Commit 05e3077c authored by Sam Hocevar's avatar Sam Hocevar

* ./include/modules_inner.h: support for several modules with the same

    name but with different directory names.
  * ./Makefile: plugins get installed in different directory names.
  * ALL: additional -ansi -pedantic fixes.
parent 58c63dc9
......@@ -187,11 +187,16 @@ endif
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/vlc
ifneq (,$(PLUGINS))
$(INSTALL) $(PLUGINS:%=modules/ $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/vlc
for plugin in $(PLUGINS) ; \
do dir=`echo $$plugin | sed -e 's@/[^ ]*@@g'` ; \
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/vlc/$$dir ; \
cp modules/$${plugin}.so $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/vlc/$$dir ; \
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/vlc/*.so
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/vlc/*/*.so
-rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/vlc/*
-rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/vlc
......@@ -405,7 +410,7 @@ src/misc/modules_builtin.h: Makefile.opts Makefile Makefile.config
@rm -f $@ && cp $ $@
ifneq (,$(BUILTINS))
@for i in $(BUILTINS) ; do \
echo "int vlc_entry__"`basename $$i`"( module_t* );" >>$@; \
echo "int vlc_entry__modules_"`echo $$i | sed -e 'y@/@_@ ; s@\..*@@'`"( module_t* );" >>$@; \
@echo "" >> $@ ;
......@@ -414,7 +419,7 @@ endif
@echo " { \\" >> $@ ;
ifneq (,$(BUILTINS))
@for i in $(BUILTINS) ; do \
echo " ALLOCATE_BUILTIN("`basename $$i`"); \\" >> $@ ; \
echo " ALLOCATE_BUILTIN(modules_"`echo $$i | sed -e 'y@/@_@ ; s@\..*@@'`"); \\" >> $@ ; \
@echo " } while( 0 );" >> $@ ;
......@@ -479,7 +484,7 @@ builtins: Makefile.modules Makefile.opts Makefile.dep Makefile $(BUILTIN_OBJ)
plugins: Makefile.modules Makefile.opts Makefile.dep Makefile $(PLUGIN_OBJ)
modules/%.a modules/ $(H_OBJ) FORCE
@cd $(shell echo $@ | sed -e 's@\(.*\)/.*@\1@') && $(MAKE) -f $(shell echo $@ | sed -e 's@[^/]*/@../@g' -e 's@\(.*\)/.*@\1@')/Makefile.modules $(shell echo $@ | sed -e 's@.*/@@') PARENT=$(shell echo $@ | sed -e 's@[^/]*/@../@g' -e 's@\(.*\)/.*@\1@')
cd $(shell echo $@ | sed -e 's@\(.*\)/.*@\1@') && $(MAKE) -f $(shell echo $@ | sed -e 's@[^/]*/@../@g' -e 's@\(.*\)/.*@\1@')/Makefile.modules $(shell echo $@ | sed -e 's@.*/@@') PARENT=$(shell echo $@ | sed -e 's@[^/]*/@../@g' -e 's@\(.*\)/.*@\1@') MODULE_PATH=$(shell echo $@ | sed -e 'y@/@_@ ; s@\..*@@')
# Mozilla plugin target
......@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ builtins_CFLAGS += -D__BUILTIN__ -I$(PARENT)/include -I$(PARENT)/extras
ifeq (lo,$(suff))
extra_CFLAGS := $(plugins_CFLAGS) $($(module_name)_CFLAGS) \
-DMODULE_NAME=$(module_name) -DMODULE_NAME_IS_$(module_name) \
-DMODULE_PATH=$(MODULE_PATH) $($(module_name)_so_CFLAGS)
OBJ_ALL := $(SRC_C:%.c=%.lo.$(module_name)) $(SRC_CPP:%.cpp=%.lo.$(module_name))
extra_CFLAGS := $(builtins_CFLAGS) $($(module_name)_CFLAGS) \
-DMODULE_NAME=$(module_name) -DMODULE_NAME_IS_$(module_name) \
-DMODULE_PATH=$(MODULE_PATH) $($(module_name)_a_CFLAGS)
OBJ_ALL := $(SRC_C:%.c=%.o.$(module_name)) $(SRC_CPP:%.cpp=%.o.$(module_name)) \
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ AM_GNU_GETTEXT
dnl Check for compiler properties
dnl Set default LDFLAGS
......@@ -61,65 +61,111 @@ install: build
DESTDIR=`pwd`/debian/vlc/ $(MAKE) install prefix=/usr
# make symlinks for packages and install plugins
case $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH) in \
i386) \
ARCH_ALIASES="ggi gtk gnome esd sdl qt arts mad alsa lirc aa xosd kde glide" ;; \
*) \
ARCH_ALIASES="ggi gtk gnome esd sdl qt arts mad alsa lirc aa xosd kde" ;; \
esac ;\
for alias in $$ARCH_ALIASES ; do \
ln -s vlc debian/vlc-plugin-$$alias/usr/share/doc/vlc-plugin-$$alias ; \
mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/$$ \
debian/vlc-plugin-$$alias/usr/lib/vlc/ ; done
# do the same for the mozilla plugin
ln -s vlc debian/mozilla-plugin-vlc/usr/share/doc/mozilla-plugin-vlc
mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/mozilla debian/mozilla-plugin-vlc/usr/lib
# Package: vlc
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/vlc48x48.png debian/vlc/$(PIXDIR)/vlc.png
cp debian/vlc.desktop debian/vlc/$(GNOMEDIR)
cp debian/gvlc.desktop debian/gvlc/$(GNOMEDIR)
cp debian/gnome-vlc.desktop debian/gnome-vlc/$(GNOMEDIR)
# install development files
# Package: libvlc0-dev
mv debian/vlc/usr/bin/vlc-config debian/libvlc0-dev/usr/bin/
mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/*.a debian/libvlc0-dev/usr/lib/
mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/*.a debian/libvlc0-dev/usr/lib/vlc/
mv debian/vlc/usr/include/vlc/* debian/libvlc0-dev/usr/include/vlc/
ln -s vlc debian/libvlc0-dev/usr/share/doc/libvlc0-dev
# do the binary aliases
mv debian/vlc/usr/bin/gvlc debian/gvlc/usr/bin/
ln -s vlc debian/gvlc/usr/share/doc/gvlc
mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/ debian/gvlc/usr/lib/vlc/
ln -s vlc.1.gz debian/gvlc/usr/share/man/man1/gvlc.1.gz
# Package: gnome-vlc
mv debian/vlc/usr/bin/gnome-vlc debian/gnome-vlc/usr/bin/
ln -s vlc debian/gnome-vlc/usr/share/doc/gnome-vlc
mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/ debian/gnome-vlc/usr/lib/vlc/
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/gui/ debian/gnome-vlc/usr/lib/vlc/gui/
ln -s vlc.1.gz debian/gnome-vlc/usr/share/man/man1/gnome-vlc.1.gz
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/gnome-vlc32x32.xpm debian/gnome-vlc/$(VIDDIR)/gnome-vlc.xpm
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/gnome-vlc48x48.png debian/gnome-vlc/$(PIXDIR)/gnome-vlc.png
# Package: gvlc
mv debian/vlc/usr/bin/gvlc debian/gvlc/usr/bin/
ln -s vlc debian/gvlc/usr/share/doc/gvlc
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/gui/ debian/gvlc/usr/lib/vlc/gui/
