 * vpar_headers.c : headers parsing
 * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 VideoLAN
 * $Id: vpar_headers.c,v 1.65 2000/12/29 12:49:30 massiot Exp $
 * Authors: Christophe Massiot <massiot@via.ecp.fr>
 *          St�phane Borel <stef@via.ecp.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA.

 * Preamble
#include "defs.h"

#include <stdlib.h>                                                /* free() */
#include <sys/types.h>                        /* on BSD, uio.h needs types.h */
#include <sys/uio.h>                                            /* "input.h" */

#include "config.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "threads.h"
#include "mtime.h"
#include "plugins.h"

#include "intf_msg.h"

#include "stream_control.h"
#include "input_ext-dec.h"

#include "video.h"
#include "video_output.h"

#include "../video_decoder/vdec_idct.h"
#include "../video_decoder/video_decoder.h"
#include "../video_decoder/vdec_motion.h"

#include "../video_decoder/vpar_blocks.h"
#include "../video_decoder/vpar_headers.h"
#include "../video_decoder/vpar_synchro.h"
#include "../video_decoder/video_parser.h"
#include "../video_decoder/video_fifo.h"

 * Local prototypes
static __inline__ void NextStartCode( bit_stream_t * );
static void SequenceHeader( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar );
static void GroupHeader( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar );
static void PictureHeader( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar );
static void ExtensionAndUserData( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar );
static void QuantMatrixExtension( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar );
static void SequenceScalableExtension( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar );
static void SequenceDisplayExtension( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar );
static void PictureDisplayExtension( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar );
static void PictureSpatialScalableExtension( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar );
static void PictureTemporalScalableExtension( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar );
static void CopyrightExtension( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar );

 * Standard variables

 * pi_default_intra_quant : default quantization matrix
#ifndef VDEC_DFT
int pi_default_intra_quant[] =
    8,  16, 19, 22, 26, 27, 29, 34,
    16, 16, 22, 24, 27, 29, 34, 37,
    19, 22, 26, 27, 29, 34, 34, 38,
    22, 22, 26, 27, 29, 34, 37, 40,
    22, 26, 27, 29, 32, 35, 40, 48,
    26, 27, 29, 32, 35, 40, 48, 58,
    26, 27, 29, 34, 38, 46, 56, 69,
    27, 29, 35, 38, 46, 56, 69, 83
int pi_default_intra_quant[] =
    2048,   5681,   6355,   6623,   6656,   5431,   4018,   2401,
    5681,   7880,   10207,  10021,  9587,   8091,   6534,   3625,
    6355,   10207,  11363,  10619,  9700,   8935,   6155,   3507,
    6623,   9186,   10226,  9557,   8730,   8041,   6028,   3322,
    5632,   9232,   9031,   8730,   8192,   7040,   5542,   3390,
    5230,   7533,   7621,   7568,   7040,   6321,   5225,   3219,
    3602,   5189,   5250,   5539,   5265,   5007,   4199,   2638,
    1907,   2841,   3230,   3156,   3249,   3108,   2638,   1617

 * pi_default_nonintra_quant : default quantization matrix
#ifndef VDEC_DFT
int pi_default_nonintra_quant[] =
    16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
    16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
    16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
    16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
    16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
    16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
    16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
    16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16
int pi_default_nonintra_quanit[] =
    4096,   5680,   5344,   4816,   4096,   3216,   2224,   1136,
    5680,   7888,   7424,   6688,   5680,   4464,   3072,   1568,
    5344,   7424,   6992,   6288,   5344,   4208,   2896,   1472,
    4816,   6688,   6288,   5664,   4816,   3792,   2608,   1328,
    4096,   5680,   5344,   4816,   4096,   3216,   2224,   1136,
    3216,   4464,   4208,   3792,   3216,   2528,   1744,   880,
    2224,   3072,   2896,   2608,   2224,   1744,   1200,   608,
    1136,   1568,   1472,   1328,   1136,   880,    608,    304

 * pi_scan : zig-zag and alternate scan patterns
u8 pi_scan[2][64] =
    { /* Zig-Zag pattern */
    { /* Alternate scan pattern */

 * Local inline functions.

