)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Regredir a versão do VLC usando as configurações definidas (recomendado)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Adicionar/Remover/Reinstalar componentes"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Alterar as configurações (avançado)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Desinstalar o VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Reproductor Multimdia (necessari)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Dreceres pel men d'inici"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Dreceres per l'escriptori"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Connector per a Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Connector per a ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Reproducci de discs"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Associacions per a fitxers del mateix tipus"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Fitxer d'udio"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Fitxer de vdeo"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Reproductor multimdia (requerit)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Drecera de men d\'inici"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Drecera d\'escriptori"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Connectors web"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Connector Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Connector ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Reproducci de discos"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Associaci de tipus de fitxer"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Fitxers d\'udio"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Fitxers de vdeo"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Altres"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Mens contextuals"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Elimina les preferncies i la memria cau"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"El propi reproductor multimdia"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Afegeix icones al men d'inici per un accs ms fcil"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Afegeix icones a l'escriptori per un accs ms fcil"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"El connector del VLC per a Mozilla i Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"El connector del VLC per a ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"Registre per a la reproducci de DVD i CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Estableix el VLC com a aplicaci per defecte per a determinats tipus de fitxers"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Afegeix elements al men contextual ('Reproduir amb el VLC' i 'Afegeix a la llista de reproducci del VLC'"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Elimina les preferncies del VLC i els fitxers de la memria cau deixats en installacions anteriors"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Desinstalla"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Elimina les preferncies i la memria cau"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"Desinstalla el reproductor VLC i tots els seus components"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"Elimina les preferncies del VLC i els fitxer de la memria cau"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Mens contextuals"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Esborra les preferncies i la memria cau"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "El mateix reproductor multimdia"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Afegeix icones al men d\'inici per a un accs ms fcil"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Afegeix una icona a l\'escriptori per a un accs fcil"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "El connector VLC Mozilla i Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "El connector VLC ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Registre de reproducci CD i DVD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Estableix el reproductor multimdia VLC com a aplicaci per defecte per al tipus de fitxer especificat"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Afegeix elements al men contextual (Reprodueix amb el VLC i Afegeix a la llista de reproducci del VLC)"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Esborra les preferncies i la memria cau d\'installacions anteriors del reproductor multimdia VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Desinstalla"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Esborra les preferncies i la memria cau"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Desinstalla el reproductor multimdia VLC i tots els seus components"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Esborra totes les preferncies i fitxers de memria cau del reproductor multimdia VLC"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Reprodueix"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Reprodueix amb el reproductor VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Afegeix a la llista de reproducci del VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Visita el lloc web del reproductor VLC Videolan "
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Recomenada"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Mnima"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Completa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Reprodueix la pellcula del DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Reprodueix el CD d'udio"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Reprodueix amb el reproductor multimdia VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Afegeix a la llista de reproducci del reproductor multimdia VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Visita el lloc web del reproductor multimdia VideoLAN VLC"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Recomanat"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Mnim"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Complet"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Reprodueix una pellcula en DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Reprodueix un CD d\'udio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Reprodueix una pellcula en VCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Reprodueix una pellcula en SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Reprodueix fitxers de vdeo"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Reprodueix fitxers d\'udio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Reprodueix DVD d\'udio"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Ara esteu al corrent dels vostres drets. Feu clic a Segent per continuar."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "S\'estan comprovant els processos..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "El VLC s\'est executant i es tancar."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "L\'installador no ha pogut tancar el VLC, feu-ho manualment."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "S\'ha interromput la installaci"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Ja s\'ha installat"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Trieu com voleu installar el VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Trieu l\'opci de manteniment que s\'ha de dur a terme."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "Existeix una versi ms antiga del VLC installada al sistema. Seleccioneu l\'operaci amb la qual voleu procedir i feu clic a Segent per continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "Existeix una versi ms nova del VLC installada al sistema. No es recomana installar una versi ms antiga. Seleccioneu l\'operaci amb la qual voleu procedir i feu clic a Segent per continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "La versi ${VERSION} del VLC ja es troba installada. Seleccioneu l\'operaci que voleu dur a terme i feu clic a Segent per continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Actualitza el VLC fent servir els parmetres existents (recomanat)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Installa la versi ms antiga fent servir els parmetres existents (recomanat)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Afegeix/Elimina/Torna a installar components"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Canvia els parmetres (avanat)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Desinstalla el VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Pehrva mdi (vyadovno)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Poloka v nabdce Start"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Odkaz na ploe"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Moduly webu"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Zsuvn modul Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Zsuvn modul ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Pehrvn disk"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Asociace s typem soubor"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Zvukov soubory"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Videosoubory"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Jin"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Mstn nabdky"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Smazat nastaven a mezipam"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Samotn pehrva mdi"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Pid ikony do va nabdky start pro snadn pstup"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Pid ikonu na plochu pro sna pstup"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "Modul VLC pro prohlee Mozilla a Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "Modul VLC ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Registrace pehrvn CD a DVD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Nastav pehrva VLC jako vchoz aplikaci pro dan typ soubor"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Pid poloky kontextov nabdky (\"Pehrt s VLC\" a \"Pidat do seznamu skladeb VLC\")"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Smae nastaven a mezipam pehrvae VLC, kter jsou pozstatkem z pedchozch instalac"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Odinstalovat"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Smazat nastaven a mezipam"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Odinstalovat pehrva VLC a vechny jeho sousti"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Smae nastaven a mezipam pehrvae VLC"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Pehrt"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Pehrt s VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Pidat do seznamu skladeb VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Navtivte webov strnky pehrvae VideoLAN VLC"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Doporuen"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimln"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Pln"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Pehrt film DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Pehrt zvukov CD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Pehrt film VCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Pehrt film SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Pehrt soubory videa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Pehrt soubory zvuku"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Pehrt zvukov DVD"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Nyn znte sv prva. Pro pokraovn kliknte na Dal."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Kontroluji procesy..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "Vypad to e pehrva VLC je sputn na pozad. Bude tedy ukonen."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Instaltoru se nezdailo ukonen pehrvae VLC. Prosm ukonete jej run."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Instalace peruena."
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Ji nainstalovno"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Vyberte jak si pejete VLC nainstalovat."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Vyberte volbu drby pro vykonn."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "Ji mte nainstalovnu star verzi VLC. Vyberte innost k proveden a pro pokraovn kliknte na Dal,"
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "Je ji nainstalovna novj verze VLC. Nen doporueno navracet se ke star verzi. Vyberte innost k proveden a pro pokraovn kliknte na Dal,"
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "Pehrva VLC verze ${VERSION} je ji nainstalovn. Vyberte innost k proveden a pro pokraovn kliknte na Dal,"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Aktualizovat VLC pomoc pedchozho nastaven (doporueno)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Snit verzi VLC s pouitm pedchozho nastaven (doporueno)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Pidat/Odebrat/Peinstalovat komponenty"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Zmnit nastaven (pokroil)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Odinstalovat VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Media Player (Ndvendig)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Start Menu Genvej"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Skrivebord Genvej"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozilla plugin"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveX plugin"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Discs afspilning"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Filtype foreninger"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Lyd Filer"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Video Filer"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Andre"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Kontekst menu"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Medieafspiller (påkrævet)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Genvej til startmenu"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Genvej til skrivebord"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Web-udvidelsesmoduler"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozilla-udvidelsesmodul"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveX-udvidelsesmodul"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Diskafspilning"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Filtypeassocieringer"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Lydfiler"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Videofiler"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Andet"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Kontekstmenuer"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Slet præferencer og cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"Media Player selv"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Tilfjer genveje til din start menu for nem adgang"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Tilfjer ikon til skrivebordet for let adgang"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"VLC Mozilla og Mozilla Firefox plugin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"VLC ActiveX plugin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"DVD og CD-afspilning registrering"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Stter VLC Media Player som standard program for de angivne filtype"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Tilfj kontekst menu artikler ('Afspil med VLC Media Player' og 'Tilfj til VLC's Afspilningsliste')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Sletter VLC Media Player prferencer og cache filer, levn fra tidligere installationer"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Afinstaller"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Selve medieafspilleren"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Tilføjer ikoner til din startmenu for nem adgang"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Tilføjer ikon til dit skrivebord for nem adgang"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "VLC-udvidelsesmodulet til Mozilla og Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "VLC-udvidelsesmodulet for ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Registrering af DVD- og CD-afspilning"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Angiver VLC-medieafspilleren som standardprogram til den angive filtype"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Tilføj elementer i kontekstmenu (\"Afspil med VLC\" og \"Tilføj til VLCs afspilningsliste\")"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Sletter resterende filer af VLC-medieafspillerens præferencer og cache fra tidligere installationer"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Afinstallér"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Slet præferencer og cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"Afinstaller VLC Media Player og alle dens komponenter"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"Sletter VLC Media Player prferencer og cache filer"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Afinstallér VLC-medieafspiller og alle dens komponenter"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Sletter filer for præferencer og cache fra VLC-afspilleren"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Afspil"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Afspil med VLC Media Player"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Tilfj til VLC's Afspilningsliste"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Besg VideoLAN VLC Media Player Webside"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Afspil med VLC-medieafspiller"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Tilføj til VLC-medieafspillerens afspilningsliste"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Besøg VideoLAN VLC-medieafspillerens hjemmeside"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Anbefalet"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimum"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Fuld"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Afspil DVD film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Afspil lyd CD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Afspil VCD film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Afspil SVCD film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Afspil video filer"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Afspil lyd filer"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Afspil lyd DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Afspil DVD-film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Afspil lyd-cd"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Afspil VCD-film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Afspil SVCD-film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Afspil videofiler"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Afspil lydfiler"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Afspil lyd-DVD"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Du kender nu dine rettigheder. Klik næste for at fortsætte."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Tjekker processer ..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLC ser ud til at køre og vil nu blive lukket."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Installationsprogrammet kunne ikke lukke VLC - gør det venligst manuelt."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Installationen blev afbrudt!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Allerede installeret"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Vælg hvordan du vil installere VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Vælg vedligeholdelsesfunktionen som skal udføres."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "Der er en ældre version af VLC installeret på dit system. Vælg handlingen du ønsker at udføre, og klik Næste for at fortsætte."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "En nyere version af VLC er allerede installeret! Det frarådes at nedgradere til en ældre version. Vælg handlingen du ønsker at udføre, og klik Næste for at fortsætte."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "VLC ${VERSION} er allerede installeret. Vælg handlingen du ønsker at udføre, og klik Næste for at fortsætte."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Opgradér VLC med brug af tidligere indstillinger (anbefales)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Nedgradér VLC med brug af tidligere indstillinger (anbefales)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Tilføj/fjern/geninstallér komponenter"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Tilpas indstillinger (avanceret)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Afinstallér VLC"
