• Sam Hocevar's avatar
    * ALL: decoders now use a fourcc as a probe value. · 64d33dc9
    Sam Hocevar authored
      * include/input_ext-intf.h: killed p_es->b_audio, since i_cat already fills
        its purpose.
      * include/input_ext-intf.h: killed p_es->i_type in favour of p_es->i_fourcc.
      * include/video.h: killed p_pic->p_plane->b_margin; now i_visible_pitch is
        always valid.
      * ./src/libvlc.h: replaced --mpeg-adec and --ac3-adec with --codec; see
        vlc --help for more information.
      * include/video.h: removed fourcc values which should _not_ be global
        (thanks fenrir for convincing me).
      * ALL: video output plugins use the VLC_FOURCC macro to build their fourccs.
      * ./plugins/beos/InterfaceWindow.cpp: removed the last remaining call to
       Things I'm not sure about and need comments:
        - I used "mpga" and "mpgv" for MPEG (1+2) audio and video fourcc values.
        - I also introduced "spu ", "lpcm" and "ac3 ".
        - I removed for instance "MP4_GetCodec" because it wasn't really
          used except for the description string. I hope this change did not
          break anything really important.
        - fenrir, I must have broken a lot of things you wrote. Sorry in advance.
vlc_common.h 15.9 KB