Commit 69c9de44 authored by Olivier Teulière's avatar Olivier Teulière

- about.dfm: the layout of the "About" dialog box is slightly different

 - misc.cpp: toolbar buttons are translated too
 - mainframe.dfm: removed the "Back" and "Eject" toolbar buttons, which
   were rather useless, and added an "Eject disc" menu entry
   Also hid the caption for all the toolbar buttons
 - win32.cpp: Added a config option to display or not these captions
 - preferences.cpp: small modification to support non-advanced mode
parent d0a61d5a
......@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ object AboutDlg: TAboutDlg
Top = 281
BorderStyle = bsDialog
Caption = 'About'
ClientHeight = 214
ClientWidth = 286
ClientHeight = 222
ClientWidth = 282
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
......@@ -248,9 +248,9 @@ object AboutDlg: TAboutDlg
TextHeight = 13
object Label1: TLabel
Tag = 3
Left = 114
Top = 18
Width = 132
Left = 82
Top = 13
Width = 141
Height = 20
Caption = 'VLC media player'
......@@ -262,16 +262,16 @@ object AboutDlg: TAboutDlg
object Label2: TLabel
Tag = 3
Left = 10
Left = 14
Top = 64
Width = 172
Width = 161
Height = 13
Caption = '(c) 1996-2003 the VideoLAN team'
object Label4: TLabel
Tag = 3
Left = 15
Top = 123
Left = 14
Top = 131
Width = 253
Height = 39
Caption =
......@@ -281,40 +281,41 @@ object AboutDlg: TAboutDlg
object Label3: TLabel
Tag = 3
Left = 30
Top = 80
Width = 227
Left = 14
Top = 88
Width = 216
Height = 13
Caption = 'the VideoLAN team <>'
object Image1: TImage
Left = 32
Left = 16
Top = 8
Width = 49
Height = 49
object Label5: TLabel
Tag = 3
Left = 83
Top = 96
Left = 14
Top = 104
Width = 121
Height = 13
Caption = ''
object LabelVersion: TLabel
Tag = 3
Left = 114
Top = 40
Left = 82
Top = 35
Width = 59
Height = 13
Caption = 'Version x.y.z'
object ButtonOK: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 70
Top = 178
Left = 69
Top = 188
Width = 145
Height = 25
Height = 24
Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
Caption = 'OK'
Default = True
ModalResult = 1
......@@ -68,6 +68,14 @@ __fastcall TMainFrameDlg::TMainFrameDlg(
/* do we need to show the captions of the toolbuttons? */
if( config_GetInt( p_intf, "intfwin-show-captions" ) )
ToolBar->ShowCaptions = true;
/* Add enough room for the text */
ToolBar->Height += 9;
/* default height and caption */
ClientHeight = 37 + ToolBar->Height;
Caption = VOUT_TITLE " (Win32 interface)";
......@@ -678,8 +686,7 @@ void __fastcall TMainFrameDlg::ModeManage()
this->Height = i_Height;
/* set control items */
ToolButtonBack->Enabled = false;
ToolButtonEject->Enabled = !b_control;
EjectAction->Enabled = !b_control;
StopAction->Enabled = true;
PauseAction->Enabled = b_control;
SlowAction->Enabled = b_control;
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
Tag = 3
Left = 356
Top = 227
Width = 541
Width = 462
Height = 306
BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize]
Caption = 'VLC media player'
......@@ -141,15 +141,14 @@ object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
object ToolBar: TToolBar
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 533
Height = 50
ButtonHeight = 46
Width = 454
Height = 41
ButtonHeight = 37
ButtonWidth = 39
Caption = 'ToolBar'
EdgeBorders = [ebTop, ebBottom]
Flat = True
Images = ImageListToolbar
ShowCaptions = True
TabOrder = 0
object ToolButtonFile: TToolButton
Tag = 3
......@@ -177,38 +176,26 @@ object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
ImageIndex = 3
Style = tbsSeparator
object ToolButtonBack: TToolButton
Tag = 3
Left = 125
Top = 0
Action = BackAction
object ToolButtonPlay: TToolButton
Tag = 3
Left = 164
Left = 125
Top = 0
Action = PlayAction
object ToolButtonPause: TToolButton
Tag = 3
Left = 203
Left = 164
Top = 0
Action = PauseAction
object ToolButtonStop: TToolButton
Tag = 3
Left = 242
Left = 203
Top = 0
Action = StopAction
object ToolButtonEject: TToolButton
Tag = 3
Left = 281
Top = 0
Action = EjectAction
object ToolButtonSep2: TToolButton
Left = 320
Left = 242
Top = 0
Width = 8
Caption = 'ToolButtonSep2'
......@@ -217,18 +204,18 @@ object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
object ToolButtonSlow: TToolButton
Tag = 3
Left = 328
Left = 250
Top = 0
Action = SlowAction
object ToolButtonFast: TToolButton
Tag = 3
Left = 367
Left = 289
Top = 0
Action = FastAction
object ToolButtonSep3: TToolButton
Left = 406
Left = 328
Top = 0
Width = 8
Caption = 'ToolButtonSep3'
......@@ -237,20 +224,20 @@ object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
object ToolButtonPlaylist: TToolButton
Tag = 3
Left = 414
Left = 336
Top = 0
Action = PlaylistAction
Style = tbsCheck
object ToolButtonPrev: TToolButton
Tag = 3
Left = 453
Left = 375
Top = 0
Action = PreviousAction
object ToolButtonNext: TToolButton
Tag = 3
Left = 492
Left = 414
Top = 0
Action = NextAction
......@@ -258,7 +245,7 @@ object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
object StatusBar: TStatusBar
Left = 0
Top = 241
Width = 533
Width = 454
Height = 19
Panels = <>
ParentShowHint = False
