Commit 3a674c57 authored by Clément Stenac's avatar Clément Stenac

Beginning of un updated developer documentation and beginning of playlist documentation

parent 22ba8f44
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<chapter><title>The build system</title>
<sect1><title> files</title>
<sect1><title>Bootstrap sequence</title>
<sect1><title>The toolbox</title>
<chapter><title>Coding rules</title>
<sect1><title>Naming conventions</title>
All functions are named accordingly : module name (in lower case) + _ +
function name (in mixed case, <emphasis> without underscores</emphasis>).
For instance : <function>intf_FooFunction</function>. Static functions
don't need usage of the module name.
Hungarian notations are used, that means we have the following prefixes :
<listitem> <para> i_ for integers (sometimes l_ for long integers) ;
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> b_ for booleans ; </para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> d_ for doubles (sometimes f_ for floats) ;
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> pf_ for function pointers ; </para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> psz_ for a Pointer to a String terminated by a
Zero (C-string) ;
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> More generally, we add a p when the variable is
a pointer to a type. </para> </listitem>
If one variable has no basic type (for instance a complex structure), don't
put any prefix (except p_* if it's a pointer). After one prefix, put
an <emphasis> explicit </emphasis> variable name <emphasis> in lower
case</emphasis>. If several words are required, join them with an
underscore (no mixed case). Examples :
<listitem> <para>
<type> data_packet_t * </type> <varname> p_buffer; </varname>
</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>
<type> char </type> <varname> psz_msg_date[42]; </varname>
</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>
<type> int </type> <varname> pi_es_refcount[MAX_ES]; </varname>
</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>
<type> void </type> <varname> (* pf_next_data_packet)( int * ); </varname>
</para> </listitem>
<sect1><title>Code indentation</title>
<para>Code is indented with 4 spaces. Never use tabs in the source
code. If you are using Vim as your editor, you can use <command>set
<para>Please put spaces <emphasis> before and after </emphasis> operators, and
inside brackets. For instance :
<programlisting> for( i = 0; i &lt; 12; i++, j += 42 ); </programlisting>
Third, leave braces alone on their lines (GNU style). For instance :
if( i_es == 42 )
p_buffer[0] = 0x12;
We write C, so use C-style comments /* ... */.
<chapter><title>CPU and misc stuff</title>
<sect1><title>CPU detection</title>
<sect1><title>Misc general stuff</title>
<chapter><title>Debugging VLC</title>
We never debug our code, because we don't put bugs in. Okay, you want
some real stuff. Sam still uses <function> printf() </function> to
find out where it crashes. For real programmers, here is a summary
of what you can do if you have problems.
<sect1> <title> Where does it crash ? </title>
The best way to know that is to use gdb. You can start using it with
good chances by configuring with <parameter> --enable-debug </parameter>.
It will add <parameter> -g </parameter> to the compiler <parameter>
CFLAGS</parameter>, and activate some additional safety checks. Just
run <command> gdb vlc</command>, type <command> run myfile.vob</command>,
and wait until it crashes. You can view where it stopped with
<command>bt</command>, and print variables with <command>print
If you run into troubles, you may want to turn the optimizations off.
Optimizations (especially inline functions) may confuse the debugger.
Use <parameter> --disable-optimizations </parameter> in that case.
<sect1> <title> Other problems </title>
It may be more complicated than that, for instance unpredictable
behaviour, random bug or performance issue. You have several options
to deal with this. If you experience unpredictable behaviour, I hope
you don't have a heap or stack corruption (eg. writing in an unallocated
space), because they are hard to find. If you are really desperate, have
a look at something like ElectricFence or dmalloc. Under GNU/Linux, an
easy check is to type <command> export MALLOC_CHECK_=2 </command> before
launching vlc (see <command> malloc(3) </command> for more information).
VLC offers a "trace-mode". It can create a log file with very accurate dates
and messages of what it does, so it is useful to detect performance
issues or lock-ups. Compile with <parameter> --enable-trace </parameter>
and tune the <parameter> TRACE_* </parameter> flags in <filename>
include/config.h </filename> to enable certain types of messages (log
file writing can take up a lot of time, and will have side effects).
<warning> <para>
Please note that this book is in no way a reference documentation
on how DVDs work. Its only purpose is to describe the API
available for programmers in VLC media player. It is assumed that
you have basic knowledge of what MPEG is. The following paragraph
is just here as a reminder :
</para> </warning>
<glossterm> <acronym> AC3 </acronym> :
Digital Audio Compression Standard </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Specification for coding audio data, used in DVD.