 * ReferenceUpdate : Update the reference pointers when we have a new picture
static void __inline__ ReferenceUpdate( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar,
                                        int i_coding_type,
                                        picture_t * p_newref )
    if( i_coding_type != B_CODING_TYPE )
        if( p_vpar->sequence.p_forward != NULL )
            vout_UnlinkPicture( p_vpar->p_vout, p_vpar->sequence.p_forward );
        if( p_vpar->sequence.p_backward != NULL )
            vout_DatePicture( p_vpar->p_vout, p_vpar->sequence.p_backward,
                              vpar_SynchroDate( p_vpar ) );
        p_vpar->sequence.p_forward = p_vpar->sequence.p_backward;
        p_vpar->sequence.p_backward = p_newref;
        if( p_newref != NULL )
            vout_LinkPicture( p_vpar->p_vout, p_newref );
    else if( p_newref != NULL )
        /* Put date immediately. */
        vout_DatePicture( p_vpar->p_vout, p_newref, vpar_SynchroDate(p_vpar) );

 * ReferenceReplace : Replace the last reference pointer when we destroy
 *                    a picture
static void __inline__ ReferenceReplace( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar,
                                         int i_coding_type,
                                         picture_t * p_newref )
    if( i_coding_type != B_CODING_TYPE )
        if( p_vpar->sequence.p_backward != NULL )
            vout_UnlinkPicture( p_vpar->p_vout, p_vpar->sequence.p_backward );
        p_vpar->sequence.p_backward = p_newref;
        if( p_newref != NULL )
            vout_LinkPicture( p_vpar->p_vout, p_newref );

 * LoadMatrix : Load a quantization matrix
static __inline__ void LoadMatrix( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar, quant_matrix_t * p_matrix )
    int i_dummy;

    if( !p_matrix->b_allocated )
        /* Allocate a piece of memory to load the matrix. */
        if( (p_matrix->pi_matrix = (int *)malloc( 64*sizeof(int) )) == NULL )
            intf_ErrMsg( "vpar error: allocation error in LoadMatrix()" );
            p_vpar->p_fifo->b_error = 1;
        p_matrix->b_allocated = 1;

    for( i_dummy = 0; i_dummy < 64; i_dummy++ )
             = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 8 );

#ifdef VDEC_DFT
    /* Discrete Fourier Transform requires the quantization matrices to
     * be normalized before using them. */
    vdec_NormQuantMatrix( p_matrix->pi_matrix );

 * LinkMatrix : Link a quantization matrix to another
static __inline__ void LinkMatrix( quant_matrix_t * p_matrix, int * pi_array )
    if( p_matrix->b_allocated )
        /* Deallocate the piece of memory. */
        free( p_matrix->pi_matrix );
        p_matrix->b_allocated = 0;

    p_matrix->pi_matrix = pi_array;

 * Exported functions.

 * vpar_NextSequenceHeader : Find the next sequence header
int vpar_NextSequenceHeader( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar )
    while( !p_vpar->p_fifo->b_die )
        NextStartCode( &p_vpar->bit_stream );
        if( ShowBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 32 ) == SEQUENCE_HEADER_CODE )
            return 0;
        RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 8 );
    return 1;

 * vpar_ParseHeader : Parse the next header
int vpar_ParseHeader( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar )
    while( !p_vpar->p_fifo->b_die )
        NextStartCode( &p_vpar->bit_stream );
        switch( GetBits32( &p_vpar->bit_stream ) )
#ifdef STATS
            SequenceHeader( p_vpar );
            return 0;

        case GROUP_START_CODE:
            GroupHeader( p_vpar );
            return 0;

        case PICTURE_START_CODE:
            PictureHeader( p_vpar );
            return 0;

        case SEQUENCE_END_CODE:
            intf_DbgMsg("vpar debug: sequence end code received");
            return 1;


    return 0;

 * Following functions are local

 * SequenceHeader : Parse the next sequence header
static void SequenceHeader( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar )
#define RESERVED    -1
    static int i_frame_rate_table[16] =
        23 * 1000,
        24 * 1001,
        25 * 1001,
        30 * 1000,
        30 * 1001,
        50 * 1001,
        60 * 1000,
        60 * 1001,

    int i_height_save, i_width_save;

    i_height_save = p_vpar->sequence.i_height;
    i_width_save = p_vpar->sequence.i_width;

    p_vpar->sequence.i_width = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 12 );
    p_vpar->sequence.i_height = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 12 );
    p_vpar->sequence.i_aspect_ratio = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 4 );
    p_vpar->sequence.i_frame_rate =
            i_frame_rate_table[ GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 4 ) ];