......@@ -5,50 +5,32 @@ StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Web-plugins"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozilla-plugin"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveX-plugin"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Schijven afspelen"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Bestandstype-associaties"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Bestandstype-toewijzingen"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Audiobestanden"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Videobestanden"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Andere"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Contextmenu's"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Contextmenu\'s"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Voorkeuren en buffers wissen"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"De media player zelf"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Pictogrammen aan het startmenu toevoegen voor eenvoudig starten"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Pictogram aan het bureaublad toevoegen voor eenvoudig starten"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"De VLC Mozilla en Mozilla Firefox plugin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"De VLC ActiveX-plugin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"Dvd- en cd-afspeelregistratie"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Stelt VLC Media Player als standaardtoepassing in voor het opgegeven bestandstype"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Contextmenu-ingangen toevoegen ('Afspelen met VLC Media Player',...)"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Verwijdert voorkeuren en bufferbestanden die van vorige installaties van VLC Media Player overgebleven zijn"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "De mediaspeler zelf"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Pictogrammen aan het startmenu toevoegen voor eenvoudige toegang"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Pictogram aan het bureaublad toevoegen voor eenvoudige toegang"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "De VLC Mozilla- en Mozilla-Firefox-plugin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "De VLC ActiveX-plugin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Dvd- en cd-afspeelregistratie"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Stelt VLC Media Player als standaardtoepassing in voor het opgegeven bestandstype"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Contextmenu-ingangen toevoegen (\'Afspelen met VLC Media Player\',...)"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Verwijdert voorkeuren en bufferbestanden die van vorige installaties van VLC Media Player overgebleven zijn"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Verwijderen"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Voorkeuren en buffers wissen"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"VLC Media Player en al zijn componenten verwijderen"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"Verwijdert de voorkeuren en bufferbestanden van VLC Media Player"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "VLC Media Player en al zijn componenten verwijderen"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Verwijdert de voorkeuren en bufferbestanden van VLC Media Player"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Afspelen"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "VLC Media Player - Afspelen"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "VLC Media Player - Aan afspeellijst toevoegen"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Bezoek de website van VLC Media Player"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Aanbevolen"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimaal"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Volledig"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Dvd-film afspelen"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Audio-cd afspelen"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "VCD-film afspelen"
......@@ -56,14 +38,11 @@ StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "SVCD-film afspelen"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Videobestanden afspelen"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Audiobestanden afspelen"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Audio-dvd afspelen"
StrCpy $License_NextText "U bent zich nu bewust van uw rechten. Klik op Volgende om door te gaan."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Processen controleren..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLC lijkt actief te zijn en zal nu afgesloten worden."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Deze installer kon VLC niet afsluiten. Gelieve dit manueel te doen."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Installatie afgebroken!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Reeds genstalleerd"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Kies hoe u VLC wilt installeren."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Kies de uit te voeren onderhoudsoptie."
......@@ -74,4 +53,4 @@ StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "VLC bijwerken en vorige instellingen behouden (
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "VLC downgraden en vorige instellingen behouden (aanbevolen)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Componenten toevoegen/verwijderen/herinstalleren"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Instellingen wijzigen (geavanceerd)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "VLC verwijderen"
\ No newline at end of file
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "VLC verwijderen"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Lecteur de médias (requis)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Ajouter au menu Démarrer"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Placer un raccourci sur le bureau"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Plugins navigateur web"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Plugin Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Plugin ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Plugin ActiveX "
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Lecture de disques"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Types de fichiers"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Fichiers Audio"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Fichiers Video"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Fichiers Vidéo"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Autres"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Menus contextuels"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Effacer les préférences et le cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"Le lecteur multimédia"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Ajoute des icônes au menu Démarrer pour un accès facile"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Place une icône sur le bureau pour un accès facile"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"Le plugin VLC Mozilla et Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"Le plugin VLC ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"Lecture des CD et DVD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Définit le lecteur média VLC comme application par défaut pour les fichiers du type spécifié"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Ajoute des entrées de menu contextuel ('Lire avec VLC' et 'Ajouter à la liste de lecture de VLC')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Efface les préférences de VLC et les fichiers cache laissés par une précédente installation"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Le lecteur multimédia"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Ajoute des icônes au menu Démarrer pour un accès facile"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Ajoute une icôneau Bureau pour un accès facile"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "Le plugin VLC Mozilla et Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "Le plugin VLC ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Lecture des CD et DVD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Définit le lecteur média VLC comme application par défaut pour les fichiers du type spécifié"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Ajoute des entrées de menu contextuel (« Lire avec VLC » et « Ajouter à la liste de lecture de VLC »)"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Efface les préférences de VLC et les fichiers cache laissés par une précédente installation"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Désinstaller"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Effacer les préférences et les fichiers cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"Désinstalle VLC et tous ses composants"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"Efface les préférences de VLC et les fichiers cache"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Effacer les préfvrences et les fichiers cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Désinstalle VLC et tous ses composants"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Efface les préférences de VLC et les fichiers cache"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Lire"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Lire avec VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Ajouter à la liste de lecture de VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Visitez le site du lecteur de médias VLC"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Recommandée"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimale"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Complète"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Lecture DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Lecture CD Audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Lecture VCD"
......@@ -55,5 +38,19 @@ StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Lecture SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Lecture des fichiers vidéo"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Lecture des fichiers audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Lecture DVD audio"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Vous connnaissez maintenant vos droits. Cliquez sur Suivant pour continuer."
StrCpy $License_NextText "Vous connnaissez maintenant vos droits. Cliquez sur [Suivant] pour continuer."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Verification des processus…"
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLC est en cours d\'exécution et sera fermé"
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "L\'installeur n\'a pas pu fermer VLC, faites le manuellement."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Arrêt de l\'installation !"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Déjà installé"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Choisir comment vous voulez installer VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Choisir l\'option de maintenance."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "Une ancienne version de VLC est installée sur votre système. Choisissez l\'operation à effectuer et cliquez sur [Suivant] pour continuer."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "Une version plus récente de VLC est déjà installée ! Il n\'est pas recommandé de revenir à une ancienne version. Choisissez l\'opération à effectuer et cliquez sur [Suivant] pour continuer."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "VLC ${VERSION} est déjà installé. Choisissez l\'operation à effectuer et cliquez sur [Suivant] pour continuer."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Mette à jour VLC en utilisant les paramètres précédents (recommandé)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Revenir à une ancienne version de VLC en utilisant les paramètres précédents (recommandé)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Ajouter/enlever/ré-installer les composants"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Changer les paramètres (avancé)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Désinstaller VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Reprodutor multimedia (requirido)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Atallo do men de inicio"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Atallo de escritorio"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Plugins para a web"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Plugin para Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Plugin para ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Reproducin de discos"
......@@ -10,50 +11,46 @@ StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Ficheiros de v
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Outros"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Mens contextuais"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Eliminar as preferencias e a cach"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"O propio reprodutor multimedia"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Engade iconas no seu men de inicio para un acceso mis fcil"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Engade unha icona no seu escritorio para un acceso mis fcil"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"O plugin de VLC para Mozilla e Mozilla Firefoz"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"O plugin de VLC para ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"O rexistro de DVD e de reproducin de CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Define o reprodutor multimedia VLC como o aplicativo predeterminado para o tipo de ficheiro especificado"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Engadir entradas de men contextual (Reproducir co VLC e Engadir lista de reproducin do VLC)"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Elimina as preferencias e a cach do reprodutor multimedia VLC que pertenzan a versins previas"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "O propio reprodutor multimedia"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Engade iconas no seu men de inicio para un acceso mis fcil"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Engade unha icona no seu escritorio para un acceso mis fcil"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "O plugin de VLC para Mozilla e Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "O plugin de VLC para ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "O rexistro de reproducin de CD e DVD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Define o reprodutor multimedia VLC como o aplicativo predeterminado para o tipo de ficheiro especificado"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Engadir entradas de men contextual (Reproducir co VLC e Engadir lista de reproducin do VLC)"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Elimina as preferencias e a cach do reprodutor multimedia VLC que pertenzan a versins previas"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Desinstalar"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Eliminar as preferencias e a cach"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"Desinstalar o reprodutor multimedia VLC e todos os seus compoentes"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"Elimina as preferencias do reprodutor multimedia VLC e os ficheiros da cach"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Desinstalar o reprodutor multimedia VLC e todos os seus compoentes"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Elimina as preferencias do reprodutor multimedia VLC e os ficheiros da cach"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Reproducir"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Reproducir co VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Engadir lista de reproducin do VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Reproducir co VLC media player"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Engadir lista de reproducin do VLC media player"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Visitar a web do reprodutor multimedia VideoLAN VLC"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Recomendada"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Mnima"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Completa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Reproducir filmes en DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Reproducir os CD de audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Reproducir filmes en VCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Reproducir filmes en SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Reproducir ficheiros de video"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Reproducir ficheiros de audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Reproducir os ficheiros de vdeo"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Reproducir os ficheiros de audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Reproducir os DVD de audio"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Agora xa est informado/a dos seus dereitos. Prema en Seguinte para continuar."