ln -s vlc.1.gz debian/gvlc/usr/share/man/man1/gvlc.1.gz
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/gvlc32x32.xpm debian/gvlc/$(VIDDIR)/gvlc.xpm
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/gvlc48x48.png debian/gvlc/$(PIXDIR)/gvlc.png
# Package: vlc-plugin-esd
ln -s vlc debian/vlc-plugin-esd/usr/share/doc/vlc-plugin-esd
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/audio_output/ \
# Package: vlc-plugin-alsa
ln -s vlc debian/vlc-plugin-alsa/usr/share/doc/vlc-plugin-alsa
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/audio_output/ \
# Package: vlc-plugin-sdl
ln -s vlc debian/vlc-plugin-sdl/usr/share/doc/vlc-plugin-sdl
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/audio_output/ \
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/video_output/ \
# Package: vlc-plugin-ggi
ln -s vlc debian/vlc-plugin-ggi/usr/share/doc/vlc-plugin-ggi
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/video_output/ \
# Package: vlc-plugin-glide
ifeq ($(DEB_BUILD_ARCH),i386)
ln -s vlc debian/vlc-plugin-glide/usr/share/doc/vlc-plugin-glide
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/video_output/ \
# Package: qvlc
mv debian/vlc/usr/bin/qvlc debian/qvlc/usr/bin/
ln -s vlc debian/qvlc/usr/share/doc/qvlc
mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/ debian/qvlc/usr/lib/vlc/
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/gui/ debian/qvlc/usr/lib/vlc/gui/
ln -s vlc.1.gz debian/qvlc/usr/share/man/man1/qvlc.1.gz
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/qvlc32x32.xpm debian/qvlc/$(VIDDIR)/qvlc.xpm
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/qvlc48x48.png debian/qvlc/$(PIXDIR)/qvlc.png
# Package: vlc-plugin-mad
ln -s vlc debian/vlc-plugin-mad/usr/share/doc/vlc-plugin-mad
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/codec/ \
# Package: vlc-plugin-arts
ln -s vlc debian/vlc-plugin-arts/usr/share/doc/vlc-plugin-arts
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/audio_output/ \
# Package: vlc-plugin-lirc
ln -s vlc debian/vlc-plugin-lirc/usr/share/doc/vlc-plugin-lirc
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/control/ \
# Package: vlc-plugin-aa
ln -s vlc debian/vlc-plugin-aa/usr/share/doc/vlc-plugin-aa
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/video_output/ \
# Package: vlc-plugin-xosd
ln -s vlc debian/vlc-plugin-xosd/usr/share/doc/vlc-plugin-xosd
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/visualization/ \
# Package: mozilla-plugin-vlc
ln -s vlc debian/mozilla-plugin-vlc/usr/share/doc/mozilla-plugin-vlc
mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/mozilla debian/mozilla-plugin-vlc/usr/lib
# Package: kvlc
mv debian/vlc/usr/bin/kvlc debian/kvlc/usr/bin/
ln -s vlc debian/kvlc/usr/share/doc/kvlc
mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/ debian/kvlc/usr/lib/vlc/
-mv debian/vlc/usr/lib/vlc/gui/ debian/kvlc/usr/lib/vlc/gui/
ln -s vlc.1.gz debian/kvlc/usr/share/man/man1/kvlc.1.gz
# copy pictures
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/vlc48x48.png debian/vlc/$(PIXDIR)/vlc.png
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/gvlc32x32.xpm debian/gvlc/$(VIDDIR)/gvlc.xpm
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/gvlc48x48.png debian/gvlc/$(PIXDIR)/gvlc.png
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/gnome-vlc32x32.xpm debian/gnome-vlc/$(VIDDIR)/gnome-vlc.xpm
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/gnome-vlc48x48.png debian/gnome-vlc/$(PIXDIR)/gnome-vlc.png
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/qvlc32x32.xpm debian/qvlc/$(VIDDIR)/qvlc.xpm
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/qvlc48x48.png debian/qvlc/$(PIXDIR)/qvlc.png
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/kvlc32x32.xpm debian/kvlc/$(VIDDIR)/kvlc.xpm
mv debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/kvlc48x48.png debian/kvlc/$(PIXDIR)/kvlc.png
rm -f debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/*.png
cp debian/vlc.desktop debian/vlc/$(GNOMEDIR)
cp debian/gvlc.desktop debian/gvlc/$(GNOMEDIR)
cp debian/gnome-vlc.desktop debian/gnome-vlc/$(GNOMEDIR)
# Clean up
rm -f debian/vlc/$(VIDDIR)/*.png
#gzip -9 < doc/vlc.1 >| debian/vlc/usr/share/man/man1/vlc.1.gz
......@@ -136,14 +182,9 @@ binary-arch: build install
# dh_installexamples
# dh_installemacsen
# dh_installpam
# dh_installinit
# dh_installcron
dh_installman doc/vlc.1
# dh_installinfo
# dh_undocumented
dh_installchangelogs -Ngnome-vlc -Ngvlc -Nvlc-plugin-ggi -Nvlc-plugin-glide -Nvlc-plugin-esd -Nvlc-plugin-alsa -Nvlc-plugin-sdl -Nqvlc -Nvlc-plugin-arts -Nvlc-plugin-mad -Nvlc-plugin-lirc -Nvlc-plugin-aa -Nvlc-plugin-xosd -Nkvlc -Nmozilla-plugin-vlc ChangeLog
dh_installman doc/vlc.1 -p vlc
dh_installman doc/vlc-config.1 -p libvlc0-dev
dh_installchangelogs ChangeLog -p vlc
......@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@
typedef union {
long long q; /* Quadword (64-bit) value */
unsigned long long uq; /* Unsigned Quadword */
int d[2]; /* 2 Doubleword (32-bit) values */
unsigned int ud[2]; /* 2 Unsigned Doubleword */
short w[4]; /* 4 Word (16-bit) values */
unsigned short uw[4]; /* 4 Unsigned Word */
char b[8]; /* 8 Byte (8-bit) values */
unsigned char ub[8]; /* 8 Unsigned Byte */
s64 q; /* Quadword (64-bit) value */
u64 uq; /* Unsigned Quadword */
s32 d[2]; /* 2 Doubleword (32-bit) values */
u32 ud[2]; /* 2 Unsigned Doubleword */
s16 w[4]; /* 4 Word (16-bit) values */
u16 uw[4]; /* 4 Unsigned Word */
s8 b[8]; /* 8 Byte (8-bit) values */
u8 ub[8]; /* 8 Unsigned Byte */
float s[2]; /* Single-precision (32-bit) value */
} ATTR_ALIGN(8) mmx_t; /* On an 8-byte (64-bit) boundary */
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* modules_inner.h : Macros used from within a module.
