/***************************************************************************** * image.c : wrapper for image reading/writing facilities ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 VLC authors and VideoLAN * $Id$ * * Author: Gildas Bazin <gbazin@videolan.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ /** * \file * This file contains the functions to handle the image_handler_t type */ /***************************************************************************** * Preamble *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <errno.h> #include <vlc_common.h> #include <vlc_codec.h> #include <vlc_meta.h> #include <vlc_filter.h> #include <vlc_es.h> #include <vlc_image.h> #include <vlc_stream.h> #include <vlc_fs.h> #include <vlc_sout.h> #include <libvlc.h> #include <vlc_modules.h> static picture_t *ImageRead( image_handler_t *, block_t *, video_format_t *, video_format_t * ); static picture_t *ImageReadUrl( image_handler_t *, const char *, video_format_t *, video_format_t * ); static block_t *ImageWrite( image_handler_t *, picture_t *, video_format_t *, video_format_t * ); static int ImageWriteUrl( image_handler_t *, picture_t *, video_format_t *, video_format_t *, const char * ); static picture_t *ImageConvert( image_handler_t *, picture_t *, video_format_t *, video_format_t * ); static decoder_t *CreateDecoder( vlc_object_t *, video_format_t * ); static void DeleteDecoder( decoder_t * ); static encoder_t *CreateEncoder( vlc_object_t *, video_format_t *, video_format_t * ); static void DeleteEncoder( encoder_t * ); static filter_t *CreateFilter( vlc_object_t *, es_format_t *, video_format_t *, const char * ); static void DeleteFilter( filter_t * ); vlc_fourcc_t image_Type2Fourcc( const char * ); vlc_fourcc_t image_Ext2Fourcc( const char * ); /*static const char *Fourcc2Ext( vlc_fourcc_t );*/ #undef image_HandlerCreate /** * Create an image_handler_t instance * */ image_handler_t *image_HandlerCreate( vlc_object_t *p_this ) { image_handler_t *p_image = calloc( 1, sizeof(image_handler_t) ); if( !p_image ) return NULL; p_image->p_parent = p_this; p_image->pf_read = ImageRead; p_image->pf_read_url = ImageReadUrl; p_image->pf_write = ImageWrite; p_image->pf_write_url = ImageWriteUrl; p_image->pf_convert = ImageConvert; return p_image; } /** * Delete the image_handler_t instance * */ void image_HandlerDelete( image_handler_t *p_image ) { if( !p_image ) return; if( p_image->p_dec ) DeleteDecoder( p_image->p_dec ); if( p_image->p_enc ) DeleteEncoder( p_image->p_enc ); if( p_image->p_filter ) DeleteFilter( p_image->p_filter ); free( p_image ); p_image = NULL; } /** * Read an image * */ static picture_t *ImageRead( image_handler_t *p_image, block_t *p_block, video_format_t *p_fmt_in, video_format_t *p_fmt_out ) { picture_t *p_pic = NULL, *p_tmp; /* Check if we can reuse the current decoder */ if( p_image->p_dec && p_image->p_dec->fmt_in.i_codec != p_fmt_in->i_chroma ) { DeleteDecoder( p_image->p_dec ); p_image->p_dec = 0; } /* Start a decoder */ if( !p_image->p_dec ) { p_image->p_dec = CreateDecoder( p_image->p_parent, p_fmt_in ); if( !p_image->p_dec ) return NULL; } p_block->i_pts = p_block->i_dts = mdate(); while( (p_tmp = p_image->p_dec->pf_decode_video( p_image->p_dec, &p_block )) != NULL ) { if( p_pic != NULL ) picture_Release( p_pic ); p_pic = p_tmp; } if( p_pic == NULL ) { msg_Warn( p_image->p_parent, "no image decoded" ); return 0; } if( !p_fmt_out->i_chroma ) p_fmt_out->i_chroma = p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_chroma; if( !p_fmt_out->i_width && p_fmt_out->i_height ) p_fmt_out->i_width = (int64_t)p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_width * p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_sar_num * p_fmt_out->i_height / p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_height / p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_sar_den; if( !p_fmt_out->i_height && p_fmt_out->i_width ) p_fmt_out->i_height = (int64_t)p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_height * p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_sar_den * p_fmt_out->i_width / p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_width / p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_sar_num; if( !p_fmt_out->i_width ) p_fmt_out->i_width = p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_width; if( !p_fmt_out->i_height ) p_fmt_out->i_height = p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_height; if( !p_fmt_out->i_visible_width ) p_fmt_out->i_visible_width = p_fmt_out->i_width; if( !p_fmt_out->i_visible_height ) p_fmt_out->i_visible_height = p_fmt_out->i_height; /* Check if we need chroma conversion or resizing */ if( p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_chroma != p_fmt_out->i_chroma || p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_width != p_fmt_out->i_width || p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_height != p_fmt_out->i_height ) { if( p_image->p_filter ) if( p_image->p_filter->fmt_in.video.i_chroma != p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_chroma || p_image->p_filter->fmt_out.video.i_chroma != p_fmt_out->i_chroma ) { /* We need to restart a new filter */ DeleteFilter( p_image->p_filter ); p_image->p_filter = 0; } /* Start a filter */ if( !p_image->p_filter ) { p_image->p_filter = CreateFilter( p_image->p_parent, &p_image->p_dec->fmt_out, p_fmt_out, NULL ); if( !p_image->p_filter ) { picture_Release( p_pic ); return NULL; } } else { /* Filters should handle on-the-fly size changes */ p_image->p_filter->fmt_in = p_image->p_dec->fmt_out; p_image->p_filter->fmt_out = p_image->p_dec->fmt_out; p_image->p_filter->fmt_out.i_codec = p_fmt_out->i_chroma; p_image->p_filter->fmt_out.video = *p_fmt_out; } p_pic = p_image->p_filter->pf_video_filter( p_image->p_filter, p_pic ); *p_fmt_out = p_image->p_filter->fmt_out.video; } else *p_fmt_out = p_image->p_dec->fmt_out.video; return p_pic; } static picture_t *ImageReadUrl( image_handler_t *p_image, const char *psz_url, video_format_t *p_fmt_in, video_format_t *p_fmt_out ) { block_t *p_block; picture_t *p_pic; stream_t *p_stream = NULL; int i_size; p_stream = stream_UrlNew( p_image->p_parent, psz_url ); if( !p_stream ) { msg_Dbg( p_image->p_parent, "could not open %s for reading", psz_url ); return NULL; } i_size = stream_Size( p_stream ); p_block = block_Alloc( i_size ); stream_Read( p_stream, p_block->p_buffer, i_size ); if( !p_fmt_in->i_chroma ) { char *psz_mime = NULL; stream_Control( p_stream, STREAM_GET_CONTENT_TYPE, &psz_mime ); if( psz_mime ) p_fmt_in->i_chroma = image_Mime2Fourcc( psz_mime ); free( psz_mime ); } stream_Delete( p_stream ); if( !p_fmt_in->i_chroma ) { /* Try to guess format from file name */ p_fmt_in->i_chroma = image_Ext2Fourcc( psz_url ); } p_pic = ImageRead( p_image, p_block, p_fmt_in, p_fmt_out ); return p_pic; } /** * Write an image * */ static block_t *ImageWrite( image_handler_t *p_image, picture_t *p_pic, video_format_t *p_fmt_in, video_format_t *p_fmt_out ) { block_t *p_block; /* Check if we can reuse the current encoder */ if( p_image->p_enc && ( p_image->p_enc->fmt_out.i_codec != p_fmt_out->i_chroma || p_image->p_enc->fmt_out.video.i_width != p_fmt_out->i_width || p_image->p_enc->fmt_out.video.i_height != p_fmt_out->i_height ) ) { DeleteEncoder( p_image->p_enc ); p_image->p_enc = 0; } /* Start an encoder */ if( !p_image->p_enc ) { p_image->p_enc = CreateEncoder( p_image->p_parent, p_fmt_in, p_fmt_out ); if( !p_image->p_enc ) return NULL; } /* Check if we need chroma conversion or resizing */ if( p_image->p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_chroma != p_fmt_in->i_chroma || p_image->p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_width != p_fmt_in->i_width || p_image->p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_height != p_fmt_in->i_height ) { picture_t *p_tmp_pic; if( p_image->p_filter ) if( p_image->p_filter->fmt_in.video.i_chroma != p_fmt_in->i_chroma || p_image->p_filter->fmt_out.video.i_chroma != p_image->p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_chroma ) { /* We need to restart a new filter */ DeleteFilter( p_image->p_filter ); p_image->p_filter = 0; } /* Start a filter */ if( !p_image->p_filter ) { es_format_t fmt_in; es_format_Init( &fmt_in, VIDEO_ES, p_fmt_in->i_chroma ); fmt_in.video = *p_fmt_in; p_image->p_filter = CreateFilter( p_image->p_parent, &fmt_in, &p_image->p_enc->fmt_in.video, NULL ); if( !p_image->p_filter ) { return NULL; } } else { /* Filters should handle on-the-fly size changes */ p_image->p_filter->fmt_in.i_codec = p_fmt_in->i_chroma; p_image->p_filter->fmt_out.video = *p_fmt_in; p_image->p_filter->fmt_out.i_codec =p_image->p_enc->fmt_in.i_codec; p_image->p_filter->fmt_out.video = p_image->p_enc->fmt_in.video; } picture_Hold( p_pic ); p_tmp_pic = p_image->p_filter->pf_video_filter( p_image->p_filter, p_pic ); if( likely(p_tmp_pic != NULL) ) { p_block = p_image->p_enc->pf_encode_video( p_image->p_enc, p_tmp_pic ); filter_DeletePicture(p_image->p_filter, p_tmp_pic ); } else p_block = NULL; } else { p_block = p_image->p_enc->pf_encode_video( p_image->p_enc, p_pic ); } if( !p_block ) { msg_Dbg( p_image->p_parent, "no image encoded" ); return 0; } return p_block; } static int ImageWriteUrl( image_handler_t *p_image, picture_t *p_pic, video_format_t *p_fmt_in, video_format_t *p_fmt_out, const char *psz_url ) { block_t *p_block; FILE *file; if( !p_fmt_out->i_chroma ) { /* Try to guess format from file name */ p_fmt_out->i_chroma = image_Ext2Fourcc( psz_url ); } file = vlc_fopen( psz_url, "wb" ); if( !file ) { msg_Err( p_image->p_parent, "%s: %s", psz_url, vlc_strerror_c(errno) ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } p_block = ImageWrite( p_image, p_pic, p_fmt_in, p_fmt_out ); int err = 0; if( p_block ) { if( fwrite( p_block->p_buffer, p_block->i_buffer, 1, file ) != 1 ) err = errno; block_Release( p_block ); } if( fclose( file ) && !err ) err = errno; if( err ) { errno = err; msg_Err( p_image->p_parent, "%s: %s", psz_url, vlc_strerror_c(errno) ); } return err ? VLC_EGENERIC : VLC_SUCCESS; } /** * Convert an image to a different format * */ static picture_t *ImageConvert( image_handler_t *p_image, picture_t *p_pic, video_format_t *p_fmt_in, video_format_t *p_fmt_out ) { picture_t *p_pif; if( !p_fmt_out->i_width && !p_fmt_out->i_height && p_fmt_out->i_sar_num && p_fmt_out->i_sar_den && p_fmt_out->i_sar_num * p_fmt_in->i_sar_den != p_fmt_out->i_sar_den * p_fmt_in->i_sar_num ) { p_fmt_out->i_width = p_fmt_in->i_sar_num * (int64_t)p_fmt_out->i_sar_den * p_fmt_in->i_width / p_fmt_in->i_sar_den / p_fmt_out->i_sar_num; p_fmt_out->i_visible_width = p_fmt_in->i_sar_num * (int64_t)p_fmt_out->i_sar_den * p_fmt_in->i_visible_width / p_fmt_in->i_sar_den / p_fmt_out->i_sar_num; } if( !p_fmt_out->i_chroma ) p_fmt_out->i_chroma = p_fmt_in->i_chroma; if( !p_fmt_out->i_width ) p_fmt_out->i_width = p_fmt_out->i_visible_width = p_fmt_in->i_width; if( !p_fmt_out->i_height ) p_fmt_out->i_height = p_fmt_out->i_visible_height = p_fmt_in->i_height; if( !p_fmt_out->i_sar_num ) p_fmt_out->i_sar_num = p_fmt_in->i_sar_num; if( !p_fmt_out->i_sar_den ) p_fmt_out->i_sar_den = p_fmt_in->i_sar_den; if( p_image->p_filter ) if( p_image->p_filter->fmt_in.video.i_chroma != p_fmt_in->i_chroma || p_image->p_filter->fmt_out.video.i_chroma != p_fmt_out->i_chroma ) { /* We need to restart a new filter */ DeleteFilter( p_image->p_filter ); p_image->p_filter = NULL; } /* Start a filter */ if( !p_image->p_filter ) { es_format_t fmt_in; es_format_Init( &fmt_in, VIDEO_ES, p_fmt_in->i_chroma ); fmt_in.video = *p_fmt_in; p_image->p_filter = CreateFilter( p_image->p_parent, &fmt_in, p_fmt_out, NULL ); if( !p_image->p_filter ) { return NULL; } } else { /* Filters should handle on-the-fly size changes */ p_image->p_filter->fmt_in.video = *p_fmt_in; p_image->p_filter->fmt_out.video = *p_fmt_out; } picture_Hold( p_pic ); p_pif = p_image->p_filter->pf_video_filter( p_image->p_filter, p_pic ); if( p_fmt_in->i_chroma == p_fmt_out->i_chroma && p_fmt_in->i_width == p_fmt_out->i_width && p_fmt_in->i_height == p_fmt_out->i_height ) { /* Duplicate image */ picture_Release( p_pif ); /* XXX: Better fix must be possible */ p_pif = filter_NewPicture( p_image->p_filter ); if( p_pif ) picture_Copy( p_pif, p_pic ); } return p_pif; } /** * Misc functions * */ static const struct { vlc_fourcc_t i_codec; const char psz_ext[7]; } ext_table[] = { { VLC_CODEC_JPEG, "jpeg" }, { VLC_CODEC_JPEG, "jpg" }, { VLC_CODEC_JPEGLS, "ljpg" }, { VLC_CODEC_PNG, "png" }, { VLC_CODEC_PGM, "pgm" }, { VLC_CODEC_PGMYUV, "pgmyuv" }, { VLC_FOURCC('p','b','m',' '), "pbm" }, { VLC_FOURCC('p','a','m',' '), "pam" }, { VLC_CODEC_TARGA, "tga" }, { VLC_CODEC_BMP, "bmp" }, { VLC_CODEC_PNM, "pnm" }, { VLC_FOURCC('x','p','m',' '), "xpm" }, { VLC_FOURCC('x','c','f',' '), "xcf" }, { VLC_CODEC_PCX, "pcx" }, { VLC_CODEC_GIF, "gif" }, { VLC_CODEC_SVG, "svg" }, { VLC_CODEC_TIFF, "tif" }, { VLC_CODEC_TIFF, "tiff" }, { VLC_FOURCC('l','b','m',' '), "lbm" }, { VLC_CODEC_PPM, "ppm" }, }; vlc_fourcc_t image_Type2Fourcc( const char *psz_type ) { for( unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ext_table); i++ ) if( !strcasecmp( ext_table[i].psz_ext, psz_type ) ) return ext_table[i].i_codec; return 0; } vlc_fourcc_t image_Ext2Fourcc( const char *psz_name ) { psz_name = strrchr( psz_name, '.' ); if( !psz_name ) return 0; psz_name++; return image_Type2Fourcc( psz_name ); } /* static const char *Fourcc2Ext( vlc_fourcc_t i_codec ) { for( unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ext_table); i++ ) if( ext_table[i].i_codec == i_codec ) return ext_table[i].psz_ext; return NULL; } */ static const struct { vlc_fourcc_t i_codec; const char *psz_mime; } mime_table[] = { { VLC_CODEC_BMP, "image/bmp" }, { VLC_CODEC_BMP, "image/x-bmp" }, { VLC_CODEC_BMP, "image/x-bitmap" }, { VLC_CODEC_BMP, "image/x-ms-bmp" }, { VLC_CODEC_PNM, "image/x-portable-anymap" }, { VLC_CODEC_PNM, "image/x-portable-bitmap" }, { VLC_CODEC_PNM, "image/x-portable-graymap" }, { VLC_CODEC_PNM, "image/x-portable-pixmap" }, { VLC_CODEC_GIF, "image/gif" }, { VLC_CODEC_JPEG, "image/jpeg" }, { VLC_CODEC_PCX, "image/pcx" }, { VLC_CODEC_PNG, "image/png" }, { VLC_CODEC_SVG, "image/svg+xml" }, { VLC_CODEC_TIFF, "image/tiff" }, { VLC_CODEC_TARGA, "image/x-tga" }, { VLC_FOURCC('x','p','m',' '), "image/x-xpixmap" }, { 0, NULL } }; vlc_fourcc_t image_Mime2Fourcc( const char *psz_mime ) { int i; for( i = 0; mime_table[i].i_codec; i++ ) if( !strcmp( psz_mime, mime_table[i].psz_mime ) ) return mime_table[i].i_codec; return 0; } static picture_t *video_new_buffer( decoder_t *p_dec ) { p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_chroma = p_dec->fmt_out.i_codec; return picture_NewFromFormat( &p_dec->fmt_out.video ); } static void video_del_buffer( decoder_t *p_dec, picture_t *p_pic ) { (void)p_dec; picture_Release( p_pic ); } static void video_link_picture( decoder_t *p_dec, picture_t *p_pic ) { (void)p_dec; picture_Hold( p_pic ); } static void video_unlink_picture( decoder_t *p_dec, picture_t *p_pic ) { (void)p_dec; picture_Release( p_pic ); } static decoder_t *CreateDecoder( vlc_object_t *p_this, video_format_t *fmt ) { decoder_t *p_dec; p_dec = vlc_custom_create( p_this, sizeof( *p_dec ), "image decoder" ); if( p_dec == NULL ) return NULL; p_dec->p_module = NULL; es_format_Init( &p_dec->fmt_in, VIDEO_ES, fmt->i_chroma ); es_format_Init( &p_dec->fmt_out, VIDEO_ES, 0 ); p_dec->fmt_in.video = *fmt; p_dec->b_pace_control = true; p_dec->pf_vout_buffer_new = video_new_buffer; p_dec->pf_vout_buffer_del = video_del_buffer; p_dec->pf_picture_link = video_link_picture; p_dec->pf_picture_unlink = video_unlink_picture; /* Find a suitable decoder module */ p_dec->p_module = module_need( p_dec, "decoder", "$codec", false ); if( !p_dec->p_module ) { msg_Err( p_dec, "no suitable decoder module for fourcc `%4.4s'. " "VLC probably does not support this image format.", (char*)&p_dec->fmt_in.i_codec ); DeleteDecoder( p_dec ); return NULL; } return p_dec; } static void DeleteDecoder( decoder_t * p_dec ) { if( p_dec->p_module ) module_unneed( p_dec, p_dec->p_module ); es_format_Clean( &p_dec->fmt_in ); es_format_Clean( &p_dec->fmt_out ); if( p_dec->p_description ) vlc_meta_Delete( p_dec->p_description ); vlc_object_release( p_dec ); p_dec = NULL; } static encoder_t *CreateEncoder( vlc_object_t *p_this, video_format_t *fmt_in, video_format_t *fmt_out ) { encoder_t *p_enc; p_enc = sout_EncoderCreate( p_this ); if( p_enc == NULL ) return NULL; p_enc->p_module = NULL; es_format_Init( &p_enc->fmt_in, VIDEO_ES, fmt_in->i_chroma ); p_enc->fmt_in.video = *fmt_in; if( p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_visible_width == 0 || p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_visible_height == 0 ) { if( fmt_out->i_width > 0 && fmt_out->i_height > 0 ) { p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_width = fmt_out->i_width; p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_height = fmt_out->i_height; if( fmt_out->i_visible_width > 0 && fmt_out->i_visible_height > 0 ) { p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_visible_width = fmt_out->i_visible_width; p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_visible_height = fmt_out->i_visible_height; } else { p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_visible_width = fmt_out->i_width; p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_visible_height = fmt_out->i_height; } } else if( fmt_out->i_sar_num && fmt_out->i_sar_den && fmt_out->i_sar_num * fmt_in->i_sar_den != fmt_out->i_sar_den * fmt_in->i_sar_num ) { p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_width = fmt_in->i_sar_num * (int64_t)fmt_out->i_sar_den * fmt_in->i_width / fmt_in->i_sar_den / fmt_out->i_sar_num; p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_visible_width = fmt_in->i_sar_num * (int64_t)fmt_out->i_sar_den * fmt_in->i_visible_width / fmt_in->i_sar_den / fmt_out->i_sar_num; } } p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_frame_rate = 25; p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_frame_rate_base = 1; es_format_Init( &p_enc->fmt_out, VIDEO_ES, fmt_out->i_chroma ); p_enc->fmt_out.video = *fmt_out; p_enc->fmt_out.video.i_width = p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_width; p_enc->fmt_out.video.i_height = p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_height; /* Find a suitable decoder module */ p_enc->p_module = module_need( p_enc, "encoder", NULL, false ); if( !p_enc->p_module ) { msg_Err( p_enc, "no suitable encoder module for fourcc `%4.4s'.\n" "VLC probably does not support this image format.", (char*)&p_enc->fmt_out.i_codec ); DeleteEncoder( p_enc ); return NULL; } p_enc->fmt_in.video.i_chroma = p_enc->fmt_in.i_codec; return p_enc; } static void DeleteEncoder( encoder_t * p_enc ) { if( p_enc->p_module ) module_unneed( p_enc, p_enc->p_module ); es_format_Clean( &p_enc->fmt_in ); es_format_Clean( &p_enc->fmt_out ); vlc_object_release( p_enc ); p_enc = NULL; } static filter_t *CreateFilter( vlc_object_t *p_this, es_format_t *p_fmt_in, video_format_t *p_fmt_out, const char *psz_module ) { filter_t *p_filter; p_filter = vlc_custom_create( p_this, sizeof(filter_t), "filter" ); p_filter->owner.video.buffer_new = (picture_t *(*)(filter_t *))video_new_buffer; p_filter->owner.video.buffer_del = (void (*)(filter_t *, picture_t *))video_del_buffer; p_filter->fmt_in = *p_fmt_in; p_filter->fmt_out = *p_fmt_in; p_filter->fmt_out.i_codec = p_fmt_out->i_chroma; p_filter->fmt_out.video = *p_fmt_out; p_filter->p_module = module_need( p_filter, "video filter2", psz_module, false ); if( !p_filter->p_module ) { msg_Dbg( p_filter, "no video filter found" ); DeleteFilter( p_filter ); return NULL; } return p_filter; } static void DeleteFilter( filter_t * p_filter ) { if( p_filter->p_module ) module_unneed( p_filter, p_filter->p_module ); es_format_Clean( &p_filter->fmt_in ); es_format_Clean( &p_filter->fmt_out ); vlc_object_release( p_filter ); }