Commit 1e3feb69 authored by jbr's avatar jbr

Rearrange loop structure for approx. 35-50% faster calc_transform_coeffs_cpl()

depending on content.

git-svn-id: file:///var/local/repositories/ffmpeg/trunk@20055 9553f0bf-9b14-0410-a0b8-cfaf0461ba5b
parent f1845fd0
......@@ -416,17 +416,22 @@ static void calc_transform_coeffs_cpl(AC3DecodeContext *s)
bin = s->start_freq[CPL_CH];
for (band = 0; band < s->num_cpl_bands; band++) {
int band_start = bin;
int band_end = bin + s->cpl_band_sizes[band];
for (; bin < band_end; bin++) {
for (ch = 1; ch <= s->fbw_channels; ch++) {
if (s->channel_in_cpl[ch]) {
for (ch = 1; ch <= s->fbw_channels; ch++) {
if (s->channel_in_cpl[ch]) {
int64_t cpl_coord = s->cpl_coords[ch][band];
for (bin = band_start; bin < band_end; bin++) {
s->fixed_coeffs[ch][bin] = ((int64_t)s->fixed_coeffs[CPL_CH][bin] *
(int64_t)s->cpl_coords[ch][band]) >> 23;
if (ch == 2 && s->phase_flags[band])
s->fixed_coeffs[ch][bin] = -s->fixed_coeffs[ch][bin];
cpl_coord) >> 23;
if (ch == 2 && s->phase_flags[band]) {
for (bin = band_start; bin < band_end; bin++)
s->fixed_coeffs[2][bin] = -s->fixed_coeffs[2][bin];
bin = band_end;
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