* Copyright (C) 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: modules_inner.h,v 1.28 2002/08/08 00:35:10 sam Exp $
* $Id: modules_inner.h,v 1.29 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <>
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#if !defined( __PLUGIN__ ) && !defined( __BUILTIN__ )
# define MODULE_NAME main
# define MODULE_PATH main
......@@ -53,8 +54,8 @@
/* If the module is built-in, then we need to define foo_InitModule instead
* of InitModule. Same for Activate- and DeactivateModule. */
#if defined( __BUILTIN__ )
# define E_( function ) CONCATENATE( function, MODULE_NAME )
# define __VLC_SYMBOL( symbol ) CONCATENATE( symbol, MODULE_NAME )
# define E_( function ) CONCATENATE( function, MODULE_PATH )
# define __VLC_SYMBOL( symbol ) CONCATENATE( symbol, MODULE_PATH )
# define DECLARE_SYMBOLS struct _u_n_u_s_e_d_
# define STORE_SYMBOLS struct _u_n_u_s_e_d_
#elif defined( __PLUGIN__ )
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* dvd_ifo.h: Structures for ifo parsing
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: ifo.h,v 1.2 2002/08/08 00:35:10 sam Exp $
* $Id: ifo.h,v 1.3 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Author: Stphane Borel <>
......@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ typedef struct vobu_map_s
typedef struct manager_inf_s
char psz_id[13]; /* 12 bytes (DVDVIDEO-VMG) */
byte_t psz_id[13]; /* 12 bytes (DVDVIDEO-VMG) */
u32 i_vmg_end_sector; /* 4 bytes */
/* char[12] ??? */
u32 i_vmg_inf_end_sector; /* 4 bytes */
......@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ typedef struct manager_inf_s
u8 i_disc_side; /* 1 bytes */
/* char[20] ??? */
u16 i_title_set_nb; /* 2 bytes */
char ps_provider_id[32]; /* 32 bytes */
byte_t ps_provider_id[32]; /* 32 bytes */
u64 i_pos_code; /* 8 bytes */
/* char[24] ??? */
u32 i_vmg_inf_end_byte; /* 4 bytes */
......@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ typedef struct title_inf_s
typedef struct parental_desc_s
char ps_country_code[2]; /* 2 bytes */
byte_t ps_country_code[2]; /* 2 bytes */
/* char[2] ??? */
u16 i_parental_mask_start_byte; /* 2 bytes */
/* char[2] ??? */
......@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ typedef struct vmg_s
typedef struct vts_manager_s
char psz_id[13]; /* 12 bytes (DVDVIDEO-VTS) */
byte_t psz_id[13]; /* 12 bytes (DVDVIDEO-VTS) */
u32 i_last_sector; /* 4 bytes */
/* char[12] ??? */
u32 i_inf_last_sector; /* 4 bytes */
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* contains the basic udf handling functions
* Copyright (C) 1998-2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: udf.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 00:35:10 sam Exp $
* $Id: udf.c,v 1.3 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Author: Stphane Borel <>
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ static int UDFICB( u8 * pi_data, u8 * pi_file_type, u16 * pi_flags)
* UDFPartition: gets partition descriptor
static int UDFPartition( u8 * pi_data, u16 * pi_flags, u16 * pi_nb,
char * ps_contents, u32 * pi_start, u32 * pi_length )
byte_t * ps_contents, u32 * pi_start, u32 * pi_length )
pi_flags[0] = GETN2( 20 );
pi_nb[0] = GETN2( 22 );
......@@ -250,13 +250,13 @@ static int UDFPartition( u8 * pi_data, u16 * pi_flags, u16 * pi_nb,
* Returns 0 on OK, 1 on error
static int UDFLogVolume(u8 * pi_data, char * p_volume_descriptor )
static int UDFLogVolume(u8 * pi_data, byte_t * p_volume_descriptor )
u32 i_lb_size;
u32 i_MT_L;
u32 i_N_PM;
UDFDecode( &pi_data[84], 128, p_volume_descriptor );
UDFDecode( &pi_data[84], 128, (char *)p_volume_descriptor );
i_lb_size = GETN4( 212 ); /* should be 2048 */
i_MT_L = GETN4( 264 ); /* should be 6 */
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* cdrom.c: cdrom tools
* Copyright (C) 1998-2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: cdrom.c,v 1.1 2002/08/04 17:23:42 sam Exp $
* $Id: cdrom.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Author: Johan Bilien <>
* Jon Lech Johansen <>
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ int getNumberOfTracks( CDTOC *, int );
* ioctl_ReadTocHeader: Read the TOC header and return the track number.
int ioctl_GetTrackCount( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
int ioctl_GetTrackCount( vlc_object_t * p_this, int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
int i_count = -1;
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ int ioctl_GetTrackCount( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
if( ( pTOC = getTOC( psz_dev ) ) == NULL )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: failed to get the TOC" );
msg_Err( p_this, "failed to get the TOC" );
return( -1 );
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ int ioctl_GetTrackCount( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
if( ioctl( i_fd, CDIOREADTOCHEADER, &tochdr ) == -1 )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: could not read TOCHDR" );
msg_Err( p_this, "could not read TOCHDR" );
return -1;
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ int ioctl_GetTrackCount( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
/* First we read the TOC header */
if( ioctl( i_fd, CDROMREADTOCHDR, &tochdr ) == -1 )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: could not read TOCHDR" );
msg_Err( p_this, "could not read TOCHDR" );
return -1;
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ int ioctl_GetTrackCount( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
* ioctl_GetSectors: Read the Table of Contents and fill p_vcd.