StrCpy $License_NextText "Agora xa est informado dos seus dereitos. Prema en Seguinte para continuar."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Verificando os procesos..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "Semella que o VLC est a ser executado e ser pechado agora."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Este instalador non foi quen de pechar o VLC. Fgao manualmente."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "A instalacin foi cancelada!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Xa est instalado"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Escolla como quere instalar o VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Seleccione a opcin de mantemento que quere realizar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "No seu sistema xa est instalada unha versin mis vella do VLC. Seleccione a operacin que quere realizar e prema en Seguinte para continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "Xa est instalada unha versin mis nova do VLC! Non se recomenda a desactualizacin a unha versin mis vella. Seleccione a operacin que quere realizar e prema en Seguinte para continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "A versin ${VERSION} do VLC xa est instalada. Seleccione a operacin que quere realizar e prema en Seguinte para continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Actualizar o VLC usando a configuracin anterior (recomendado)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Desactualizar o VLC usando a configuracin anterior (recomendado)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Engadir/Eliminar/Reinstalar componentes"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Cambiar a configuracin (avanzado)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Desinstalar o VLC"
......@@ -11,44 +11,26 @@ StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Videodateien"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Andere"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Kontextmenü"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Lösche die Einstellungen und den Cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"Der Media Player"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Fügt Symbole im Startmenü für leichten Zugang hinzu"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Fügt ein Desktopsymbol für leichten Zugang ein"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"Das VLC Mozilla und Mozilla-Firefox Plugin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"Das VLC ActiveX-Plugin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"DVD und CD Wiedergabe Registrierung"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Setzt den VLC media player als Standard-Anwendung für die ausgewählten Dateitypen"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Fügt Kontextmenü-Einträge hinzu ('Wiedergabe mit VLC' und 'Zur VLC-Wiedergabeliste hinzufügen')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Löscht die VLC media player Einstellungen und übergebliebenen Cache-Dateien der alten Installation"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Der Media Player"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Fügt Symbole im Startmenü für leichten Zugang hinzu"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Fügt ein Desktopsymbol für leichten Zugang ein"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "Das VLC Mozilla und Mozilla-Firefox Plugin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "Das VLC ActiveX-Plugin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "DVD und CD Wiedergabe Registrierung"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Setzt den VLC media player als Standard-Anwendung für die ausgewählten Dateitypen"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Fügt Kontextmenü-Einträge hinzu (\'Wiedergabe mit VLC\' und \'Zur VLC-Wiedergabeliste hinzufügen\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Löscht die VLC media player Einstellungen und übergebliebenen Cache-Dateien der alten Installation"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Deinstallieren"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Einstellungen und Cache löschen"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"VLC media player und alle Komponenten deinstallieren"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"VLC media player Einstellungen und Cache-Dateien löschen"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "VLC media player und alle Komponenten deinstallieren"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "VLC media player Einstellungen und Cache-Dateien löschen"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Wiedergabe"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Mit VLC media player wiedergeben"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Zur VLC media player Wiedergabeliste hinzufügen"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Besuchen Sie die VideoLAN VLC media player Webseite"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Empfohlen"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimal"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Voll"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "DVD-Video wiedergeben"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Audio-CD wiedergeben"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "VCD-Video wiedergeben"
......@@ -56,14 +38,11 @@ StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "SVCD-Video wiedergeben"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Videodateien wiedergeben"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Audiodateien wiedergeben"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Audio-DVD wiedergeben"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Jetzt sind Sie über Ihre Rechte informiert. Klicken Sie auf Weiter."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Überprüfen der Prozesse..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLC scheint ausgeführt zu werden und wird nun geschlossen."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Dieses Installationsprogramm konnte VLC nicht schließen, tun Sie es bitte manuell."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Installation abgebrochen!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Bereits installiert"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Wählen Sie, wie Sie den VLC media player installieren möchten."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Wählen Sie die durchgeführte Wartungsoption aus."
......@@ -74,4 +53,4 @@ StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Aktualisieren Sie den VLC media player mit vorh
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Ein Downgrade des VLC media players mit vorherigen Einstellungen (empfohlen)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Hinzufügen/Entfernen/Installieren von Komponenten"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Einstellungen ändern (erweitert)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Deinstallieren des VLC media players"
\ No newline at end of file
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Deinstallieren des VLC media players"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 " (ૠ)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "棜 뤘 "
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "棜 ᤜ 嘪"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "磘 "
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "竜 Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "竜 ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 " 婡"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "婜 "
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio " 㮦"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo " 夫"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "ꢢ"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 " ⤦"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 " 㩜 㣞 cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "㡞 ⤘ 硦 橙"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "㡞 ᤜ 嘪 硦 橙"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "機 VLC Mozilla Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 " 竜 ActiveX VLC"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 " DVD CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "婫 VLC media player ⤞ ⤦ 秦 妬"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "㡞 (\'奫 VLC\' and \'㡞 婫 VLC\'s\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "᭜ ਠ 㣞 VLC media player ⮦ 夜 磜 ᩜ"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "ᩫ"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 " 㩜 㣞 cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "ᩫ VLC "
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "᭜ ਠ 㣞 VLC media player"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play ""
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith " VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "㡞 婫 VLC media player"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "嫜 囘 VideoLAN VLC media player"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "飜"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "ᮠ"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "㨞"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD " 嘪 DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD " 㮦 CD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie " 夫 VCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie " 夫 SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles " 夫"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles " 㮦"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio " 㮦 DVD"
StrCpy $License_NextText "騘 坜 飘 . 㩫 棜 㩜."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "뢜 曦..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning " VLC 夜 夘 騘 婜."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose " 暨 ᩫ 㫘 礘 婜 VLC, 婫 夞."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted " ᩫ 韞!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "웞 ⤦"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "⥫ ⢜ 㩜 VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "⥫ 㨞 ."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder " 櫜 ⡛ VLC ⮜ 穫 . ⥫ ⢜ ⩜ ᤫ \"棜\" 婜."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer " 櫜 ⡛ VLC ⮜ 㛞 ! 夘 飜 婜 櫜 ⡛. ⥫ ⢜ ⩜ ᤫ \"棜\" 婜."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame " VLC ${VERSION} ⮜ 㛞 . ⥫ ⢜ ⩜ ᤫ \"棜\" 婜."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "婫 VLC 餫 磜 婜 (棜)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "婫 VLC 餫 磜 婜 (棜)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "㡞/ᡨ/ᩫ "
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced " 婜 ( ਞ⤦)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "ᩫ VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 " ()"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a " "
StrCpy $Name_Section02b " "
StrCpy $Name_Section34 " "
StrCpy $Name_Section03 " Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 " ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 " "
......@@ -10,44 +11,26 @@ StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther ""
StrCpy $Name_Section07 " "
StrCpy $Name_Section08 " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
" "
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
" "
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
" "
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
" VLC Mozilla Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
" ActiveX VLC"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
" "
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
" (' VLC' ' VLC')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
" VLC "
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 " VLC Mozilla Firefox Mozilla"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 " ActiveX VLC"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 " CD DVD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 " (\' VLC\' \' VLC\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 " VLC "
StrCpy $Name_Section91 ""
StrCpy $Name_Section92 " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
" VLC "
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
" VLC"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 " VLC "
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 " VLC"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play ""
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith " VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist " VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite " VLC VideoLAN"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended ""
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum ""
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull ""
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD " DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD " "
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie " VCD"
......@@ -55,3 +38,19 @@ StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles " "
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles " "
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio " DVD "
StrCpy $License_NextText " . ."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses " ..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning " VLC ."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose " VLC, ."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted " !"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline " "
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall " VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance " ."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder " VLC . ."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer " VLC ! . ."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame " ${VERSION} VLC . ."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade " VLC ()"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade " VLC ()"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "// "
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced " ()"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall " VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Mdialejtsz (szksges)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Start men ikon"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Asztali ikon"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Webes bvtmnyek"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozilla bvtmny"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveX bvtmny"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Lemezek lejtszsa"
......@@ -10,43 +11,46 @@ StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Videof
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Egyb"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Helyi menk"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Belltsok s gyorsttr trlse"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"Maga a mdialejtsz"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Ikonokat tesz a Start menbe az egyszer elrshez"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Ikonokat tesz az Asztalra az egyszer elrshez"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"A VLC Mozilla s Mozilla Firefox bvtmny"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"A VLC ActiveX bvtmny"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"DVD s CD lejtszsnak bejegyzse"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Belltja a VLC mdialejtszt a megadott fjltpus alaprtelmezett alkalmazsaknt"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Bejegyzsek a helyi menbe (Lejtszs a VLC mdialejtszval s Hozzads a VLC lejtszlistjhoz)"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Trli a VLC mdialejtsz elz teleptsbl maradt belltsait s gyorsttr-fjljait"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Maga a mdialejtsz"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Ikonokat tesz a Start menbe az egyszer elrshez"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Ikonokat tesz az Asztalra az egyszer elrshez"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "A VLC Mozilla s Mozilla Firefox bvtmny"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "A VLC ActiveX bvtmny"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "DVD s CD lejtszsnak bejegyzse"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Belltja a VLC mdialejtszt a megadott fjltpus alaprtelmezett alkalmazsaknt"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Bejegyzsek a helyi menbe (Lejtszs a VLC mdialejtszval s Hozzads a VLC lejtszlistjhoz)"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Trli a VLC mdialejtsz elz teleptsbl maradt belltsait s gyorsttr-fjljait"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Eltvolts"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Belltsok s gyorsttr trlse"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"A VLC mdialejtsz s minden sszetevjnek eltvoltsa"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"Trli a VLC mdialejtsz belltsait s gyorsttr-fjljait"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "A VLC mdialejtsz s minden sszetevjnek eltvoltsa"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Trli a VLC mdialejtsz belltsait s gyorsttr-fjljait"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Lejtszs"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Lejtszs a VLC mdialejtszval"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Hozzads a VLC lejtszlistjhoz"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "A VideoLAN VLC mdialejtsz weboldalnak felkeresse"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Javasolt"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimlis"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Teljes"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "DVD film lejtszsa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Hang CD lejtszsa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "VCD film lejtszsa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "SVCD film lejtszsa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Videofjlok lejtszsa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Hangfjlok lejtszsa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Hang DVD lejtszsa"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Most mr tisztban van jogaival. A folytatshoz nyomja meg a Tovbb gombot."