Commit 4a923ecc authored by Jean-Baptiste Kempf's avatar Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Freetype: split the fontcache building in a separate function

parent 165cd46a
......@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ static int RenderHtml( filter_t *, subpicture_region_t *,
subpicture_region_t * );
static void FontConfig_BuildCache( filter_t *p_filter );
static char *FontConfig_Select( FcConfig *, const char *,
bool, bool, int * );
......@@ -351,33 +352,8 @@ static int Create( vlc_object_t *p_this )
msg_Dbg( p_filter, "Building font databases.");
mtime_t t1, t2;
t1 = mdate();
#ifdef WIN32
dialog_progress_bar_t *p_dialog = NULL;
FcConfig *fcConfig = FcInitLoadConfig();
p_dialog = dialog_ProgressCreate( p_filter,
_("Building font cache"),
_("Please wait while your font cache is rebuilt.\n"
"This should take less than a few minutes."), NULL );
FontConfig_BuildCache( p_filter );
/* if( p_dialog )
dialog_ProgressSet( p_dialog, NULL, 0.5 ); */
FcConfigBuildFonts( fcConfig );
t2 = mdate();
msg_Dbg( p_filter, "Took %ld microseconds", (long)((t2 - t1)) );
if( p_dialog )
// dialog_ProgressSet( p_dialog, NULL, 1.0 );
dialog_ProgressDestroy( p_dialog );
p_dialog = NULL;
/* Lets find some fontfile from freetype-font variable family */
char *psz_fontsize;
if( asprintf( &psz_fontsize, "%d", p_sys->i_default_font_size ) == -1 )
......@@ -487,11 +463,6 @@ error:
if( fontmatch ) FcPatternDestroy( fontmatch );
if( fontpattern ) FcPatternDestroy( fontpattern );
#ifdef WIN32
if( p_dialog )
dialog_ProgressDestroy( p_dialog );
if( p_sys->p_face ) FT_Done_Face( p_sys->p_face );
......@@ -2341,7 +2312,39 @@ static int RenderHtml( filter_t *p_filter, subpicture_region_t *p_region_out,
return rv;
static void FontConfig_BuildCache( filter_t *p_filter )
/* */
msg_Dbg( p_filter, "Building font databases.");
mtime_t t1, t2;
t1 = mdate();
#ifdef WIN32
dialog_progress_bar_t *p_dialog = NULL;
FcConfig *fcConfig = FcInitLoadConfig();
p_dialog = dialog_ProgressCreate( p_filter,
_("Building font cache"),
_("Please wait while your font cache is rebuilt.\n"
"This should take less than a few minutes."), NULL );
/* if( p_dialog )
dialog_ProgressSet( p_dialog, NULL, 0.5 ); */
FcConfigBuildFonts( fcConfig );
if( p_dialog )
// dialog_ProgressSet( p_dialog, NULL, 1.0 );
dialog_ProgressDestroy( p_dialog );
p_dialog = NULL;
t2 = mdate();
msg_Dbg( p_filter, "Took %ld microseconds", (long)((t2 - t1)) );
static char* FontConfig_Select( FcConfig* priv, const char* family,
bool b_bold, bool b_italic, int *i_idx )
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