Commit 0b5079a3 authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

macosx: enable opening of *.txt named subtitles through the Video menu

parent c8cb1a1f
......@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@
[openPanel setCanChooseFiles: YES];
[openPanel setCanChooseDirectories: NO];
[openPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection: YES];
i_returnValue = [openPanel runModalForDirectory: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: path] file: nil types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"cdg",@"@idx",@"srt",@"sub",@"utf",@"ass",@"ssa",@"aqt",@"jss",@"psb",@"rt",@"smi", nil]];
i_returnValue = [openPanel runModalForDirectory: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: path] file: nil types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"cdg",@"@idx",@"srt",@"sub",@"utf",@"ass",@"ssa",@"aqt",@"jss",@"psb",@"rt",@"smi",@"txt", nil]];
free( path );
if( i_returnValue == NSOKButton )
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