Commit 662e9375 authored by Jean-Paul Saman's avatar Jean-Paul Saman

Fix mozilla toolbar button click logic.

parent ae00feec
* vlcplugin.cpp: a VLC plugin for Mozilla
* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 the VideoLAN team
* Copyright (C) 2002-2008 the VideoLAN team
* $Id$
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <>
* Damien Fouilleul <>
* Jean-Paul Saman <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -423,13 +424,14 @@ int VlcPlugin::setSize(unsigned width, unsigned height)
return diff;
#define BTN_SPACE ((unsigned int)4)
void VlcPlugin::showToolbar()
const NPWindow& window = getWindow();
Window control = getControlWindow();
Window video = getVideoWindow();
Display *p_display = ((NPSetWindowCallbackStruct *)window.ws_info)->display;
unsigned int i_height = 0, i_width = 0;
unsigned int i_height = 0, i_width = BTN_SPACE;
/* load icons */
if( !p_btnPlay )
......@@ -438,7 +440,6 @@ void VlcPlugin::showToolbar()
if( p_btnPlay )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_btnPlay->height );
i_width += p_btnPlay->width;
if( !p_btnPause )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/pause.xpm",
......@@ -446,15 +447,16 @@ void VlcPlugin::showToolbar()
if( p_btnPause )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_btnPause->height );
i_width += p_btnPause->width;
i_width += __MAX( p_btnPause->width, p_btnPlay->width );
if( !p_btnStop )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/stop.xpm",
&p_btnStop, NULL, NULL );
if( p_btnStop )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_btnStop->height );
i_width += p_btnStop->width;
i_width += BTN_SPACE + p_btnStop->width;
if( !p_timeline )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/time_line.xpm",
......@@ -462,7 +464,7 @@ void VlcPlugin::showToolbar()
if( p_timeline )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_timeline->height );
i_width += p_timeline->width;
i_width += BTN_SPACE + p_timeline->width;
if( !p_btnTime )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/time_icon.xpm",
......@@ -470,7 +472,7 @@ void VlcPlugin::showToolbar()
if( p_btnTime )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_btnTime->height );
i_width += p_btnTime->width;
i_width += BTN_SPACE + p_btnTime->width;
if( !p_btnFullscreen )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/fullscreen.xpm",
......@@ -478,7 +480,7 @@ void VlcPlugin::showToolbar()
if( p_btnFullscreen )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_btnFullscreen->height );
i_width += p_btnFullscreen->width;
i_width += BTN_SPACE + p_btnFullscreen->width;
if( !p_btnMute )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/volume_max.xpm",
......@@ -486,7 +488,6 @@ void VlcPlugin::showToolbar()
if( p_btnMute )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_btnMute->height );
i_width += p_btnMute->width;
if( !p_btnUnmute )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/volume_mute.xpm",
......@@ -494,8 +495,9 @@ void VlcPlugin::showToolbar()
if( p_btnUnmute )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_btnUnmute->height );
i_width += p_btnUnmute->width;
i_width += BTN_SPACE + __MAX( p_btnUnmute->width, p_btnMute->width );
setToolbarSize( i_width, i_height );
if( !p_btnPlay || !p_btnPause || !p_btnStop || !p_timeline ||
......@@ -560,7 +562,6 @@ void VlcPlugin::redrawToolbar()
GC gc;
XGCValues gcv;
unsigned int i_tb_width, i_tb_height;
#define BTN_SPACE ((unsigned int)4)
/* This method does nothing if toolbar is hidden. */
if( !b_toolbar )
......@@ -608,7 +609,6 @@ void VlcPlugin::redrawToolbar()
dst_x = BTN_SPACE;
dst_y = i_tb_height >> 1; /* baseline = vertical middle */
fprintf( stderr, ">>>>>> is playing = %d\n", i_playing );
if( p_btnPause && (i_playing == 1) )
XPutImage( p_display, control, gc, p_btnPause, 0, 0, dst_x,
......@@ -675,12 +675,16 @@ void VlcPlugin::redrawToolbar()
vlc_toolbar_clicked_t VlcPlugin::getToolbarButtonClicked( int i_xpos, int i_ypos )
unsigned int i_dest = 0;
unsigned int i_dest = BTN_SPACE;//(i_tb_height >> 1);
int i_playing = 0;
bool b_mute = false;
libvlc_exception_t ex;
if( i_xpos >= i_tb_height )
fprintf( stderr, "ToolbarButtonClicked:: "
"trying to match (%d,%d) (%d,%d)\n",
i_xpos, i_ypos, i_tb_height, i_tb_width );
if( i_ypos >= i_tb_width )
return clicked_Unknown;
/* Note: the order of testing is dependend on the original
......@@ -698,38 +702,38 @@ vlc_toolbar_clicked_t VlcPlugin::getToolbarButtonClicked( int i_xpos, int i_ypos
b_mute = libvlc_audio_get_mute( getVLC(), &ex );
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
/* is Pause of Play button clicked */
if( (i_playing != 1) &&
(i_ypos >= BTN_SPACE>>1) &&
(i_ypos <= p_btnPlay->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
(i_xpos >= (BTN_SPACE>>1)) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_btnPlay->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
return clicked_Play;
else if( (i_ypos >= BTN_SPACE>>1) &&
(i_ypos <= p_btnPause->width) )
else if( (i_xpos >= (BTN_SPACE>>1)) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_btnPause->width) )
return clicked_Pause;
/* is Stop button clicked */
if( i_playing != 1 )
i_dest += BTN_SPACE + p_btnPause->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1);
i_dest += (p_btnPlay->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1));
i_dest += BTN_SPACE + p_btnPlay->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1);
if( (i_ypos >= i_dest) &&
(i_ypos <= p_btnStop->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
i_dest += (p_btnPause->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1));
if( (i_xpos >= i_dest) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_btnStop->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
return clicked_Stop;
/* is Fullscreen button clicked */
i_dest += (p_btnStop->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1));
if( (i_ypos >= i_dest) &&