The documentation is
<ulink url="">
freely available </ulink>.
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> B </acronym> (bi-directional) picture </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Picture decoded from its own data, <emphasis>
and </emphasis> from the data of the previous and next (that
means <emphasis>in the future</emphasis>) reference
pictures (I or P pictures). It is the most compressed picture
format, but it is less fault-tolerant.
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> DVD </acronym> :
Digital Versatile Disc </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Disc hardware format, using the UDF file system,
an extension of the ISO 9660 file system format and a video format
which is an extension of the MPEG-2 specification.
It basically uses MPEG-2 PS files, with subtitles and sound
tracks encoded as private data and fed into non-MPEG decoders,
along with .ifo files describing the contents of the DVD. DVD
specifications are very hard to get, and it takes some
time to reverse-engineer it. Sometimes DVD are zoned and
scrambled, so we use a brute-force algorithm to find the key.
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> ES </acronym> : Elementary Stream </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Continuous stream of data fed into a decoder,
without any multiplexing layer. ES streams can be MPEG video
MPEG audio, AC3 audio, LPCM audio, SPU subpictures...
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> Field picture </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Picture split in two fields, even and odd, like
television does. DVDs coming from TV shows typically use field
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> Frame picture </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Picture without even/odd discontinuities, unlike
field pictures. DVDs coming from movies typically use frame
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym>I</acronym> (intra) picture </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Picture independantly coded. It can be
decoded without any other reference frame. It is regularly
sent (like twice a second) for resynchronization purposes.
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> IDCT </acronym> : Inverse Discrete
Cosinus Transform </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> IDCT is a classical mathematical algorithm
to convert from a space domain to a frequency domain. In a
nutshell, it codes differences instead of coding all absolute
pixels. MPEG uses an 2-D IDCT in the video decoder, and a 1-D
IDCT in the audio decoder.
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> LPCM </acronym> :
Linear Pulse Code Modulation </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> LPCM is a non-compressed audio encoding,
available in DVDs.
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> MPEG </acronym> :
Motion Picture Expert Group </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Specification describing a standard syntax of files
and streams for carrying motion pictures and sound. MPEG-1 is
ISO/IEC 11172 (three books), MPEG-2 is ISO/IEC 13818. MPEG-4
version 1 is out, but this player doesn't support it. It is
relatively easy to get an MPEG specification from ISO or
equivalent, drafts are even freely available on the Internet.
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> P </acronym> (predictive) picture </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Picture decoded from its own data <emphasis>
and </emphasis> data from a reference picture, which is the
last I or P picture received.
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> PES </acronym> :
Packetized Elementary Stream </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> A chunk of elementary stream. It often corresponds
to a logical boundary of the stream (for instance a picture
change), but it is not mandatory. PES carry the synchronization
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> PTS </acronym> :
Presentation Time Stamp </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Time at which the content of a PES packet is supposed
to be played. It is used for A/V synchronization.
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> PS </acronym> : Program Stream </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> File format obtained by concatenating PES packets
and inserting Pack headers and System headers (for timing
information). It is the only format described in MPEG-1, and
the most used format in MPEG-2.
<glossterm> <acronym> RGB </acronym> : Red Green Blue </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Picture format where every pixel is calculated in a
vector space whose coordinates are red, green, and blue. This
is natively used by monitors and TV sets.
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> SPU </acronym> : Sub Picture Unit </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Picture format allowing to do overlays, such
as subtitles or DVD menus.
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> SCR </acronym> :
System Clock Reference </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Time at which the first byte of a particular pack
is supposed to be fed to the decoder. VLC uses it to read the
stream at the right pace.
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> SDL </acronym> :
Simple DirectMedia Layer </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> <ulink url=""> SDL </ulink>
is a cross-platform multimedia library
designed to provide fast access to the video framebuffer and
the audio device. Since version 1.1, it features YUV overlay
support, which reduces decoding times by a third.
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> TS </acronym> : Transport Stream </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Stream format constituted of fixed size packets
(188 bytes), defined by ISO/IEC 13818-1. PES packets are
split among several TS packets.
A TS stream can contain several programs. It is used in
streaming applications, in particular for satellite or cable
</para> </glossdef>
<glossterm> <acronym> YUV </acronym> :
Luminance/Chrominance </glossterm>
<glossdef> <para> Picture format with 1 coordinate of luminance (black
and white) and 2 coordinates of chrominance (red and blue).