    /* We don't need bit_rate_value, marker_bit, vbv_buffer_size,
     * constrained_parameters_flag */
    RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 30 );

     * Quantization matrices
    if( GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 ) ) /* load_intra_quantizer_matrix */
        LoadMatrix( p_vpar, &p_vpar->sequence.intra_quant );
        /* Use default matrix. */
        LinkMatrix( &p_vpar->sequence.intra_quant, pi_default_intra_quant );

    if( GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 ) ) /* load_non_intra_quantizer_matrix */
        LoadMatrix( p_vpar, &p_vpar->sequence.nonintra_quant );
        /* Use default matrix. */
        LinkMatrix( &p_vpar->sequence.nonintra_quant, pi_default_nonintra_quant );

    /* Unless later overwritten by a matrix extension, we have the same
     * matrices for luminance and chrominance. */
    LinkMatrix( &p_vpar->sequence.chroma_intra_quant,
                p_vpar->sequence.intra_quant.pi_matrix );
    LinkMatrix( &p_vpar->sequence.chroma_nonintra_quant,
                p_vpar->sequence.nonintra_quant.pi_matrix );

     * Sequence Extension
    NextStartCode( &p_vpar->bit_stream );
    if( ShowBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 32 ) == EXTENSION_START_CODE )
        int                         i_dummy;

        /* Turn the MPEG2 flag on */
        p_vpar->sequence.b_mpeg2 = 1;

        /* Parse sequence_extension */
        RemoveBits32( &p_vpar->bit_stream );
        /* extension_start_code_identifier, profile_and_level_indication */
        RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 12 );
        p_vpar->sequence.b_progressive = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
        p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_format = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 2 );
        p_vpar->sequence.i_width |= GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 2 ) << 12;
        p_vpar->sequence.i_height |= GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 2 ) << 12;
        /* bit_rate_extension, marker_bit, vbv_buffer_size_extension, low_delay */
        RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 22 );
        /* frame_rate_extension_n */
        i_dummy = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 2 );
        /* frame_rate_extension_d */
        p_vpar->sequence.i_frame_rate *= (i_dummy + 1)
                                  / (GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 5 ) + 1);
        /* It's an MPEG-1 stream. Put adequate parameters. */

        p_vpar->sequence.b_mpeg2 = 0;
        p_vpar->sequence.b_progressive = 1;
        p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_format = CHROMA_420;

    /* Update sizes */
    p_vpar->sequence.i_mb_width = (p_vpar->sequence.i_width + 15) / 16;
    p_vpar->sequence.i_mb_height = (p_vpar->sequence.b_progressive) ?
                                   (p_vpar->sequence.i_height + 15) / 16 :
                                   2 * ((p_vpar->sequence.i_height + 31) / 32);
    p_vpar->sequence.i_mb_size = p_vpar->sequence.i_mb_width
                                        * p_vpar->sequence.i_mb_height;
    p_vpar->sequence.i_width = (p_vpar->sequence.i_mb_width * 16);
    p_vpar->sequence.i_height = (p_vpar->sequence.i_mb_height * 16);
    p_vpar->sequence.i_size = p_vpar->sequence.i_width
                                        * p_vpar->sequence.i_height;

    /* Update chromatic information. */
    switch( p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_format )
    case CHROMA_420:
        p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_nb_blocks = 2;
        p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_width = p_vpar->sequence.i_width >> 1;
        p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_mb_width = 8;
        p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_mb_height = 8;

    case CHROMA_422:
        p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_nb_blocks = 4;
        p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_width = p_vpar->sequence.i_width >> 1;
        p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_mb_width = 8;
        p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_mb_height = 16;

    case CHROMA_444:
        p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_nb_blocks = 8;
        p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_width = p_vpar->sequence.i_width;
        p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_mb_width = 16;
        p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_mb_height = 16;

