 * update.c: VLC update checking and downloading
 * Copyright © 2005-2008 VLC authors and VideoLAN
 * $Id$
 * Authors: Antoine Cellerier <dionoea -at- videolan -dot- org>
 *          Rémi Duraffort <ivoire at via.ecp.fr>
            Rafaël Carré <funman@videolanorg>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either release 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later release.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.

 *   \file
 *   This file contains functions related to VLC update management

 * Preamble

# include "config.h"

#include <vlc_common.h>
#include <vlc_update.h>


#include <assert.h>

#include <vlc_pgpkey.h>
#include <vlc_stream.h>
#include <vlc_strings.h>
#include <vlc_fs.h>
#include <vlc_dialog.h>
#include <vlc_interface.h>

#include <gcrypt.h>
#include <vlc_gcrypt.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <shellapi.h>
#include "update.h"
#include "../libvlc.h"

 * Misc defines

 * Here is the format of these "status files" :
 * First line is the last version: "X.Y.Z.E" where:
 *      * X is the major number
 *      * Y is the minor number
 *      * Z is the revision number
 *      * .E is an OPTIONAL extra number
 *      * IE "1.2.0" or ""
 * Second line is a url of the binary for this last version
 * Remaining text is a required description of the update

#if defined( WIN64 )
# define UPDATE_OS_SUFFIX "-win-x64"
#elif defined( WIN32 )
# define UPDATE_OS_SUFFIX "-win-x86"
# define UPDATE_OS_SUFFIX ""

#ifndef NDEBUG
# define UPDATE_VLC_STATUS_URL "http://update-test.videolan.org/vlc/status-win-x86"
# define UPDATE_VLC_STATUS_URL "http://update.videolan.org/vlc/status" UPDATE_OS_SUFFIX

 * Update_t functions

#undef update_New
 * Create a new update VLC struct
 * \param p_this the calling vlc_object
 * \return pointer to new update_t or NULL
update_t *update_New( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    update_t *p_update;
    assert( p_this );

    p_update = (update_t *)malloc( sizeof( update_t ) );
    if( !p_update ) return NULL;

    vlc_mutex_init( &p_update->lock );

    p_update->p_libvlc = p_this->p_libvlc;

    p_update->release.psz_url = NULL;
    p_update->release.psz_desc = NULL;

    p_update->p_download = NULL;
    p_update->p_check = NULL;

    p_update->p_pkey = NULL;

    return p_update;

 * Delete an update_t struct
 * \param p_update update_t* pointer
 * \return nothing
void update_Delete( update_t *p_update )
    assert( p_update );

    if( p_update->p_check )
        vlc_join( p_update->p_check->thread, NULL );
        free( p_update->p_check );

    if( p_update->p_download )
        vlc_atomic_set( &p_update->p_download->aborted, 1 );
        vlc_join( p_update->p_download->thread, NULL );
        vlc_object_release( p_update->p_download );

    vlc_mutex_destroy( &p_update->lock );

    free( p_update->release.psz_url );
    free( p_update->release.psz_desc );
    free( p_update->p_pkey );

    free( p_update );

 * Empty the release struct
 * \param p_update update_t* pointer
 * \return nothing
static void EmptyRelease( update_t *p_update )
    p_update->release.i_major = 0;
    p_update->release.i_minor = 0;
    p_update->release.i_revision = 0;

    FREENULL( p_update->release.psz_url );
    FREENULL( p_update->release.psz_desc );

 * Get the update file and parse it
 * p_update has to be locked when calling this function
 * \param p_update pointer to update struct
 * \return true if the update is valid and authenticated
static bool GetUpdateFile( update_t *p_update )
    stream_t *p_stream = NULL;
    char *psz_version_line = NULL;
    char *psz_update_data = NULL;

    p_stream = stream_UrlNew( p_update->p_libvlc, UPDATE_VLC_STATUS_URL );
    if( !p_stream )
        msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Failed to open %s for reading",
                 UPDATE_VLC_STATUS_URL );
        goto error;

    const int64_t i_read = stream_Size( p_stream );
    psz_update_data = malloc( i_read + 1 ); /* terminating '\0' */
    if( !psz_update_data )
        goto error;

    if( stream_Read( p_stream, psz_update_data, i_read ) != i_read )
        msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Couldn't download update file %s",
                UPDATE_VLC_STATUS_URL );
        goto error;
    psz_update_data[i_read] = '\0';

    stream_Delete( p_stream );
    p_stream = NULL;

