Commit e656333c authored by Jayan John's avatar Jayan John Committed by Hari Kanigeri

Syslink: Patch to resolve Notify shared memory configuration issue.

This patch correctly assigns the self_id and proc_id values for MPU and Ducati.
Signed-off-by: default avatarJayan John <>
parent 10a4ddfe
......@@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ struct notify_driver_object *notify_ducatidrv_create(char *driver_name,
if (status >= 0) {
/*FIX ME Need to use MultiProc*/
driver_obj->self_id = OTHER_ID;
driver_obj->other_id = SELF_ID;
driver_obj->self_id = SELF_ID;
driver_obj->other_id = OTHER_ID;
shm_va = get_ducati_virt_mem();
driver_obj->ctrl_ptr = (struct notify_shmdrv_ctrl *) shm_va;
ctrl_ptr = &(driver_obj->ctrl_ptr->
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