 * vlcproc.cpp
 * Copyright (C) 2003 VideoLAN
 * $Id$
 * Authors: Cyril Deguet     <asmax@via.ecp.fr>
 *          Olivier Teuli�re <ipkiss@via.ecp.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA.

#include <vlc/aout.h>
#include <vlc/vout.h>

#include "vlcproc.hpp"
#include "os_factory.hpp"
#include "os_timer.hpp"
#include "var_manager.hpp"
#include "theme.hpp"
#include "window_manager.hpp"
#include "../commands/async_queue.hpp"
#include "../commands/cmd_change_skin.hpp"
#include "../commands/cmd_show_window.hpp"
#include "../commands/cmd_quit.hpp"
#include "../commands/cmd_vars.hpp"
#include "../utils/var_bool.hpp"

VlcProc *VlcProc::instance( intf_thread_t *pIntf )
    if( pIntf->p_sys->p_vlcProc == NULL )
        pIntf->p_sys->p_vlcProc = new VlcProc( pIntf );

    return pIntf->p_sys->p_vlcProc;

void VlcProc::destroy( intf_thread_t *pIntf )
    if( pIntf->p_sys->p_vlcProc )
        delete pIntf->p_sys->p_vlcProc;
        pIntf->p_sys->p_vlcProc = NULL;

VlcProc::VlcProc( intf_thread_t *pIntf ): SkinObject( pIntf ),
                  m_pVoutWindow( NULL ), m_pVout( NULL )
    // Create a timer to poll the status of the vlc
    OSFactory *pOsFactory = OSFactory::instance( pIntf );
    m_pTimer = pOsFactory->createOSTimer( Callback( this, &doManage ) );
    m_pTimer->start( 100, false );

    // Create and register VLC variables
    VarManager *pVarManager = VarManager::instance( getIntf() );

#define REGISTER_VAR( var, type, name ) \
    var = VariablePtr( new type( getIntf() ) ); \
    pVarManager->registerVar( var, name );
    REGISTER_VAR( m_cPlaylist, Playlist, "playlist" )
    pVarManager->registerVar( getPlaylistVar().getPositionVarPtr(),
                              "playlist.slider" );
    REGISTER_VAR( m_cVarRandom, VarBoolImpl, "playlist.isRandom" )
    REGISTER_VAR( m_cVarLoop, VarBoolImpl, "playlist.isLoop" )
    REGISTER_VAR( m_cVarRepeat, VarBoolImpl, "playlist.isRepeat" )
    REGISTER_VAR( m_cVarTime, StreamTime, "time" )
    REGISTER_VAR( m_cVarVolume, Volume, "volume" )
    REGISTER_VAR( m_cVarStream, Stream, "stream" )
    REGISTER_VAR( m_cVarMute, VarBoolImpl, "vlc.isMute" )
    REGISTER_VAR( m_cVarPlaying, VarBoolImpl, "vlc.isPlaying" )
    REGISTER_VAR( m_cVarStopped, VarBoolImpl, "vlc.isStopped" )
    REGISTER_VAR( m_cVarPaused, VarBoolImpl, "vlc.isPaused" )
    REGISTER_VAR( m_cVarSeekable, VarBoolImpl, "vlc.isSeekable" )

    // The object variable callbacks are called from other VLC threads,
    // so they must put commands in the queue and NOT do anything else
    // (X11 calls are not reentrant)

    // Called when the playlist changes
    var_AddCallback( pIntf->p_sys->p_playlist, "intf-change",
                     onIntfChange, this );
    /* FIXME : properly handle item-append*/
    var_AddCallback( pIntf->p_sys->p_playlist, "item-append",
                     onIntfChange, this );
    // Called when the "interface shower" wants us to show the skin
    var_AddCallback( pIntf->p_sys->p_playlist, "intf-show",
                     onIntfShow, this );
    // Called when the current played item changes
    var_AddCallback( pIntf->p_sys->p_playlist, "playlist-current",
                     onPlaylistChange, this );
    // Called when a playlist item changed
    var_AddCallback( pIntf->p_sys->p_playlist, "item-change",
                     onItemChange, this );
    // Called when our skins2 demux wants us to load a new skin
    var_AddCallback( pIntf, "skin-to-load", onSkinToLoad, this );