    /* first line : version number */
    char *psz_update_data_parser = psz_update_data;
    size_t i_len = strcspn( psz_update_data, "\r\n" );
    psz_update_data_parser += i_len;
    while( *psz_update_data_parser == '\r' || *psz_update_data_parser == '\n' )

    if( !(psz_version_line = malloc( i_len + 1)) )
        goto error;
    strncpy( psz_version_line, psz_update_data, i_len );
    psz_version_line[i_len] = '\0';

    p_update->release.i_extra = 0;
    int ret = sscanf( psz_version_line, "%i.%i.%i.%i",
                    &p_update->release.i_major, &p_update->release.i_minor,
                    &p_update->release.i_revision, &p_update->release.i_extra);
    if( ret != 3 && ret != 4 )
            msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Update version false formated" );
            goto error;

    /* second line : URL */
    i_len = strcspn( psz_update_data_parser, "\r\n" );
    if( i_len == 0 )
        msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Update file %s is corrupted: URL missing",
                 UPDATE_VLC_STATUS_URL );

        goto error;

    if( !(p_update->release.psz_url = malloc( i_len + 1)) )
        goto error;
    strncpy( p_update->release.psz_url, psz_update_data_parser, i_len );
    p_update->release.psz_url[i_len] = '\0';

    psz_update_data_parser += i_len;
    while( *psz_update_data_parser == '\r' || *psz_update_data_parser == '\n' )

    /* Remaining data : description */
    i_len = strlen( psz_update_data_parser );
    if( i_len == 0 )
        msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc,
                "Update file %s is corrupted: description missing",
                UPDATE_VLC_STATUS_URL );
        goto error;

    if( !(p_update->release.psz_desc = malloc( i_len + 1)) )
        goto error;
    strncpy( p_update->release.psz_desc, psz_update_data_parser, i_len );
    p_update->release.psz_desc[i_len] = '\0';

    /* Now that we know the status is valid, we must download its signature
     * to authenticate it */
    signature_packet_t sign;
    if( download_signature( VLC_OBJECT( p_update->p_libvlc ), &sign,
        msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Couldn't download signature of status file" );
        goto error;

    if( sign.type != BINARY_SIGNATURE && sign.type != TEXT_SIGNATURE )
        msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Invalid signature type" );
        goto error;

    p_update->p_pkey = (public_key_t*)malloc( sizeof( public_key_t ) );
    if( !p_update->p_pkey )
        goto error;

    if( parse_public_key( videolan_public_key, sizeof( videolan_public_key ),
                        p_update->p_pkey, NULL ) != VLC_SUCCESS )
        msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Couldn't parse embedded public key, something went really wrong..." );
        FREENULL( p_update->p_pkey );
        goto error;

    memcpy( p_update->p_pkey->longid, videolan_public_key_longid, 8 );

    if( memcmp( sign.issuer_longid, p_update->p_pkey->longid , 8 ) != 0 )
        msg_Dbg( p_update->p_libvlc, "Need to download the GPG key" );
        public_key_t *p_new_pkey = download_key(
                sign.issuer_longid, videolan_public_key_longid );
        if( !p_new_pkey )
            msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Couldn't download GPG key" );
            FREENULL( p_update->p_pkey );
            goto error;

        uint8_t *p_hash = hash_sha1_from_public_key( p_new_pkey );
        if( !p_hash )
            msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Failed to hash signature" );
            free( p_new_pkey );
            FREENULL( p_update->p_pkey );
            goto error;

        if( verify_signature( p_new_pkey->sig.r, p_new_pkey->sig.s,
                    &p_update->p_pkey->key, p_hash ) == VLC_SUCCESS )
            free( p_hash );
            msg_Info( p_update->p_libvlc, "Key authenticated" );
            free( p_update->p_pkey );
            p_update->p_pkey = p_new_pkey;
            free( p_hash );
            msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "Key signature invalid !" );
            goto error;

