• Gerrit Renker's avatar
    dccp ccid-2: Algorithm to update buffer state · 68b1de15
    Gerrit Renker authored
    This provides a routine to consistently update the buffer state when the
    peer acknowledges receipt of Ack Vectors; updating state in the list of Ack
    Vectors as well as in the circular buffer.
    While based on RFC 4340, several additional (and necessary) precautions were
    added to protect the consistency of the buffer state. These additions are
    essential, since analysis and experience showed that the basic algorithm was
    insufficient for this task (which lead to problems that were hard to debug).
    The algorithm now
     * deals with HC-sender acknowledging to HC-receiver and vice versa,
     * keeps track of the last unacknowledged but received seqno in tail_ackno,
     * has special cases to reset the overflow condition when appropriate,
     * is protected against receiving older information (would mess up buffer state).
    Note: The older code performed an unnecessary step, where the sender cleared
    Ack Vector state by parsing the Ack Vector received by the HC-receiver. Doing
    this was entirely redundant, since
     * the receiver always puts the full acknowledgment window (groups 2,3 in 11.4.2)
       into the Ack Vectors it sends; hence the HC-receiver is only interested in the
       highest state that the HC-sender received;
     * this means that the acknowledgment number on the (Data)Ack from the HC-sender
       is sufficient; and work done in parsing earlier state is not necessary, since
       the later state subsumes the  earlier one (see also RFC 4340, A.4).
    This older interface (dccp_ackvec_parse()) is therefore removed.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarGerrit Renker <gerrit@erg.abdn.ac.uk>
ackvec.c 14.1 KB