Sam Hocevar authored
* Mandatory step for video output IV and the audio output quality fix: the output threads are now spawned when a decoder needs one, so it can decide the audio frequency or the video window size. Still under heavy construction, so don't get too excited at finding bugs in it yet. Note: this change broke the XVideo module, so I made its score much lower than before. I suspect xvideo.so had a bug before which only appears now. Other video output plugins may be broken as well, but again this might be due to old existing bugs showing their ugly head. * Fixed a few buffer overflows in the Gnome interface. * The module bank is now a global variable. The video output bank and the audio output bank might follow (when they exist). * Coding style and organization fixes to the spdif decoder. * autoconf and Makefile changes by Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale <arnaud@carrosse.frmug.org>.
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