Before reading this document, you should first take a look at skins-howto.txt to understand general purpose about VLC skins. What is an event ? ================== Events are the dynamic part of the skins. It means that beyond visual aspect, the interface must react with the user actions. An event describes a simple interaction, in fact one simple action such as playing a file, hiding a window... So when designing a skin you will have to specify what those interactions are. For this you will use simple actions that are described in event tags and you would be able to add them and associate them to controls. How to create an event ? ======================== An event describes a simple action as seen above. All attibutes are explained in the 'skins-howto.txt' file except the 'event' attribute wich is a bit special. In the 'event' attribute you will enter a simple script with the following syntax : "EVENT(parameter1,parameter2,...)" The number of parameters depends on EVENT. All this is case sensitive. Don't add spaces. EVENT is the action to execute, it can be one of the followings - VLC_NOTHING: Action : none, it executes nothing so don't use it ! Parameters: none. - VLC_SHOW: Action : Open all windows of the interface with a fading effect if selected. Parameters: none. - VLC_HIDE: Action : Close all windows of the interface with a fading effect if selected. Parameters: - First 1 is an EVENT to execute when all windows have been closed. - VLC_QUIT: Action : Quit the interface Parameters: none. - VLC_OPEN: Action : Open an "open file dialog box" to open a file to play. Parameters: none. - VLC_LOAD_SKIN: Action : Open an "open file dialog box" to change the current skin. Parameters: none. - VLC_LOG_SHOW: Not supported yet - VLC_LOG_CLEAR: Not supported yet. - VLC_INTF_REFRESH: Action : Force refreshing of the interface. Parameters: none. - VLC_CHANGE_TRAY: Action : if VLC is not visible in system tray, show it, else, hide it. Parameters: none. - VLC_CHANGE_TASKBAR: Action : if VLC is not visible in taskbar, show it, else, hide it. Parameters: none. - VLC_FULLSCREEN: Action : switch current playing file to fullscreen mode. Parameters: none. - VLC_PLAY: Action : play stream. Parameters: none. - VLC_STOP: Action : stop playing stream. Parameters: none. - VLC_PAUSE: Action : pause the stream. Parameters: none. - VLC_NEXT: Action : go to next file in playlist. Parameters: none. - VLC_PREV: Action : go to previous file in playlist. Parameters: none. - VLC_STREAMPOS: Not supported yet. - VLC_VOLUME_CHANGE: Action : change sound volume. Parameters: 1: - VLC_VOLUME_MUTE: switch to mute mode. - VLC_VOLUME_UP: raise sounds volume. - VLC_VOLUME_DOWN: - VLC_VOLUME_SET: set sound volume to second parameter 2: if first parameter is VLC_VOLUME_SET only, an integer between 0 and 100. - VLC_PLAYLIST_ADD_FILE: Action : Open an "open file dialog box" to add files to playlist. Parameters: none. - VLC_WINDOW_MOVE: Action : initiate manual window movement. Parameters: only one which must match the ID of a window. It should be used with image controls. - VLC_WINDOW_OPEN: Action : open a window with a fading effect if selected. Parameters: only one which must match the ID of a window. - VLC_WINDOW_CLOSE: Action : close a window with a fading effect if selected. Parameters: only one who must match the ID of a window. - CTRL_SET_SLIDER: Not supported yet. - CTRL_SET_TEXT: Not supported yet. - CTRL_ID_VISIBLE: Action : hide/show a control. Parameters: 1: ID of the control to hide/show. 2: Describe what to do. Nothing is showing control. TRUE is the same. FALSE is hiding control. CHANGE is switching between this to state. - CTRL_ID_ENABLED: Not supported yet. - CTRL_ID_MOVE: Action : moves a control. Parameters: 1: ID of the control to move. 2: horizontal offset of movement. 3: vertical offset of movement. - PLAYLIST_ID_DEL: Action : remove items from playlist. Parameters: 1: ID of the playlist. What to do with event ? ======================= When creating your event, you must assign an ID to each of them. Now you have to associate events with controls. Some attributes of some controls are supposed to be filled with those IDs. That is to say that when the action correspounding to the attribute will be done, the event associated will be executed. The best exemple is assigning an event to the 'onclick' attribute of a button control. The event will be executed when clicking on the button. You can execute several events. To do this you just have to separate them with semicolon. Exemple: <ButtonControl [...] onclick="event1;event2;event3"/> Do I have to create every event for each skin ? =============================================== No, a set of predefined events are present. Here they are with their ID and shortcut. ID Shortcut Description tray CTRL+T Hide or show in the system tray. taskbar CTRL+B Hide or show in the taskbar. play X Play. pause C Pause. stop V Stop. next B Next file. prev Z Previous file. fullscreen F Switch to fullscreen mode. mute Mute the sound. volume_up volume_down quit CTRL+C Quit VLC. open CTRL+O Open a file. add_file CTRL+A Add a file. load_skin CTRL+S Change skin.