    // Callbacks for vout requests
    getIntf()->pf_request_window = &getWindow;
    getIntf()->pf_release_window = &releaseWindow;
    getIntf()->pf_control_window = &controlWindow;

    getIntf()->p_sys->p_input = NULL;

    delete( m_pTimer );
    if( getIntf()->p_sys->p_input )
        vlc_object_release( getIntf()->p_sys->p_input );

    // Callbacks for vout requests
    getIntf()->pf_request_window = NULL;
    getIntf()->pf_release_window = NULL;
    getIntf()->pf_control_window = NULL;

    var_DelCallback( getIntf()->p_sys->p_playlist, "intf-change",
                     onIntfChange, this );
    var_DelCallback( getIntf()->p_sys->p_playlist, "intf-show",
                     onIntfShow, this );
    var_DelCallback( getIntf()->p_sys->p_playlist, "playlist-current",
                     onPlaylistChange, this );
    var_DelCallback( getIntf()->p_sys->p_playlist, "item-change",
                     onItemChange, this );
    var_DelCallback( getIntf(), "skin-to-load", onSkinToLoad, this );

void VlcProc::setVoutWindow( void *pVoutWindow )
    m_pVoutWindow = pVoutWindow;
    // Reparent the vout window
    if( m_pVout )
        if( vout_Control( m_pVout, VOUT_REPARENT ) != VLC_SUCCESS )
            vout_Control( m_pVout, VOUT_CLOSE );

void VlcProc::manage()
    // Did the user requested to quit vlc ?
    if( getIntf()->b_die || getIntf()->p_vlc->b_die )
        CmdQuit *pCmd = new CmdQuit( getIntf() );
        AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( getIntf() );
        pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ) );

    // Get the VLC variables
    StreamTime *pTime = (StreamTime*)m_cVarTime.get();
    Volume *pVolume = (Volume*)m_cVarVolume.get();
    VarBoolImpl *pVarPlaying = (VarBoolImpl*)m_cVarPlaying.get();
    VarBoolImpl *pVarStopped = (VarBoolImpl*)m_cVarStopped.get();
    VarBoolImpl *pVarPaused = (VarBoolImpl*)m_cVarPaused.get();
    VarBoolImpl *pVarSeekable = (VarBoolImpl*)m_cVarSeekable.get();
    VarBoolImpl *pVarMute = (VarBoolImpl*)m_cVarMute.get();
    VarBoolImpl *pVarRandom = (VarBoolImpl*)m_cVarRandom.get();
    VarBoolImpl *pVarLoop = (VarBoolImpl*)m_cVarLoop.get();
    VarBoolImpl *pVarRepeat = (VarBoolImpl*)m_cVarRepeat.get();

    // Refresh sound volume
    audio_volume_t volume;
    aout_VolumeGet( getIntf(), &volume );
    pVolume->set( (double)volume / AOUT_VOLUME_MAX );
    // Set the mute variable
    pVarMute->set( volume == 0 );

    // Update the input
    if( getIntf()->p_sys->p_input == NULL )
        getIntf()->p_sys->p_input = (input_thread_t *)vlc_object_find(
            getIntf(), VLC_OBJECT_INPUT, FIND_ANYWHERE );
    else if( getIntf()->p_sys->p_input->b_dead )
        vlc_object_release( getIntf()->p_sys->p_input );
        getIntf()->p_sys->p_input = NULL;

    input_thread_t *pInput = getIntf()->p_sys->p_input;

    if( pInput && !pInput->b_die )
        // Refresh time variables
        vlc_value_t pos;
        var_Get( pInput, "position", &pos );
        pTime->set( pos.f_float, false );

        // Get the status of the playlist
        playlist_status_t status = getIntf()->p_sys->p_playlist->status.i_status;

        pVarPlaying->set( status == PLAYLIST_RUNNING );
        pVarStopped->set( status == PLAYLIST_STOPPED );
        pVarPaused->set( status == PLAYLIST_PAUSED );

        pVarSeekable->set( pos.f_float != 0.0 );
        pVarPlaying->set( false );
        pVarPaused->set( false );
        pVarStopped->set( true );
        pVarSeekable->set( false );
        pTime->set( 0, false );

    // Refresh the random variable
    vlc_value_t val;
    var_Get( getIntf()->p_sys->p_playlist, "random", &val );
    pVarRandom->set( val.b_bool );

    // Refresh the loop variable
    var_Get( getIntf()->p_sys->p_playlist, "loop", &val );
    pVarLoop->set( val.b_bool );