    uint8_t *p_hash = hash_sha1_from_text( psz_update_data, &sign );
    if( !p_hash )
        msg_Warn( p_update->p_libvlc, "Can't compute SHA1 hash for status file" );
        goto error;

    else if( p_hash[0] != sign.hash_verification[0] ||
        p_hash[1] != sign.hash_verification[1] )
        msg_Warn( p_update->p_libvlc, "Bad SHA1 hash for status file" );
        goto error;

    else if( verify_signature( sign.r, sign.s, &p_update->p_pkey->key, p_hash )
            != VLC_SUCCESS )
        msg_Err( p_update->p_libvlc, "BAD SIGNATURE for status file" );
        goto error;

        msg_Info( p_update->p_libvlc, "Status file authenticated" );
        return true;

    if( p_stream )
        stream_Delete( p_stream );
    free( psz_version_line );
    free( psz_update_data );
    return false;

static void* update_CheckReal( void * );

 * Check for updates
 * \param p_update pointer to update struct
 * \param pf_callback pointer to a function to call when the update_check is finished
 * \param p_data pointer to some datas to give to the callback
 * \returns nothing
void update_Check( update_t *p_update, void (*pf_callback)( void*, bool ), void *p_data )
    assert( p_update );

    // If the object already exist, destroy it
    if( p_update->p_check )
        vlc_join( p_update->p_check->thread, NULL );
        free( p_update->p_check );

    update_check_thread_t *p_uct = calloc( 1, sizeof( *p_uct ) );
    if( !p_uct ) return;

    p_uct->p_update = p_update;
    p_update->p_check = p_uct;
    p_uct->pf_callback = pf_callback;
    p_uct->p_data = p_data;

    vlc_clone( &p_uct->thread, update_CheckReal, p_uct, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW );

void* update_CheckReal( void *obj )
    update_check_thread_t *p_uct = (update_check_thread_t *)obj;
    bool b_ret;
    int canc;

    canc = vlc_savecancel ();
    vlc_mutex_lock( &p_uct->p_update->lock );

    EmptyRelease( p_uct->p_update );
    b_ret = GetUpdateFile( p_uct->p_update );
    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_uct->p_update->lock );

    if( p_uct->pf_callback )
        (p_uct->pf_callback)( p_uct->p_data, b_ret );

    vlc_restorecancel (canc);
    return NULL;

bool update_NeedUpgrade( update_t *p_update )
    assert( p_update );

    static const int current[4] = {
    const int latest[4] = {

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof latest / sizeof *latest; i++) {
        /* there is a new version available */
        if (latest[i] > current[i])
            return true;

        /* current version is more recent than the latest version ?! */
        if (latest[i] < current[i])
            return false;

    /* current version is not a release, it's a -git or -rc version */
        return true;

    /* current version is latest version */
    return false;

 * Convert a long int size in bytes to a string
 * \param l_size the size in bytes
 * \return the size as a string
static char *size_str( long int l_size )
    char *psz_tmp = NULL;
    int i_retval = 0;
    if( l_size >> 30 )
        i_retval = asprintf( &psz_tmp, _("%.1f GiB"), (float)l_size/(1<<30) );
    else if( l_size >> 20 )
        i_retval = asprintf( &psz_tmp, _("%.1f MiB"), (float)l_size/(1<<20) );
    else if( l_size >> 10 )
        i_retval = asprintf( &psz_tmp, _("%.1f KiB"), (float)l_size/(1<<10) );
        i_retval = asprintf( &psz_tmp, _("%ld B"), l_size );

    return i_retval == -1 ? NULL : psz_tmp;

static void* update_DownloadReal( void * );

 * Download the file given in the update_t
 * \param p_update structure
 * \param dir to store the download file
 * \return nothing
void update_Download( update_t *p_update, const char *psz_destdir )
    assert( p_update );

