Commit babb92b6 authored by michael's avatar michael

Warning about MTs speed.

git-svn-id: file:///var/local/repositories/ffmpeg/trunk@14460 9553f0bf-9b14-0410-a0b8-cfaf0461ba5b
parent 8683b6d6
......@@ -35,7 +35,14 @@ typedef struct {
void av_init_random(unsigned int seed, AVRandomState *state); ///< to be inlined, the struct must be visible, so it doesn't make sense to try and keep it opaque with malloc/free like calls
void av_random_generate_untempered_numbers(AVRandomState *state); ///< Regenerate the untempered numbers (must be done every 624 iterations, or it will loop)
/** generates a random number on [0,0xffffffff]-interval */
* generates a random number on [0,0xffffffff]-interval
* Please do NOT use the mersenne twister, it is slow, use the random generator
* from lfg.c/h or a simple LCG like state= state*1664525+1013904223.
* If you still choose to use MT, expect that you will have to provide
* some evidence that it makes a difference for the case where you use it.
static inline unsigned int av_random(AVRandomState *state)
unsigned int y;
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