1. 09 Dec, 2007 1 commit
  2. 21 Aug, 2007 1 commit
  3. 20 Apr, 2007 6 commits
    • Jean-Paul Saman's avatar
    • Jean-Paul Saman's avatar
      Implemented access control for users that are not allowed to delete timesheets... · 07d054c5
      Jean-Paul Saman authored
      Implemented access control for users that are not allowed to delete timesheets when created. It is now assumed that only the admin will assign delete rights for people that need them. Be carefull the users filter box is also hooked up on this access rights. Once granted delete rights a user can delete timesheets from someone else.
      This should be fixed in future. Currently I do not know how to fix this.
    • Jean-Paul Saman's avatar
      Added user selection to vw_idx_inc.php. This makes it possible to view the... · 62f685f0
      Jean-Paul Saman authored
      Added user selection to vw_idx_inc.php. This makes it possible to view the timesheets of other people besides those of yourself. This feature is not restricted to the admin.
    • Jean-Paul Saman's avatar
      Bugfixes: · a93fa7d4
      Jean-Paul Saman authored
      - restricted timesheet_project and timesheets overview to current user only
      - stored timesheet project details when status > 0 (is status submitted=1 and approved=2)
      - fixed changing of timesheet_status and timesheet_period on 'new timesheet' action
      - fixed addedit.php to display the right timesheet status even when status > 0.
      - reworked addedit.php to put more code in functions. It uses showproject() or showtimesheetproject() function to print timesheet_project details.
      - introduce admin mode in which the admin can alter timesheets even when (status>0) and let admin see other peoples timesheet.
    • Jean-Paul Saman's avatar
      Removed code duplication by introducing a timesheets() php function that will... · 623782c3
      Jean-Paul Saman authored
      Removed code duplication by introducing a timesheets() php function that will be called from every timesheet overview type (status: all=-1, open=0, submitted=2, approved=3).
    • Jean-Paul Saman's avatar
      Bugs fixed: · 07386af7
      Jean-Paul Saman authored
      - Changing status and period of timesheet doesn't create 2 timesheet now. It only creates one timesheet or updates the current timesheet.
      Feature added:
      - Added a new row timesheet_worked to database for keeping a total of hours worked that timesheet_period.
      - Added row timesheet_worked to inteface.
  4. 17 Apr, 2007 1 commit
  5. 15 Apr, 2007 1 commit