Commit affcbabe authored by Rémi Denis-Courmont's avatar Rémi Denis-Courmont

alsa-lib 1.0.24 is not out yet, so refer to exact commitdiff

parent 8b5694db
......@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ Changes between 1.0.5 and 1.1.0-rc4:
Important changes for users:
* On Linux, known bugs in the ALSA library might prevent audio output.
Update to alsa-lib 1.0.24 or later, or use the PulseAudio output instead.
Update to alsa-lib v1.0.23-2-g8d80d5f or later, or use the libpulse audio
output plugin instead of the ALSA one (if you have PulseAudio).
Important changes for packagers:
* The module cache has moved to ${libdir}/vlc/. The module cache can now be
......@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ static void Probe( aout_instance_t * p_aout,
var_SetBool( p_aout->p_libvlc, "alsa-broken", true );
dialog_Fatal( p_aout, "Potential ALSA version problem",
"VLC failed to initialize your sound output device (if any).\n"
"Please update alsa-lib to version 1.0.24 or higher "
"Please update alsa-lib to version 1.0.23-2-g8d80d5f or higher "
"to try to fix this issue." );
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