Commit 568874b6 authored by Jean-Paul Saman's avatar Jean-Paul Saman

BAT: indentation

parent 8c9c3f19
......@@ -469,59 +469,60 @@ void dvbpsi_bat_sections_gather(dvbpsi_t *p_dvbpsi,
void dvbpsi_bat_sections_decode(dvbpsi_bat_t* p_bat,
dvbpsi_psi_section_t* p_section)
uint8_t* p_byte, * p_end, * p_end2;
uint8_t* p_byte, * p_end, * p_end2;
/* - first loop descriptors */
p_byte = p_section->p_payload_start + 2;
p_end = p_byte + ( ((uint16_t)(p_section->p_payload_start[0] & 0x0f) << 8)
| p_section->p_payload_start[1]);
while(p_byte + 2 <= p_end)
uint8_t i_tag = p_byte[0];
uint8_t i_length = p_byte[1];
if(i_length + 2 <= p_end - p_byte)
dvbpsi_bat_bouquet_descriptor_add(p_bat, i_tag, i_length, p_byte + 2);
p_byte += 2 + i_length;
/* - first loop descriptors */
p_byte = p_section->p_payload_start + 2;
p_end = p_byte + (((uint16_t)(p_section->p_payload_start[0] & 0x0f) << 8)
| p_section->p_payload_start[1]);
p_end = p_byte + ( ((uint16_t)(p_byte[0] & 0x0f) << 8)
| p_byte[1]);
if(p_end > p_section->p_payload_end)
p_end = p_section->p_payload_end;
while(p_byte + 2 <= p_end)
uint8_t i_tag = p_byte[0];
uint8_t i_length = p_byte[1];
if (i_length + 2 <= p_end - p_byte)
dvbpsi_bat_bouquet_descriptor_add(p_bat, i_tag, i_length, p_byte + 2);
p_byte += 2 + i_length;
/* - TSs */
for(; p_byte + 6 <= p_end;)
p_byte += 2;
uint16_t i_ts_id = ((uint16_t)p_byte[0] << 8) | p_byte[1];
uint16_t i_orig_network_id = ((uint16_t)p_byte[2] << 8) | p_byte[3];
uint16_t i_transport_descriptors_length = ((uint16_t)(p_byte[4] & 0x0f) << 8) | p_byte[5];
dvbpsi_bat_ts_t* p_ts = dvbpsi_bat_ts_add(p_bat, i_ts_id, i_orig_network_id);
/* - TS descriptors */
p_byte += 6;
p_end2 = p_byte + i_transport_descriptors_length;
if( p_end2 > p_section->p_payload_end )
p_end2 = p_section->p_payload_end;
while(p_byte + 2 <= p_end2)
uint8_t i_tag = p_byte[0];
uint8_t i_length = p_byte[1];
if(i_length + 2 <= p_end2 - p_byte)
dvbpsi_bat_ts_descriptor_add(p_ts, i_tag, i_length, p_byte + 2);
p_byte += 2 + i_length;
p_end = p_byte + (((uint16_t)(p_byte[0] & 0x0f) << 8)
| p_byte[1]);
if (p_end > p_section->p_payload_end)
p_end = p_section->p_payload_end;
/* - TSs */
while(p_byte + 6 <= p_end)
p_byte += 2;
uint16_t i_ts_id = ((uint16_t)p_byte[0] << 8) | p_byte[1];
uint16_t i_orig_network_id = ((uint16_t)p_byte[2] << 8) | p_byte[3];
uint16_t i_transport_descriptors_length = ((uint16_t)(p_byte[4] & 0x0f) << 8) | p_byte[5];
dvbpsi_bat_ts_t* p_ts = dvbpsi_bat_ts_add(p_bat, i_ts_id, i_orig_network_id);
if (!p_ts)
p_section = p_section->p_next;
/* - TS descriptors */
p_byte += 6;
p_end2 = p_byte + i_transport_descriptors_length;
if (p_end2 > p_section->p_payload_end)
p_end2 = p_section->p_payload_end;
while (p_byte + 2 <= p_end2)
uint8_t i_tag = p_byte[0];
uint8_t i_length = p_byte[1];
if (i_length + 2 <= p_end2 - p_byte)
dvbpsi_bat_ts_descriptor_add(p_ts, i_tag, i_length, p_byte + 2);
p_byte += 2 + i_length;
p_section = p_section->p_next;
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