Commit cc32b9ff authored by Jean-Paul Saman's avatar Jean-Paul Saman

Prettying the printfs in verbose mode.

parent ad961fda
......@@ -493,6 +493,9 @@ int main(int i_argc, char* pa_argv[])
b_ok = ReadPacketFromSocket( i_fd, p_data, i_mtu );
if( b_verbose )
printf( "network (ms), PCR value (ms), PCR prev (ms), delta (ms)\n" );
/* Enter infinite loop */
......@@ -572,15 +575,15 @@ int main(int i_argc, char* pa_argv[])
gettimeofday( &tv, NULL );
time_current = (tv.tv_sec*1000) + (tv.tv_usec/1000);
tv_delta = time_current - time_prev;
printf( "arrival %.3ld ms ", (long)tv_delta );
printf( "arrival %.2ld, ", (long)tv_delta );
time_prev = time_current;
if( i_delta < 0 )
printf( "value %lld previous %lld, delta %lld\n",
printf( "value %lld, previous %lld, delta %lld\n",
(long long int)p_stream->pid[i_pid].i_pcr, (long long int)i_prev_pcr,
(long long int)i_delta );
else if( b_verbose )
printf( "value %lld previous %lld, delta %lld\n",
printf( "value %lld, previous %lld, delta %lld\n",
(long long int)p_stream->pid[i_pid].i_pcr, (long long int)i_prev_pcr,
(long long int)i_delta );
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