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Folyamatok ellenrzse..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "gy tnik, a VLC fut, most bezrsra kerl."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "A telept nem tudta bezrni a VLC-t, tegye meg sajt kezleg."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Telepts megszaktva"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Mr teleptve van"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Vlassza ki, hogyan szeretn telepteni a VLC-t."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Vlassza ki a vgrehajtand karbantartsi lehetsget."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "A rendszerre mr teleptve van a VLC egy rgebbi verzija. Vlassza ki a vgrehajtand mveletet, s nyomja meg a Tovbb gombot."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "A VLC egy jabb verzija mr teleptve van. Nem javasolt rgebbi verzi teleptse. Vlassza ki a vgrehajtand mveletet, s nyomja meg a Tovbb gombot."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "Mr teleptve van a VLC ${VERSION} verzija. Vlassza ki a vgrehajtand mveletet, s nyomja meg a Tovbb gombot."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "A VLC frisstse korbbi belltsok hasznlatval (javasolt)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "A VLC visszafejlesztse korbbi belltsok hasznlatval (javasolt)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "sszetevk hozzadsa/eltvoltsa/jrateleptse"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Belltsok mdostsa (specilis)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "VLC eltvoltsa"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Lettore multimediale (richiesto)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Collegamento menu Start"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Collegamento Desktop"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Plugin Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Plugin ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Collegamento nel menu Start"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Collegati sul desktop"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Estensioni web"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Estensione Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Estensione ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Riproduzione dischi"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Associazione tipi di file"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Associazioni dei tipi di file"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "File audio"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "File video"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Altro"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Menu contestuali"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Elimina preferenze e cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"Il lettore multimediale stesso"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Aggiunge icone al menu di avvio per un accesso facilitato"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Aggiunge un'icona al desktop per un accesso facilitato"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"Il plugin per Mozilla e Mozilla Firefox di VLC "
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"Il plugin ActiveX di VLC"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"Registrazione in riproduzione di DVD e CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Imposta il lettore multimediale VLC come applicazione predefinita per i tipi di file specificati"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Aggiungi elementi al menu contestuale ('Riproduci con VLC' e 'Aggiungi alla scaletta di VLC')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Elimina le preferenze del lettore multimediale VLC e i file in cache lasciati da precedenti installazioni"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Elimina le preferenze e la cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Il lettore multimediale"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Aggiunge le icona al menu di avvio per un accesso rapido"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Aggiunge l\'icona al tuo desktop per un accesso rapido"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "L\'estensione per Mozilla e Mozilla Firefox di VLC "
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "L\'estensione ActiveX di VLC"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Riproduzione diretta di DVD e CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Imposta il lettore multimediale VLC come applicazione predefinita per il tipo di file specificato"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Aggiunge elementi al menu contestuale (\'Riproduci con VLC\' e \'Aggiungi alla scaletta di VLC\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Elimina i file delle preferenze e della cache del lettore VLC delle precedenti installazioni"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Disinstalla"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Elimina preferenze e cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"Disinstalla il lettore multimediale VLC e tutti i suoi componenti"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"Elimina le preferenze e file in cache del lettore multimediale VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Elimina le preferenze e la cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Disinstalla il lettore multimediale VLC e tutti i suoi componenti"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Elimina i file delle preferenze e della cache del lettore multimediale VLC"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Riproduci"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Riproduci con VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Aggiungi alla scaletta di VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Visita il sito web VideoLAN del lettore multimediale VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Riproduci con il lettore multimediale VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Aggiungi alla scaletta del lettore multimediale VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Visita il sito web del lettore multimediale VLC di VideoLAN"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Consigliata"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimale"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Completa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Riproduci film in DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Riproduci DVD video"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Riproduci CD audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Riproduci VCD video"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Riproduci SVCD video"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Riproduci file video"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Riproduci file audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Riproduci DVD audio"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Ora conosci i tuoi diritti. Fai clic su Avanti per continuare."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Verifica processi in corso..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLC sembra essere in esecuzione e sarà chiuso subito."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "L\'installatore non è riuscito a chiudere VLC, chiudilo manualmente."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Installazione interrotta!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Già installato"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Scegli come installare VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Scegli l\'opzione di manutenzione da eseguire."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "Una versione più datata di VLC è installata sul tuo sistema. Seleziona l\'operazione che desideri eseguire e fai clic su Avanti per continuare."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "Una versione più recente di VLC è già installata! Non è consigliato tornare a una versione più datata. Seleziona l\'operazione che desideri eseguire e fai clic su Avanti per continuare."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "VLC ${VERSION} è già installato. Seleziona l\'operazione che desideri eseguire e fai clic su Avanti per continuare."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Aggiorna VLC utilizzando le impostazioni precedenti (consigliata)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Torna alla versione più datata di VLC utilizzando le impostazioni precedenti (consigliato)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Aggiungi/Rimuovi/Reinstalla componenti"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Modifica le impostazione (avanzato)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Disinstalla VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "メディアプレイヤー(必須)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "スタートメニュー・ショートカット"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "デスクトップ・ショートカット"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "モジラ・プラグイン"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "メディアプレイヤー (必須)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "スタートメニューショートカット"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "デスクトップショートカット"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "ウェブプラグイン"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozillaプラグイン"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveXプラグイン"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "ディスク再生"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "ディスク再生"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "ファイルタイプの関連付け"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "オーディオファイル"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "ビデオファイル"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "オーディオファイル"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "ビデオファイル"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "その他"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "コンテキストメニュー"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "コンテキストメニュー"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "設定とキャッシュを削除"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"VLC ActiveXプラグイン"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "メディアプレイヤー自身"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "簡単なアクセスのためにスタートメニューにアイコンを追加"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "簡単なアクセスのためにデスクトップにアイコンを追加"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "VLC MozillaとFirefoxプラグイン"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "VLC ActiveXプラグイン"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "DVDとCD再生の登録"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "指定されたファイルタイプのデフォルトアプリケーションとしてVLCメディアプレイヤーを設定"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "コンテキストメニューを追加 (\'VLCで再生\'と\'VLCのプレイリストに追加\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "前回のインストール時から残っているVLCメディアプレイヤーの設定とキャッシュを削除"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "アンインストール"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "設定とキャッシュの削除"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "設定とキャッシュを削除"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "VLCメディアプレイヤーとすべてのコンポーネントをアンインストール"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "VLCメディアプレイヤーの設定とキャッシュファイルを削除"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "再生"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "VLCメディアプレイヤーで再生"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "VLCメディアプレイヤーのプレイリストに追加"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "VideoLAN VLCメディアプレイヤーのウェブサイトを開く"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "VideoLAN VLCメディアプレイヤーのウェブサイトを訪問"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "推奨"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "最小"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "すべて"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "DVDムービー再生"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "オーディオCD再生"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "VCDムービー再生"
......@@ -55,5 +38,19 @@ StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "SVCD
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "ビデオファイル再生"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "オーディオファイル再生"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "オーディオDVD再生"
StrCpy $License_NextText "あなたはあなたの権利について確認しました。次をクリックして継続してください。"
StrCpy $License_NextText "あなたの権利について確認したら、次へをクリックしてください。"
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "チェック中..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLCが再生中です、閉じられます"
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "インストーラーはVLCを閉じることができません、手動で行ってください"
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "インストールが異常終了しました!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "すでにインストールされています"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "VLCをどのようにインストールか選択してください"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "処理したいメンテナンスオプションを選択してください"
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "古いバージョンのVLCがシステムにインストールされています。処理したいオペレーションを選択して次へをクリックしてください。"
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "新しいバージョンのVLCが既にインストールされています。古いバージョンへのダウングレードは推奨されていません。処理したいオペレーションを選択して次へをクリックしてください。"
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "VLC ${VERSION} は既にインストールされています。処理したいオペレーションを選択して次へをクリックしてください。"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "以前の設定を使ってVLCをアップグレード (推奨)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "以前の設定を使ってVLCをダウングレード (推奨)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "コンポーネントの追加/削除/再インストール"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "設定の変更 (詳細)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "VLCのアンインストール"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Pemain Media (diperlukan)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Pintasan Menu Start"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Pintasan Desktop"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Plugin Web"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Plugin Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Plugin ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Mainbalik Cakera"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Kesatuan jenis fail"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Fail Audio"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Fail Video"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Lain"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Menu Konteks"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Hapus keutamaan dan cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Pemain media itu sendiri"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Tambah ikon pada menu mula untuk capaian mudah"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Tambah ikon pada desktop untuk capaian mudah"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "Plugin VLC Mozilla dan Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "Plugin ActiveX VLC"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Pendaftaran mainbalik DVD dan CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Tetapkan pemain media sebagai aplikasi lalai untuk jenis fail yang ditentukan"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Tambah item menu konteks (\'Mainkan Dengan VLC\' dan Tambah Ke Senarai Main VLC\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Hapus keutamaan dan fail cache pemain media VLC yang berbaki daripada pemasangan terdahulu"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Nyahpasang"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Hapus keutamaan dan cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Nyahpasang pemain media VLC dan semua komponennya "