    /* Reset scalable_mode. */
    p_vpar->sequence.i_scalable_mode = SC_NONE;

#if 0
    if(    p_vpar->sequence.i_width != i_width_save
        || p_vpar->sequence.i_height != i_height_save )
         /* FIXME: What do we do in case of a size change ?? */

    /* Extension and User data */
    ExtensionAndUserData( p_vpar );

 * GroupHeader : Parse the next group of pictures header
static void GroupHeader( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar )
    /* Nothing to do, we don't care. */
    RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 27 );
    ExtensionAndUserData( p_vpar );

 * PictureHeader : Parse the next picture header
static void PictureHeader( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar )
    int                 i_structure;
    int                 i_mb_base;
    boolean_t           b_parsable;
#ifdef VDEC_SMP
    int                 i_mb;

    RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 10 ); /* temporal_reference */
    p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 3 );
    RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 16 ); /* vbv_delay */

    if( p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type == P_CODING_TYPE
        || p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type == B_CODING_TYPE )
        p_vpar->picture.pb_full_pel_vector[0] = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
        p_vpar->picture.i_forward_f_code = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 3 );
    if( p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type == B_CODING_TYPE )
        p_vpar->picture.pb_full_pel_vector[1] = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
        p_vpar->picture.i_backward_f_code = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 3 );

    /* extra_information_picture */
    while( GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 ) )
        RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 8 );

     * Picture Coding Extension
    NextStartCode( &p_vpar->bit_stream );
    if( ShowBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 32 ) == EXTENSION_START_CODE )
        /* Parse picture_coding_extension */
        RemoveBits32( &p_vpar->bit_stream );
        /* extension_start_code_identifier */
        RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 4 );

        p_vpar->picture.ppi_f_code[0][0] = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 4 );
        p_vpar->picture.ppi_f_code[0][1] = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 4 );
        p_vpar->picture.ppi_f_code[1][0] = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 4 );
        p_vpar->picture.ppi_f_code[1][1] = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 4 );
        p_vpar->picture.i_intra_dc_precision = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 2 );
        i_structure = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 2 );
        p_vpar->picture.b_top_field_first = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
             = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
        p_vpar->picture.b_concealment_mv = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
        p_vpar->picture.b_q_scale_type = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
        p_vpar->picture.b_intra_vlc_format = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
        p_vpar->picture.b_alternate_scan = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
        p_vpar->picture.b_repeat_first_field = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
        /* repeat_first_field (ISO/IEC 13818-2 6.3.10 is necessary to know
         * the length of the picture_display_extension structure.
         * chroma_420_type (obsolete) */
        RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
        p_vpar->picture.b_progressive_frame = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );

        /* composite_display_flag */
        if( GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 ) )
            /* v_axis, field_sequence, sub_carrier, burst_amplitude,
             * sub_carrier_phase */
            RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 20 );
        /* MPEG-1 compatibility flags */
        p_vpar->picture.i_intra_dc_precision = 0; /* 8 bits */
        i_structure = FRAME_STRUCTURE;
        p_vpar->picture.b_frame_pred_frame_dct = 1;
        p_vpar->picture.b_concealment_mv = 0;
        p_vpar->picture.b_q_scale_type = 0;
        p_vpar->picture.b_intra_vlc_format = 0;
        p_vpar->picture.b_alternate_scan = 0; /* zigzag */
        p_vpar->picture.b_repeat_first_field = 0;
        p_vpar->picture.b_progressive_frame = 1;

#ifdef STATS

    if( p_vpar->picture.i_current_structure &&
        (i_structure == FRAME_STRUCTURE ||
         i_structure == p_vpar->picture.i_current_structure) )
        /* We don't have the second field of the buffered frame. */
        if( p_vpar->picture.p_picture != NULL )
            ReferenceReplace( p_vpar,
                      NULL );

#ifdef VDEC_SMP
            for( i_mb = 0; p_vpar->picture.pp_mb[i_mb] != NULL; i_mb++ )
                vpar_DestroyMacroblock( &p_vpar->vfifo,
                                        p_vpar->picture.pp_mb[i_mb] );
            vout_DestroyPicture( p_vpar->p_vout, p_vpar->picture.p_picture );

        p_vpar->picture.i_current_structure = 0;

        intf_DbgMsg("vpar debug: odd number of field picture.");

