• Francois Cartegnie's avatar
    fix EIT events dropping · 2ebeb11c
    Francois Cartegnie authored
    The EIT tables were output incomplete as the
    first sections were always dropped.
    (2 sections, last_section == 1)
    Ex: section 1
        section 0
        secton  1
    IsCompleteEIT is always true in first condition in that case.
    It is also always true if section is N/N.
    first_section > -1 && section_number == last_section because
    it has just been added.
    Doing the check before effectively adding the section
    allows a correct evaluation against current section.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Paul Saman <jpsaman@videolan.org>
eit.c 27 KB