int * ioctl_GetSectors( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
int * ioctl_GetSectors( vlc_object_t *p_this, int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
int i, i_tracks;
int *p_sectors = NULL;
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ int * ioctl_GetSectors( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
if( ( pTOC = getTOC( psz_dev ) ) == NULL )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: failed to get the TOC" );
msg_Err( p_this, "failed to get the TOC" );
return( NULL );
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ int * ioctl_GetSectors( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
p_sectors = malloc( (i_tracks + 1) * sizeof(int) );
if( p_sectors == NULL )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: could not allocate p_sectors" );
msg_Err( p_this, "out of memory" );
freeTOC( pTOC );
return NULL;
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ int * ioctl_GetSectors( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
if( i_leadout == -1 )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: leadout not found" );
msg_Err( p_this, "leadout not found" );
free( p_sectors );
freeTOC( pTOC );
return( NULL );
......@@ -184,11 +184,11 @@ int * ioctl_GetSectors( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
struct ioc_read_toc_entry toc_entries;
i_tracks = ioctl_GetTrackCount( i_fd, psz_dev );
i_tracks = ioctl_GetTrackCount( p_this, i_fd, psz_dev );
p_sectors = malloc( (i_tracks + 1) * sizeof(int) );
if( p_sectors == NULL )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: could not allocate p_sectors" );
msg_Err( p_this, "out of memory" );
return NULL;
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ int * ioctl_GetSectors( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev ) = (struct cd_toc_entry *) malloc( toc_entries.data_len );
if( == NULL )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: not enoug memory" );
msg_Err( p_this, "out of memory" );
free( p_sectors );
return NULL;
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ int * ioctl_GetSectors( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
/* Read the TOC */
if( ioctl( i_fd, CDIOREADTOCENTRYS, &toc_entries ) == -1 )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: could not read the TOC" );
msg_Err( p_this, "could not read the TOC" );
free( p_sectors );
free( );
return NULL;
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ int * ioctl_GetSectors( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
/* First we read the TOC header */
if( ioctl( i_fd, CDROMREADTOCHDR, &tochdr ) == -1 )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: could not read TOCHDR" );
msg_Err( p_this, "could not read TOCHDR" );
return NULL;
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ int * ioctl_GetSectors( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
p_sectors = malloc( (i_tracks + 1) * sizeof(int) );
if( p_sectors == NULL )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: could not allocate p_sectors" );
msg_Err( p_this, "out of memory" );
return NULL;
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ int * ioctl_GetSectors( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
if( ioctl( i_fd, CDROMREADTOCENTRY, &tocent ) == -1 )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: could not read TOCENTRY" );
msg_Err( p_this, "could not read TOCENTRY" );
free( p_sectors );
return NULL;
......@@ -261,7 +261,8 @@ int * ioctl_GetSectors( int i_fd, const char *psz_dev )
* ioctl_ReadSector: Read a sector (2324 bytes)
int ioctl_ReadSector( int i_fd, int i_sector, byte_t * p_buffer )
int ioctl_ReadSector( vlc_object_t *p_this,
int i_fd, int i_sector, byte_t * p_buffer )
byte_t p_block[ VCD_SECTOR_SIZE ];
......@@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ int ioctl_ReadSector( int i_fd, int i_sector, byte_t * p_buffer )
if( ioctl( i_fd, DKIOCCDREAD, &cd_read ) == -1 )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: could not read block %d", i_sector );
msg_Err( p_this, "could not read block %d", i_sector );
return( -1 );
......@@ -291,19 +292,19 @@ int ioctl_ReadSector( int i_fd, int i_sector, byte_t * p_buffer )
if( ioctl( i_fd, CDRIOCSETBLOCKSIZE, &i_size ) == -1 )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: Could not set block size" );
msg_Err( p_this, "Could not set block size" );
return( -1 );
if( lseek( i_fd, i_sector * VCD_SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: Could not lseek to sector %d", i_sector );
msg_Err( p_this, "Could not lseek to sector %d", i_sector );
return( -1 );
if( read( i_fd, p_block, VCD_SECTOR_SIZE ) == -1 )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: Could not read sector %d", i_sector );
msg_Err( p_this, "Could not read sector %d", i_sector );
return( -1 );
......@@ -318,8 +319,7 @@ int ioctl_ReadSector( int i_fd, int i_sector, byte_t * p_buffer )
if( ioctl(i_fd, CDROMREADRAW, p_block) == -1 )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: could not read block %i from disc",
//X i_sector );
msg_Err( p_this, "could not read block %i from disc", i_sector );
return( -1 );
......@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ CDTOC *getTOC( const char *psz_dev )
if( psz_dev == NULL )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: invalid device path" );
msg_Err( p_this, "invalid device path" );
return( NULL );
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ CDTOC *getTOC( const char *psz_dev )
/* get port for IOKit communication */
if( ( ret = IOMasterPort( MACH_PORT_NULL, &port ) ) != KERN_SUCCESS )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: IOMasterPort: 0x%08x", ret );
msg_Err( p_this, "IOMasterPort: 0x%08x", ret );
return( NULL );
......@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ CDTOC *getTOC( const char *psz_dev )
port, IOBSDNameMatching( port, 0, psz_devname ),
&iterator ) ) != KERN_SUCCESS )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: IOServiceGetMatchingServices: 0x%08x", ret );
msg_Err( p_this, "IOServiceGetMatchingServices: 0x%08x", ret );
return( NULL );
......@@ -387,8 +387,7 @@ CDTOC *getTOC( const char *psz_dev )
if( ( ret = IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator( service,
kIOServicePlane, &iterator ) ) != KERN_SUCCESS )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: "
//X "IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator: 0x%08x", ret );
msg_Err( p_this, "IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator: 0x%08x", ret );
IOObjectRelease( service );
return( NULL );
......@@ -400,7 +399,7 @@ CDTOC *getTOC( const char *psz_dev )
if( service == NULL )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: search for kIOCDMediaClass came up empty" );
msg_Err( p_this, "search for kIOCDMediaClass came up empty" );
return( NULL );
......@@ -408,8 +407,7 @@ CDTOC *getTOC( const char *psz_dev )
if( ( ret = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties( service, &properties,
kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions ) ) != KERN_SUCCESS )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: "
//X " IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties: 0x%08x", ret );
msg_Err( p_this, "IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties: 0x%08x", ret );
IOObjectRelease( service );
return( NULL );
......@@ -431,7 +429,7 @@ CDTOC *getTOC( const char *psz_dev )
//X intf_ErrMsg( "vcd error: CFDictionaryGetValue failed" );
msg_Err( p_this, "CFDictionaryGetValue failed" );
CFRelease( properties );