    /* Do we have the reference pictures ? */
    b_parsable = !(((p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type == P_CODING_TYPE) &&
                    (p_vpar->sequence.p_backward == NULL)) ||
                     /* p_backward will become p_forward later */
                   ((p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type == B_CODING_TYPE) &&
                    (p_vpar->sequence.p_forward == NULL ||
                     p_vpar->sequence.p_backward == NULL)));

    if( p_vpar->picture.i_current_structure )
        /* Second field of a frame. We will decode it if, and only if we
         * have decoded the first field. */
        if( b_parsable )
            b_parsable = (p_vpar->picture.p_picture != NULL);
        /* Warn synchro we have a new picture (updates pictures index). */
        vpar_SynchroNewPicture( p_vpar, p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type,
                                p_vpar->picture.b_repeat_first_field );

        if( b_parsable )
            /* Does synchro say we have enough time to decode it ? */
            b_parsable = vpar_SynchroChoose( p_vpar,
                               p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type, i_structure );

    if( !b_parsable )
        /* Update the reference pointers. */
        ReferenceUpdate( p_vpar, p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type, NULL );

        /* Update context. */
        if( i_structure != FRAME_STRUCTURE )
            if( (p_vpar->picture.i_current_structure | i_structure)
                    == FRAME_STRUCTURE )
                p_vpar->picture.i_current_structure = 0;
                /* The frame is complete. */
                p_vpar->picture.i_current_structure = i_structure;

                vpar_SynchroTrash( p_vpar, p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type, i_structure );
            /* Warn Synchro we have trashed a picture. */
            vpar_SynchroTrash( p_vpar, p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type, i_structure );
        p_vpar->picture.p_picture = NULL;


    /* OK, now we are sure we will decode the picture. */
#ifdef STATS

#define P_picture p_vpar->picture.p_picture
    p_vpar->picture.b_error = 0;
    p_vpar->picture.b_frame_structure = (i_structure == FRAME_STRUCTURE);

    if( !p_vpar->picture.i_current_structure )
        /* This is a new frame. Get a structure from the video_output. */
        while( ( P_picture = vout_CreatePicture( p_vpar->p_vout,
                                        99+p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_format, /*XXX??*/
                                        p_vpar->sequence.i_height ) )
             == NULL )
            intf_DbgMsg("vpar debug: allocation error in vout_CreatePicture, delaying");
            if( p_vpar->p_fifo->b_die || p_vpar->p_fifo->b_error )
            msleep( VPAR_OUTMEM_SLEEP );

        /* Initialize values. */
        vpar_SynchroDecode( p_vpar, p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type, i_structure );
        P_picture->i_aspect_ratio = p_vpar->sequence.i_aspect_ratio;
        P_picture->i_matrix_coefficients = p_vpar->sequence.i_matrix_coefficients;
        p_vpar->picture.i_l_stride = ( p_vpar->sequence.i_width
                    << ( 1 - p_vpar->picture.b_frame_structure ) );
        p_vpar->picture.i_c_stride = ( p_vpar->sequence.i_chroma_width
                    << ( 1 - p_vpar->picture.b_frame_structure ));

        P_picture->i_deccount = p_vpar->sequence.i_mb_size;
        vlc_mutex_init( &p_vpar->picture.p_picture->lock_deccount );
#ifdef VDEC_SMP
        memset( p_vpar->picture.pp_mb, 0, MAX_MB*sizeof(macroblock_t *) );
/* FIXME ! remove asap ?? */
//memset( P_picture->p_data, 0, (p_vpar->sequence.i_mb_size*384));

        /* Update the reference pointers. */
        ReferenceUpdate( p_vpar, p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type, P_picture );

#ifdef VDEC_SMP
        /* Link referenced pictures for the decoder
         * They are unlinked in vpar_ReleaseMacroblock() & vpar_DestroyMacroblock() */
        if( p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type == P_CODING_TYPE ||
            p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type == B_CODING_TYPE )
            vout_LinkPicture( p_vpar->p_vout, p_vpar->sequence.p_forward );
        if( p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type == B_CODING_TYPE )
            vout_LinkPicture( p_vpar->p_vout, p_vpar->sequence.p_backward );
    p_vpar->picture.i_current_structure |= i_structure;
    p_vpar->picture.i_structure = i_structure;