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Hapus keutamaan dan fail cache pemain media VLC"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Main"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Mainkan dengan pemain media VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Tambah kepada Senarai Main pemain media VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Lawati Laman Web pemain media VLC"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Disarankan"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minima"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Penuh"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Mainkan tayangan DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Mainkan CD audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Mainkan tayangan VCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Mainkan tayangan SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Mainkan fail video"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Mainkan fail audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Mainkan DVD audio"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Anda kini sedar akan hak anda. Klik Berikut untuk teruskan."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Memeriksa proses..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLC muncul untuk berlari dan sekarang akan ditutup."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Pemasang tidak dapat menutup VLC, sila lakukannya secara manual."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Pemasangan digugurkan!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Telah sedia terpasang"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Pilih bagaimana anda ingin memasang VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Pilih opsyen penyelenggaraan untuk dilakukan."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "Versi VLC lama sudah dipasang pada sistem anda. Pilih operasi yang anda ingin lakukan dan klik Berikut untuk teruskan."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "Versi terbaru sudah dipasang! Adalah disarankan yang anda menurun taraf kepada versi terdahulu. Pilih operasi yang anda ingin lakukan dan klik Berikut untuk teruskan."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "VLC ${VERSION} sedia terpasang. Pilih operasi yang anda ingin lakukan dan klik Berikut untuk teruskan."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "TIngkat taraf VLC menggunakan tetapan terdahulu (disarankan)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Turun taraf VLC menggunakan tetapan terdahulu (disarankan)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Tambah/Singkir/Pasang Semula komponen"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Tukar tetapan (lanjutan)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Nyahpasang VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Mediaspiller (nødvendig)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Snarvei fra startmenyen"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Skrivebordssnarvei"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Nettillegg"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozilla-tillegg"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveX-tillegg"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Avspilling av plater"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Assosiasjoner for filtyper"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Lydfiler"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Videofiler"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Annet"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Sammenhengsmenyer"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Slett innstillinger og hurtiglager"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Selve mediespilleren"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Legger til ikoner i startmenyen for lett tilgang"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Legger til ikon på skrivebordet for lett tilgang"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "Tilleggene VLC Mozilla og Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "ActiveX-tillegget for VLC"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Registrering av avspilling for CD- og DVDer"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Gjør VLC-mediespilleren til standardprogram for den angitte filtypen"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Legger til menyinlegg («Spill i VLC» og Legg til i spilleliste i VLC»)"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Sletter innstillingene og og mellomlageret som er til overs fra tidligere VLC-installasjoner"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Avinstaller"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Slett innstillinger og mellomlager"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Slett VLC-mediespilleren og alle relaterte komponenter"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Sletter innstillinger og mellomlager for VLC"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Spill av"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Spill i VLC mediespiller"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Legg til i spillelista i VLC mediespiller"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Se nettstedet til VideoLAN VLC mediespiller"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Anbefalt"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimum"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Fullstendig"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Spill DVD-film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Spill lyd-CD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Spill VCD-film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Spill SVCD-film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Spill videofiler"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Spill lydfiler"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Spill lyd-DVDer"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Du er nå klar over rettighetene dine. Trykk «Neste» for å fortsette."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Sjekker prosesser…"
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLC ser ut til å kjøre og vil nå lukkes."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Denne veiviseren kunne ikke lukke VLC, vennligst gjør det manuelt."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Installasjonen ble avbrutt!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Allerede installert"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Velg hvordan du vil installere VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Velg hva som skal vedlikeholdes"
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "En eldre versjon av VLC er installert på systemet. Velg hva som skal gjøres og trykk «Neste» for å fortsette."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "En nyere versjon av VLC er allerede installert! Det anbefales at du ikke nedgraderer til en tidligere versjon. Velg hva som skal gjøres og trykk «Neste» for å fortsette."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "VLC ${VERSION} er allerede installert. Velg hva du vil gjøre og trykk «Neste» for å fortsette."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Oppgrader VLC med de forrige innstillingene (anbefalt)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Nedgrader VLC med de tidligere innstillingene (anbefalt)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Legg til/Fjern/Installer komponenter på ny"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Endre innstillinger (avansert)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Avinstaller VLC"
......@@ -11,44 +11,26 @@ StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Pliki wideo"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Inne"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Menu kontekstowe"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Wyczyci pami podrczn i usun ustawienia"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"Pliki samego odtwarzacza"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Dodaje skrt atwego dostpu w Twoim Menu Start"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Dodaje ikon atwego dostpu na Twoim pulpicie"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"Wtyczka VLC Mozilla i Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"Wtyczka VLC ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"Rejestracja VLC do odtwarzania pyt DVD i CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Ustawia VLC media player jako domyln aplikacj dla poszczeglnego typu pliku"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Dodaje nowe pozycje do menu kontekstowego ('Odtwrz w VLC' i 'Dodaj do listy odtwarzania VLC')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Usuwa ustawienia odtwarzacza VLC media player i pamici podrcznej poprzednich instalacji"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Pliki samego odtwarzacza"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Dodaje skrt atwego dostpu w Twoim Menu Start"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Dodaje ikon atwego dostpu na Twoim pulpicie"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "Wtyczka VLC Mozilla i Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "Wtyczka VLC ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Rejestracja VLC do odtwarzania pyt DVD i CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Ustawia VLC media player jako domyln aplikacj dla poszczeglnego typu pliku"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Dodaje nowe pozycje do menu kontekstowego (\'Odtwrz w VLC\' i \'Dodaj do listy odtwarzania VLC\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Usuwa ustawienia odtwarzacza VLC media player i pamici podrcznej poprzednich instalacji"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Odinstaluj"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Wyczyci pami podrczn i usun ustawienia"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"Odinstaluj VLC media player i wszystkie jego skadniki"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"Usuwa ustawienia odtwarzacza VLC media player i pamici podrcznej"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Odinstaluj VLC media player i wszystkie jego skadniki"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Usuwa ustawienia odtwarzacza VLC media player i pamici podrcznej"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Odtwrz"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Odtwrz w VLC media player"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Dodaj do listy odtwarzania VLC media player"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Odwied witryn VideoLAN VLC media player"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Zalecana"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimalna"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Pena"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Odtwarzaj film na DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Odtwarzaj CD-Audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Odtwarzaj film na VCD"
......@@ -56,14 +38,11 @@ StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Odtwarzaj film na SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Odtwarzaj pliki wideo"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Odtwarzaj pliki audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Odtwarzaj DVD-Audio"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Jeste teraz wiadomy swoich praw. Kliknij przycisk Dalej, aby kontynuowa."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Procesy sprawdzania..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLC jest uruchomiony i zostanie teraz zamknity."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Instalator nie moe zamkn VLC, musisz zrobi to rcznie."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Instalacja przerwana!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Ju zainstalowany"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Wybierz, w jaki sposb chcesz zainstalowa VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Wybierz opcj konserwacji do wykonania."
......@@ -74,4 +53,4 @@ StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Uaktualnij VLC, u
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Zainstaluj starsz wersj VLC, uywajc poprzednich ustawie (zalecane)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Dodaj/Usu/Zainstaluj komponenty"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Zmie ustawienia (zaawansowane)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Odinstaluj VLC"
\ No newline at end of file
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Odinstaluj VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Reprodutor de Multimédia (necessário)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Atalho do Menu Iniciar"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Atalho do Ambiente de Trabalho"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Plug-ins da Web"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Plug-in do Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Plug-in ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Reprodução de Discos"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Associações do tipo de ficheiro"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Ficheiros de Áudio"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Ficheiros de Vídeo"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Outros"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Menus de Contexto"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Apagar preferências e cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "O reprodutor em si"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Adiciona um ícone ao seu menu inciar para fácil acesso"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Adiciona um ícone ao seu ambiente de trabalho para fácil acesso"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "O plugin da Mozilla e Mozilla Firefox do VLC"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "O plugin ActiveX do VLC"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Registo da reprodução de DVD e CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Define o VLC media player como aplicação predefinida para os tipos de ficheiros especificados"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Adicionar itens ao menu de contexto (\'Reproduzir Com o VLC\' e \'Adicionar À Lista de Reprodução do VLC\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Apaga as preferências e ficheiros de cache de sobra das instalações anteriores do VLC media player"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Desinstalar"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Apagar preferências e cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Desinstalar o VLC media player e todos os seus componentes"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Apaga as preferências e ficheiros de cache do VLC media player"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Reproduzir"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Reproduzir com o VLC media player"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Adicionar para a Lista de Reprodução do VLC media player"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Visitar o Website do VideoLAN VLC media player"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Recomendada"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Mínima"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Completa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Reproduzir DVD de filme"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Reproduzir CD de áudio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Reproduzir filme VCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Reproduzir filme SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Reproduzir ficheiros de vídeo"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Reproduzir ficheiros de áudio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Reproduzir o DVD de áudio"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Agora está ciente dos seus direitos. Clique Seguinte para continuar."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "A verificar processos..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "Parece que o VLC está a correr e vai agora ser fechado."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "O instalador foi incapaz de fechar o VLC, por favor faça-o manualmente."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Instalação abortada!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Já instalado"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Escolha como quer instalar o VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Escolha a opção de manutenção a efetuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "Uma versão anterior do VLC está instalada no seu sistema. Selecione a operação que quer realizar e clique Seguinte para continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "Uma nova versão do VLC já está instalada! Não é recomendado fazer o downgrade para uma versão anterior. Selecione a operação que quer realizar e clique Seguinte para continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "A versão ${VERSION} do VLC já está instalada. Selecione a operação que quer realizar e clique Seguinte para continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Fazer upgrade do VLC utilizando as definições anteriores (recomendado)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Fazer downgrade do VLC utilizando as definições anteriores (recomendado)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Adicionar/Remover/Reinstalar componentes"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Alterar definições (avançado)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Desinstalar VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "- ()"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a " "
StrCpy $Name_Section02b " "
StrCpy $Name_Section03 " Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 " ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 " "
StrCpy $Name_Section06 " "
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio " "
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo " "
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther ""
StrCpy $Name_Section07 " "
StrCpy $Name_Section08 " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
" -"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
" "
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
" "
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
" VLC Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"ActiveX VLC"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
" - VLC "
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
" (' VLC' ' - VLC')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
" - VLC, "
StrCpy $Name_Section91 ""
StrCpy $Name_Section92 " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
" - VLC "
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
" - VLC"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play ""
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith " - VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist " - VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite " - VideoLAN - VLC"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended ""
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum ""
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull ""
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD " DVD "
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD " CD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie " VCD "
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie " SVCD "
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles " "
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles " "
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio " DVD"
StrCpy $License_NextText " . ."
