• Rafaël Carré's avatar
    Input access locking, part 3 (final). · e02432e5
    Rafaël Carré authored
    Enforce access to input_item_t through input_item_{G,S}et*()
    Unlock mutexes before calling these functions
    Free strings returned by input_item_Get*()
    New functions added:
    char * input_item_GetURI( input_item_t  * )
    void input_item_SetURI( input_item_t * , char * )
    mtime_t input_item_GetDuration( input_item_t * )
    void input_item_SetDuration( input_item_t * , mtime_t )
    to access input_item_t->psz_uri and input_item_t->i_duration
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