    // Refresh the repeat variable
    var_Get( getIntf()->p_sys->p_playlist, "repeat", &val );
    pVarRepeat->set( val.b_bool );

void VlcProc::doManage( SkinObject *pObj )
    VlcProc *pThis = (VlcProc*)pObj;

int VlcProc::onIntfChange( vlc_object_t *pObj, const char *pVariable,
                           vlc_value_t oldVal, vlc_value_t newVal,
                           void *pParam )
    VlcProc *pThis = (VlcProc*)pParam;

    // Create a playlist notify command
    CmdNotifyPlaylist *pCmd = new CmdNotifyPlaylist( pThis->getIntf() );

    // Push the command in the asynchronous command queue
    AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pThis->getIntf() );
    pQueue->remove( "notify playlist" );
    pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ) );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;

int VlcProc::onIntfShow( vlc_object_t *pObj, const char *pVariable,
                         vlc_value_t oldVal, vlc_value_t newVal,
                         void *pParam )
    if (newVal.i_int)
        VlcProc *pThis = (VlcProc*)pParam;

        // Create a raise all command
        CmdRaiseAll *pCmd =
            new CmdRaiseAll( pThis->getIntf(),
                             pThis->getIntf()->p_sys->p_theme->getWindowManager() );

        // Push the command in the asynchronous command queue
        AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pThis->getIntf() );
        pQueue->remove( "raise all windows" );
        pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ) );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;

int VlcProc::onItemChange( vlc_object_t *pObj, const char *pVariable,
                           vlc_value_t oldVal, vlc_value_t newVal,
                           void *pParam )
    VlcProc *pThis = (VlcProc*)pParam;

    // Create a playlist notify command
    // TODO: selective update
    CmdNotifyPlaylist *pCmd = new CmdNotifyPlaylist( pThis->getIntf() );

    // Push the command in the asynchronous command queue
    AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pThis->getIntf() );
    pQueue->remove( "notify playlist" );
    pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ) );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;

int VlcProc::onPlaylistChange( vlc_object_t *pObj, const char *pVariable,
                               vlc_value_t oldVal, vlc_value_t newVal,
                               void *pParam )
    VlcProc *pThis = (VlcProc*)pParam;

    AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pThis->getIntf() );

    playlist_t *p_playlist = (playlist_t*)pObj;
    if( p_playlist->p_input )
        // Create a command to update the stream variable
        // XXX: we should not need to access p_input->psz_source directly, a
        // getter should be provided by VLC core
        Stream *pStream = (Stream*)pThis->m_cVarStream.get();
#warning "FIXME!"
        UString srcName( pThis->getIntf(),
                         p_playlist->p_input->input.p_item->psz_uri );
        CmdSetStream *pCmd = new CmdSetStream( pThis->getIntf(), *pStream,
                                               srcName, false );
        // Push the command in the asynchronous command queue
        pQueue->remove( "set stream" );
        pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ) );

    // Create a playlist notify command
    // TODO: selective update
    CmdNotifyPlaylist *pCmd = new CmdNotifyPlaylist( pThis->getIntf() );

    // Push the command in the asynchronous command queue
    pQueue->remove( "notify playlist" );
    pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ) );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;

int VlcProc::onSkinToLoad( vlc_object_t *pObj, const char *pVariable,
                           vlc_value_t oldVal, vlc_value_t newVal,
                           void *pParam )
    VlcProc *pThis = (VlcProc*)pParam;

    // Create a playlist notify command
    CmdChangeSkin *pCmd =
        new CmdChangeSkin( pThis->getIntf(), newVal.psz_string );

    // Push the command in the asynchronous command queue
    AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( pThis->getIntf() );
    pQueue->remove( "change skin" );
    pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd ) );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;

void *VlcProc::getWindow( intf_thread_t *pIntf, vout_thread_t *pVout,
                          int *pXHint, int *pYHint,
                          unsigned int *pWidthHint,
                          unsigned int *pHeightHint )
    VlcProc *pThis = pIntf->p_sys->p_vlcProc;
    pThis->m_pVout = pVout;
    return pThis->m_pVoutWindow;

void VlcProc::releaseWindow( intf_thread_t *pIntf, void *pWindow )
    VlcProc *pThis = pIntf->p_sys->p_vlcProc;
    pThis->m_pVout = NULL;

int VlcProc::controlWindow( intf_thread_t *pIntf, void *pWindow,
                            int query, va_list args )
    return VLC_SUCCESS;