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* cdrom.h: cdrom tools header
* Copyright (C) 1998-2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: cdrom.h,v 1.1 2002/08/04 17:23:42 sam Exp $
* $Id: cdrom.h,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Author: Johan Bilien <>
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
* Prototypes *
int ioctl_GetTrackCount ( int, const char *psz_dev );
int * ioctl_GetSectors ( int, const char *psz_dev );
int ioctl_ReadSector ( int, int, byte_t * );
int ioctl_GetTrackCount ( vlc_object_t *, int, const char *psz_dev );
int * ioctl_GetSectors ( vlc_object_t *, int, const char *psz_dev );
int ioctl_ReadSector ( vlc_object_t *, int, int, byte_t * );
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* vcd.c : VCD input module for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2000 VideoLAN
* $Id: vcd.c,v 1.3 2002/08/08 00:35:10 sam Exp $
* $Id: vcd.c,v 1.4 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Author: Johan Bilien <>
......@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ static int VCDOpen( vlc_object_t *p_this )
/* We read the Table Of Content information */
p_vcd->nb_tracks = ioctl_GetTrackCount( p_vcd->i_handle,
psz_source );
p_vcd->nb_tracks = ioctl_GetTrackCount( VLC_OBJECT( p_input),
p_vcd->i_handle, psz_source );
if( p_vcd->nb_tracks < 0 )
msg_Err( p_input, "unable to count tracks" );
......@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ static int VCDOpen( vlc_object_t *p_this )
return -1;
p_vcd->p_sectors = ioctl_GetSectors( p_vcd->i_handle,
psz_source );
p_vcd->p_sectors = ioctl_GetSectors( VLC_OBJECT( p_input),
p_vcd->i_handle, psz_source );
if( p_vcd->p_sectors == NULL )
input_BuffersEnd( p_input, p_input->p_method_data );
......@@ -298,8 +298,8 @@ static int VCDRead( input_thread_t * p_input, byte_t * p_buffer,
for ( i_index = 0 ; i_index < i_blocks ; i_index++ )
if ( ioctl_ReadSector( p_vcd->i_handle, p_vcd->i_sector,
p_buffer + i_index * VCD_DATA_SIZE ) < 0 )
if ( ioctl_ReadSector( VLC_OBJECT(p_input), p_vcd->i_handle,
p_vcd->i_sector, p_buffer + i_index * VCD_DATA_SIZE ) < 0 )
msg_Err( p_input, "could not read sector %d", p_vcd->i_sector );
return -1;
......@@ -327,8 +327,8 @@ static int VCDRead( input_thread_t * p_input, byte_t * p_buffer,
if ( i_len % VCD_DATA_SIZE ) /* this should not happen */
if ( ioctl_ReadSector( p_vcd->i_handle, p_vcd->i_sector,
p_last_sector ) < 0 )
if ( ioctl_ReadSector( VLC_OBJECT(p_input), p_vcd->i_handle,
p_vcd->i_sector, p_last_sector ) < 0 )
msg_Err( p_input, "could not read sector %d", p_vcd->i_sector );
return -1;
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* file.c : audio output which writes the samples to a file
* Copyright (C) 2002 VideoLAN
* $Id: file.c,v 1.1 2002/08/07 21:36:55 massiot Exp $
* $Id: file.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Christophe Massiot <>
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <vlc/vlc.h>
#include <vlc/aout.h>
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* oss.c : OSS /dev/dsp module for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2000-2002 VideoLAN
* $Id: oss.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 00:35:11 sam Exp $
* $Id: oss.c,v 1.3 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Michel Kaempf <>
* Samuel Hocevar <>
......@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ static int OSSThread( aout_instance_t * p_aout )
aout_buffer_t * p_buffer;
mtime_t next_date;
int i_tmp;
char * p_bytes;
byte_t * p_bytes;
/* Get the presentation date of the next write() operation. It
* is equal to the current date + duration of buffered samples.
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* postprocessing.c
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: postprocessing.c,v 1.1 2002/08/04 22:13:06 fenrir Exp $
* $Id: postprocessing.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Laurent Aimar <>
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ static int pp_postprocess( picture_t *p_pic,
unsigned int i_mode )
/* Some sanity checks */
// if( ( p_pic->i_height&0x0f )||( p_pic->i_width&0x0f )||
/* if( ( p_pic->i_height&0x0f )||( p_pic->i_width&0x0f )||*/
if( ( p_pic->p_heap->i_chroma != VLC_FOURCC( 'I', '4', '2', '0' ) )&&
( p_pic->p_heap->i_chroma != VLC_FOURCC( 'Y', 'V', '1', '2' ) ) )
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* postprocessing_common.h
* Copyright (C) 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: postprocessing_common.h,v 1.1 2002/08/04 22:13:06 fenrir Exp $
* $Id: postprocessing_common.h,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Laurent Aimar <>
......@@ -21,9 +21,11 @@
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
//#define PP_USE_3DNOW /* Nothing done yet */
//#define PP_USE_MMX /* when only MMX is supported */
//#define PP_USE_MMXEXT /* when MMXEXT is also supported, imply MMX */
#if 0
#define PP_USE_3DNOW /* Nothing done yet */
#define PP_USE_MMX /* when only MMX is supported */
#define PP_USE_MMXEXT /* when MMXEXT is also supported, imply MMX */
/* thresholds for deblocking, I've taken value given by ISO */
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* postprocessing_mmxext.c: Post Processing plugin MMXEXT
* Copyright (C) 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: postprocessing_mmxext.c,v 1.1 2002/08/04 22:13:06 fenrir Exp $
* $Id: postprocessing_mmxext.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Laurent Aimar <>
......@@ -620,9 +620,9 @@ static inline void pp_dering_BinIndex( u8 *p_block, int i_stride, int i_thr,
__asm__ __volatile__(
"movq (%1), %%mm0 \n"
"psubusb %%mm7, %%mm0 \n" // sat makes that x <= thr --> 0
"pcmpeqb %%mm6, %%mm0 \n" // p_block <= i_thr ? -1 : 0
"pmovmskb %%mm0, %0 \n" // i_bin msb of each bytes
"psubusb %%mm7, %%mm0 \n" /* sat makes that x <= thr --> 0 */
"pcmpeqb %%mm6, %%mm0 \n" /* p_block <= i_thr ? -1 : 0 */
"pmovmskb %%mm0, %0 \n" /* i_bin msb of each bytes */
: "=r"(i_bin) :"r"(p_block) );
/* Now last 2 tests */
if( p_block[8] <= i_thr ) i_bin |= 1 << 8;
......@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ static inline void pp_dering_Filter( u8 *p_block, int i_stride,
/* Create mm7 with all bytes set to QP/2 */
__asm__ __volatile__(
"movl %0, %%eax \n"
"shrl $1, %%eax \n" // i_QP/2
"shrl $1, %%eax \n" /* i_QP/2 */
"movb %%al, %%ah \n"
"movd %%eax, %%mm7 \n"
"pshufw $0x00, %%mm7, %%mm7 \n"
......@@ -722,13 +722,13 @@ static inline void pp_dering_Filter( u8 *p_block, int i_stride,
/* clamp those values and copy them */
__asm__ __volatile__(
"movq (%0), %%mm0 \n" // mm0 = i_ftl[y][0] ... i_ftl[y][7]
"movq (%1), %%mm1 \n" // mm1 = p_sav[0] ... p_sav[7]
"movq (%0), %%mm0 \n" /* mm0 = i_ftl[y][0] ... i_ftl[y][7] */
"movq (%1), %%mm1 \n" /* mm1 = p_sav[0] ... p_sav[7] */
"movq %%mm1, %%mm2 \n"
"psubusb %%mm7, %%mm1 \n" // mm1 = psav - i_QP/2 ( >= 0 )
"paddusb %%mm7, %%mm2 \n" // mm2 = psav + i_QP/2 ( <= 255 )
"pmaxub %%mm1, %%mm0 \n" // psav - i_QP/2 <= mm0
"pminub %%mm2, %%mm0 \n" // mm0 <= psav + i_QP/2
"psubusb %%mm7, %%mm1 \n" /* mm1 = psav - i_QP/2 ( >= 0 ) */
"paddusb %%mm7, %%mm2 \n" /* mm2 = psav + i_QP/2 ( <= 255 ) */
"pmaxub %%mm1, %%mm0 \n" /* psav - i_QP/2 <= mm0 */
"pminub %%mm2, %%mm0 \n" /* mm0 <= psav + i_QP/2 */
"movq %%mm0, (%1) \n"
: :"r"(i_flt[y]), "r"(p_sav) : "memory" );
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* idctmmx.c : MMX IDCT module
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: idctmmx.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 00:35:11 sam Exp $
