Commit beec0722 authored by Jakob Leben's avatar Jakob Leben

Qt: locationBar hides parent locations that don't fit in

Instead it shows a "..." button which opens a menu with those locations.
Current location is thus always displayed as wide as possible.
parent d536e2bb
......@@ -455,19 +455,21 @@ LocationBar::LocationBar( PLModel *m )
mapper = new QSignalMapper( this );
CONNECT( mapper, mapped( int ), this, invoke( int ) );
box = new QHBoxLayout;
box->setSpacing( 0 );
box->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
setLayout( box );
btnMore = new LocationButton( "...", false, true, this );
menuMore = new QMenu( this );
btnMore->setMenu( menuMore );
void LocationBar::setIndex( const QModelIndex &index )
qDeleteAll( buttons );
qDeleteAll( actions );
QModelIndex i = index;
bool bold = true;
bool first = true;
while( true )
PLItem *item = model->getItem( i );
......@@ -475,19 +477,32 @@ void LocationBar::setIndex( const QModelIndex &index )
char *fb_name = input_item_GetTitleFbName( item->inputItem() );
QString text = qfu(fb_name);
QAbstractButton *btn = new LocationButton( text, bold, i.isValid() );
QAbstractButton *btn = new LocationButton( text, first, !first, this );
btn->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
box->insertWidget( 0, btn );
buttons.append( btn );
mapper->setMapping( btn, item->id() );
CONNECT( btn, clicked( ), mapper, map( ) );
QAction *action = new QAction( text, this );
actions.append( action );
CONNECT( btn, clicked(), action, trigger() );
bold = false;
mapper->setMapping( action, item->id() );
CONNECT( action, triggered(), mapper, map() );
first = false;
if( i.isValid() ) i = i.parent();
else break;
QString prefix;
for( int a = actions.count() - 1; a >= 0 ; a-- )
actions[a]->setText( prefix + actions[a]->text() );
prefix += QString(" ");
if( isVisible() ) layOut( size() );
void LocationBar::setRootIndex()
......@@ -501,8 +516,77 @@ void LocationBar::invoke( int i_id )
emit invoked ( index );
LocationButton::LocationButton( const QString &text, bool bold, bool arrow )
: b_arrow( arrow )
void LocationBar::layOut( const QSize& size )
int count = buttons.count();
QList<int> widths;
int totalWidth = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
int w = buttons[i]->sizeHint().width();
if( i == 0 || totalWidth + w <= size.width() )
totalWidth += w;
widths.append( w );
if( totalWidth > size.width() ) break;
int x = 0;
int shown = widths.count();
if( shown < count )
QSize sz = btnMore->sizeHint();
btnMore->setGeometry( 0, 0, sz.width(), size.height() );
x = sz.width();
totalWidth += x;
for( int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
if( i > shown )
menuMore->addAction( actions[i] );
else if( i > 0 && totalWidth > size.width() )
menuMore->addAction( actions[i] );
totalWidth -= widths[i];
buttons[i]->setGeometry( x, 0,
qMin( widths[i], size.width() - x ),
size.height() );
totalWidth -= widths[i];
x += widths[i];
void LocationBar::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * event )
layOut( event->size() );
QSize LocationBar::sizeHint() const
return btnMore->sizeHint();
LocationButton::LocationButton( const QString &text, bool bold,
bool arrow, QWidget * parent )
: b_arrow( arrow ), QPushButton( parent )
QFont font;
font.setBold( bold );
......@@ -520,35 +604,41 @@ void LocationButton::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * event )
QPainter p( this );
if( underMouse() )
style()->drawControl( QStyle::CE_PushButtonBevel, &option, &p );
int margin = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth,0,this) + PADDING;
p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );
QColor c = palette().color( QPalette::Highlight );
p.setPen( c );
p.setBrush( c.lighter( 150 ) );
p.setOpacity( 0.2 );
p.drawRoundedRect( option.rect.adjusted( 0, 2, 0, -2 ), 5, 5 );
QRect rect = option.rect.adjusted( b_arrow ? 15 + margin : margin, 0, -margin, 0 );
QRect r = option.rect.adjusted( PADDING, 0, -PADDING - (b_arrow ? 10 : 0), 0 );
QString str( text() );
/* This check is absurd, but either it is not done properly inside elidedText(),
or boundingRect() is wrong */
if( rect.width() < fontMetrics().boundingRect( text() ).width() )
str = fontMetrics().elidedText( text(), Qt::ElideRight, rect.width() );
p.drawText( rect, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, str );
if( r.width() < fontMetrics().boundingRect( text() ).width() )
str = fontMetrics().elidedText( text(), Qt::ElideRight, r.width() );
p.drawText( r, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, str );
if( b_arrow )
option.rect.setX( margin );
option.rect.setWidth( 8 );
option.rect.setWidth( 10 );
option.rect.moveRight( rect().right() );
style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_IndicatorArrowRight, &option, &p );
QSize LocationButton::sizeHint() const
int frameWidth = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth,0,this);
QSize s( fontMetrics().boundingRect( text() ).size() );
/* Add two pixels to width: font metrics are buggy, if you pass text through elidation
with exactly the width of its bounding rect, sometimes it still elides */
s.setWidth( s.width() + ( 2 * frameWidth ) + ( 2 * PADDING ) + ( b_arrow ? 15 : 0 ) + 2 );
s.setHeight( QPushButton::sizeHint().height() );
s.setWidth( s.width() + ( 2 * PADDING ) + ( b_arrow ? 10 : 0 ) + 2 );
s.setHeight( s.height() + 2 * PADDING );
return s;
......@@ -117,12 +117,24 @@ private slots:
void browseInto( input_item_t * );
class LocationButton : public QPushButton
LocationButton( const QString &, bool bold, bool arrow, QWidget * parent = NULL );
QSize sizeHint() const;
void paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * event );
QFontMetrics *metrics;
bool b_arrow;
class LocationBar : public QWidget
LocationBar( PLModel * );
void setIndex( const QModelIndex & );
QSize sizeHint() const;
void invoked( const QModelIndex & );
public slots:
......@@ -130,21 +142,16 @@ public slots:
private slots:
void invoke( int i_item_id );
void layOut( const QSize& size );
void resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * event );
PLModel *model;
QSignalMapper *mapper;
QHBoxLayout *box;
QList<QWidget*> buttons;
class LocationButton : public QPushButton
LocationButton( const QString &, bool bold, bool arrow );
void paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * event );
QSize sizeHint() const;
QFontMetrics *metrics;
bool b_arrow;
QList<QAction*> actions;
LocationButton *btnMore;
QMenu *menuMore;
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