StrCpy $Name_Section01 " ()"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a " "
StrCpy $Name_Section02b " "
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "-"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 " Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 " ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 " "
StrCpy $Name_Section06 " "
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio ""
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo ""
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther ""
StrCpy $Name_Section07 " "
StrCpy $Name_Section08 " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 " VLC Mozilla Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 " VLC ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 " CD DVD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 " VLC "
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 " (\' VLC\' \' VLC\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 " VLC "
StrCpy $Name_Section91 ""
StrCpy $Name_Section92 " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 " VLC "
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 " VLC "
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play ""
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith " VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist " VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite " VideoLAN VLC"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended ""
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum ""
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull ""
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD " DVD-"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD " -CD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie " VCD-"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie " SVCD-"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles " "
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles " "
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio " -DVD"
StrCpy $License_NextText " . ."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses " ..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning ", VLC , ."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose " VLC, , ."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted " !"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline " "
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall " VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance " , ."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder " VLC. , , ."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer " VLC! . , , ."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame " VLC ${VERSION}. , , ."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade " VLC, ()"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade " VLC, ()"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "// "
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced " ( )"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall " VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "媒体播放器 (必需)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "开始菜单快捷方式"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "桌面快捷方式"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozilla 插件"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveX 插件"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "光盘回放"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "文件类型关联"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "音频文件"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "视频文件"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "其他"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "快捷菜单"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "删除首选项与缓存"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"VLC Mozilla 与 Mozilla Firefox 插件"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"VLC ActiveX 插件"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"DVD 与 CD 回放功能注册"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"将 VLC media player 设为指定文件类型的默认程序"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"添加快捷菜单项 ('使用 VLC 播放' 与 '添加到 VLC 播放列表')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"删除先前安装版本所留下的 VLC media player 首选项与缓存文件"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "卸载"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "删除首选项与缓存"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"卸载 VLC media player 及其所有组件"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"删除 VLC media player 首选项与缓存文件"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "播放"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "使用 VLC media player 播放"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "添加到 VLC media player 播放列表"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "访问 VideoLAN VLC media player 网站"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "推荐"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "最小"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "完整"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "播放 DVD 影片"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "播放音频 CD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "播放 VCD 影片"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "播放 SVCD 影片"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "播放视频文件"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "播放音频文件"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "播放音频 DVD"
StrCpy $License_NextText "您现在已经了解自己拥有的权利了。请点击“下一步”继续。"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "媒体播放器 (必需)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "开始菜单快捷方式"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "桌面快捷方式"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "网页插件"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozilla 插件"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveX 插件"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "光盘回放"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "文件类型关联"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "音频文件"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "视频文件"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "其他"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "快捷菜单"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "删除首选项与缓存"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "媒体播放器自身"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "将图标添加到您的开始菜单以便访问"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "将图标添加到您的桌面以便访问"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "VLC Mozilla 与 Mozilla Firefox 插件"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "VLC ActiveX 插件"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "DVD 与 CD 回放功能注册"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "将 VLC media player 设为指定文件类型的默认程序"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "添加快捷菜单项 (\'使用 VLC 播放\' 与 \'添加到 VLC 播放列表\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "删除先前安装版本所留下的 VLC media player 首选项与缓存文件"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "卸载"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "删除首选项与缓存"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "卸载 VLC media player 及其全部组件"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "删除 VLC media player 首选项与缓存文件"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "播放"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "使用 VLC media player 播放"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "添加到 VLC media player 播放列表"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "访问 VideoLAN VLC media player 网站"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "推荐"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "最小"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "完整"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "播放 DVD 影片"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "播放音频 CD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "播放 VCD 影片"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "播放 SVCD 影片"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "播放视频文件"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "播放音频文件"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "播放音频 DVD"
StrCpy $License_NextText "您现在已经了解自己拥有的权利了。请点击“下一步”继续。"
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "正在检查进程列表..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLC 似乎仍在运行当中,我们现在将关闭它。"
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "安装程序无法自动关闭 VLC,请手动操作。"
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "安装已中止!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "已安装"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "请选择您希望如何安装 VLC。"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "请选择维护选项执行。"
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "您的系统中已经安装了较旧版本的 VLC。请选择您希望执行的操作,并点击“下一步”继续。"
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "已安装较新版本的 VLC! 建议您不要降级安装旧版本。请选择您希望执行的操作,并点击“下一步”继续。"
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "VLC ${VERSION} 已经安装。请选择您希望执行的操作,并点击“下一步”继续。"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "保留先前的设置项,升级 VLC (推荐)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "保留先前的设置项,降级 VLC (推荐)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "添加/移除/重新安装组件"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "更改设置 (高级)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "卸载 VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Cluicheadair mheadhanan (riatanach)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Ath-ghoirid sa chlr-taice tiseachaidh"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Ath-ghoirid air an deasg"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Plugain-ln"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Plugan Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Plugan ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Cluich dhiosgan"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Dimhean nam faidhle"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Faidhlichean fuaime"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Faidhlichean video"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Eile"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Clran-taice co-theacsail"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Sguab s na roghainnean is an tasgadan"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Cluicheadair nam meadhanan e fhin."
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Cuir omhaigheagan ris a\' chlr-taice tiseachaidh airson grad-inntrigeadh"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Cuir omhaigheagan air an deasg airson grad-inntrigeadh"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "Plugan VLC airson Mozilla is Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "Am plugan ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Clradh airson cluich DVDan is CDan"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Suidhichidh seo cluicheadair mheadhanan VLC mar an aplacaid bhunaiteach airson a leithid ud a dh\'fhaidhle."
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Cuir buill cho-theacsail ris a\' chlr-taice (\"Cluich le VLC\" agus \"Cuir ri liosta-chluiche VLC\")"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Sguabaidh seo s roghainnean is faidhlichean san tasgadan aig VLC a tha air fhgail o stlaidhean roimhe"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "D-stlaich"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Sguab s na roghainnean is an tasgadan"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "D-stlaich cluicheadair mheadhanan VLC agus a h-uile co-phirt aige"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Sguabaidh seo s na roghainnean aig VLC is faidhle sam bith san tasgadan aige"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Cluich"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Cluich le cluicheadair mheadhanan VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Cuir ri liosta-chluiche cluicheadair mheadhanan VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Tadhail air an lrach-ln aig cluicheadair mheadhanan VLC le VideoLAN"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Na mholamaid"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Uiread as lugha dheth"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Sln"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Cluich film DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Cluich CD fuaime"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Cluich film VCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Cluich film SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Cluich faidhlichean video"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Cluich faidhlichean fuaime"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Cluich DVD fuaime"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Tha thu elach air do chraichean a-nis. Briog air \"Air adhart\" airson leantainn air adhart."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "A\' sgrdadh an adhartais..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "Tha coltas gu bheil VLC a\' dol agus thid a dhnadh an-drsta."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Cha b\' urrainn dhan stlaichear VLC a dhnadh, feuch is din e thu fhin."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Sguireadh dhen stladh!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Air a stladh mu thrth"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Cuir romhad mar a stlaichear VLC dhut."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Tagh an obair-ghlidhidh a tha ri dhanamh."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "Tha tionndadh nas sine de VLC stlaichte air an t-siostam agad. Tagh an gnomh a bu toigh leat danamh is briog air \"Air adhart\" gus leantainn air adhart."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "Tha tionndadh nas ire de VLC stlaichte mu thrth! Cha mholamaid dhut tionndadh nas sine a chur \'na ite. Tagh an gnomh a bu toigh leat danamh is briog air \"Air adhart\" gus leantainn air adhart."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "Tha VLC ${VERSION} air a stladh mu thrth. Tagh an gnomh a bu toigh leat danamh is briog air \"Air adhart\" gus leantainn air adhart."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "rdaich VLC, a\' cleachdadh nan seann-roghainnean (mholamaid seo)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "slich VLC a\' cleachdadh nan seann-roghainnean (mholamaid seo)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Cuir ris/Thoir air falbh/Ath-stlaich co-phirtean"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Atharraich na roghainnean (adhartach)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "D-stlaich VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Media Player (nutn sas)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Odkaz v menu tart"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Odkaz na pracovnej ploche"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Prdavn moduly pre web"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Prdavn modul pre prehliada Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Prdavn modul pre ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Prehrvanie diskov"
......@@ -8,45 +9,48 @@ StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Asoci
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Zvukov sbory"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Sbory s videom"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Ostatn"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Kontextov ponuka"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Kontextov menu"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Vymaza nastavenia a vyrovnvaciu pam"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"Samotn Media player"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Prid ikonu do menu tart (pre rchlej prstup k programu)"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Prid ikonu na pracovn plochu (pre rchlej prstup k programu)"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"Prdavn modul pre prehliada Mozilla a Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"Prdavn modul ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"Zaregistruje program ako prehrva DVD a CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Nastav prehrva VLC media player ako predvolen aplikciu pre pecifikovan typ sboru"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Prid poloky kontextovho menu ('Prehra v programe VLC' a 'Prida do playlistu programu VLC')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Vymae nastavenia prehrvaa VLC media player a vyrovnvaciu pam"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Samotn Media Player"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Prid ikony do menu tart, pre ah prstup k programu"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Prid ikonu na pracovn plochu, pre ahk prstup k programu"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "Prdavn modul pre prehliada Mozilla a Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "Prdavn modul pre ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Zaregistruje program ako prehrva DVD a CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Nastav prehrva VLC Media Player ako predvolen aplikciu pre pecifikovan typ sboru"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Prid poloky kontextovho menu (\'Prehra v programe VLC\' a \'Prida do playlistu programu VLC\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Vymae nastavenia prehrvaa VLC media player a vyrovnvaciu pam z predchdzajcich intalci"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Odintalova"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Vymaza nastavenia a vyrovnvaciu pam"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"Odintalova program VLC media player a vetky jeho sasti"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"Vymae nastavenia programu VLC media player a sbory vo vyrovnvacej pamti"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Odintalova program VLC Media Player a vetky jeho sasti"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Vymae nastavenia programu VLC Media Player a sbory vo vyrovnvacej pamti"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Prehra"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Prehra v programe VLC media player"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Prida do playlistu VLC media player"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Navtvi webstrnku programu VideoLAN VLC media player"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Prehra v programe VLCMedia Player"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Prida do playlistu VLC Media Player"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Navtvi webov strnku programu VideoLAN VLC Media Player"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Odporan konfigurcia"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimlna konfigurcia"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "pln intalcia"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Prehrva filmy na DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Prehra film na DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Prehrva zvukov CD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Prehra film na VCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Prehra film na SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Prehra sbory s videom"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Prehra zvukov sbory"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Prehra zvukov DVD"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Teraz ste informovan o svojich prvach. Pre pokraovanie kliknite na tlaidlo alej."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Kontroluj sa procesy..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "Zd sa, e program VLCje prve spusten a preto bude ukonen."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Tento intaltor nemohol ukoni program VLC, prosm urobte to manulne."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Intalcia bola preruen!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "U naintalovan"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Vyberte si, ako chcete naintalova VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Vyberte si monos pre drbu."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "Vo vaom potai je naintalovan staria verzia programu VLC. Vyberte si kon, ktor chcete vykona a pokraujte kliknutm na tlaidlo alej."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "U je naintalovan novia verzia programu VLC! Neodpora sa nvrat k starej verzii programu. Vyberte si kon, ktor chcete vykona a pokraujte kliknutm na tlaidlo alej."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "U je naintalovan program VLC ${VERSION}. Vyberte si kon, ktor chcete urobi a pokraujte kliknutm na tlaidlo alej."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Aktualizova VLCs pouitm predchdzajcich nastaven (odpora sa)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Prejs na stariu verziu VLC,s pouitm predchdzajcich nastaven (odpora sa)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Prida/Odstrni/Preintalova sasti"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Zmeni nastavenia (pokroil)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Odintalova VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "VLC predvajalnik (obvezno)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Blinjica menija"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Blijica namizja"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Vstavek Mozilla "
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Predvajalnik datotek (obvezno)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Blinjica v meniju Start"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Blinjica na namizju"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Spletni vstavki"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Vstavek Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Vstavek ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Predvajanje diskov"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Zveze vrst datotek"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Zvone datoteke"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Predvajanje plokov"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Povezave z vrstami datotek"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Zvokovne datoteke"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Video datoteke"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Drugo"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Vsebinski meni"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Izbrii lastnosti in predpomnilnik"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"Sam predvajalnik VLC"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Doda ikone na osnovni meni za hitreji dostop"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Doda ikone na namizje za hiter dostop"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"Vstavka VLC Mozilla in Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"Vstavek VLC ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"Registracija DVD in CD predvajanja"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Nastavi predvajalnik VLC kot privzeti program za zaganjanje doloenih vrst datotek."
