Commit 7eee9dfb authored by Jean-Paul Saman's avatar Jean-Paul Saman

dvbinfo: Print summary per PMT

MPEG TS streams with multiple programs got squashed when printing the summary.
Since it did not handle the correct PMT it also failed to properly calculate PCR duration.

Handling the PMT explicitly allowed calculating the correct PCR duration and bitrate for all
streams in a PMT.
parent d2dbd51f
......@@ -106,8 +106,11 @@
* Data structures
typedef struct ts_pid_s
typedef struct ts_pid_s ts_pid_t;
struct ts_pid_s
ts_pid_t *pid_pmt;
/* TS header fields */
int i_pid;
int i_cc; /* countinuity counter */
......@@ -152,7 +155,7 @@ typedef struct ts_pid_s
mtime_t i_last_pcr; /* last pcr seen for this pid */
mtime_t i_prev_received; /* capture time of previous packet for this pid */
mtime_t i_received; /* last capture time for packet of this pid */
} ts_pid_t;
typedef struct
......@@ -485,58 +488,76 @@ static void summary(FILE *fd, ts_stream_t *stream)
mtime_t i_first_pcr = 0, i_last_pcr = 0;
mtime_t start = 0, end = 0;
fprintf(fd, "\n---------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(fd, "\n=========================================================\n");
fprintf(fd, "\nSummary: Bandwidth\n");
/* Find PCR PID and get pcr timestamps */
for (int i_pid = 0; i_pid < 8192; i_pid++)
if (stream->pid[i_pid].b_pcr)
ts_pmt_t *pmt = stream->pmt;
while (pmt) {
/* Find PCR PID and get pcr timestamps */
fprintf(fd, "\n---------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(fd, "\nFound PMT: %4d (0x%4x)\n", pmt->pid_pmt->i_pid, pmt->pid_pmt->i_pid);
if (!pmt->pid_pcr) {
fprintf(fd, "ERROR: PMT %4d (0x%4x) has no PCR defined\n",
pmt->pid_pmt->i_pid, pmt->pid_pmt->i_pid);
/* Next PMT */
pmt = pmt->p_next;
fprintf(fd, "Found PCR: %4d (0x%4x)\n", pmt->pid_pcr->i_pid, pmt->pid_pcr->i_pid);
int i_pmt_pid = pmt->pid_pcr->i_pid;
if (stream->pid[i_pmt_pid].b_pcr)
start = stream->pid[i_pid].i_first_pcr;
end = stream->pid[i_pid].i_last_pcr;
if (stream->pid[i_pid].b_discontinuity_indicator)
start = stream->pid[i_pmt_pid].i_first_pcr;
end = stream->pid[i_pmt_pid].i_last_pcr;
if (stream->pid[i_pmt_pid].b_discontinuity_indicator)
fprintf(fd, "PCR discontinuity was signalled for PID: %4d (0x%4x)\n",
i_pid, i_pid);
i_pmt_pid, i_pmt_pid);
for (int i_pid = 0; i_pid < 8192; i_pid++)
if (stream->pid[i_pid].b_seen)
/* */
for (int i_pid = 0; i_pid < 8192; i_pid++)
fprintf(fd, "Found PID: %4d (0x%4x), DRM: %s,", i_pid, i_pid,
(stream->pid[i_pid].i_transport_scrambling_control != 0x00) ? "yes" : " no" );
double bitrate = 0;
if ((end - start) > 0)
if ((stream->pid[i_pid].pid_pmt == pmt->pid_pmt) &&
stream->pid[i_pid].b_seen )
bitrate = (double) (stream->pid[i_pid].i_packets * 188 * 8) /
((double)(end - start)/1000.0);
fprintf(fd, "Found PID: %4d (0x%4x), DRM: %s,", i_pid, i_pid,
(stream->pid[i_pid].i_transport_scrambling_control != 0x00) ? "yes" : " no" );
double bitrate = 0;
if ((end - start) > 0)
bitrate = (double) (stream->pid[i_pid].i_packets * 188 * 8) /
((double)(end - start)/1000.0);
fprintf(fd, " bitrate %0.4f kbit/s,", bitrate);
fprintf(fd, " seen %"PRId64" packets",
fprintf(fd, "\n");
i_packets += stream->pid[i_pid].i_packets;
if (i_first_pcr == 0)
i_first_pcr = start;
i_first_pcr = (i_first_pcr < start) ? i_first_pcr : start;
i_last_pcr = (i_last_pcr > end) ? i_last_pcr : end;
fprintf(fd, " bitrate %0.4f kbit/s,", bitrate);
fprintf(fd, " seen %"PRId64" packets",
fprintf(fd, "\n");
i_packets += stream->pid[i_pid].i_packets;
if (i_first_pcr == 0)
i_first_pcr = start;
i_first_pcr = (i_first_pcr < start) ? i_first_pcr : start;
i_last_pcr = (i_last_pcr > end) ? i_last_pcr : end;
double total_bitrate = (double)(((i_packets*188) + stream->i_lost_bytes) * 8)/((double)(i_last_pcr - i_first_pcr)/1000.0);
fprintf(fd, "\nTotal bitrate %0.4f kbits/s\n", total_bitrate);
/* Print totals */
double total_bitrate = (double)(((i_packets*188) + stream->i_lost_bytes) * 8)/((double)(i_last_pcr - i_first_pcr)/1000.0);
fprintf(fd, "\nTotal bitrate %0.4f kbits/s\n", total_bitrate);
fprintf(fd, "Number of packets: %"PRId64", stuffing %"PRId64" packets, lost %"PRId64" bytes\n",
i_packets, stream->i_null_packets, stream->i_lost_bytes);
fprintf(fd, "PCR first: %"PRId64", last: %"PRId64", duration: %"PRId64"\n",
i_first_pcr, i_last_pcr, (mtime_t)(i_last_pcr - i_first_pcr));
fprintf(fd, "\n---------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(fd, "Number of packets: %"PRId64", stuffing %"PRId64" packets, lost %"PRId64" bytes\n",
i_packets, stream->i_null_packets, stream->i_lost_bytes);
fprintf(fd, "PCR first: %"PRId64", last: %"PRId64", duration: %"PRId64"\n",
i_first_pcr, i_last_pcr, (mtime_t)(i_last_pcr - i_first_pcr));
/* Next PMT */
pmt = pmt->p_next;
fprintf(fd, "\n=========================================================\n");
static void summary_table(FILE *fd, ts_stream_t *stream)
......@@ -2426,6 +2447,7 @@ static void handle_PMT(void* p_data, dvbpsi_pmt_t* p_pmt)
printf("\t| type @ elementary_PID : Description\n");
p_stream->pid[p_es->i_pid].pid_pmt = p->pid_pmt;
printf("\t| 0x%02x @ pid 0x%x (%d): %s\n",
p_es->i_type, p_es->i_pid, p_es->i_pid,
GetTypeName(p_es->i_type) );
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