This is natively used by PAL video system, for backward
compatibility with older black and white TV sets. Your eyes
distinguish luminance variations much better than chrominance
variations, so you can compress them more. It is therefore
well suited for image compression, and is used by the MPEG
specification. The RGB picture can be obtained from the YUV one
via a costly matrix multiply operation, which can be done in
hardware by most modern video cards ("YUV acceleration").
</para> </glossdef>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-15" ?>
<appendix> <title> Project history </title>
<sect1> <title> VIA and the Network2000 project </title>
The whole project started back in 1995. At that time, students of the
<ulink url=""> &Eacute;cole Centrale de Paris </ulink>
enjoyed a TokenRing network, managed by the <ulink
url=""> VIA Centrale R&eacute;seaux
association</ulink>, and were looking
for a solution to upgrade to a modern network. So the idea behind
Network2000 was to find a project students would realize that would
be interesting, would require a high-quality network, and could
provide enough fame so that sponsors would be interested.
Someone came up with the idea of doing television broadcast on the
network, so that students could watch TV in their room. This was
interesting, mixed a lot of cool technologies, and provided fame
because no one had written a free MPEG-2 decoder so far.
<sect1> <title> Foundation of the VideoLAN project </title>
<ulink url=""> 3Com</ulink>,
<ulink url=""> Bouygues </ulink> and
la Soci&eacute;t&eacute; des Amis were
interested and financed the project, which was then known after
the name of VideoLAN.
The VideoLAN team, in particular <ulink url="">
Michel Lespinasse </ulink> (current maintainer of <ulink
url="">LiViD</ulink>'s mpeg2dec)
and <ulink url=""> R&eacute;gis
Duchesne</ulink>, started writing code in 1996. By the end of 1997 they had
a working client-server solution, but it would crash a lot and was
hard to extend.
At that time it was still closed-source and only-for-demo code.
<sect1> <title> VLC media player design </title>
In 1998, <ulink url=""> Vincent Seguin</ulink>
(structure, interface and video output),
<ulink url=""> Christophe Massiot</ulink>
(input and video decoder),
<ulink url=""> Michel Kaempf</ulink>
(audio decoder and audio output) and
<ulink url=""> Jean-Marc Dressler</ulink>
(synchronization) decided to write a brand new player from scratch,
called VideoLAN Client (VLC), so that it could be easily open sourced.
Of course we based it on code written by our predecessors, but in
an advanced structure, described in the first chapter (it hasn't been
necessary to change it a lot).
At the same time, <ulink url=""> Beno&icirc;t
Steiner </ulink> started the writing of an advanced stream server, called
VideoLAN Server (VLS).
Functional test seeds have been released internally in June 1999
(vlc-DR1) and November 1999 (vlc-DR2), and we started large scale tests
and presentations. The French audience discovered us at Linux Expo
in June 1999, presenting our 20 minutes of Golden Eye (which is now
a legend among developers :-). At that time only a network input was
possible, file input was added later, but it remained kludgy for a while.
In early 2000, we (especially <ulink url=""> Samuel
Hocevar</ulink>, who is still a major contributor) started working
on DVDs (PS files, AC3, SPU). In the summer 2000, pre-release builds
have been seeded (0.2.0 versions), but they still lacked essential
In late 2000, <ulink url=""> Christophe Massiot
</ulink> with the support of his company,
<ulink url=""> IDEALX</ulink>, rewrote major
parts of the input to allow modularization and advanced navigation, and <ulink
url=""> Stéphane Borel </ulink> worked on a
fully-featured DVD plug-in for VLC.
<sect1> <title> The Opening </title>
For Linux Expo in February 2001, the <ulink url="">
Free Software Foundation </ulink> and <ulink url="">
IDEALX </ulink> wanted to make live streaming of the 2001 FSF awards
from Paris to New York. VideoLAN was the chosen solution. Finally
it couldn't be done live because of bandwidth considerations, but a
<ulink url=""> chain of
fully open-source solutions </ulink> made it possible to record it.
At the same time, the president of the <ulink url="">
&Eacute;cole Centrale Paris</ulink> officially decided to place the software
under GNU General Public Licence, thanks to <ulink
url=""> Henri Fallon</ulink>, <ulink
url=""> Jean-Philippe Rey</ulink>, and the IDEALX team.