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Doda monosti ('Predvajaj z VLC' in 'Dodaj seznamu predvajanja VLC')na vsebinski meni"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Izbrie lastnosti in datoteke predpomnilnika predhodne namestitve predvajalnika"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Odstrani namestitev"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Izbrii vsebino predpomnilnika"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"Odstrani namestitev predvajalnika VLC in vseh njegovih vkljukov."
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"Izbrie lastnosti in datoteke predpomnilnika predvajalnika VLC."
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Kontekstni meniji"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Izbrii nastavitve in predpomnilnik"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Sam predvajalnik datotek"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Za laji dostop v zaetni meni postavi ikone"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Za laji dostop na vae namizje postavi ikono"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "Dodatek VLC Mozilla in Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "Vtinik ActiveX VLC"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Registracija predvajanja DVD in CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Predvajalnik VLC naj bo privzeti program za navedeno vrsto datotek"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Dodaj ukaze v kontekstni meni (Predvajaj z VLC in Dodaj v predvajalni seznam VLC)"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Izbrie nastavitve predvajalnika VLC in datoteke v predpomnilniku, ki so tam ostale od prejnjih namestitev"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Odstrani"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Izbrii nastavitve in predpomnilnik"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Odstrani predvajalnik VLC in vse njegove dele"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Izbrie nastavitve predvajalnika VLC in datoteke predpomnilnika"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Predvajaj"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Predvajaj s predvajalnikom VLC."
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Dodaj na seznam predvajanja predvajalnika VLC."
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Obiite spletie predvajalnika VideoLAN VLC."
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Priporoeno"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Osnovno"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Popolno"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Predvajaj DVD filma"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Predvajanje CD glasbe"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Predvajaj s predvajalnikom VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Dodaj na seznam predvajanja programa VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Obii spletie predvajalnika VideoLAN VLC"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Priporoena"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Osnovna"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Polna"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Predvajaj filmski DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Predvajaj zvoni CD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Predvajaj film VCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Predvajaj film SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Predvajaj video datoteke"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Predvajaj zvokovne datoteke"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Predvajaj zvoni DVD"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Sedaj se zavedate svojih pravic. Kliknite Naprej za nadaljevanje."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Preverjanje postopkov ..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLC je zagnan in bo zdaj zaprt."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Namestitveni program ne more zapreti VLC, to storite rono."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Namestitev prekinjena!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "e nameeno"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Izberite vrsto namestitve VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Izberite funkcijo vzdrevanja, ki se bo izvedla."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "Na va sistem je nameena stareja razliica VLC. Izberite operacijo, ki jo elite izvriti, in kliknite Naprej za nadaljevanje."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "Nameena je e noveja razliica VLC! Ne priporoamo, da se povrnete na prejnjo razliico. Izberite eleno operacijo in kliknite Naprej za nadaljevanje."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "VLC ${VERSION} je e nameen. Izberite operacijo, ki jo elite izvriti, in kliknite Naprej za nadaljevanje."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Nadgradi VLC z obstojeimi nastavitvami (priporoeno)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Povrni stari VLC z obstojeimi nastavitvami (priporoeno)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Dodaj/odstrani/ponovno namesti komponente"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Spremeni nastavitve (napredno)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Odstrani VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Reproductor (necesario)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Acceso directo en el men Inicio"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Acceso directo en el Escritorio"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Complemento de Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Complemento de ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Reproduccin de discos"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Asociaciones de tipos de archivo"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Archivos de audio"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Archivos de video"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Otros"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Mens contextuales"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Borrar cach y preferencias"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"El propio reproductor"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Aade iconos al men Inicio para un fcil acceso"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Aade iconos al Escritorio para un fcil acceso"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"El complemento VLC de Mozilla y Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"El complemento VLC de ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"Registro de reproduccin DVD y CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Establecer el reproductor multimedia VLC como la aplicacin predeterminada para el tipo de archivo especificado"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Aade opciones en el men contextual (Reproducir con VLC y Aadir a la lista de VLC)"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Borra los archivos de cach y preferencias del reproductor multimedia VLC de anteriores instalaciones"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Desinstalar"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Borrar cach y preferencias"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"Desinstalar el reproductor multimedia VLC y todos sus componentes"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"Borra los archivos de cach y preferencias del reproductor multimedia VLC"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Reproducir"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Reproducir con VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Aadir a la lista de VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Visita el sitio web del reproductor multimedia VideoLAN VLC"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Recomendada"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Mnima"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Completa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Reproducir pelcula DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Reproducir CD de audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Reproducir pelcula VCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Reproducir pelcula SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Reproducir archivos de vdeo"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Reproducir archivos de audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Reproducir DVD de audio"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Ahora conoce sus derechos. Pulse Siguiente para continuar."
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Reproductor (necesario)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Acceso directo en el menú Inicio"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Acceso directo en el Escritorio"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Complementos web"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Complemento de Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Complemento de ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Reproducción de discos"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Asociaciones de tipos de archivo"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Archivos de audio"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Archivos de vídeo"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Otros"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Menús contextuales"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Borrar caché y preferencias"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "El propio reproductor"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Añade iconos al menú Inicio para un fácil acceso"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Añade iconos al Escritorio para un fácil acceso"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "El complemento VLC de Mozilla y Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "El complemento VLC de ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Registro de reproducción DVD y CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Establecer el Reproductor multimedia VLC como la aplicación predeterminada para el tipo de archivo especificado"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Añade opciones en el menú contextual («Reproducir con VLC» y «Añadir a la lista de VLC»"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Borra los archivos de caché y preferencias del reproductor multimedia VLC de anteriores instalaciones"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Desinstalar"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Borrar caché y preferencias"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Desinstalar el reproductor multimedia VLC y todos sus componentes"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Borra los archivos de caché y preferencias del reproductor multimedia VLC"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Reproducir"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Reproducir con VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Añadir a la lista de VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Visita el sitio web del reproductor multimedia VideoLAN VLC"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Recomendada"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Mínima"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Completa"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Reproducir película DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Reproducir CD de audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Reproducir película VCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Reproducir película SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Reproducir archivos de vídeo"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Reproducir archivos de audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Reproducir DVD de audio"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Ahora conoce sus derechos. Pulse Siguiente para continuar."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Comprobando procesos..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "Aparentemente VLC se está ejecutado y será cerrado ahora."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Este instalador fué incapaz de cerrar VLC, por favor, hágalo usted."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Instalación cancelada"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Ya está instalado"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Seleccione como quiere instalar VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Seleccione la opción de mantenimiento a realizar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "Está instalada una versión más antigua de VLC en su sistema. Seleccione la operación que quiere realizar y pulse Siguiente para continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "Está instalada una versión más reciente de VLC. No se recomienda que desactualice a una versión más antigua. Seleccione la operación que quiere realizar y pulse Siguiente para continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "VLC ${VERSION} ya está instalado. Seleccione la operación que quiere realizar y pulse Siguiente para continuar."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Actualizar VLC usando las preferencias siguientes (recomendado)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Desactualizar VLC usando las preferencias anteriores (recomendado)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Añadir/Eliminar/Reinstalar componentes"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Cambiar preferencias (avanzado)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Desinstalar VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Mediaspelare (krvs)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Startmenygenvg"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Skrivbordsgenvg"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozilla-insticksmodul"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveX-insticksmodul"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Mediaspelare (nödvändig)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Genväg på startmenyn"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Genväg på skrivbordet"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Webbtillägg"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozilla-tillägg"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveX-tillägg"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Skivuppspelning"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Filtypsassociering"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Filtypsassociationer"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Ljudfiler"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Videofiler"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Övrigt"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Sammanhangsmenyer"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Ta bort instllningar och cachefiler"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"Endast mediaspelaren"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Lgger till ikoner till din startmeny fr enkel tkomst"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Lgger till en ikon till ditt skrivbord fr enkel tkomst"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"VLC-insticksmodul fr Mozilla och Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"VLC-insticksmodul fr ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"Uppspelningsregistrering fr DVD och CD-uppspelning"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Stller in Mediaspelaren VLC som standardprogram fr angiven filtyp"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Lgg till objekt i sammanhangsmeny ('Spela upp med VLC' samt 'Lgg till i spellista fr VLC')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Tar bort instllningar och cachefiler fr Mediaspelaren VLC som lmnats kvar frn tidigare installationer"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Högerklicksmenyer"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Radera inställningar och cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Själva mediaspelaren"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Lägger till ikoner till din startmeny för enkel åtkomst"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Lägger till en ikon till ditt skrivbord för enkel åtkomst"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "VLC-tillägg för Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "VLC-tillägg för ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "Uppspelningsregistrering för DVD och CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "Anger VLC media player som standardprogram för de valda filtyperna"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Lägger till objekt i högerklicksmenyn (\'Spela upp med VLC\' och \'Lägg till i VLCs spellista\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "Tar bort inställningar och cachefiler som lämnats kvar från tidigare installationer av VLC media player"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Avinstallera"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Ta bort instllningar och cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"Avinstallera Mediaspelaren VLC och alla dess komponenter"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"Tar bort instllningar och cachefiler fr Mediaspelaren VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Radera inställningar och cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "Avinstallera VLC media player och alla dess komponenter"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "Raderar VLC media players inställningar och cachefiler"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Spela upp"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Spela upp med Mediaspelaren VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Lgg till i spellistan fr Mediaspelaren VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Besk webbplatsen fr VideoLAN Mediaspelaren VLC"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Rekommenderat"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimum"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Full"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Spela upp i VLC media player"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Lägg till i VLC media player-listan"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Besök VideoLANs webbsida för VLC media player"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Rekommenderad"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimal"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Fullständig"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Spela upp DVD-film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Spela upp ljud-cd"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Spela upp ljud-CD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "Spela upp VCD-film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "Spela upp SVCD-film"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Spela upp videofiler"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Spela upp ljudfiler"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Spela upp ljud-DVD"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Du r nu informerad om dina rttigheter. Klicka p Nsta fr att fortstta."
