Commit 657e2a26 authored by Gildas Bazin's avatar Gildas Bazin

* modules/gui/skins2/ include the default skins2 theme in the "make dist" rule.
* install-win32, include the default skins2 theme in the win32 package.
parent f7639c15
......@@ -595,6 +595,10 @@ package-win32-base:
for i in $(srcdir)/doc/skins/*.txt; do \
cp $$i $(srcdir)/vlc-${VERSION}/skins/ || true ; \
mkdir -p $(srcdir)/vlc-${VERSION}/skins2/default
for i in $(srcdir)/modules/gui/skins2/theme/*.*; do \
cp $$i $(srcdir)/vlc-${VERSION}/skins2/default/ || true ; \
mkdir -p "$(srcdir)/vlc-${VERSION}/http/admin"
cp $(srcdir)/share/http/*.html $(srcdir)/vlc-${VERSION}/http/ ;
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ Section "Install"
File /r plugins
File /r locale
File /r skins
File /r skins2
File /r http
File /r mozilla
......@@ -136,14 +136,14 @@ SOURCES_skins2 = \
utils/var_percent.hpp \
utils/var_text.cpp \
utils/var_text.hpp \
vars/playlist.cpp \
vars/playlist.hpp \
vars/time.cpp \
vars/time.hpp \
vars/volume.cpp \
vars/volume.hpp \
win32/win32_dragdrop.cpp \
win32/win32_dragdrop.hpp \
win32/win32_factory.cpp \
......@@ -176,3 +176,69 @@ SOURCES_skins2 = \
x11/x11_tooltip.cpp \
x11/x11_tooltip.hpp \
theme/add_item_onclick.png \
theme/add_item.png \
theme/body.png \
theme/close_mouseover.png \
theme/close_onclick.png \
theme/close.png \
theme/delete_item_onclick.png \
theme/delete_item.png \
theme/disabled.png \
theme/fast_disabled.png \
theme/fast_onclick.png \
theme/fast.png \
theme/FreeSansBold.ttf \
theme/FreeSans.ttf \
theme/next_disabled.png \
theme/next_onclick.png \
theme/next.png \
theme/pause_onclick.png \
theme/pause.png \
theme/playlist_body1.png \
theme/playlist_body2.png \
theme/playlist_body3.png \
theme/playlist_body4.png \
theme/playlist_body5.png \
theme/playlist_body6.png \
theme/playlist_body7.png \
theme/playlist_body8.png \
theme/playlist_body9.png \
theme/playlist_button2.png \
theme/playlist_button_onclick2.png \
theme/playlist_button_onclick.png \
theme/playlist_button.png \
theme/playlist.png \
theme/play_onclick.png \
theme/play.png \
theme/preferences_onclick.png \
theme/preferences.png \
theme/previous_disabled.png \
theme/previous_onclick.png \
theme/previous.png \
theme/reduce_disabled.png \
theme/reduce_onclick.png \
theme/reduce.png \
theme/resize.png \
theme/rev_disabled.png \
theme/rev_onclick.png \
theme/rev.png \
theme/skin.dtd \
theme/slider2.png \
theme/slider_onclick.png \
theme/slider_playlist.png \
theme/slider.png \
theme/slider_volume_onclick.png \
theme/slider_volume.png \
theme/slow_disabled.png \
theme/slow_onclick.png \
theme/slow.png \
theme/sort_onclick.png \
theme/sort.png \
theme/stop_disabled.png \
theme/stop_onclick.png \
theme/stop.png \
theme/theme.xml \
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