"extras/package/win32/vlc.win32.nsi.in" did not exist on "2a0358b0e1dcbdf97f1a71517d48821c3f4cbda1"
Commit 7440f8d3 authored by Olivier Aubert's avatar Olivier Aubert

python bindings: provide useful defaults for linking when compiling out-of-tree

This allows to compile the bindings from a properly installed VLC (includes and libs in standard locations), as for instance with the libvlc1-dev debian package.
parent b0565043
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def get_cflags():
def get_ldflags():
if vlcconfig is None:
return []
return [ '-lvlc', '-lvlc-control' ]
ldflags = []
if os.sys.platform == 'darwin':
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