    // If the object already exist, destroy it
    if( p_update->p_download )
        vlc_atomic_set( &p_update->p_download->aborted, 1 );
        vlc_join( p_update->p_download->thread, NULL );
        vlc_object_release( p_update->p_download );

    update_download_thread_t *p_udt =
        vlc_custom_create( p_update->p_libvlc, sizeof( *p_udt ),
                           "update download" );
    if( !p_udt )

    p_udt->p_update = p_update;
    p_update->p_download = p_udt;
    p_udt->psz_destdir = psz_destdir ? strdup( psz_destdir ) : NULL;

    vlc_atomic_set(&p_udt->aborted, 0);
    vlc_clone( &p_udt->thread, update_DownloadReal, p_udt, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW );

static void* update_DownloadReal( void *obj )
    update_download_thread_t *p_udt = (update_download_thread_t *)obj;
    dialog_progress_bar_t *p_progress = NULL;
    long int l_size;
    long int l_downloaded = 0;
    float f_progress;
    char *psz_status;
    char *psz_downloaded = NULL;
    char *psz_size = NULL;
    char *psz_destfile = NULL;
    char *psz_tmpdestfile = NULL;

    FILE *p_file = NULL;
    stream_t *p_stream = NULL;
    void* p_buffer = NULL;
    int i_read;
    int canc;

    update_t *p_update = p_udt->p_update;
    char *psz_destdir = p_udt->psz_destdir;

    msg_Dbg( p_udt, "Opening Stream '%s'", p_update->release.psz_url );
    canc = vlc_savecancel ();

    /* Open the stream */
    p_stream = stream_UrlNew( p_udt, p_update->release.psz_url );
    if( !p_stream )
        msg_Err( p_udt, "Failed to open %s for reading", p_update->release.psz_url );
        goto end;

    /* Get the stream size */
    l_size = stream_Size( p_stream );

    /* Get the file name and open it*/
    psz_tmpdestfile = strrchr( p_update->release.psz_url, '/' );
    if( !psz_tmpdestfile )
        msg_Err( p_udt, "The URL %s is badly formated",
                 p_update->release.psz_url );
        goto end;
    if( asprintf( &psz_destfile, "%s%s", psz_destdir, psz_tmpdestfile ) == -1 )
        goto end;

    p_file = vlc_fopen( psz_destfile, "w" );
    if( !p_file )
        msg_Err( p_udt, "Failed to open %s for writing", psz_destfile );
        dialog_FatalWait( p_udt, _("Saving file failed"),
            _("Failed to open \"%s\" for writing"),
             psz_destfile );
        goto end;

    /* Create a buffer and fill it with the downloaded file */
    p_buffer = (void *)malloc( 1 << 10 );
    if( unlikely(p_buffer == NULL) )
        goto end;

    msg_Dbg( p_udt, "Downloading Stream '%s'", p_update->release.psz_url );

    psz_size = size_str( l_size );
    if( asprintf( &psz_status, _("%s\nDownloading... %s/%s %.1f%% done"),
        p_update->release.psz_url, "0.0", psz_size, 0.0 ) == -1 )
        goto end;

    p_progress = dialog_ProgressCreate( p_udt, _( "Downloading ..."),
                                        psz_status, _("Cancel") );

    free( psz_status );
    if( p_progress == NULL )
        goto end;

    while( !vlc_atomic_get( &p_udt->aborted ) &&
           ( i_read = stream_Read( p_stream, p_buffer, 1 << 10 ) ) &&
           !dialog_ProgressCancelled( p_progress ) )
        if( fwrite( p_buffer, i_read, 1, p_file ) < 1 )
            msg_Err( p_udt, "Failed to write into %s", psz_destfile );

        l_downloaded += i_read;
        psz_downloaded = size_str( l_downloaded );
        f_progress = (float)l_downloaded/(float)l_size;

        if( asprintf( &psz_status, _( "%s\nDownloading... %s/%s - %.1f%% done" ),
                      p_update->release.psz_url, psz_downloaded, psz_size,
                      f_progress*100 ) != -1 )
            dialog_ProgressSet( p_progress, psz_status, f_progress );
            free( psz_status );
        free( psz_downloaded );