* $Id: idctmmx.c,v 1.3 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Aaron Holtzman <>
* Michel Lespinasse <>
......@@ -209,10 +209,10 @@ static inline void Col( dctelem_t * col, int offset )
#define T3 43790
#define C4 23170
static short _T1[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {T1,T1,T1,T1};
static short _T2[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {T2,T2,T2,T2};
static short _T3[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {T3,T3,T3,T3};
static short _C4[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {C4,C4,C4,C4};
static unsigned short _T1[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {T1,T1,T1,T1};
static unsigned short _T2[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {T2,T2,T2,T2};
static unsigned short _T3[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {T3,T3,T3,T3};
static unsigned short _C4[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {C4,C4,C4,C4};
static mmx_t scratch0, scratch1;
/* column code adapted from peter gubanov */
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* idctmmxext.c : MMX EXT IDCT module
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: idctmmxext.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 00:35:11 sam Exp $
* $Id: idctmmxext.c,v 1.3 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Aaron Holtzman <>
* Michel Lespinasse <>
......@@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ static inline void Col( dctelem_t * col, int offset )
#define T3 43790
#define C4 23170
static short _T1[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {T1,T1,T1,T1};
static short _T2[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {T2,T2,T2,T2};
static short _T3[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {T3,T3,T3,T3};
static short _C4[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {C4,C4,C4,C4};
static unsigned short _T1[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {T1,T1,T1,T1};
static unsigned short _T2[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {T2,T2,T2,T2};
static unsigned short _T3[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {T3,T3,T3,T3};
static unsigned short _C4[] ATTR_ALIGN(8) = {C4,C4,C4,C4};
static mmx_t scratch0, scratch1;
/* column code adapted from peter gubanov */
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* avi.c : AVI file Stream input module for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: avi.c,v 1.2 2002/08/07 00:29:36 sam Exp $
* $Id: avi.c,v 1.3 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Laurent Aimar <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ static int AVI_SeekAbsolute( input_thread_t *p_input,
i_filepos = AVI_TellAbsolute( p_input );
if( i_pos != i_filepos )
// msg_Err( p_input, "Seek --> delta %d", i_pos - i_filepos );
/* msg_Err( p_input, "Seek --> delta %d", i_pos - i_filepos );*/
p_input->pf_seek( p_input, i_pos );
input_AccessReinit( p_input );
......@@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ static int __AVI_GetChunk( input_thread_t *p_input,
* because invalid index
* or will find ck_other before ck_info
// msg_Warn( p_input, "method %d", i_method );
/* msg_Warn( p_input, "method %d", i_method ); */
/* we will calculate the better position we have to reach */
if( i_method == 1 )
......@@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ static int __AVI_GetChunk( input_thread_t *p_input,
return( 0 );
// msg_Dbg( p_input, "ck: %4.4s len %d", &p_ck->i_id, p_ck->i_size );
/* msg_Dbg( p_input, "ck: %4.4s len %d", &p_ck->i_id, p_ck->i_size ); */
/* special case for LIST-rec chunk */
if( ( p_ck->i_id == FOURCC_LIST )&&( p_ck->i_type == FOURCC_rec ) )
......@@ -2007,7 +2007,7 @@ static int AVIDemux_NotSeekable( input_thread_t *p_input,
msg_Err( p_input, "Badd" );
return( 0 ); /* assume EOF */
//msg_Err( p_input,"Looking ck: %4.4s %d",&p_ck->i_id, p_ck->i_size );
/*msg_Err( p_input,"Looking ck: %4.4s %d",&p_ck->i_id, p_ck->i_size );*/
switch( __AVIDemux_ChunkAction( p_avi->i_streams, p_ck ) )
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* libmp4.h : LibMP4 library for mp4 module for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: libmp4.h,v 1.1 2002/08/04 17:23:42 sam Exp $
* $Id: libmp4.h,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Laurent Aimar <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
......@@ -521,6 +521,8 @@ typedef struct MP4_descriptor_decoder_config_s
typedef struct MP4_descriptor_SL_config_s
int i_dummy; /* ANSI C forbids empty structures */
} MP4_descriptor_SL_config_t;
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* mp4.c : MP4 file input module for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: mp4.c,v 1.2 2002/08/07 00:29:36 sam Exp $
* $Id: mp4.c,v 1.3 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Laurent Aimar <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
......@@ -451,12 +451,12 @@ static void MP4_ParseTrack( input_thread_t *p_input,
if( !p_edts )
// msg_Warn( p_input, "Unhandled box: edts --> FIXME" );
/* msg_Warn( p_input, "Unhandled box: edts --> FIXME" ); */
if( !p_tref )
// msg_Warn( p_input, "Unhandled box: tref --> FIXME" );
/* msg_Warn( p_input, "Unhandled box: tref --> FIXME" ); */
p_mdhd = MP4_FindBox( p_mdia, FOURCC_mdhd );
......@@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ static int MP4_ReadSample( input_thread_t *p_input,
return( 1 );
// msg_Dbg( p_input, "will read %d bytes", i_size );
/* msg_Dbg( p_input, "will read %d bytes", i_size ); */
if( !MP4_ReadData( p_input, p_data->p_payload_start, i_size ) )
input_DeletePES( p_input->p_method_data, *pp_pes );
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* mpeg_ts.c : Transport Stream input module for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2000-2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: ts.c,v 1.2 2002/08/07 00:29:36 sam Exp $
* $Id: ts.c,v 1.3 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Henri Fallon <>
* Johan Bilien <>
......@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ void TS_DVBPSI_HandlePMT( input_thread_t * p_input, dvbpsi_pmt_t * p_new_pmt )
if( p_decoded->i_code_count > 0 )
const iso639_lang_t * p_iso;
p_iso = GetLang_2T(p_decoded->i_iso_639_code);
p_iso = GetLang_2T((char*)p_decoded->i_iso_639_code);
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* display.c: Gtk+ tools for main interface
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 VideoLAN
* $Id: display.c,v 1.1 2002/08/04 17:23:43 sam Exp $
* $Id: display.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <>
* Stphane Borel <>
......@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ gint GtkModeManage( intf_thread_t * p_intf )
switch( p_intf->p_sys->p_input->stream.i_method & 0xf0 )
//intf_WarnMsg( 2, "intf info: file method" );
gtk_widget_show( GTK_WIDGET( p_file_box ) );
p_label = gtk_object_get_data( GTK_OBJECT(
p_intf->p_sys->p_window ),
......@@ -127,11 +126,9 @@ gint GtkModeManage( intf_thread_t * p_intf )
p_intf->p_sys->p_input->psz_source );
//intf_WarnMsg( 2, "intf info: disc method" );
gtk_widget_show( GTK_WIDGET( p_dvd_box ) );
//intf_WarnMsg( 2, "intf info: network method" );
gtk_widget_show( GTK_WIDGET( p_network_box ) );
p_label = gtk_object_get_data( GTK_OBJECT(
p_intf->p_sys->p_window ),
......@@ -196,7 +193,6 @@ gint GtkModeManage( intf_thread_t * p_intf )
//intf_WarnMsg( 2, "intf info: default to file method" );
/* default mode */
p_label = gtk_object_get_data(
GTK_OBJECT( p_intf->p_sys->p_window ), "label_status" );
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* gtk_callbacks.c : Callbacks for the Gtk+ plugin.