VideoLAN software is now one of the most popular open source DVD
players available, and has contributors all around the world. The
last chapter of this appendix is not written yet :-).
<chapter><title>Interface modules</title>
<sect1><title>The Mozilla plugin</title>
<chapter><title>Messages queue</title>
<chapter><title>Modules and objects</title>
<sect2><title>What is a module ?</title>
<sect2><title>Modules declarators</title>
<sect2><title>Calling a module</title>
<sect2><title>The module bank</title>
<sect2><title>The vlc_object_t structure</title>
<sect2><title>Operations on objects</title>
<sect3><title>Creating an object</title>
<sect3><title>Destroying an object</title>
<sect3><title>Finding an object</title>
<sect2><title>Parents, children, refcount</title>
<chapter><title>Playlist core</title>
VLC's playlist now features a tree system, with a notion of several
views. Each view comes with a new tree. Items can be shared between
views. Items can become internal nodes.
The predefined views are :
<listitem><para>The "simple" view which only contains the "manually
added" items (either added through command line, either through command
line). It can contain a hierarchy.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The "category" view contains a "General" node that is
exactly like the "simple" view. It can also contains several types of
items (generally, "autodiscovered". Examples are:</para>
<listitem><para>SAP items</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Audio CD if detected</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>imported playlists</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The "all items" flat view contains all items without any hierarchy</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Sorted views (Sorted by author, with a node per author, ...)</para></listitem>
<sect2><title>Who uses this ?</title>
<sect3><title>Services discovery modules</title>
A new type of modules has been created, the services_discovery modules.
Their goal is to add items to the playlist (SAP listener, HAL (Hardware
Abstraction Layer), ...).
<sect1><title>How does the playlist work</title>
<sect2><title>Process overview</title>
<para>On startup, a playlist thread is started. It starts an infinite
loop, always searching for something to do.</para>
<listitem><para>If a request is triggered by an action on the playlist,
stop the current item and process the request</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>If the current item has finished, stop it and go to next
<sect2><title>Data structures</title>
<para>Each view is identified by an identifier. It also contains a
pointer to the root item.</para>
<para>An item can be either a leaf node (which can be played) or an
internal node of the tree (can not be played directly, but contains
<para>You can know if an item is a leaf or internal node by looking
at i_children. If i_children is -1, then it is a leaf node, else it
contains the number of children, available in pp_children.</para>
<para>As items can be common to several views, we need to remember
for each the parent in each view. That's why each item includes the
pp_parents array. Each one is an <code>item_parent_t</code> structure
that contains the view identifier, and the parent _in this view_.</para>
<para>The <code>i_flags</code> is a bit array used to know whether an
item is to be saved, whether the playlist can continue after playing
this item (which is generally not the desired behaviour for SAP items,
fe), whether it is enabled, and whether it must be deleted after being
<para>The <code>i_serial</code> field is increased on each change of
the children, if the item is an internal node. The goal is to allow
interfaces to update in a clever way, by only rebuilding nodes that have
<sect2><title>Controlling the playlist</title>
<para>The playlist can be controlled using playlist_Control. It takes a
query identifier, and a variable number of arguments.</para>
<para>When a control is made, the "request" field of the playlist is set
to true, which causes the current item to be stopped. If needed, a new
item is then selected.</para>
<sect2><title>Selecting an item</title>
<para>Different rules apply for selection of items, if a request
has been made or if it is an "automatic" change, after an item has
<para>If there a request, the item is always selected if possible (if
you selected a node, it will play the first available child), else, some
more rules will apply (play-and-stop, random, repeat, ...).</para>
<para>All item selection is made in
<code>src/playlist/playlist.c</code>, function NextItem.</para>
<para>The playlist object contains two fields dedicated to this, status
and request.</para>
<para>This process uses tree walking functions in
<chapter><title>Porting VLC</title>
<sect1> <title> Port steps </title>
Basically, porting to a new architecture boils down to follow the
following steps :
<listitem> <para> <emphasis> Building the VLC : </emphasis>
That may be the most difficult part, depending on how POSIX
the architecture is. You have to produce valid C.
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> <emphasis> Having video : </emphasis>
If your architecture features an X server, it should be
straightforward, though you might have problems with xvideo
or xshm. Otherwise you can try to use SDL if it is supported,
or end up writing your own video output plugin.
