Commit 4774fca7 authored by Florian G. Pflug's avatar Florian G. Pflug

*) We now call lockFocus on the QuickDrawView before attempting to get it's qdport.

parent a6e21c2b
......@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
<string>VideoLan Client 0.2.92</string>
<string>VideoLan Client 0.2.92 (25.01.2002)</string>
......@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@
] ;
[o_window setContentView:o_qdview] ;
[o_window orderFront:self] ;
[o_qdview lockFocus] ;
[o_vlc setQDPort:[o_qdview qdPort]] ;
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