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: gtk_callbacks.c,v 1.1 2002/08/04 17:23:43 sam Exp $
* $Id: gtk_callbacks.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <>
* Stphane Borel <>
......@@ -305,9 +305,11 @@ void GtkNetworkJoin( GtkEditable * editable, gpointer user_data )
int i_channel;
i_channel = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON( editable ) );
// msg_Dbg( "intf info: joining channel %d", i_channel );
#if 0
msg_Dbg( "intf info: joining channel %d", i_channel );
// network_ChannelJoin( i_channel );
network_ChannelJoin( i_channel );
void GtkChannelGo( GtkButton * button, gpointer user_data )
......@@ -329,7 +331,7 @@ void GtkChannelGo( GtkButton * button, gpointer user_data )
network_ChannelJoin( p_intf, i_channel );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_intf->change_lock );
// input_SetStatus( p_intf->p_sys->p_input, INPUT_STATUS_PLAY );
/* input_SetStatus( p_intf->p_sys->p_input, INPUT_STATUS_PLAY ); */
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* gtk_modules.c : functions to build modules configuration boxes.
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: modules.c,v 1.1 2002/08/04 17:23:43 sam Exp $
* $Id: modules.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <>
* Stphane Borel <>
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ gboolean GtkModulesShow( GtkWidget *widget,
if( !GTK_IS_WIDGET( p_intf->p_sys->p_modules ) )
// p_intf->p_sys->p_modules = create_intf_modules();
/* p_intf->p_sys->p_modules = create_intf_modules(); */
gtk_object_set_data( GTK_OBJECT( p_intf->p_sys->p_modules ),
"p_intf", p_intf );
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* gtk_playlist.c : Interface for the playlist dialog
* Copyright (C) 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: playlist.c,v 1.1 2002/08/04 17:23:43 sam Exp $
* $Id: playlist.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Pierre Baillet <>
* Stphane Borel <>
......@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ void GtkDropDataReceived( intf_thread_t * p_intf,
gchar * p_protocol;
gchar * p_temp;
gchar * p_next;
gchar * p_string = p_data->data ;
gchar * p_string = (gchar *)p_data->data;
GList * p_files = NULL;
GtkCList * p_clist;
......@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ void GtkDeleteGListItem( gpointer data, gpointer param )
gint GtkCompareItems( gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b )
return b - a;
return (ptrdiff_t) ( (int *)b - (int *)a );
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* gtk_preferences.c: functions to handle the preferences dialog box.
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: preferences.c,v 1.1 2002/08/04 17:23:43 sam Exp $
* $Id: preferences.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Gildas Bazin <>
* Loc Minier <>
......@@ -303,7 +303,9 @@ static void GtkCreateConfigDialog( char *psz_module_name,
/* create a new clist widget */
gchar * titles[] = { _("Name"), _("Description") };
gchar * titles[] = { N_("Name"), N_("Description") };
titles[0] = _(titles[0]);
titles[1] = _(titles[1]);
module_clist = gtk_clist_new_with_titles( 2, titles );
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* ncurses.c : NCurses plugin for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: ncurses.c,v 1.1 2002/08/04 17:23:43 sam Exp $
* $Id: ncurses.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <>
......@@ -273,7 +273,6 @@ static int PrintFullLine ( const char *p_fmt, ... )
if ( p_buf == NULL )
//X msg_Err( p_input, "intf error: %s", strerror ( ENOMEM ) );
return ( -1 );
......@@ -446,7 +445,7 @@ static void Eject ( intf_thread_t *p_intf )
/* If there's a stream playing, we aren't allowed to eject ! */
if( p_intf->p_sys->p_input == NULL )
//X msg_Dbg( p_input, "ejecting %s", psz_device );
msg_Dbg( p_intf, "ejecting %s", psz_device );
intf_Eject( p_intf, psz_device );
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* intf.cpp: Qt interface
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 VideoLAN
* $Id: intf.cpp,v 1.1 2002/08/04 17:23:43 sam Exp $
* $Id: intf.cpp,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <>
......@@ -250,27 +250,27 @@ IntfWindow::IntfWindow( intf_thread_t *p_intf )
QPopupMenu * p_tmpmenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
#define instmp( x, y... ) p_tmpmenu->insertItem( x, this, ## y )
#define instmp0( x, y ) p_tmpmenu->insertItem( x, this, y )
#define instmp1( x, y, a ) p_tmpmenu->insertItem( x, this, y, a )
menuBar()->insertItem( "&File", p_tmpmenu );
instmp( "&Open File...", SLOT(FileOpen()), Key_F3 );
instmp( "Open &Disc...", SLOT(Unimplemented()), Key_F4 );
instmp( "&Network Stream...", SLOT(Unimplemented()), Key_F5 );
instmp1( "&Open File...", SLOT(FileOpen()), Key_F3 );
instmp1( "Open &Disc...", SLOT(Unimplemented()), Key_F4 );
instmp1( "&Network Stream...", SLOT(Unimplemented()), Key_F5 );
instmp( "&Exit", SLOT(FileQuit()), CTRL+Key_Q );
instmp1( "&Exit", SLOT(FileQuit()), CTRL+Key_Q );
p_tmpmenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
menuBar()->insertItem( "&View", p_tmpmenu );
instmp( "&Playlist...", SLOT(Unimplemented()) );
instmp( "&Modules...", SLOT(Unimplemented()) );
instmp0( "&Playlist...", SLOT(Unimplemented()) );
instmp0( "&Modules...", SLOT(Unimplemented()) );
p_tmpmenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
menuBar()->insertItem( "&Settings", p_tmpmenu );
instmp( "&Preferences...", SLOT(Unimplemented()) );
instmp0( "&Preferences...", SLOT(Unimplemented()) );
p_tmpmenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
menuBar()->insertItem( "&Help", p_tmpmenu );
instmp( "&About...", SLOT(About()) );
#undef instmp
instmp0( "&About...", SLOT(About()) );
* Create the popup menu
......@@ -278,19 +278,19 @@ IntfWindow::IntfWindow( intf_thread_t *p_intf )
p_popup = new QPopupMenu( /* floating menu */ );
#define inspop( x, y... ) p_popup->insertItem( x, this, ## y )
inspop( "&Play", SLOT(PlaybackPlay()) );
inspop( "Pause", SLOT(PlaybackPause()) );