......@@ -268,8 +255,8 @@ object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
object GroupBoxFile: TGroupBox
Tag = 3
Left = 0
Top = 90
Width = 533
Top = 81
Width = 454
Height = 32
Align = alTop
TabOrder = 2
......@@ -278,7 +265,7 @@ object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
Tag = 3
Left = 2
Top = 15
Width = 529
Width = 450
Height = 15
Align = alClient
Alignment = taCenter
......@@ -287,8 +274,8 @@ object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
object GroupBoxNetwork: TGroupBox
Left = 0
Top = 154
Width = 533
Top = 145
Width = 454
Height = 40
Align = alTop
TabOrder = 3
......@@ -332,15 +319,15 @@ object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
object GroupBoxDisc: TGroupBox
Left = 0
Top = 122
Width = 533
Top = 113
Width = 454
Height = 32
Align = alTop
TabOrder = 4
Visible = False
object LabelDisc: TLabel
Tag = 3
Left = 32
Left = 24
Top = 11
Width = 21
Height = 13
......@@ -416,8 +403,8 @@ object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
object GroupBoxSlider: TGroupBox
Tag = 3
Left = 0
Top = 50
Width = 533
Top = 41
Width = 454
Height = 40
Align = alTop
Caption = '0:00:00'
......@@ -426,7 +413,7 @@ object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
object TrackBar: TTrackBar
Left = 2
Top = 15
Width = 529
Width = 450
Height = 21
Align = alTop
Orientation = trHorizontal
......@@ -469,9 +456,15 @@ object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
Tag = 3
Action = StreamOutputAction
object N2: TMenuItem
Caption = '-'
object MenuEjectDisc: TMenuItem
Tag = 3
Action = EjectAction
object N8: TMenuItem
Caption = '-'
Visible = False
object MenuExit: TMenuItem
Tag = 3
......@@ -2572,7 +2565,7 @@ object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
object EjectAction: TAction
Tag = 3
Category = 'Control'
Caption = 'Eject'
Caption = 'Eject disc'
Enabled = False
Hint = 'Eject disc'
ImageIndex = 7
......@@ -54,9 +54,7 @@ __published: // IDE-managed Components
TToolButton *ToolButtonDisc;
TToolButton *ToolButtonNet;
TToolButton *ToolButtonSep1;
TToolButton *ToolButtonBack;
TToolButton *ToolButtonStop;
TToolButton *ToolButtonEject;
TToolButton *ToolButtonPlay;
TToolButton *ToolButtonPause;
TToolButton *ToolButtonSep2;
......@@ -192,6 +190,8 @@ __published: // IDE-managed Components
TMenuItem *PopupFullscreen;
TMenuItem *Videosettings1;
TMenuItem *PopupOnTop;
TMenuItem *N2;
TMenuItem *MenuEjectDisc;
void __fastcall TimerManageTimer( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall TrackBarChange( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall FormClose( TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action );
......@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ void __fastcall Translate( TForm *Form )
Object->Caption = _( Object->Caption.c_str() );
#if 0
else if( Component->InheritsFrom( __classid( TToolButton ) ) )
TToolButton *Object = (TToolButton *) Component;
......@@ -144,7 +143,6 @@ void __fastcall Translate( TForm *Form )
Object->Caption = _( Object->Caption.c_str() );
else if( Component->InheritsFrom( __classid( TListView ) ) )
TListView *ListView = (TListView *) Component;
......@@ -663,6 +663,11 @@ void __fastcall TPreferencesDlg::CreateConfigDialog( char *psz_module_name )
p_item = p_parser->p_config;
if( p_item ) do
if( p_item->b_advanced && !config_GetInt( p_intf, "advanced" ) )
switch( p_item->i_type )
......@@ -759,10 +764,8 @@ void __fastcall TPreferencesDlg::CreateConfigDialog( char *psz_module_name )
msg_Warn( p_intf, "unknown config type: %i", p_item->i_type );
while( p_item->i_type != CONFIG_HINT_END );
while( p_item->i_type != CONFIG_HINT_END && p_item++ );
/* Reorder panels inside the tabsheets */
for( i_pages = 0; i_pages < PageControlPref->PageCount; i_pages++ )
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* win32.cpp : Win32 interface plugin for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 VideoLAN
* $Id: win32.cpp,v 1.16 2003/02/20 01:52:46 sigmunau Exp $
* $Id: win32.cpp,v 1.17 2003/03/01 21:32:49 ipkiss Exp $
* Authors: Olivier Teulire <>
......@@ -299,14 +299,21 @@ int Win32Manage( intf_thread_t *p_intf )
* Module descriptor
#define MAX_LINES_TEXT N_("maximum number of lines in the log window")
#define MAX_LINES_TEXT N_( "maximum number of lines in the log window" )
"You can set the maximum number of lines that the log window will display."\
" Enter -1 if you want to keep all messages." )
#define SHOW_CAPTIONS_TEXT N_( "display text under images in the toolbar" )
"Check this option if you want to display the caption of the buttons in " \
"the toolbar. Beware, the display may be messed up" )
add_category_hint( N_("Miscellaneous"), NULL, VLC_TRUE );
add_integer( "intfwin-max-lines", 500, NULL, MAX_LINES_TEXT, MAX_LINES_LONGTEXT, VLC_TRUE );
add_integer( "intfwin-max-lines", 500, NULL, MAX_LINES_TEXT,
add_bool( "intfwin-show-captions", 0, NULL, SHOW_CAPTIONS_TEXT,
set_description( _("Native Windows interface module") );
set_capability( "interface", 100 );
set_callbacks( E_(Open), E_(Close) );
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