Commit 07af9ee0 authored by Jean-Paul Saman's avatar Jean-Paul Saman

Only change year to book_year when it is about a new timesheet. If the...

Only change year to book_year when it is about a new timesheet. If the timesheet already exists use its date.
parent f34ecf33
......@@ -133,11 +133,10 @@ $period = new CDate();
if (intval($obj->timesheet_period)) {
} else {
$obj->timesheet_period = $period->getTime();
// Set the correct year
if ( $config_options['book_year']['value'] != '' ) {
// Set the correct year
if ( $config_options['book_year']['value'] != '' ) {
$period->setYear( intval($config_options['book_year']['value']) );
$obj->timesheet_period = $period->getTime();
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