Commit 2f4528c0 authored by Ilkka Ollakka's avatar Ilkka Ollakka

livehttp: place correct segment entries on playlist

This fixes the logical flaw that places segment info on playlist that
was next to remove and didn't place the newest segment info into
parent a799659d
......@@ -495,11 +495,15 @@ static int updateIndexAndDel( sout_access_out_t *p_access, sout_access_out_sys_t
uint32_t i_firstseg;
unsigned i_index_offset = 0;
if ( p_sys->i_numsegs == 0 || p_sys->i_segment < p_sys->i_numsegs )
i_firstseg = 1;
i_firstseg = ( p_sys->i_segment - p_sys->i_numsegs ) + 1;
i_index_offset = vlc_array_count( p_sys->segments_t ) - p_sys->i_numsegs;
// First update index
if ( p_sys->psz_indexPath )
......@@ -533,8 +537,8 @@ static int updateIndexAndDel( sout_access_out_t *p_access, sout_access_out_sys_t
for ( uint32_t i = i_firstseg; i <= p_sys->i_segment; i++ )
//scale to 0..numsegs-1
uint32_t index = i-i_firstseg;
//scale to i_index_offset..numsegs + i_index_offset
uint32_t index = i - i_firstseg + i_index_offset;
output_segment_t *segment = (output_segment_t *)vlc_array_item_at_index( p_sys->segments_t, index );
if( p_sys->key_uri &&
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