(i_ypos <= p_btnFullscreen->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
if( (i_xpos >= i_dest) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_btnFullscreen->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
return clicked_Fullscreen;
/* is Mute or Unmute button clicked */
i_dest += (p_btnFullscreen->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1));
if( !b_mute && (i_ypos >= i_dest) &&
(i_ypos <= p_btnMute->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
if( !b_mute && (i_xpos >= i_dest) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_btnMute->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
return clicked_Mute;
else if( (i_ypos >= i_dest) &&
(i_ypos <= p_btnUnmute->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
else if( (i_xpos >= i_dest) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_btnUnmute->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
return clicked_Unmute;
/* is timeline clicked */
......@@ -737,14 +741,14 @@ vlc_toolbar_clicked_t VlcPlugin::getToolbarButtonClicked( int i_xpos, int i_ypos
i_dest += (p_btnMute->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1));
i_dest += (p_btnUnmute->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1));
if( (i_ypos >= i_dest) &&
(i_ypos <= p_timeline->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
if( (i_xpos >= i_dest) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_timeline->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
return clicked_timeline;
/* is time button clicked */
i_dest += (p_timeline->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1));
if( (i_ypos >= i_dest) &&
(i_ypos <= p_btnTime->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
if( (i_xpos >= i_dest) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_btnTime->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
return clicked_Time;
return clicked_Unknown;
* vlcplugin.h: a VLC plugin for Mozilla
* Copyright (C) 2002-2006 the VideoLAN team
* Copyright (C) 2002-2008 the VideoLAN team
* $Id$
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <>
Damien Fouilleul <>
* Damien Fouilleul <>
* Jean-Paul Saman <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* vlcshell.cpp: a VLC plugin for Mozilla
* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 the VideoLAN team
* Copyright (C) 2002-2008 the VideoLAN team
* $Id$
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <>
* Jean-Paul Saman <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -836,30 +837,37 @@ static void ControlHandler( Widget w, XtPointer closure, XEvent *event )
if( p_plugin && p_plugin->b_toolbar )
int i_playing;
libvlc_exception_t ex;
libvlc_exception_init( &ex );
libvlc_media_player_t *p_md =
libvlc_playlist_get_media_player(p_plugin->getVLC(), &ex);
if( libvlc_exception_raised(&ex) )
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", libvlc_exception_get_message(&ex));
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
libvlc_exception_init( &ex );
i_playing = libvlc_playlist_isplaying( p_plugin->getVLC(), &ex );
if( libvlc_exception_raised(&ex) )
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", libvlc_exception_get_message(&ex));
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
vlc_toolbar_clicked_t clicked;
clicked = p_plugin->getToolbarButtonClicked( i_xPos, i_yPos );
switch( clicked )
case clicked_Play:
case clicked_Pause:
int i_playing;
libvlc_exception_init( &ex );
i_playing = libvlc_playlist_isplaying( p_plugin->getVLC(), &ex );
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
libvlc_exception_init( &ex );
if( i_playing == 1 )
libvlc_playlist_pause( p_plugin->getVLC(), &ex );
libvlc_playlist_play( p_plugin->getVLC(), -1, 0, NULL, &ex );
if( libvlc_exception_raised(&ex) )
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", libvlc_exception_get_message(&ex));
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
......@@ -868,6 +876,32 @@ static void ControlHandler( Widget w, XtPointer closure, XEvent *event )
libvlc_exception_init( &ex );
libvlc_playlist_stop( p_plugin->getVLC(), &ex );
if( libvlc_exception_raised(&ex) )
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", libvlc_exception_get_message(&ex));
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
case clicked_Fullscreen:
if( (i_playing == 1) && p_md )
libvlc_exception_init( &ex );
libvlc_set_fullscreen( p_md, 1, &ex );
if( libvlc_exception_raised(&ex) )
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", libvlc_exception_get_message(&ex));
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
case clicked_Mute:
case clicked_Unmute:
libvlc_exception_init( &ex );
libvlc_audio_toggle_mute( p_plugin->getVLC(), &ex );
if( libvlc_exception_raised(&ex) )
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", libvlc_exception_get_message(&ex));
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
......@@ -887,6 +921,8 @@ static void ControlHandler( Widget w, XtPointer closure, XEvent *event )
libvlc_exception_init( &ex );
libvlc_media_player_set_time( p_md, f_length, &ex );
if( libvlc_exception_raised(&ex) )
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", libvlc_exception_get_message(&ex));
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
......@@ -898,31 +934,6 @@ static void ControlHandler( Widget w, XtPointer closure, XEvent *event )
case clicked_Fullscreen:
int i_playing;
libvlc_exception_init( &ex );
i_playing = libvlc_playlist_isplaying( p_plugin->getVLC(), &ex );
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
if( (i_playing == 1) && p_md )
libvlc_exception_init( &ex );
libvlc_set_fullscreen( p_md, 1, &ex );
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
case clicked_Mute:
case clicked_Unmute:
libvlc_exception_init( &ex );
libvlc_audio_toggle_mute( p_plugin->getVLC(), &ex );
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
default: /* button_Unknown */
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