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> <emphasis> Having audio : </emphasis>
If your architecture features an OSS compatible DSP or ALSA, you
can reuse an existing plugin. Otherwise you will have to write
your own audio output plugin.
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> <emphasis> Accessing DVDs : </emphasis>
You are going to need a write access to the DVD device.
Every system has specific ioctl() for key negociation with
the DVD drive, so we have set up an abstration layer in
<filename> plugins/dvd/dvd_ioctl.c</filename>. You might
need to add stuff here. Some operating systems won't give
you access to the key negociation (MacOS X), so you will
have to write a kernel extension or you will only be able to read
unencrypted DVDs. Other operating systems might only give
you read access to the DVD device if you are root. Your mileage
may vary.
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> <emphasis> Writing a native interface : </emphasis>
If your system doesn't support GTK or Qt, you will have to
write a native interface plugin (for instance Aqua or Win32).
You may also need to rewrite the video output plugin if
you're currently using a slow compatibility layer.
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> <emphasis> Optimizing : </emphasis>
If your architecture features a special set of multimedia
instructions (such as MMX) that is not supported by VLC, you
may want to write specific optimizations. Heavy calculation
parts are : IDCT (see idct plugin), motion compensation
(see motion plugin), and YUV (see video output) if you don't
use the YUV overlay support of your video board (SDL or
XVideo extension).
</para> </listitem>
<sect1> <title> Building </title>
This is probably the most complicated part. If your platform is fully
POSIX-compliant (such as GNU/Linux), it should be quick, otherwise
expect troubles. Known issues are :
<listitem> <para> Finding a compiler : We use <application> gcc
</application> on all platforms, and <application> mingw32
</application> to cross-compile the win32 port. If you don't you're
probably in <emphasis> very big </emphasis> trouble. Good luck.
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> Finding <application> GNU make </application> : Our
<filename>Makefile</filename> is heavily <application>GNU make
</application> specific, so I suggest you install it.
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> Running the <filename> configure </filename>
script : This is basically a shell script, so if you have a UNIX
shell on your platform it shouldn't be a problem. It will probe
your system for headers and libraries needed. It needs
adequate <filename> config.sub </filename> and <filename>
config.guess</filename>, so if your platform is young your
provider may have supplied customized versions. Check with it.
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> Compiling the VLC binary : This is the most
difficult. Type <command> make </command> or <command> gmake
</command> and watch the results. It will probably break soon
on a parse error. Add the headers missing, fix mistakes. If
you cannot make it to also compiles on other platforms, use
#ifdef directives. Add tests for functions or libraries in
<filename> </filename> and run <command> autoheader
</command> and <command> autoconf</command>. Always prefer
tests on <property> #ifdef HAVE_MY_HEADER_T</property>,
instead of <property> #ifdef SYS_MYOPERATINGSYSTEM</property>.
You may especially experience problems with the network code
in <filename> src/input/input.c</filename>.
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> Threads : If your system has an exotic thread
implementation, you will probably need to fill the wrappers in
<filename> include/threads.h </filename> for your system.
Currently supported implementations include the POSIX pthreads,
the BeOS threads, and the Mach cthreads.
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> Linking : You will need special flags to the
compiler, to allow symbol exports (otherwise plug-ins won't
work). For instance under GNU/Linux you need <parameter>
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> Compiling plug-ins : You do not need external
plug-ins at first, you can build all you need in (see <filename>
Makefile.opts</filename>). In the long run though, it is a
good idea to change <parameter> PCFLAGS</parameter> and <parameter>
PLCFLAGS</parameter> to allow run-time loading of libraries.
You are going to need <application> libdl</application>, or a
similar dynamic loader. To add support for an exotic dynamic
loader, have a look at <filename> include/modules_core.h
</filename>. Currently supported implementations include the
UNIX dynamic loader and the BeOS image loader.
</para> </listitem>
<listitem> <para> Assembling : If you use specific optimizations
(such as MMX), you may have problem assembling files, because
the assembler syntax may be different on your platform. Try
without it at first. Pay attention to the optimization flags
too, you may see a <emphasis>huge</emphasis> difference.
</para> </listitem>
VLC should work both on little endian and big endian systems. All
load operations should be aligned on the native size of the type, so
that it works on exotic processors like Sparc or Alpha. It should
work on 64-bit platforms, though it has not been optimized for it.
A big boost for them would be to have a WORD_TYPE = u64 in <filename>
include/input_ext-dec.h</filename>, but it is currently broken for
unknown reasons.