inspop( "&Slow", SLOT(PlaybackSlow()) );
inspop( "&Fast", SLOT(PlaybackFast()) );
#define inspop0( x, y ) p_popup->insertItem( x, this, y )
#define inspop1( x, y, a ) p_popup->insertItem( x, this, y, a )
inspop0( "&Play", SLOT(PlaybackPlay()) );
inspop0( "Pause", SLOT(PlaybackPause()) );
inspop0( "&Slow", SLOT(PlaybackSlow()) );
inspop0( "&Fast", SLOT(PlaybackFast()) );
inspop( "&Open File...", SLOT(FileOpen()), Key_F3 );
inspop( "Open &Disc...", SLOT(Unimplemented()), Key_F4 );
inspop( "&Network Stream...", SLOT(Unimplemented()), Key_F5 );
inspop1( "&Open File...", SLOT(FileOpen()), Key_F3 );
inspop1( "Open &Disc...", SLOT(Unimplemented()), Key_F4 );
inspop1( "&Network Stream...", SLOT(Unimplemented()), Key_F5 );
inspop( "&About...", SLOT(About()) );
inspop( "&Exit", SLOT(FileQuit()) );
#undef inspop
inspop0( "&About...", SLOT(About()) );
inspop0( "&Exit", SLOT(FileQuit()) );
/* Activate the statusbar */
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ win32_CUSTOM = yes
../ Makefile
rm -f win32.mak
$(BCBUILDER)/Bin/bpr2mak win32.bpr -s | sed 's#^LIBPATH = .*#&;$$(RELEASELIBPATH)# ; s#^USERDEFINES = .*#& -DWIN32 -D__PLUGIN__ -D__VLC__ -DMODULE_NAME_IS_win32 -DMODULE_NAME=win32#' > win32.mak
$(BCBUILDER)/Bin/bpr2mak win32.bpr -s | sed 's#^LIBPATH = .*#&;$$(RELEASELIBPATH)# ; s#^USERDEFINES = .*#& -DWIN32 -D__PLUGIN__ -D__VLC__ -DMODULE_NAME_IS_win32 -DMODULE_NAME=win32 -DMODULE_PATH=modules_gui_win32_win32#' > win32.mak
$(BCBUILDER)/Bin/make -f win32.mak -b
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* ipv4.c: IPv4 network abstraction layer
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 VideoLAN
* $Id: ipv4.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 00:35:11 sam Exp $
* $Id: ipv4.c,v 1.3 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Christophe Massiot <>
* Mathias Kretschmer <>
......@@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ static int OpenUDP( vlc_object_t * p_this, network_socket_t * p_socket )
char * psz_bind_win32; /* WIN32 multicast kludge */
int i_handle, i_opt, i_opt_size;
int i_handle, i_opt;
unsigned int i_opt_size;
struct sockaddr_in sock;
if( i_bind_port == 0 )
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* fb.c : framebuffer plugin for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: fb.c,v 1.1 2002/08/04 17:23:43 sam Exp $
* $Id: fb.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <>
......@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ static void Display( vout_thread_t *p_vout, picture_t *p_pic )
if( p_vout->p_sys->b_pan )
p_vout->p_sys->var_info.yoffset = 0;
//p_vout->p_sys->var_info.yoffset = p_vout->p_sys->var_info.yres;
/*p_vout->p_sys->var_info.yoffset = p_vout->p_sys->var_info.yres; */
/* the X offset should be 0, but who knows ...
* some other app might have played with the framebuffer */
......@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ static void TextMode( int i_tty )
/* return to text mode */
if( -1 == ioctl(i_tty, KDSETMODE, KD_TEXT) )
//X msg_Err( p_vout, "failed ioctl KDSETMODE KD_TEXT" );
/*msg_Err( p_vout, "failed ioctl KDSETMODE KD_TEXT" );*/
......@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ static void GfxMode( int i_tty )
/* switch to graphic mode */
if( -1 == ioctl(i_tty, KDSETMODE, KD_GRAPHICS) )
//X msg_Err( p_vout, "failed ioctl KDSETMODE KD_GRAPHICS" );
/*msg_Err( p_vout, "failed ioctl KDSETMODE KD_GRAPHICS" );*/
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* glide.c : 3dfx Glide plugin for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: glide.c,v 1.1 2002/08/04 17:23:43 sam Exp $
* $Id: glide.c,v 1.2 2002/08/08 22:28:22 sam Exp $
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <>
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ static int OpenDisplay( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
/* disable dithering */
//grDitherMode( GR_DITHER_DISABLE );
/*grDitherMode( GR_DITHER_DISABLE );*/
/* clear both buffers */
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* vlcplugin.c: a VideoLAN Client plugin for Mozilla
* Copyright (C) 2002 VideoLAN
* $Id: vlcplugin.c,v 1.3 2002/07/20 18:01:42 sam Exp $
* $Id: vlcplugin.c,v 1.4 2002/08/08 22:28:23 sam Exp $
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <>
......@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ NPError NPP_New( NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc,
char *ppsz_foo[] =
//"--plugin-path", "/home/sam/videolan/vlc_MAIN/plugins",
"--vout", "xvideo,x11,dummy",
"--intf", "dummy",
/*, "--plugin-path", "/home/sam/videolan/vlc_MAIN/plugins"*/
, "--vout", "xvideo,x11,dummy"
, "--intf", "dummy"
, "--noaudio"
/*, "-v"*/
fprintf(stderr, "NPP_New\n");
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ NPError NPP_New( NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc,
//__config_PutPsz( This->psz_target, argn[i], argv[i] );
/*__config_PutPsz( This->psz_target, argn[i], argv[i] );*/
......@@ -310,12 +310,12 @@ int32 NPP_WriteReady( NPP instance, NPStream *stream )
This = (PluginInstance*) instance->pdata;
/* Muahahahahahahaha */
//return SARASS_SIZE;
/*return SARASS_SIZE;*/
/* Number of bytes ready to accept in NPP_Write() */
//return 0;
/*return 0;*/
......@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ int32 NPP_Write( NPP instance, NPStream *stream, int32 offset,
if (instance != NULL)
//PluginInstance* This = (PluginInstance*) instance->pdata;
/*PluginInstance* This = (PluginInstance*) instance->pdata;*/
return len; /* The number of bytes accepted */
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* libvlc.c: main libvlc source
* Copyright (C) 1998-2002 VideoLAN
* $Id: libvlc.c,v 1.22 2002/08/08 00:35:11 sam Exp $
* $Id: libvlc.c,v 1.23 2002/08/08 22:28:23 sam Exp $
* Authors: Vincent Seguin <>
* Samuel Hocevar <>
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
* Pretend we are a builtin module
#define MODULE_NAME main
#define MODULE_PATH main
#define __BUILTIN__
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