Commit 9cbe5a0e authored by Rémi Duraffort's avatar Rémi Duraffort

skins2: fix a redefinition of a macro.

parent f99c55b6
......@@ -31,33 +31,8 @@
#include <vlc_interface.h>
DEF( ChangeSkin, showChangeSkin() ) \
DEF( FileSimple, showFileSimple( true ) ) \
DEF( File, showFile( true ) ) \
DEF( Disc, showDisc( true ) ) \
DEF( Net, showNet( true ) ) \
DEF( Messages, showMessages() ) \
DEF( Prefs, showPrefs() ) \
DEF( FileInfo, showFileInfo() ) \
DEF( Add, showFile( false ) ) \
DEF( PlaylistLoad, showPlaylistLoad() ) \
DEF( PlaylistSave, showPlaylistSave() ) \
DEF( Directory, showDirectory( true ) ) \
DEF( StreamingWizard, showStreamingWizard() ) \
DEF( Playlist, showPlaylist() ) \
DEF( ShowPopupMenu, showPopupMenu(true,INTF_DIALOG_POPUPMENU) ) \
DEF( HidePopupMenu, showPopupMenu(false,INTF_DIALOG_POPUPMENU) ) \
DEF( ShowAudioPopupMenu, showPopupMenu(true,INTF_DIALOG_AUDIOPOPUPMENU) ) \
DEF( HideAudioPopupMenu, showPopupMenu(false,INTF_DIALOG_AUDIOPOPUPMENU) ) \
DEF( ShowVideoPopupMenu, showPopupMenu(true,INTF_DIALOG_VIDEOPOPUPMENU) ) \
DEF( HideVideoPopupMenu, showPopupMenu(false,INTF_DIALOG_VIDEOPOPUPMENU) ) \
DEF( ShowMiscPopupMenu, showPopupMenu(true,INTF_DIALOG_MISCPOPUPMENU) ) \
DEF( HideMiscPopupMenu, showPopupMenu(false,INTF_DIALOG_MISCPOPUPMENU) )
#define DEF( a, c ) \
#define DEFC( a, c ) \
class CmdDlg##a: public CmdGeneric \
{ public: \
CmdDlg##a( intf_thread_t *pIntf ): CmdGeneric( pIntf ) { } \
......@@ -70,7 +45,32 @@ class CmdDlg##a: public CmdGeneric \
virtual string getType() const { return #a" dialog"; } \
DEFC( ChangeSkin, showChangeSkin() )
DEFC( FileSimple, showFileSimple( true ) )
DEFC( File, showFile( true ) )
DEFC( Disc, showDisc( true ) )
DEFC( Net, showNet( true ) )
DEFC( Messages, showMessages() )
DEFC( Prefs, showPrefs() )
DEFC( FileInfo, showFileInfo() )
DEFC( Add, showFile( false ) )
DEFC( PlaylistLoad, showPlaylistLoad() )
DEFC( PlaylistSave, showPlaylistSave() )
DEFC( Directory, showDirectory( true ) )
DEFC( StreamingWizard, showStreamingWizard() )
DEFC( Playlist, showPlaylist() )
DEFC( ShowPopupMenu, showPopupMenu(true,INTF_DIALOG_POPUPMENU) )
DEFC( HidePopupMenu, showPopupMenu(false,INTF_DIALOG_POPUPMENU) )
DEFC( ShowAudioPopupMenu, showPopupMenu(true,INTF_DIALOG_AUDIOPOPUPMENU) )
DEFC( HideAudioPopupMenu, showPopupMenu(false,INTF_DIALOG_AUDIOPOPUPMENU) )
DEFC( ShowVideoPopupMenu, showPopupMenu(true,INTF_DIALOG_VIDEOPOPUPMENU) )
DEFC( HideVideoPopupMenu, showPopupMenu(false,INTF_DIALOG_VIDEOPOPUPMENU) )
DEFC( ShowMiscPopupMenu, showPopupMenu(true,INTF_DIALOG_MISCPOPUPMENU) )
DEFC( HideMiscPopupMenu, showPopupMenu(false,INTF_DIALOG_MISCPOPUPMENU) )
#undef DEFC
class CmdInteraction: public CmdGeneric
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