StrCpy $License_NextText "Du är nu medveten om dina rättigheter. Klicka på Nästa för att fortsätta."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "Kontrollerar processer..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "Det verkar som att VLC körs och kommer nu att stängas."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Denna installation kunde inte stänga VLC, var god gör det manuellt."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Installationen avbröts!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Redan installerad"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "Välj hur du vill installera VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Välj ett underhållsalternativ att utföra."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "En äldre version av VLC är installerad på ditt system. Välj åtgärden du vill utföra och klicka på Nästa för att fortsätta."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "En nyare version av VLC är redan installerad! Det är inte rekommenderat att du nedgraderar till en äldre version. Välj åtgärden du vill utföra och klicka på Nästa för att fortsätta."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "VLC ${VERSION} är redan installerad. Välj den åtgärd du vill utföra och klicka på Fortsätt för att fortsätta."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Uppgradera VLC med föregående inställningar (rekommenderas)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "Nedgradera VLC med föregående inställningar (rekommenderas)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Lägg till/Ta bort/Ominstallera komponenter"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Ändra inställningar (avancerat)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "Avinstallera VLC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 " (繵ͧ͡)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "ͤ͹çҹ"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "ͤ͹ç"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Թ Web"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Թ Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "Թ ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "蹴ʡ"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "ҹ"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "§"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "մԷȹ"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther ""
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "͡"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "źһѺᤪ"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Թͧͧ"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "ͤ͹çҹͧس µ͡ҹ"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "ͤ͹çТͧس µ͡ҹ"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "Թͧ VLC Mozilla Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "Թͧ VLC ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "˹ҹ DVD CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 " VLC Ѻҹк"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "¡͡ (\'蹴 VLC\' and \'ѧѧ蹢ͧ VLC\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "źһѺᤪ ͧ VLC ͷҡõԴ㹤駡͹"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "ʹ͹"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "źһѺᤪ"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "ʹ͹ VLC ǹҹͧѹ"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "źһѺᤪ ͧ VLC "
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play ""
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "蹴 VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "¡ѧѧ蹢ͧ VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "䫵 VideoLAN ͧ VLC"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "й"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "ش"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull ""
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD " DVD Ҿ¹"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD " CD §"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie " VCD Ҿ¹"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie " SVCD Ҿ¹"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "մԷȹ"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "§"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio " DVD ŧ"
StrCpy $License_NextText "س˹ѡԷҹҹҧ \'Ѵ\' ͷӵ "
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "ѧǨͺкǹ..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "Ǩ VLC ѧӧҹ ШлԴҹ㹺Ѵ"
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "ǵԴ駹öԴ VLC سһԴѹͧ"
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "¡ԡõԴ!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Դº"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "͡ҤسеԴ駡ҹ VLC ǹ"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "͡͡ôԹôŻѺ蹷з"
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "ͧͧس VLC ҵԴ͹ ١Դ ͡ôԹ÷سͧ÷ Сԡ Ѵ ͷӵ"
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer " VLC 蹷ҵԴ! йسŧ蹷ҡ ͡ôԹ÷سͧ÷ Сԡ Ѵ ͷӵ"
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "VLC ${VERSION} ١Դ ͡ôԹ÷سͧ÷ Сԡ Ѵ ͷӵ"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "Ѻ VLC ҵ (й)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade " VLC ŧҵ (й)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "/ź/Դ駫 ǹҹ"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "¹ҵ (٧)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "ʹ͹ LC"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Ortam Oynatc (zorunlu)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Balat Mens Ksayolu"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Masast Ksayolu"
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "Web eklentileri"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozilla eklentisi"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveX eklentisi"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Disk Oynatma"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "Dosya tipi ilikilendirmeleri"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Ses Dosyalar"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Grnt Dosyalar"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Dier"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "erik Menleri"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Ayarlar ve nbellek silinsin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 "Ortam oynatcs"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a "Kolay erimek iin Balat Mensne simgeler eklensin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b "Kolay erimek iin Masastne simge eklensin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 "VLC Mozilla ve Mozilla Firefox eklentisi"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 "VLC ActiveX eklentisi"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 "DVD ve CD oynatma kayd"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 "VLC ortam oynatcy belirtilen dosya tipleri iin varsaylan uygulama olarak atar"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 "Ksayol mens gelerini ekler (\'VLC ile Oynatn\' ve \'VLC Oynatma Listesine Ekleyin\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 "nceki kurulumlardan kalan VLC ortam oynatc ayarlarn ve nbellek dosyalarn temizler"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Kaldrn"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Ayarlar ve nbellek temizlensin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 "VLC ortam oynatcsn ve bileenleri kaldrr"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 "VLC ortam oynatcsnn ayarlarn ve nbellek dosyalarn siler"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Oynatn"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "VLC ortam oynatcs ile oynatr"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "VLC oynatma listesine ekleyin"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "VideoLAN VLC ortam oynatc web sitesine bakn"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "nerilen"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "En kk"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Tam"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "DVD film oynatma"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Ses CD oynatma"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "VCD film oynatma"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "SVCD film oynatma"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "Grnt dosyalarn oynatma"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "Ses dosyalarn oynatma"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "Ses DVD oynatma"
StrCpy $License_NextText "Artk haklarnz biliyorsunuz. Devam etmek iin leri dmesine tklayn."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses "lemler denetleniyor..."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLC alyor grnyor, imdi kapatlacak."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose "Ykleyici VLC uygulamasn kapatamad. Ltfen el ile kapatn."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted "Yklemeden vazgeildi!"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline "Zaten ykl"
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall "VLC kurulum tipini sein."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance "Yapmak istediiniz bakm tipini sein."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder "Sisteminizde eski bir VLC srm ykl. Yapmak istediiniz ilemi seip leri dmesine tklayn."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer "Daha yeni bir VLC srm zaten ykl! Eski bir srme geri dnmeniz nerilmez. Yapmak istediiniz ilemi seip leri dmesine tklayn."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame "VLC ${VERSION} zaten ykl. Yapmak istediiniz ilemi seip leri dmesine tklayn."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade "nceki ayarlar kullanlarak VLC gncellensin (nerilir)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade "nceki ayarlar kullanlarak VLC srm drlsn (nerilir)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "Bileenleri ekleyin/silin/yeniden ykleyin"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced "Ayarlar deitirin (gelimi)"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall "VLC uygulamasn kaldrn"
StrCpy $Name_Section01 " (\')"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a " "
StrCpy $Name_Section02b " "
StrCpy $Name_Section34 "-"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 " Mozilla"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 " ActiveX"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "³ "
StrCpy $Name_Section06 " "
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio " "
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "³"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther ""
StrCpy $Name_Section07 " "
StrCpy $Name_Section08 " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 " VLC Mozilla Mozilla Firefox"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 " VLC ActiveX"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 " DVD CD"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 " VLC "
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 " (\'³ VLC\' and \' VLC\')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 " VLC , "
StrCpy $Name_Section91 ""
StrCpy $Name_Section92 " "
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 " VLC "
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 " VLC "
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "³"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "³ VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist " VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "³ - VLC VideoLAN"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended ""
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "̳"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull ""
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "³ DVD-Video"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "³ CD-Audio"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVCDMovie "³ VCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalSVCDMovie "³ SVCD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalVideoFiles "³ "
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalMusicFiles "³ "
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVDAudio "³ DVD-Audio"
StrCpy $License_NextText " . , ."
StrCpy $Detail_CheckProcesses " "
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCRunning "VLC ."
StrCpy $MessageBox_VLCUnableToClose " VLC. , ."
StrCpy $MessageBox_InstallAborted " !"
StrCpy $Reinstall_Headline " "
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineInstall ", VLC."
StrCpy $Reinstall_HeadlineMaintenance " 䳿 ."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageOlder " VLC . , , ."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageNewer " VLC . . , , ."
StrCpy $Reinstall_MessageSame " VLC ${VERSION} . , , ."
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUpgrade " VLC ()"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionDowngrade " VLC ()"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionComponents "// "
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionAdvanced " ()"
StrCpy $Reinstall_OptionUninstall " VLC"
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