Commit 1dc83a2f authored by Simon Que's avatar Simon Que Committed by Hari Kanigeri

SYSLINK: ipc - heapbuf_close frees obj

When a heapbuf object is created, there are two memory buffers allocated -- one
for the handle and one for the object itself.  That is in _heapbuf_create.  In
heapbuf_delete, both are freed.  But in heapbuf_close, only the handle is freed.
The object pointer is not freed and caused a memory leak.  This patch adds a
call to free the object.
Signed-off-by: default avatarSimon Que <>
parent 22167913
......@@ -837,6 +837,7 @@ int heapbuf_close(void *handle_ptr)
/* Delete the list */
listmp_sharedmemory_close((listmp_sharedmemory_handle *)
handle = NULL;
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