If you experience run-time problems, see the following appendix and
pray for you to have <command> gdb</command>...
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<chapter><title>Stream output</title>
Structure for the new vlc developer documentation
* Coding rules
- Hungarian notation
- Code indentation
* LibVLC, VLC, and Mozilla plugin
- Libvlc structure
* Build system
- bootstrap sequence
- vlc-config
- config.h
- toolbox
* i18n
- Gettext
* Modules
- Calling a module
- Writing a module descriptor (do not forget E_ & N_ )
- The module bank
* Objects
- vlc_object_t
- Creating, deleting objects
- parents and children
- Refcounts
* CPU stuff
* Misc stuff
- more ?
* Variables, callbacks, and configuration
- Variable management
- adding configuration to modules
* Thread management
- thread
- mutexes
- condition variables
* Playlist management
- The playlist object
- Items / Options
- Playlist infos
* Message queue
* Interface modules
* Input layer
- Access / stream
- Demuxers / ES
- Input, access and demux control
* Packetizers
* Decoders
* Vout
- Subpictures
- Text rendering
- Filters
* Aout
- Mixers
- Filters (converters, resamplers, downmixers)
- Output
* Sout
- stream chain
- packetizer
- encoder
- muxer
- access output
* Porting
- port specific stuff
* Debugging
- Compile flags
- Valgrind / eFence / ...
<chapter><title>Threading with VLC</title>
<para>VLC is a multi-thread application. We chose against a single-thread
approach because decoder preemptibility and scheduling would be a
mastermind (for instance decoders and outputs have to be separated,
otherwise it cannot be warrantied that a frame will be played at the
exact presentation time), and we currently have no plan to support a
single-threaded client. Multi-process decoders usually imply more overhead
(problems of shared memory) and communication between processes is harder.
<sect1><title>VLC's threading API</title>
<para>For portability, VLC provides a wrapper for native threading API.
It is modelled on the pthread library.</para>
<para>Our wrapper consists of the following functions:</para>
<listitem><para> <function>vlc_thread_exit</function></para></listitem>
<listitem><para> <function>vlc_thread_join</function></para></listitem>
<listitem><para> <function>vlc_mutex_init</function></para></listitem>
<listitem><para> <function>vlc_mutex_lock</function></para></listitem>
<listitem><para> <function>vlc_mutex_unlock</function></para></listitem>
<listitem><para> <function>vlc_mutex_destroy</function></para></listitem>
<listitem><para> <function>vlc_cond_init</function></para></listitem>
<listitem><para> <function>vlc_cond_signal</function></para></listitem>
<listitem><para> <function>vlc_cond_broadcast</function></para></listitem>
<listitem><para> <function>vlc_cond_wait</function></para></listitem>
<listitem><para> <function>vlc_cond_destroy</function></para></listitem>
<para>Corresponding data structures are <type>vlc_thread_t</type>,
<type>vlc_mutex_t</type>, and <type>vlc_cond_t</type>. </para>
<chapter><title>Variables and configuration</title>
<sect1><title>Variables management</title>
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<title> VLC media player API Documentation </title>
<firstname> Christophe </firstname>
<surname> Massiot </surname>
<jobtitle> <ulink url="">
Developer </ulink> </jobtitle>
<orgname> <ulink url=""> IDEALX
S.A.S. </ulink> </orgname>
<orgdiv> Industrial Computing </orgdiv>
<collabname> <ulink url=""> Samuel Hocevar
</ulink> </collabname>
<jobtitle> Developer </jobtitle>
<orgname> VideoLAN project </orgname>
<collabname> Jean-Fran&ccedil;ois Lecomte </collabname>
<jobtitle> <ulink url="">
Developer </ulink> </jobtitle>
<orgname> <ulink url=""> IDEALX
S.A.S. </ulink> </orgname>
<collabname> <ulink url="">Henri Fallon
</ulink> </collabname>
<jobtitle> Developer </jobtitle>
<orgname> VideoLAN project </orgname>
<pubdate> $Id: manual.xml 7937 2004-06-07 19:13:05Z zorglub $ </pubdate>
<copyright> <year> 2001 </year>
<holder> Christophe Massiot, for IDEALX S.A.S. </holder>
<legalnotice> <para>
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1
or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU
Free Documentation License".
</para> </legalnotice>
<toc />
<!-- Coding rules -->
<!-- GNU Free Documentation License -->
<chapter><title>Video output</title>
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