    /* Initialize picture data for decoding. */
    if( i_structure == BOTTOM_FIELD )
        i_mb_base = p_vpar->sequence.i_mb_size >> 1;
        p_vpar->mb.i_l_y = 1;
        p_vpar->mb.i_c_y = 1;
        i_mb_base = 0;
        p_vpar->mb.i_l_y = p_vpar->mb.i_c_y = 0;
    p_vpar->mb.i_l_x = p_vpar->mb.i_c_x = 0;

    /* Extension and User data. */
    ExtensionAndUserData( p_vpar );

    vpar_PictureData( p_vpar, i_mb_base );

    if( p_vpar->p_fifo->b_die || p_vpar->p_fifo->b_error )

    if( p_vpar->picture.b_error )
        /* Trash picture. */
//fprintf(stderr, "Image trashee\n");
#ifdef VDEC_SMP
        for( i_mb = 1; p_vpar->picture.pp_mb[i_mb] != NULL; i_mb++ )
            vpar_DestroyMacroblock( &p_vpar->vfifo, p_vpar->picture.pp_mb[i_mb] );

#ifdef STATS

        if( P_picture->i_deccount != 1 )
            vpar_SynchroEnd( p_vpar, 1 );
            vout_DestroyPicture( p_vpar->p_vout, P_picture );

        ReferenceReplace( p_vpar, p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type, NULL );

        /* Prepare context for the next picture. */
        P_picture = NULL;
        if( p_vpar->picture.i_current_structure == FRAME_STRUCTURE )
            p_vpar->picture.i_current_structure = 0;
    else if( p_vpar->picture.i_current_structure == FRAME_STRUCTURE )
//fprintf(stderr, "Image parsee (%d)\n", p_vpar->picture.i_coding_type);
        /* Frame completely parsed. */
#ifdef VDEC_SMP
        for( i_mb = 1; p_vpar->picture.pp_mb[i_mb] != NULL; i_mb++ )
            vpar_DecodeMacroblock( &p_vpar->vfifo, p_vpar->picture.pp_mb[i_mb] );

        /* Send signal to the video_decoder. */
        vlc_mutex_lock( &p_vpar->vfifo.lock );
        vlc_cond_signal( &p_vpar->vfifo.wait );
        vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_vpar->vfifo.lock );

        /* Prepare context for the next picture. */
        P_picture = NULL;
        p_vpar->picture.i_current_structure = 0;
#undef P_picture

 * ExtensionAndUserData : Parse the extension_and_user_data structure
static void ExtensionAndUserData( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar )
    while( !p_vpar->p_fifo->b_die )
        NextStartCode( &p_vpar->bit_stream );
        switch( ShowBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 32 ) )
            RemoveBits32( &p_vpar->bit_stream );
            switch( GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 4 ) )
                SequenceDisplayExtension( p_vpar );
                QuantMatrixExtension( p_vpar );
                SequenceScalableExtension( p_vpar );
                PictureDisplayExtension( p_vpar );
                PictureSpatialScalableExtension( p_vpar );
                PictureTemporalScalableExtension( p_vpar );
            case COPYRIGHT_EXTENSION_ID:
                CopyrightExtension( p_vpar );

        case USER_DATA_START_CODE:
            RemoveBits32( &p_vpar->bit_stream );
            /* Wait for the next start code */


 * SequenceDisplayExtension : Parse the sequence_display_extension structure *

static void SequenceDisplayExtension( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar )
    /* We don't care sequence_display_extension. */
    /* video_format */
    RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 3 );
    if( GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 ) )
        /* Two bytes for color_desciption */
        RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 16 );
        p_vpar->sequence.i_matrix_coefficients = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 8 );
    /* display_horizontal and vertical_size and a marker_bit */
    RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 29 );

