Commit 6df8d96a authored by David Fuhrmann's avatar David Fuhrmann Committed by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

macosx: Fix resume playback in certain situations

For resumption we need to rely on the "time" variable instead of
"position", as the total duration of the file might not have been
set yet.

Also simplifies the code.

close #11981

(cherry picked from commit c91715f76e29b933128f772d3c936c1d2eea8227)
Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <>
parent 25febaf4
......@@ -1527,14 +1527,6 @@
NSNumber *lastPosition = [recentlyPlayedFiles objectForKey:url];
if (lastPosition && lastPosition.intValue > 0) {
vlc_value_t pos;
var_Get(p_input_thread, "position", &pos);
float f_current_pos = 100. * pos.f_float;
long long int dur = input_item_GetDuration(p_item) / 1000000;
int current_pos_in_sec = (f_current_pos * dur) / 100;
if (current_pos_in_sec >= lastPosition.intValue)
int settingValue = config_GetInt(VLCIntf, "macosx-continue-playback");
NSInteger returnValue = NSAlertErrorReturn;
......@@ -1550,9 +1542,9 @@
if (returnValue == NSAlertAlternateReturn || settingValue == 2)
lastPosition = [NSNumber numberWithInt:0];
pos.f_float = (float)lastPosition.intValue / (float)dur;
msg_Dbg(VLCIntf, "continuing playback at %2.2f", pos.f_float);
var_Set(p_input_thread, "position", pos);
mtime_t lastPos = (mtime_t)lastPosition.intValue * 1000000;
msg_Dbg(VLCIntf, "continuing playback at %lld", lastPos);
var_SetTime(p_input_thread, "time", lastPos);
if (returnValue == NSAlertOtherReturn)
config_PutInt(VLCIntf, "macosx-continue-playback", 1);
......@@ -1581,15 +1573,14 @@
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSMutableDictionary *mutDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:[defaults objectForKey:@"recentlyPlayedMedia"]];
vlc_value_t pos;
var_Get(p_input_thread, "position", &pos);
float f_current_pos = 100. * pos.f_float;
long long int dur = input_item_GetDuration(p_item) / 1000000;
int current_pos_in_sec = (f_current_pos * dur) / 100;
float relativePos = var_GetFloat(p_input_thread, "position");
mtime_t pos = var_GetTime(p_input_thread, "time") / 1000000;
mtime_t dur = input_item_GetDuration(p_item) / 1000000;
NSMutableArray *mediaList = [[defaults objectForKey:@"recentlyPlayedMediaList"] mutableCopy];
if (pos.f_float > .05 && pos.f_float < .95 && dur > 180) {
[mutDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:current_pos_in_sec] forKey:url];
if (relativePos > .05 && relativePos < .95 && dur > 180) {
[mutDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:pos] forKey:url];
[mediaList removeObject:url];
[mediaList addObject:url];
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