    /* Finish the progress bar or delete the file if the user had canceled */
    fclose( p_file );
    p_file = NULL;

    if( !vlc_atomic_get( &p_udt->aborted ) &&
        !dialog_ProgressCancelled( p_progress ) )
        dialog_ProgressDestroy( p_progress );
        p_progress = NULL;
        vlc_unlink( psz_destfile );
        goto end;

    signature_packet_t sign;
    if( download_signature( VLC_OBJECT( p_udt ), &sign,
            p_update->release.psz_url ) != VLC_SUCCESS )
        vlc_unlink( psz_destfile );

        dialog_FatalWait( p_udt, _("File could not be verified"),
            _("It was not possible to download a cryptographic signature for "
              "the downloaded file \"%s\". Thus, it was deleted."),
            psz_destfile );
        msg_Err( p_udt, "Couldn't download signature of downloaded file" );
        goto end;

    if( memcmp( sign.issuer_longid, p_update->p_pkey->longid, 8 ) )
        vlc_unlink( psz_destfile );
        msg_Err( p_udt, "Invalid signature issuer" );
        dialog_FatalWait( p_udt, _("Invalid signature"),
            _("The cryptographic signature for the downloaded file \"%s\" was "
              "invalid and could not be used to securely verify it. Thus, the "
              "file was deleted."),
            psz_destfile );
        goto end;

    if( sign.type != BINARY_SIGNATURE )
        vlc_unlink( psz_destfile );
        msg_Err( p_udt, "Invalid signature type" );
        dialog_FatalWait( p_udt, _("Invalid signature"),
            _("The cryptographic signature for the downloaded file \"%s\" was "
              "invalid and could not be used to securely verify it. Thus, the "
              "file was deleted."),
            psz_destfile );
        goto end;

    uint8_t *p_hash = hash_sha1_from_file( psz_destfile, &sign );
    if( !p_hash )
        msg_Err( p_udt, "Unable to hash %s", psz_destfile );
        vlc_unlink( psz_destfile );
        dialog_FatalWait( p_udt, _("File not verifiable"),
            _("It was not possible to securely verify the downloaded file"
              " \"%s\". Thus, it was deleted."),
            psz_destfile );

        goto end;

    if( p_hash[0] != sign.hash_verification[0] ||
        p_hash[1] != sign.hash_verification[1] )
        vlc_unlink( psz_destfile );
        dialog_FatalWait( p_udt, _("File corrupted"),
            _("Downloaded file \"%s\" was corrupted. Thus, it was deleted."),
             psz_destfile );
        msg_Err( p_udt, "Bad SHA1 hash for %s", psz_destfile );
        free( p_hash );
        goto end;

    if( verify_signature( sign.r, sign.s, &p_update->p_pkey->key, p_hash )
            != VLC_SUCCESS )
        vlc_unlink( psz_destfile );
        dialog_FatalWait( p_udt, _("File corrupted"),
            _("Downloaded file \"%s\" was corrupted. Thus, it was deleted."),
             psz_destfile );
        msg_Err( p_udt, "BAD SIGNATURE for %s", psz_destfile );
        free( p_hash );
        goto end;

    msg_Info( p_udt, "%s authenticated", psz_destfile );
    free( p_hash );

#ifdef WIN32
    int answer = dialog_Question( p_udt, _("Update VLC media player"),
    _("The new version was successfully downloaded. Do you want to close VLC and install it now?"),
    _("Install"), _("Cancel"), NULL);

    if(answer == 1)
        wchar_t psz_wdestfile[MAX_PATH];
        MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, psz_destfile, -1, psz_wdestfile, MAX_PATH );
        answer = (int)ShellExecuteW( NULL, L"open", psz_wdestfile, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW);
        if(answer > 32)
    if( p_progress )
        dialog_ProgressDestroy( p_progress );
    if( p_stream )
        stream_Delete( p_stream );
    if( p_file )
        fclose( p_file );
    free( psz_destdir );
    free( psz_destfile );
    free( p_buffer );
    free( psz_size );

    vlc_restorecancel( canc );
    return NULL;

update_release_t *update_GetRelease( update_t *p_update )
    return &p_update->release;

#undef update_New
update_t *update_New( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    return NULL;

void update_Delete( update_t *p_update )

void update_Check( update_t *p_update, void (*pf_callback)( void*, bool ),
                   void *p_data )
    (void)p_update; (void)pf_callback; (void)p_data;

bool update_NeedUpgrade( update_t *p_update )
    return false;

void update_Download( update_t *p_update, const char *psz_destdir )
    (void)p_update; (void)psz_destdir;

update_release_t *update_GetRelease( update_t *p_update )
    return NULL;