 * QuantMatrixExtension : Load quantization matrices for luminance           *
 *                        and chrominance                                    *

static void QuantMatrixExtension( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar )
    if( GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 ) )
        /* Load intra_quantiser_matrix for luminance. */
        LoadMatrix( p_vpar, &p_vpar->sequence.intra_quant );
        /* Use the default matrix. */
        LinkMatrix( &p_vpar->sequence.intra_quant,
                    pi_default_intra_quant );
    if( GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 ) )
        /* Load non_intra_quantiser_matrix for luminance. */
        LoadMatrix( p_vpar, &p_vpar->sequence.nonintra_quant );
        /* Use the default matrix. */
        LinkMatrix( &p_vpar->sequence.nonintra_quant,
                    pi_default_nonintra_quant );
    if( GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 ) )
        /* Load intra_quantiser_matrix for chrominance. */
        LoadMatrix( p_vpar, &p_vpar->sequence.chroma_intra_quant );
        /* Link the chrominance intra matrix to the luminance one. */
        LinkMatrix( &p_vpar->sequence.chroma_intra_quant,
                    p_vpar->sequence.intra_quant.pi_matrix );
    if( GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 ) )
        /* Load non_intra_quantiser_matrix for chrominance. */
        LoadMatrix( p_vpar, &p_vpar->sequence.chroma_nonintra_quant );
        /* Link the chrominance intra matrix to the luminance one. */
        LinkMatrix( &p_vpar->sequence.chroma_intra_quant,
                    p_vpar->sequence.intra_quant.pi_matrix );
    if( GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 ) )
        /* Load non_intra_quantiser_matrix for chrominance. */
        LoadMatrix( p_vpar, &p_vpar->sequence.chroma_nonintra_quant );
        /* Link the chrominance nonintra matrix to the luminance one. */
        LinkMatrix( &p_vpar->sequence.chroma_nonintra_quant,
                    p_vpar->sequence.nonintra_quant.pi_matrix );

 * SequenceScalableExtension : Parse the sequence_scalable_extension         *
 *                             structure to handle scalable coding           *

static void SequenceScalableExtension( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar )
    /* We don't care about anything scalable except the scalable mode. */
    switch( p_vpar->sequence.i_scalable_mode = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 2 ) )
    /* The length of the structure depends on the value of the scalable_mode */
        case 1:
            RemoveBits32( &p_vpar->bit_stream );
            RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 21 );
        case 2:
            RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 12 );
            RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 4 );

 * PictureDisplayExtension : Parse the picture_display_extension structure   *

static void PictureDisplayExtension( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar )
    /* Number of frame center offset */
    int i_nb, i_dummy;
    /* I am not sure it works but it should
        (fewer tests than shown in �6.3.12) */
    i_nb = p_vpar->sequence.b_progressive ? p_vpar->sequence.b_progressive +
                                            p_vpar->picture.b_repeat_first_field +
                           : ( p_vpar->picture.b_frame_structure + 1 ) +
    for( i_dummy = 0; i_dummy < i_nb; i_dummy++ )
        RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 17 );
        RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 17 );

 * PictureSpatialScalableExtension                                           *

static void PictureSpatialScalableExtension( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar )
    /* That's scalable, so we trash it */
    RemoveBits32( &p_vpar->bit_stream );
    RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 16 );

 * PictureTemporalScalableExtension                                          *

static void PictureTemporalScalableExtension( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar )
    /* Scalable again, trashed again */
    RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 23 );

 * CopyrightExtension : Keeps some legal informations                        *

static void CopyrightExtension( vpar_thread_t * p_vpar )
    u32     i_copyright_nb_1, i_copyright_nb_2; /* local integers */
    p_vpar->sequence.b_copyright_flag = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
        /* A flag that says whether the copyright information is significant */
    p_vpar->sequence.i_copyright_id = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 8 );
        /* An identifier compliant with ISO/CEI JTC 1/SC 29 */
    p_vpar->sequence.b_original = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
        /* Reserved bits */
    RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 8 );
        /* The copyright_number is split in three parts */
        /* first part */
    i_copyright_nb_1 = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 20 );
    RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
        /* second part */
    i_copyright_nb_2 = GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 22 );
    RemoveBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 1 );
        /* third part and sum */
    p_vpar->sequence.i_copyright_nb = ( (u64)i_copyright_nb_1 << 44 ) |
                                      ( (u64)i_copyright_nb_2 << 22 ) |
                                      ( (u64)GetBits( &p_vpar->bit_stream, 22 ) );